The New York Times does an autopsy on the American judiciary. The money quote?
For the love of Christ. It only gets worse.
“They have made a lot of progress,” said Ronald A. Klain, a former Democratic chief counsel for the Judiciary Committee and the White House counsel in charge of judicial nominations for President Bill Clinton. “I hate to say they’re done because Lord only knows what’s next. They have achieved a large part of their objective.”
Asked if he had any hope that Democrats could slow President Bush’s effort to push the court to the right, Mr. Klain responded: “No. The only thing that will fix this is a Democratic president and more vacancies. It takes a long time to make these kinds of changes and it’s going to take a long time to undo them.”
Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat and a member of the Judiciary Committee, said it was now hard to imagine a legislative strategy that could slow Mr. Bush’s judicial campaign, assuming vacancies continue to emerge, at least through the end of this year.
“To stop a president on judicial nominations, you either need a Democratic president, a Democratic Senate or moderate Republicans who will break ranks when it’s a conservative nominee,” Mr. Schumer said. “We don’t have any of those three. The only tool we have is the filibuster, which is a very difficult tool to use, and with only 45 Democrats, it’s harder than it was last term.”
Few Democrats or analysts said they thought that Judge Alito’s nomination could ever be blocked, noting that as a rule presidents tended to get their Supreme Court nominees approved by the Senate. “It may be a mistake to think that their failure demonstrates that they necessarily did something wrong,” said Richard H. Fallon, a professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School. Referring to one of the major Democratic complaints about Judge Alito’s testimony, Mr. Fallon said: “As long as most of the public will settle for evasive or uninformative answers, maybe there was nothing that they could have done to get Alito to make a major error.”
How about you just filibuster Alito? Is that so fucking difficult? The Dems act so helpless. Get a spine and whip your causus into line.
May as well be an autopsy on the death of democracy.
What all of these clowns, D’s and R’s alike, refuse to acknowledge, or even contemplate, is that they are sealing their own fates as well as those of the country. If they think that somehow they will benefit from this as a whole, it gives a completely new meaning for the term cognitive dissonance…first they came for…you know the ending.
BushCo™ has already proven their disdain for the rule of law and the historic value of a system of checks and balances.
The legislature, congress, whatever…is becoming irrelevant and is willingly acting as the instrument of their own demise.
Hope is increasingly difficult to find.
John Edwards has endorsed this petition for FILIBUSTER!
Phone, fax, and email addresses for the Judiciary Committee.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper and contact your congress critters — all with one click.
People for the American Way has collected over 60,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours:Save the Court Petition
Move’s Stop Alito petition
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it, sign: Planned Parenthood Petition
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Urge Congress to support Plan B: Plan B Petition
and then:
National Coalition for Disability Rights
Brady Campaign
Human Rights Campaign
National Abortion Federation
National Council of Jewish Women
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
National Organization for Women
National Partnership for Women and Families
National Women’s Law Center
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
US Action
When your democracy inhales for the last time and repugs finally finds out what it means, you bet the Democrats will get the blame.
It’s fucking hilarious watching what happens in the USA these days. It’s a fucking shame.
“As long as most of the public will settle for evasive or uninformative answers, maybe there was nothing that they could have done to get Alito to make a major error.”
Nothing??!!! How about fighting? Screaming? Stand on your head if need be. Whatever it takes, do it!!! The public has to settle because the Democrats haven’t done what is required. Yell, scream, whatever. Get all over the airwaves!!!
I’m thinking to myself that for fucks sake why don’t the dems as you say filibuster, do something for pete’s sake. Even if that didn’t work at least it would let people like us know that they are fucken trying to actually be an opposition party that has a few balls.
I don’t want talking, dithering and bullshit excuses. I want some action by the dems, even if it’s the wrong fucken action at this point but at least for christ sakes do something you mealy mouthed dipshits.
I think the surprise for the dems might be that the backlash isn’t going to be against repugs but against all our chickenshit dems.
And this is what you get if you don’t enforce some kind of ideological purity. Welcome to the Partisan Party, where all that matters is the Party and the Poll.
How are they gonna raise money unless they can whine about how mean, how unethical, how selfish the thugs are compared to the nice, the ethical, the selfless Dems?
I NEED a short, concise, tight, brief bunch of messages, so
I can doorbell my affluent very involved precinct AND at least have them give money to planned parenthood, or Jim McDermott (our congress critter)or … I don’t know.
how do you give money to Howard without supporting the rest of the worthless sacks of shit at the DNC? How do the worthless bastards at the DCCC and DSCC get money? ugh.
It would be nice if it was part of something national.
$17.76 = Money cuz of howard, the other 32.24 OR 82.24 is NOT going to ANY goddam Dem org …
I don’t know. I got 300 math papers to grade.
woke up this morning with the Democratic blues
spineless and out played from their toupees to their shoes
if you’re going to a gun fight
take your white flag and wave it high
if you’re challenged, step back, whimper and then go ahead and cry
Oh the Democratic blues are terrible indeed
you loose your heart and self-respect with all deliberate speed
They’re as avid and well prepared as a remedial basket-weaving class
They querulously whine a bit when kicked sharply on the ass
Oh when your champions are losers
cowardly and so mild
and befuddled by stratagems that could be predicted by a child
And you know they got instinctive skills to meet each new attack
by pulling out their knives and stabbing their allies in the back
You’ve got the Democratic blues
and I fear there is no cure
Oh the Democratic blues
they got me down for sure.
analyzing the confirmation hearings won’t get anywhere. They are corrupted beyond any useful purpose at this point. Imagine one of the questioners Graham actually coached the nominee in the White House. How is that fair? Did anyone of the Republicans ask any question of significance? No it was “Aren’t you just wonderful?” The weeping wife is minutiae, so trival it deserves no mention.
So the useless puppet theatre is now just a tired tradition. The truth is, whoever gets to be president, gets to nominate whomever he wants and if that president has got the numbers in the Senate whomever he nominates will be confirmed.
Confirmation hearings went downhill with the Clarence Thomas nomination. And the same parties are still there, Hatch, Spectre, Biden, playing the same weary game.
Ain’t that the truth. The Dems keep falling for the same crap over and over again.
The truth is, whoever gets to be president, gets to nominate whomever he wants and if that president has got the numbers in the Senate whomever he nominates will be confirmed.
I’m pretty sure that Harriet Miers has a different analysis.
This guy was nominated by the religious right otherwise known as the republican base. ‘Oh, my god, she cried, we’re dead in the water’ is the response of the senate Dems to their base. That and Chuck Schumer’s lack of imagination.
of Republican Senators supporting her, in advance.
It is a two-part numbers game:
The far right have representatives who advocate their positions and fight for them. Bush had no stomach for a nasty fight. The majority is represented by flaccid, chickenshit, cowardly, bozos who inspire derision not fear. Chuck Schumer, empty suit number 1, seems to be in lifelong campaign for the role of Cowardly Lion.
Yeah, it’s sad, believe me Missy
When you’re born to be a sissy
Without the vim and verve
But I could show my prowess
Be a lion, not a mowess
If I only had the nerve
I’m afraid there’s no denyin’
I’m just a dandylion
In spite of all my rants
But my power suit needs drying
When fists start a flying
I’m pissing in my pants
When Republicans are frettin’
Us Democrats are sweatin’
it puts me out of humor
I could give ’em such a lickin’
if I weren’t a giant chicken
shaking chuckie schumer
I can talk as if I was tough
but inside I’m a powder puff
a shaking little wimp
I’d be brave as John Paul Jones
or at least I’d have a backbone
if I wasn’t such a putz
because they know it is a numbers game that they will lose and they fear reprisal from the winners.
Quick advice to voters: register or re-register independent. Refuse to throw your support to any politician who refuses to stand for the issues you consider important. If you run into a candidate who is reasonably kosher, give that candidate tentative support to the extent that s/he remains kosher. That was the gist of Malcom X’s advice to his followers in his last year of life, in the wake of the continued civil rights abuses perpetrated against blacks. I think it’s sage advice for any of us. If the Dems think they got us in their back pocket, they’ll continue to act like a bunch of wimps and Eichmanns. Just the way it is.
Cognitive dissonance indeed!
“Had she not cried, we would have won that day,”
“As long as most of the public will settle for evasive or uninformative answers, maybe there was nothing that they could have done to get Alito to make a major error.”
Yet in how many front page postings and diaries have we read the experts and expressed our observation on how apathetic the public is?
So which is it? A public that settles or a public that doesn’t pay attention?
Who is this public? Not me and not you.
Yet when I read this stuff – I begin to believe it too – and the result? I want to throw up my hands, maybe take a break from the news, find a hobby…
Can you say “ma-nip-u-la-tion?”
If you haven’t, I strongly recommend that you read MilitaryTracy’s Diary, Funked.
Something we love is dying.
What do we do?
I’ll let George Axelrod do the talking, here:
Tom, I know you have very strong
personal feelings about Johnny. And
about me. What I would like to find
out is how strong they really are.
To put it as simply as possible, if
Johnny’s name were put forward at the
convention next week, would you
attempt to block him?
You’re joking, of course?
Mr. Stevenson makes jokes. I do not.
You’re seriously trying for the
nomination for Johnny?
No. We couldn’t make it. But I
think he has a good chance for the
second spot. I’ve answered your
question but you haven’t answered
What question?
Will you block us?
Will I block you? I would spend
every cent I own and all I could
borrow to block you. There are
people who think of Johnny as a
clown and a buffoon. But I do not.
I despise John Iselin and everything
that Iselinism has come to stand for.
I think if John Iselin were a paid
Soviet agent he could not do more to
harm this country than he’s doing
now. You asked me a question. Very
well. I’ll answer you. If you
attempt to deal with the delegates
or cause Johnny’s name to be brought
forward on the ticket or if in my
canvass of the delegates tomorrow
morning by telephone I find that
you’re so acting, I will bring
impeachment proceedings against your
husband on the floor of the United
States Senate. And I will hit him,
I promise you, with everything in my
well-documented book.
This scene has run over and over in my mind in recent years. We have Democrats who seem to be taking their marching orders from the GOP, and a president who couldn’t be doing more damage to the Constitution if he were dipping his hand into the al Queda suggestion box.
Evidently the Democrats never expected the Republicans to use any spin or theatrics in the process, since they reminded us to be dignified. This suggests that they probably also don’t expect Alito to be an extreme Justice, since as the Republicans remind us he wasn’t an extreme witness.
It’d be nice if there were a way for the Democrats to learn what everyone else shown below understands about the Republicans.
In the children’s books “A series of unfortunate events” there are often well-meaning and ineffectual adult characters who repeatedly offer the children a moment of hope, but always cave in to the nasty plans of the evil adults. It’s easy to imagine Joe Biden and Pat Leahy in one of those books. They never understand that it’s not enough to mean well and say the right thing.
and to an extent, in politics anywhere,saying the “right thing,” or even the wrong thing if it is phrased and orated skillfully enough, seems to be pretty much all that is required.
Well, naturally, they must do the bidding of their corporate sponsors, that is, after all, why they are there.
But as far as the voters and their devotees are concerned, stirring speeches of pretty words are like designer jeans to a thirteen year old girl. She may not care if she has a warm jacket or whether the jeans fall apart in the wash. 😉
this whining reminds me of hte whining about the swift boat liars,
or the whining about the lies about the various florida vote fiascoes,
or the whining about the lies about willie horton,
or the whining about the lies about getting the government off the backs of the people …
Torture, rendition, mass murder, invading nations illegally….these are the things Alito and Bush support and they are not as awful as a woman in tears.
Hilliary should take a cue. During her forthcoming debates she merely needs to shed tears when she is attacked by mean old John McCain and walk off the stage….or maybe it could be the other way around.
Crying like a baby gets you what you want in the self indulgent world of America…
Yeah, then maybe we’ll get a single-payer health care plan in this country. Want some citizen support for one?
Hell, I’ll cry with you, as will many others who were fucked over by Medicare D.
And establish one by goddamn executive order!!!!!
Why the hell don’t they just admit to caving in? Jesus Christ, tell the truth for once, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll regain some respect from me!!!
would the repubs role over and let a democrat president slip a pro-choice judge through without a fight?
Dems need to be held accountable-just like any other public servants-They DO NOT get a pass because they have a D after their names,especially if they are obvious sellouts-plenty of them have been in office for WAAAY too long- lost touch and got rich.
Although I think it is not a good thing to elect millionaires (in general) there were a few,think FDR and Kennedy, who were not beholden to contributers,and so could actually act in the public interest.
It’s the ones who BECOME millionaires in the process that you have to watch out for.
Reagan is a prime example of that- the repubs MADE him rich- and used him as a tool-just like what happened with Bu$hie-poo.
All this going on about yanking yourself up by your bootstraps-is so much claptrap,ask any one who has never been a useful tool-unlike that A-hole Clarence Thomas.