The “End of the Spear” is a religious hyped movie that opens in Theaters on the 20th of January, 2006. A propaganda fest movie from the missionaries.
Political stories, be it in Iraq or South America start with small lies. Then they become “true” history.
This is a piece from history back decades ago, when these missionaries were working in South America. Now it is a movie being fed to those who don’t know the history involved. Repackaged we call it. Will anyone challenge this history being fed to young people?
The original story involved the Huaorani tribe in Ecuador and five missionaries and their wives and sisters. Rachel Saint was one of them and has passed away, this moive is an endeavor by her nephew Steve Saint.
Rachel Saint was part of a missionary team that went in to see the Huaorani in Ecuador.
The Huaorani were pressed by rubber slavers and explorers for oil. Noteworthy are SIL and CIA connections in this regard.
The Huaorani were doing their best to defend their lands.
The Missionaries approached the village and killed two Huaorani with guns when some kind of confrontation occured. The five missionaries were then killed by the Huaorani. The details that two of the Huaorani were killed by the missionaries first was covered up in the Rachel Saint mission story which is now made into a movie about the heroic missionaries gone to “Save” the “Savages”.
The original story was posted all over the world making the missionaries martyrs for the American way. No mention was made of the killing of the Huaorani.
The book “Thy Will be Done” by Colby gives a detailed account.
Young people only see the carefully doctored “truth” that the fundamentalists show them.
More information on the movie and Huaorani situation at
A little history on the Rachel Saint Story
Protest the propaganda machine.
Other Huaorani Links
Thanks for the information, akha. org is a fantastic site-I’m learning so much there.
I seem to remember Chavez showing some missionaries the door also, similar murky goals and political/social questions with them. I’ll have to look that up also.
I second that-the site is excellent.
akha drug war, thank you for this diary, and for educating us on atrocities committed against human beings in a part of the world that western corporate media does not feel it is profitable to mention, if in fact, they are aware it exists.
have been working together for years to screw the Huaorani.
But now the Huaorani are organizing to defend their lands and their rights.
Read about it Here
And don’t forget to donate to!
Missionaries have always been the ‘front troops’,this is a calculated way of creating martyrs. And a great way to raise funds,and create sympathy.
Witness American history- when people were encouraged to move into literal war zones,and then were turned into martyrs when they were obliterated by the original inhabitants.
BUT NO!! They were Christians- and those damn heathens –did not OBEY!
GEESH -same old story- new set of words.