Share what you hear / what he makes you think about.
Update [2006-1-16 13:3:44 by susanhu]: Raw Story has the text of the speech.
Update [2006-1-16 14:17:52 by susanhu]: Via C-Span, today at NOON ET: Speaking at the Kennedy Center in Washington, is an event hosted by Georgetown University. Pres. Bush makes remarks at a ceremony marking the legacy of Martin Luther King. The event is called “Let Freedom Ring,” and the President is introduced by Georgetown University Pres. Jack DeGioia.
He’s not on yet.
intros now … a progressive group …. trans-partisan …
I can’t read the URLs at the bottom of the screen (can you?)
Important on this day honoring MLK — he worked hard that we follow the ideals of the constitution … Dr. King wanted us to face them with the powers of our constitution, not those of fear or expediency.
I am seeing red right now and I don’t have time to do a diary but I just read this at AP.
“”I do not see a likelihood of a filibuster,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif. “This might be a man I disagree with, but it doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be on the court.”
She said she will not vote to confirm the appeals court judge, based on his conservative record. But she acknowledged that nothing emerged during last week’s hearings to justify any organized action by Democrats to stall the nomination.”
She can go screw herself! I have had it with these rep. lite dems. They are worthless.
Know this is off topic but just had to get that off my chest!!
you’d get kicked off dkos for that !!
NOT bowing down to your betters and working your ass off for your betters = IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!
not the fault of the people we “hire” to represent us.
I will not be silenced ANYWHERE!!
King was the victim of domestic surveillance …
we must stick to core values of liberty and RULE OF LAW that have made us a beacon of justice around the world.
CHECKS AND BALANCES … it created a friction between the branches that protected the people
Q of the day: whether there is something about our fight against terrorism that affects our finely wrought balance
Barr is an out-spoken champion of privacy rights … even though he was in CIA 6 years, etc.
Where is he?
OMG .. she introduced him and she and Al Gore are sitting on the stage … wondering where Barr is. Holy shit.
Audience is asking Gore to just go ahead and start …
this is AWFUL!
Yeah, pretty weird. But looks like it’s starting now…
Barr’s connection to us is not working / they can’t reach him!
Another organizer is speaking … he’s nervous and upset … without protection of our constitutional liberties, our war on terror is meaningless …
They’re inviting Al Gore to go ahead and speak …. HERE HE IS!
Thanking Michael for his on-the-spot introduction and work his hard work and co-sponsoring this event … thank Lisa Brown for her friendship and her outstanding leadership of the Constitution Society …
(Thanked DiFi for being there … etc.)
Barr was connected live, Al just said, before they came out … but the connection failed …
he and Barr agree that our constitution is in grave danger
we are in agreement that the American values we hold most dear hae been put at risk by a truly breathtaking expansion of executive power …. brzenly delcared that it has the unilateral right to do so …
Wi-Fi connection went kablooey just as the speech started; missed first part of speech while I hooked up new AirPort Extreme base station I just happened to buy yesterday… 😉
Both Vietnam and Iraq wars started on false information…both were mistakes…
Govt tried to destroy King’s marriage and to blackmail him into committing suicide …
MLK was subject of illegal wiretapping by govt
Talking about FISA now …
detailing FISA issues …. I can’t type that fast …
The president’s soothing statements turned out to be false … and that he has no intention of stopping …
we will have MUCH to learn about this surveillance … what we DO know compels us to realize that the PRESIDENT HAS BEEN BREAKING THE LAW REPEATEDLY AND CONSISTENTLY …
a president who beraks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government.
Gov’t of laws not men
an executive who acts free of the check of the judiciary … becomes a threat that the founders sought to nullify in the constitution … who were trying to break free of a king
Quoting Madison — the collection of power in the hands of a few — whether herediaty, appointed, or self-appointed ….
Quoting Paine …
to actually hear someone say…he has broken the law….
what a sweet thing to hear, most especially from him.
</fans self and take a sip of my tea>
Make no mistake the rule of law makes us safe by protecting us…prevents overreaching…help our country avoid many mistakes we would make.
Tonkin resolution based on false information; comparing it to Iraq war uthorization.
Thew people of this nation ultimately make the course of this nation … not an executive branch
the rule of law makes us stronger by making sure that policies are tested
prevents overreaching
He’s making me wonder where the hell he’s been the last 5 years and that he better walk the walk and run again in 2008. Gore/ Feingold 2008 baby.
by not running (yet), he’ll have more of an impact — the wingnuts can’t say he’s making a campaign speech…
Spouse is concerned this speech’ll get buried in the MSM — hopefully with the holiday it’s a slow news day and they’ll have to give it half a paragraph at least…
Finally learned through declassified docs that Gulf of Tonkin was based on false information … and IRaq war res was based on false information …
the American people would have been better off knowing this first
Threat of terrorism is real …
we disagree on prop that we must sacrifice the law to protect Americans from terrorism
Calling bullshit on the idea that the wiretaps are to protect us from terrorists.
The prsident’s men have minced words about America’s laws … the attorney general …
What I can’t understand is the outrage expressed by Dem leaders who oppose the abuse of presedential power but these are the same abuses promoted by Alito’s previous memos and rulings.
Approving Alito is the same as a rubber stamp for everything Bush has been doing.
Pointing out that there is no legal basis giving Bush ability to authorize wiretaps without court order, despite Abu Gonzales’ claims to the contrary.
Asked for authorization to use military force domestically, and congress denied this…WHEN WAS THIS?
Went w/net connection as opposed to cable…thanks…but have not a clue as to wtf military force domestically means…goddamn RWCM!!!
gonna go ahead here and thank susan and cabingirl for their commentary.
his voice…with your words…this man chokes me up here people. I weep for what has been lost.
we now see what we lost, hopefully we can recapture and rectify in 2008
Missed the Frankfurter quote — will C-SPAN have a transcript, you think? (Would like to share it with the spouse…)
i would assume so.
God just listen to him! I forgotten what an impassioned public speaker sounded like! he’s pissed…
Rawstory has the text of the speech.
This is precisely the disrespect for the law that the SCOTUS struck down…it is this disrepect that embodies the larger pattern of disregard for the constitution…the president has declared himself the power to hold US citizines indefinitely without charges or access to the court system, without an arrest warrant, telling them what they’re charged with, without even informing their families…(almost shoutin)
Holy Shit! Go President Gore!
My hands are too stiff … i hope others can help
sounds to me like an early summation of facts on guilt to the jurors of an Impeachment deliberation.
Yes a great summary President Gore. You did win in 2000.
admin claims surveillance was implicitely approved by congress when they allowed military force. But then when admin tried to insert spying language, they were denied.
Prez went ahead and assumed that power anyway. quotes judge Franfurter that its disrespecting the legislature. Prez has declared that he alone has the power to imprison whoever he wants indefinitely, without warrant, lawyer, family notification. It is foreign to our consttution, must be rejected. Now talking about torture, over a hundred have died under admin. torture. This is a shameful violation!
Over 100 have died while being tortured by executive ranch order. More than 90% of the victims were completely innocent of any of the charges.
They violate Geneva, Intl, our own laws against torture that have been observed since time of G Washington
The torture violates the Geneva Conventions and — harkening back to George Washington — go against everything every Amer prseident has stood for
The CIA rendition … British ambassador to Uzbekistan
Brit amb: We are selling our souls for dross.
Quoting Harold Koh — Yale law school — what a great guy —
I liked the part where he basically called Bush a liar and a tyrant.
Now onto torture.
I like it — he’s not just touching on the wiretapping, but on the other abuses of power (torture, imprisonment without charges, etc.).
We have new and uncharacteristic patterns of allies, countries with the worst reputations for torture…even these people are horrified by the new approach and cruelty of the US with regard to torture…
If it’s true that the president has the power to do all this stuff, then what CAN’T he do?
Gore quotes the Uzbek ambassador who witnessed some torture at Abu Ghraib.
“if it’s true that the President has the power to torture, then he has the power to commit genocide, summary execution, etc.”
I think he sounds too earnest. The words are right, but he’s coming off as melodramatic. His previous speeches were IMO better done.
I’m actually watching, and staying awake, so he must be doing something right… 😉
i dunno…sounds to me like he’s little exasperated at the whole situation. he seems to range from depression and disbelief to damn near hostile and angry quite quickly. He sounds pretty genuine to me.
Does a president have these powers? Runs through list: spying, wiretapping, holding prisoners indefinitely, torturing, murdering, etc.
Brought up the signature line on the McCain torture amendment.
Padilla case manuevering. Quoting LUskin’s statement on the maneuvering by the govt on Padilla.
on to the signing statement of McCain’s bill and the administration’s insistence that it could imprison Americans without appeal, the attempt to manipulate the courts.
I disagree he’s too earnest, but I’m a fan. Just listening to someone who can think and speak and has integrity is sooo…
refreshing doesn’t cover it. Nourishing?
yes!!! And i never knew how thirsty I was!!! My husband keeps rolling his eyes at me. lol
Quoting Lincoln, “whether that nation or any nation so conceived, etc., can long endure.” He was recognizing that democracies are rare and do not always endure – what emerges in their place is a strongman regime…
For more than 2 centruies, our democracy has been protected by the checks and balance of the 3 branches of the govt. Consitutional crises have occurred, but we have found resolution by reviewing our aggreement to live together under the rule of law.
Revoting against consolidation of power in a single man or small group is what America was founded on. Lincoln recognised that democracies are rare, and when they fall, what replaces them is a “strong-man” situation(?)
he has still lost me –
IF this Al Gore ran in 2000, then we wouldn’t have fucknut & co. stealing everything that ain’t nailed down.
I am glad he’s found his voice,
I am glad he’s seeking a role,
I hope the role is prominent and productive,
But his days running for president are over,
for me.
Was getting into this, now I am agreeing with you. I mean, if it takes a total catastrophe like all the shit that has been going on for someone to say what needs to be said….serious doubts now!
tellign everyone to do their duty … not just go along to get along …
he had how many years of going along and getting along?
maybe I’m shooting myself in the foot, but,
I don’t trust Al.
He’s got a lot more years going along to get along than he’s got years soundign like howard dean.
I want results, not good just good speeches! This was the last straw for me:
And Reid and Shumer expect people to believe them?
Dems lost a longtime dem voter w/the another cave-in to repub bs (that I linked to).
Have considered myself an independent for a long time–gonna meet w/a Green (might be the only one in town) when I’m feeling better.
I have fucking had it!!!!!!!!!!!
be the party that you want it to be. We have lots of candidates from all over the country that are just as radicalized as we are. We need to put them in office.
How about in MI?
this guy is a friend of Valerie Plame and Larry Johnson:
Heard him speak a few times. He has to stop talking over everyone’s head and paying more attention to the concerns of the district/his audience. Doesn’t KISS! But, I hope to hell he beats Rogers!
This district has been gerrymandered to the point where the concerns of all of the voters are different. That guy’s concerns reflect those of a Detroit suburb, as that is where he lives and practices law. I live between Detroit and Lansing, in an area that is growing/developing, but wants to keep its small town feel. The economy and jobs are a primary concern here. The outskirts of this county and another county are rural, again w/different concerns. Lansing is another story altogether–and I do not know the area that well.
Like I said, I hope he can knock off Rogers. But if all he is going to do is the same thing Bob Carr did (which was ignore this area) the fact of the matter is that if he wins, he’ll be a one-termer. Even though this area still considers itself small townish, the population is growing. I’ve lived out here off and on since the mid-80’s and some things have changed, but a lot hasn’t. Tough to explain.
And there is no way in hell I am the only person in the country who feels that way!
“renewing our agreement to live together under the Rule of Law”
Revolt against a totalitarian regime reason our country got started…[I wonder if the time may come for another revolt]
John Adams & Alien and Sedition Act — Jefferson eliminated it…great Jefferson quote…I definitely want a transcript…
quoting Jefferson: “should we wander from them (principles”) let’s retrace our steps.” Some of the worst abuses prior to the current administration occurred during Wilson administration, internment of Japanese Americans, Cointel probe…but in each of these cases throughout American history, when the conflict and turmoil subsided, our nation learned the lessons…reasons for concern this time around that conditions may be changing so that this cycle may not repeat itself…we have been witnessing the slow and steady accumulation of executive power…
When military force has been used, it has almost always been the result of pres leadership…but as Justive frankfurter wrote, the increaed in executive power does not come in a day, but a the result of unchecked disregard for the (rule of law?)…so we are told that the conditions of natl threat that have been used to justify increased exec power will be increaisng in perpetuity as a result of the war on terror.
Why is this outside our historical cycle – because the war footing that Bush has placed our country we have been told will last for the rest of our lives, so that the situation on which this expansion of presidential powers has been based will last in perpetuity…
the ‘unitary executive’ theory that the President’s CIC authority cannot be reviewed or checked.
I missing this on TV.
I hope it’s rebroadcast later.
Nice job people.
I wish he’s been as passionate in 00 as he is now. maybe he’s as shocked as the rest of us.
Witnessing for decades the increase in Presidential power [is it too late to put the genie in the bottle?]
Frankfurter quote: “unchecked disregard” — that’s a key right there —
Need to be aware of technological improvements over the years in surveillance; potential for shifting balance of power
Threat of terror strikes real, need to exercise powers of executive branch especially in case of immediate threat, but existance of power cannot be used to justify a power grab lasting for years…
Administration comes to power in legal theory that Presidential power is just what Constitution intended…
This wiretapping has the potential to sweep up enormous numbers of innocent people.
The threat of addl terror strikes is real, and the concerted effort of terrorists to acquire WMD does pose a threat…the existence of the inherent power of the prez to respond to those threats cannot be used an excuse to grab more and more power for political gain.
May be experiencing more than just another cycle politically…this admin is in thrall to the legal theory of unitary executive, expanding the powers of the prez, to obliterate the meaning and power of the constitution. Where congress can’t check the powers of the president. Going over Bush’s actions and deeds showing this.
Maybe experiencing more than another political cycle….nice to hear finally. Ominous too.
Bush is conflating his role of “Commander in Chief” with his other duties – implications of theory of unilateral executive combined with permanent war footing threaten us far into the future…
combining this with foreign policy based on intimidation – the common theme is an urge to dominate, to surpress dissent within executive, to demand authority.
Misguided and self-defeating effort to establish a kind of dominance in the world. CIA analysts founf themselves under pressure at work – exactly what happened to FBI guys in 60s who disagreed w. Hoover about King.
Misguided and selfdefeating idea of achieving world dominance (what guides the current admin).
This same patern characterizes the tendency of the admin to silence dissent. Example: CIA analysts who disagreed with OBL?Hussein connection lost promotions and salary increases. Just what happended with people who disagreed with j edgar hoover about going after MLK in the 60s. Quoting former agent: “We’d have to change our ways to agreee with Mr Hoover, or we’d be out on the street”
In the words of George Orwell, we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then when we are proved wrong, twisting the facts to prove that we were right. Sooner or later a false belief butts up against a solid reality, usually on a battlefield. 2,200 American soldiers have lost their lives….
FBI folks disputing King’s connection with Communist Party were in danger of losing their positions — fear of losing jobs, being transferred
2200 soldiers lost lives as false belief ran into solid reality
in absence of rigorous accountability, incompetance flourishes [put that line up on the walls at FEMA]
Calling BS on the 9/11 failures…”We did in fact know 2 of the higjackers were here, one was listed in the phone book!”
Now he’s calling them out on 9/11. Because of unaccountable incompetence in the handling of this information it was never used to protect the american people.
It is often the case that an executive branch beguiled by its own power responds to its own mistakes by reflexively asserting it shoudl be given more power..
If the pattern of practice by this adminstration is not challenged, it may well become the permanent feature of american government.
emphasizing that the concern crosses party lines — too bad that Barr lost his connection, that would make it even more evident
as someone responded to an earlier diary, Repubs should imagine Hillary with the same power that Bush is claiming…
If the pattern of behavior begun by this present continues, it may never stop. Which is why conservatives as well as democrats are concerned about what the pres has done.
If this continues unchecked. Some future pres may be able to restrict our liberties in a way the framers of the COnstitution would never have thought possible.
heheh, he just said “call balls” hehe.
I think he was quoting Fitz.
Talking about bush’s contempt and assault on judicial power and independence.
Alito is a longterm supporter of the Unitary executive. Whatever your view we must all agree that he will not vote as an effective check on the expansion of the executive power.
filibuster that Mf’r now!
If the Dems aren’t listening, they don’t serve to be re-elected to anything, ever.
is it possible that this is a coordinated attack by Gore and Reid on Bush and Alito?
Don’t forget to include all the other do-nothing dems!
Hey, I’m a Green but the Greens don’t have the pull yet. There is a crisis now. Has been for a long time. Gore is inspiring but he’s infuriating too. If he acted in 2000 like he is now (nothing to lose) he would have had my vote hands down. Believe me, I’m as outraged as you. But maybe I’ve been that way a little longer.
Voted Green!
Shorter Gore: “supreme court is stacked, we’re screwed.”
Congress established FISA court as a check on executive power
Bush’s judicial nominees insure courts will not serve as check on executive power — mentioned both Alito and Roberts as being deferential to the idea of increased executive power
Efforts to curtail jurisdiction of courts by Administration
Talking about Senate threat to eliminate the filibuster…the admin has demonstrated a contempt for the judicial review of it’s actions. The legislative branch has had a sharp decline in power in recent years, almost as shocking as the presidential power grab over the last several years.
Talking about his days in congress.
There have been two or three generations of congressmen who don’t really know what an oversight hearing is…
Decline of meaningful debate, oversight, the suppression of the minority party.
Memebers of minortiy paty are routinely excluded from committees, no real debate…mentioning emptiness of the chambers the night before the Iraq vote.
The majority party relies on staying in the good graces of thhose who control the money for re-election…the exec branch has co-opted the congress’ role.
executive branch has time and time again co-opted Congress’ role, and too often the congress has been complicit.
Back to FISA.
too many congressfolks feel obligated to spend less time in deliberations and more time raising money for 30 second sound bites
Authorization committee declined in influence
Meaningful debate in Senate a rarity
Acck — lost part of the feed…where’s that damn transcript?
No willingness to challenge the Executive branch when both Congress and Executive are same party — meaning we’ll have to be watchful and consistent if/when the Democrats take back Congress and the White House…
Mentioning that the committees are not given the full facts regarding wiretapping…democrats have, as well as Rs, must share blame for not taking sufficient action against a grossly unconstituitional program…(applause)
Democrats as well as republicans must share the blame for not protesting against FISA…lobbying…institutional culture of corruption…Abramhoff…it is the pitiful state of our legislative branch which primarily explains the failure to prevent overreach by the executive.
Abramoff scandal just the tip of the iceberg
Call on Congress to take their oaths to uphold the Constitution seriously — be the independent branch they’re supposed to be
“We the People” are still the key — must examine our own role as citizens in letting them get away with all this shit…
Produced an atmosphere conducive to…Abramoff scandal. Executive branch is pushing for a radical makeover the govt. Call on our elected reps to stand up and defend our consitution from this attack. There is yet another consitutional player: whose role must be examine din order to understand the dangers to our conistution…we the poeple are still collectively the key to democracy and must examine our own role as ciizzens in allowing this degradation of American democracy…!
shocking decay of American democracy…it is time to stand up…an informed citizenry is the only safeguard…we can govern ourselves and exercise the power of self-government…time to stand up.
All just power is derived from the consent of the governed.
The people refused to confirm the results until the bill of rights was included…we the people must find a way to take up the integral role we once had in our democracy…we must disenthrall ourselves and then we must save our country – kill your television!
awaiting further orders from President Gore.
American citizenry is complicit in the actions of the government
Constitution was not ratified until Bill of Rights was attached through insistence of the people
Took a shot at the MSM, more interested in entertaining that informing — maybe Keith O. should mention that next time his producers force him to cover the latest on Brangelina or TomKat…
TV politics = feudalism…manipulated by the administration in its gathering of executive power…
We the people must play an integral role in saving our consitution.
Now talking about the evils of tv as a principal source of news information…
The political economy supported by these short tv ads…compared with the feudal system?
The admin vvigorusly asserts its power to keep everyone (including the otehr branches) in the dark about what its doing…Talking about the concerns raised regarding the Medicare drug benefit being actively put down and information being withheld even though it was needed before the vote. Has brought us where we are today where the program is COLLAPSING ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!
American ppl have the right to believe their govt will act appropriately baed on legitimate knowledge.
Calling out the Medicare bill, how that was passed based on Adminstration’s laws, and now it’s failing all over the country.
American people who have the right to assume their representatives will act based on truth and facts have been let down.
Global warming = report censored by the Administration. Expert who works in NASA has been ordered not to talk, to keep a careful log of everyone he meets with so that the Executive branch can monitor and control what he knows and shares of his knowledge of global warming.
Shit, that’s a new one for me…
Thanks for the Raw Story link, Susan…already copied it for more indepth reading/analysis, and will email to the spouse… 🙂
How the Bush Administration uses the politics of fear to advance its agenda. Fear supresses reason – opens the door to the politics of destruciton.
I intereupt this speech to just say you folks are doing a helluva job and Gore is giving a helluva speech. He is speaking for us!
“Is America really in more danger now than when we faced world-wide fascism on the march? It is simply an insult to those who came before us and sacrificed so much that we have more to fear than they did. And yet they faithfully protected us, we have a duty to do the same thing.”
Admin resorts to the language and politics of fear to deflect any real debate abot what they’re doing.
Suspicion and fear…suppresses politics of discourse, opens door to politics of destruction.
Is our congress in more danger today than their predecessors were from the British…than during the cold war…more than when we faced worldwide fascism on the march…it is simply an insult to those who came before us to insist that we have more to fear than they did, and we have a duty to defend our citizens right, liberty and the pursuit of happinesss. Therfore vital that we take immediate steps to safeguard our constituiton from the threat of our pres.
Quoting Bob BArr…
He added a line, about bipartisan call in Congress…
Calling for Special Counsel to put an end to the violations of law by our president. Pat Fitzgerald has shown neither fear nor favor in doing his job.
There should be a bipartisan call for special counsel to investigte the illegal actions of this president. Politics of people who oppose this should be questioned for anybody who opposes this. New whistleblower protections are needed. Bold houses of congress should hold hearings and follw wherever these lead.
Immediate steps must be taken to protect the constitution from bush. The president has dared the american people to do something about if for the sake of the constitution (quoting bob barr). Special consul should be immediately appointed by the atty general (because of his conflict of interest). to pursue criminal issues – should be a political issue in every race, bipartisan. 2, new whistleblower protections should immediately be established for members of executive branch, 3. both branches of congress hold comprehensive hearings, folow the evidence wherever it leads 4 reject powers requested by exec until and unless safeguards in place, 5, any telecom company that has provided the government with access should cease and desist immediately, 6., freedom of internet must be protected by gov. and media conglomerates
in closing…alogn with cause for concern is reason for hope. (well, that makes one of us). Vitality of our democracy will be re-established by the people.
Now THAT’S a President.
Ended with a quote from MLK — appropriate considering the day
I am just speechless. I had it blaring over my computer so that the hubby could hear it too. We both just kept looking at each other and thinking…wow. the truth….how refreshing!
Gore for Prez, Fitzgerald for Attorney General, Krugman in Treasury! I can see it now… okay, I need a cold shower.
I hear ya on that one….I kept telling the hubby that I wanted to be spanked by Al Gore. Had him laughing so hard he spit coke on the keyboard. 😉
okay…my not so secret crush on Al…I always thought he was more attractive than Clinton…spank me indeed!
Heh at least I am not alone. 😉 He just sounds like a good spanker. 😉
I remember when I was in DC during the Lewinsky scandal, a group of us were entertained by a cabbie who was explaining how it was obvious from looking at them that Tipper was getting sexually satisfied and Hilary was not. It was hilarious – but a ring of truth.
ya know, I was going to say something to that effect…thanks to you, now I don’t have to! Hee!
It’s not like trying to live-blog the hearings. I had to quit and go watch. I hope c-span will have a recording available for those who missed it. The best thing he said – (between the lines) turn off your stupid television.
Yeah, the Medicare D Fuck up got a few words…at least it got a mention…
Or did I miss the insistence of the need for a single payer health care system?
I can’t type and watch as some of you awesome ones.
I started crying about half way through. This should be the man in the White House.
Awesome speech, he has truly found his voice. Please please get the text out to everyone you know, although it is more powerful when you hear the anger in his voice. (Text at RawStory)
I have the text and these are some of the best parts:
..A commitment to openness, truthfulness and accountability also helps our country avoid many serious mistakes. Recently, for example, we learned from recently classified declassified documents that the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized the tragic Vietnam war, was actually based on false information. We now know that the decision by Congress to authorize the Iraq War, 38 years later, was also based on false information. America would have been better off knowing the truth and avoiding both of these colossal mistakes in our history. Following the rule of law makes us safer, not more vulnerable…
…The Dean of Yale Law School, Harold Koh, said after analyzing the Executive Branch’s claims of these previously unrecognized powers: “If the President has commander-in-chief power to commit torture, he has the power to commit genocide, to sanction slavery, to promote apartheid, to license summary execution…”
…A second reason to believe we may be experiencing something new is that we are told by the Administration that the war footing upon which he has tried to place the country is going to “last for the rest of our lives.” So we are told that the conditions of national threat that have been used by other Presidents to justify arrogations of power will persist in near perpetuity…”
…This effort to rework America’s carefully balanced constitutional design into a lopsided structure dominated by an all powerful Executive Branch with a subservient Congress and judiciary is-ironically-accompanied by an effort by the same administration to rework America’s foreign policy from one that is based primarily on U.S. moral authority into one that is based on a misguided and self-defeating effort to establish dominance in the world.
The common denominator seems to be based on an instinct to intimidate and control…”
“…There have now been two or three generations of congressmen who don’t really know what an oversight hearing is. In the 70’s and 80’s, the oversight hearings in which my colleagues and I participated held the feet of the Executive Branch to the fire – no matter which party was in power. Yet oversight is almost unknown in the Congress today.
The role of authorization committees has declined into insignificance. The 13 annual appropriation bills are hardly ever actually passed anymore. Everything is lumped into a single giant measure that is not even available for Members of Congress to read before they vote on it.
Members of the minority party are now routinely excluded from conference committees, and amendments are routinely not allowed during floor consideration of legislation.
…In the United States Senate, which used to pride itself on being the “greatest deliberative body in the world,” meaningful debate is now a rarity. Even on the eve of the fateful vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq, Senator Robert Byrd famously asked: “Why is this chamber empty?” I call upon Democratic and Republican members of Congress today to uphold your oath of office and defend the Constitution. Stop going along to get along. Start acting like the independent and co-equal branch of government you’re supposed to be…”
We the people are-collectively-still the key to the survival of America’s democracy. We-as Lincoln put it, “[e]ven we here”-must examine our own role as citizens in allowing and not preventing the shocking decay and degradation of our democracy.
“…And the political economy supported by these short but expensive television ads is as different from the vibrant politics of America’s first century as those politics were different from the feudalism which thrived on the ignorance of the masses of people in the Dark Ages…
The constricted role of ideas in the American political system today has encouraged efforts by the Executive Branch to control the flow of information as a means of controlling the outcome of important decisions that still lie in the hands of the people.
Is our Congress today in more danger than were their predecessors when the British army was marching on the Capitol?
Is the world more dangerous than when we faced an ideological enemy with tens of thousands of missiles poised to be launched against us and annihilate our country at a moment’s notice?
Is America in more danger now than when we faced worldwide fascism on the march-when our fathers fought and won two World Wars simultaneously?…”
“…It is simply an insult to those who came before us and sacrificed so much on our behalf to imply that we have more to be fearful of than they. Yet they faithfully protected our freedoms and now it is up to us to do the same…
…I endorse the words of Bob Barr, when he said, “The President has dared the American people to do something about it. For the sake of the Constitution, I hope they will.”..
“…both Houses of Congress should hold
comprehensive-and not just superficial-hearings into these serious allegations of criminal behavior on the part of the President. And, they should follow the evidence wherever it leads…
“…Fourth, the extensive new powers requested by the Executive Branch in its proposal to extend and enlarge the Patriot Act should, under no circumstances be granted, unless and until there are adequate and enforceable safeguardsto protect the Constitution and the rights of the American people…”
“…As Dr. King once said, “Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us.”
THANK YOU, Other Lisa, CabinGirl, and everyone else who pitched in! WOW!