Speaking Truth To Power
A Time to Break Silence By Rev. Martin Luther King
By 1967, King had become the country’s most prominent opponent of the Vietnam War, a year to the day before he was murdered — King called the United States “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” Time magazine called the speech “demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi,” and the Washington Post declared that King had “diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people.” Listen to this historic speech in full.
To Listen Click Here-MP3 Format

To Listen and Read The Speach Click Here

Why for All Time:
Take out ‘Vietnam’ replace with ‘Iraq’

Take out ‘Vietnamesse’ replace with ‘Iraqi’s’

Take out ‘Communism’ replace with ‘Muslim’, all sects

Take out ‘Names of Vietnam’s Places/Cities’ replace with ‘Names of Iraq’s Places/Cities’

Place your Mind in today’s World as the Words are Spoken about Yesterday’s World!

Kings speach can and could have been given repeatedly by many in differant countries that are engulfed in Man’s Aggression agains his fellow Man and especially in the Larger Invasive Conflicts, such as the Soviet/Afgan Debacle, and those taking place today.
We use the new term ‘Terrorism’ while we, and other powers, ‘Terrorize’!
In the Past World the Invaded just wanted the Invaders ‘Out’, using any means at their disposal to achieve that goal. In Today’s World the Criminal Act of ‘Terror’ knows No Boundries or Borders as those, Used by the Powerful, for a veriaty of reasons as well as their countries natural resources for the Powerful’s own wealth and more power, use the Message of Killing and Destruction to push back at the Powerful!
The Powerful than Resort to Crossing the already fine line seperating a more Peaceful/Tolerant World from the one with Growing Hatred and Intolerance causing the Hatreds to Multiply by Invading any and all they choose, with complete disregard to the regions inhabitants, placing them lower than the Arrogance of the Powerful! The Powerful Support and Solidify the Leaders who Depress their own people keeping them in power for reasons of policy that make no sense! The Powerful sell their wares of destructive force to those they support spreading more fear within the regions of what those Leaders(sic) can and will do to control!
It’s a Vicious Cycle of Death and Destruction and Gains Nothing!
Actions of today are Much More Dangerous than those of the Past as they have Crossed that thin line Creating a World where Aggression, from anyone, is the Norm, and the Fears are Embedded in the Rethoric Creating more Fears, giving the few the Power of Control over even Larger Numbers!


“A true revolution of values will say of war, ‘This way of settling differences is not just.’…I call on Washington today, I call on every man and woman of goodwill all over America today: Take a stand on this issue. Tomorrow may be too late; a book may close. And I don’t know about you — I ain’t going to study war no more.”
– Martin Luther King
Click here to watch

On Monday, January 16, the country will remember Dr. Martin Luther King and the legacy of love and non-violent resistance he left to us. To commemorate him, CODEPINK has created an inspiring flash movie where his words are animated by tragic images of the US occupation of Iraq and uplifting images of people rising up. Click here to view it. Then forward it to your family and friends.


From Peace Takes Courage.



How Dr. King Is Still Teaching Us Today
January 12, 2005
Written by: Ava

Every year near Martin Luther King Jr. Day our family watches some of Dr. King’s greatest speeches, such as “I Have a Dream” and “We Shall Overcome.” Each year I have listened and watched carefully, but not until this year did I actually hear what Dr. King was really saying.

The Rest Of Article Can Be Found HERE


A “Freedom Bus” in flames, six miles southwest of Anniston, Ala., May 14, 1961. (Birmingham Public Library) Oxford University Press

Get On the Bus: The Freedom Riders of 1961
Listen to this story  at site
by Terry Gross
January 12, 2006 · In 1961, the Freedom Riders set out for the Deep South to defy Jim Crow laws and call for change. They were met by hatred and violence — and local police often refused to intervene. But the Riders’ efforts transformed the civil rights movement.
Read the rest of the report HERE while listening. A few more photo’s are at site.


President Lyndon B. Johnson greets visitors as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., looks on in the U.S. Capitol.

Martin Luther King, ‘At Canaan’s Edge’

Audio for this story is Now Up at the NPR Link, just visit site
· In Taylor Branch’s history At Canaan’s Edge, Martin Luther King Jr. is a citizen of his time. The Alabama peace marches; the Watts riots of 1965; the Vietnam conflict that dominated the late ’60s — King dealt with them all.
{You can Read the rest HERE along with a number of other links}

Online Chat: The Challenges Facing U.S. Families in Poverty

For the fourth year in a row childhood poverty has risen and nearly 2,500 babies are born into poverty daily in the United States. Join Connect for Kids and poverty experts on January 18th for an online chat that will explore ways to improve the conditions of impoverished children and the challenges facing families in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.