Cross posted on Daily Kos and My Left Wing

Sun Jan 15, 2006 at 09:28:30 AM PDT

Today the NY Times announces that Democrats are “glum”.

The Democrats have no voice. None. They should be glum. They should be worse than glum, they should be despondent. They looked at the enemy and blinked.

Someone asked me in a comment in an earlier diary, why am I so hard on the Democratic Party? Now I can answer in four words: politicians like Joe Biden.

If Joe (MBNA) Biden is the “voice” of the Democratic Party, then I’m checking out.

If the Scalito hearing are the best we can do, then I’m checking out.

Since the Dems appear on the verge of checking out, then I’m checking out with them.

F*#K you Dems. All you can do is walk the plank? Follow me, you lousy cowards, I’m going first.

You want fierce Dems like me to follow you?  Ain’t happening until you address me and millions of other Americans starved for healthcare, starved for the truth, starved for blunt talk, starved for courageous leadership.

When are you going to start to act like an opposition party?
You want an energized electorate? Then step up, take off the gloves, and begin by addressing the dire concerns of hard working, desperate Americans.

What a tragedy on the eve of Martin Luther King Day that we sit wringing our hands about the state of our party, bereft of leadership.

Start by answering a few questions:

Why did the Democrats utterly fail to engage ordinary Americans in the Scalito hearings? Yeah, I’m no lawyer, nor are most Americans, why didn’t you confront Mr. Scalito with hard questions designed to appeal to the needs and the imagination of average Americans?  

When are you going to address the catastrophe going on with the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan which seniors are referring to as the D means Death benefit? When are you going to repeatedly pound and connect the Abramoff scandal, and the corrupt Republican Congress to the human tragedies playing out in homes, senior centers and pharmacies across America?  

Since you don’t do this, or only do it ineffectively, we wonder, are you out of touch? Are you Republican lite? Are you also more beholden to the insurance companies and pharmauceutical industry than  the people you are supposed to serve?

When are you going to stop using misnomers like “mislead” and call Mr. Bush what he is, “a liar”?

When are you going to follow the example of Howard Dean and discredit every partisan political hack masquerading as a journalist? When are you going to stand up to the people (morons) who shape and mold political opinion. When are you going to take on misfits like Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Tim Russert, Norah O’Donnell and all the other “journalists” who distort the Bush record day after day with barely a peep from the “opposition.

When are you going to pound Mr. Bush to identify sacrifice in America? I don’t see sacrifice anywhere–except among a handful of largely low wage Americans forced to serve in our “voluntary” military by the brutal economic reality imposed by the Bush economic policies.

When are you going to pound Mr. Bush about how we export American Democracy to Iraq then destroy the constitution at home.

When do you start pounding Mr. Bush about holding “free and fair” elections in Iraq, but inadequately fund the Help America Vote Act?

When do you seamlessly link all the disasters unfolding in our country to the most corrupt government in the history of the republic.

When will you remind the American people that the dream of Dr. King remains largely unfinished and that the tragedy of Katrina is but a taste of our stark future?

Democrats, I am so worn out by the last five years. I am so worn out waiting for you to respond.

Most troubling, many of us are losing the greatest gift we have as Americans, the belief that tomorrow will be better than today.