The Progressive Daily Beacon has a good round up of the polls, and they are encouraging.
The most significant result is from Zogby International, showing that 52% of Americans think the President should be impeached over the NSA issue. This comes on the heels of last June’s Zogby poll that showed 42% supported impeachment if the President knowingly lied about his reasons for going to war in Iraq.
We can only imagine what would happen to such numbers if the Democrats held a branch of Congress and could compel testimony from people in the administration. And, on that score, things also look promising:
Other interesting findings regarding the congressional ballot include:
* There is currently a significant gender gap with women strongly supporting the Democratic candidate (48% would support the Democratic candidate and 34% would support the Republican candidate) and men more divided (37% would support the Democratic candidate and 34% would support the Republican candidate).
* Another issue the Republican Party is faced with is that their candidate shows signs of weakness among both conservatives (51% would vote for the Republican candidate) and moderates (2%), two important segments of their coalition. On the other hand, a Democratic candidate currently draws 66 percent of the liberal vote and 47 percent of the moderate vote.
* The Democratic candidate also appears to have a stronger commitment among its base than does the Republican candidate (83% of Democrats would support their candidate vs. 78% of Republicans would support their candidate).
So, why are the Dems still behaving so timidly? Maybe because of conflicting polls?
An ABC News/Washington Post poll found that about 50 percent consider wiretapping an acceptable way for the federal government to investigate terrorism, and 65 percent said it’s more important to investigate threats than safeguard privacy.
The same poll found that 32 percent believe personal privacy rights trump the need to investigate possible threats.
Either the public cares enough about the NSA program to impeach the President or they don’t much care. Zogby says the former, ABC/WP says the latter. Who do you believe?
I believe they shouldn’t worry aboutb the damn polls. They know this is wrong. Take an effing stand, dems!
Imagine how people would feel about illegal wire tapping and bribes from lobbyists if they heard some criticism from the “opposition” party. I shouldn’t pain them all with the same brush. Dean has been good. Murtha showed some guts and leadership.
I totally agree with Steven D.
Now remember I am an independent. I was asked to take the Zogby poll recently. Do not know if this is the same as they are talking about or not. I answered as an independent. It also asked about the state of TN and the politics in this state and who we would vote for too.
I just hope they continue to send these polls out. The closer they get to the voting tmie in 06, these things will matter, I think.
BTW, booman, I recieved my coffee cups and I really do like them. I placed an order for on more to be sent to a friend.
thanks Brenda. I really appreciate that.
hey, no problem…..glad to help and get quality too
If you haven’t yet, also take a look at the latest from Pew Research. Especially this:
coming from Pew, now that is news!!!!!
Few of the polls ask the wiretap question in the context of getting warrants from a court, any court, including the FISA court.
Few of the polls make clear that the administration is choosing who to wiretap without any oversight.
No wonder there is not more of a response.
people are pre-occupied with … not getting fired by wednesday cuz they’ll be living under the bridge by feb or march? NOT quitting their shitty job cuz there ain’t jobs with health care anymore? NOT quiitting cuz there ain’t decent jobs anyway?
so the peons probably don’t give a shit cuz they know at the end of the day Hillary and Biden and … even teddy … are gonna be eating 500 dollar lunches at the four seasons – just like Hill and Biden were doing 5 and 10 years ago, and will be doing in 5 and 10 years …
and what will the peons be doing ? hoping the lottery hits?
If they actually paid attention to the polls and their constituents, that asshole wouldn’t be confirmed to the SCOTUS.
“…more than two in five (43%) adults would vote for the Democratic candidate, while one-third (34%)…”
The ratios are stupid–hardly anyone understands them as quickly as percentages–yet they take a back seat, a second fiddle, a riduclous dissing in this failed profession’s snobby incompetence.
Just say the magic numbers and move on. The ratios confuse and clutter, it’s plain fucking stupid.
The Democrats are no longer an opposition party. THe Polls don’t matter because the Democrats are the liberal wing of the new fascist Republican Dictatorship.
Here’s an interesting article on the Dictator Papa Bush.
Since he hears the voice of God and “looks into peoples souls” by straring into their eyes perhaps he should be made a God.
I think Bush is a God. He is a close to God as any human being on Earth. He should be recognized for this. A hall should be built. The Hall of Bush and his likeness should be made so that we can worship him.
Whoops…here’s the article.
Too bad the apparent wimp-out on the Alito confirmation is going to cause a whole lot of progressives to sit out the fall election.
…and polls can be manipulated as easily as anything else.