Froggy Bottom Cafe – Weenie Roast
Full-service weenie bar and cold beverages
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
With or without buns. No spitting on the floor.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Um…did someone bring the fire? And sticks…we need sticks.
I am sorry but I do seem to have a one track mind today so in keeping with the goings on in the other thread, let me just say that I am having a rather infantile laugh at the word ‘Weenie’ in the Cafe title.
interesting photos that would fit that theme…but would probably not pass the network censors… 😉
Hmmm…I’m intrigued now.
No way! I never intended that! 😉
That guy that was 24 years younger than me wasn’t someone I just dated but was actually engaged to..pretty cool guy he was and looked like Gregory Peck only taller and a bit more scruffy looking. His parents seemed ok with it even though I was their age..which every once in awhile would hit as a bit weird.
Did somebody (the one with the clean mind and pure heart, I think) ask for fire and sticks?
Thank you for the fire, Andi. And may I say that I do indeed have a clean and pure heart.
Yeah, it’s your mind that’s so nasty & dirty.
I’m glad you noticed. It gives me a nice combination of raunch and honest naivete.
I would just like to point out that it was not the queer chick who started the weenie roasting joke. They do make me laugh, but I would never roast one. That is all.
I didn’t even see the Full Service Weenie Bar at first. You could make a mint on that in a place like South Beach.
Because if you do, they make lousy strap-ons?
There are no lol’s big enough for that.
Considering what those are made out of, I wouldn’t ever roast one of them because I’d be afraid of the toxic fumes. But no, in general terms, I actually think weenies are kind of cute.
at the Fargo Street Fair, just to keep my resistance up for when I’m away from home, and can’t find real food.
I think the only weenies I might consider roasting are the ones relating to some of those satisfied cigarette smoking chickens. Can I do that, mix weenies and chickens here?
As to your first sentence, ::snort::, and as to your second, that particular mixture reminds me a little bit of the story I won’t tell about my sweet 16th…
Given the tone of the conversation in both of these cafes, I’d say here is exactly the right place to mix weenies and chickens.
to say nothing of roosters…
the return of souls from the off-booman nebulae-day!
So to celebrate all the above, here’s a “what is it” photo
Well, it’s been a while since I saw one, but I’m going to march right out on a limb anyway and say it’s definitely not a weenie.
I think you’re right! Funny how you never forget what they look like.
I actually had some things on the to-do list… but I can’t seem to extricate myself from the fray.
Oh, btw, you’re right, “not a weenie”
I believe we’re looking at your basic overturned Donner-party wagon.
ha…guess we are thinking along the same lines SN.
A sure sign of brilliance, wouldn’t you say?
Indubitably my dear Ms. SN..always wanted to use that word–no not dear.
same era I suppose, but geographically off my 1000+ miles.
Well I’m guessing that it’s probably not some left over wheels related to the Donner Party.
That is a great picture — beautiful composition and lighting.
However, Jim and I think it is a hayrake.
but it’s not a hayrake. At that angle of a shot on a hayrake you would see a row of tines, (what does the raking) as they are nearly 3′ in dia (if you were to complete their circle.)
if spell check finds an error in the subject of the post and turns it bold, how’s one to know it’s an error, must be a flaw in the spell check software… it should unbold the error word I think
Hmmmm. It doesn’t have a long chute like thing so it isn’t an antique thresher.
Well, what else was going to come to my mind after catching up on what’s going on in this cafe?
Ok, it looks like everyone is too busy chowing down on those weenies to talk right now so I can get back to my regular schedule of ‘doing nothing’ activities.
same here
Not so fast! I’m here. We just finished chowing down on Cincinnati chili and birthday cake. Burp. Oh, sorry.
Well, OK then, only a short break for a shower. I’m only running 8 hours behind my normal schedule today.
So far today, 1-Chai, 1-hot chocolate, 1-toast with orange marmalade, a small plate of commercial pickled herring. Hmmm, I doubt that would qualify nutritionally at eat4today
I have totally blown my diet for the day. Damn these kids and their birthdays! Your chai and toast and marmalade is what I should have eaten today. I’ll get back on the wagon tomorrow.
Only 8 hours behind schedule? Bah.
At least you have an excuse. My having eaten a plate of fries smothered with two eggs overeasy for breakfast today was just about sheer desire.
Of course, I’m not trying to lose weight right now, either, so it’s marginally acceptable that I did this, even though my arteries probably didn’t much appreciate it and will probably complain. To which I shall respond, “Shut-up, it was all organic.”
Organic, eh? Is there any hope that the Cincinnati chili 3-way I just scarfed down could be classified as organic? Probably not. And I just thought I’d throw in the 3-way to leave things wide open for you. And now that you’re moving there you’re going to have to learn the true meaning of 3-way.
Well my understanding of an ‘organic'(not to be confused with orgasmic)3-way is light and dark chocolate with that pretender, white chocolate in the middle.
I don’t know why, but in my decrepit old age I have begun to like white chocolate. Just sometimes mind you, and only Lindt white chocolate truffles. Okay, and maybe white chocolate Kit Kats.
White chocolate is truly an oxymoron.
Like jumbo shrimp.
Not only that, but the FDA says it isn’t even chocolate
This comment is, like, a midterm exam for my restraint, right?
I shall not take the bait.
I shall not take the bait.
I shall not take the bait.
Oh go ahead. You know you want to.
And it was chocolate wasn’t it?-not the chili, the cake. After all a day without chocolate is like..well a day without chocolate.
ya should’a been chocolate inc eh?
Oh ja, it was chocolate alrighty.
I’m here CI — Just got home from work. Woo Hoo. I’m sooooooooo glad to be home.
I see you’ve continued the ‘theme’ from the previous cafes… You guys crack me up.
Yes, Oliva is there is a ‘weenie’ theme…and just 4 Today I will make fun of weenies…and less fattening than eating them.
Weenie is such a fun word. You can’t not smile when you hear it.
I was just thinking of all kinds of things to say about kosher weenies but then I heard my mother going “Andrea!” and they all went right out of my head.
We actually only eat kosher weenies. Hebrew National. And I allow myself only 2 or 3 in a year’s time, because I’m really afraid of what’s inside hot dogs.
We are twins! On the rare occasion that I eat a weenie (yeah, that’s right, I said it), kosher is an absolute requirement.
You know, that’s odd. I thought only married people lost their fondness for weenies.
I can’t speak for anyone else, of course, but all it took for me was an introduction to another food group.
I can only imagine what that other food group was.
Actually I don’t like weenies; I like knockwurst — much tastier and meatier which is probably why I’ve never lost my taste for them.
My German heritage has steered me to keilbasa or bratwurst. In fact, I had a big keilbasa dinner the night I went into labor with my first child. It wasn’t pretty.
::passes out::
It’s your fault — this has all been pent up for week waiting for your return.
I promise not to let the Cafe crew get so under-serviced again in the future.
THat’s assuming you were talking about hot dogs. And not, like, Jerry Seinfeld’s weenie. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
but I can’t help it … Here is the perfect roasting stick for this weenie roast: I’m not posting the image b/c it’s not ‘polite’
That is definitely polite enough for us!
Your ‘canadian’ is showing — rude, crude, and lewd ‘murican don’t worry none about bein’ polite.
Are the fumes emitted by new plywood dangerous? Because it smells awfully chemical-y in here and I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. I’m thinking I should take the lovebird up to the third floor so I don’t find him feet up in the morning.
I would say yes, and to be on the safe side that would be a good idea.
Jeez, how long does it take to wear off? This is crazy bad.
Hey, I just read Family Man’s comment and now I’m worried about you. Open windows and make your kids stand around and fan fresh air into your house!
Yep, what IndyLib said.
Yeah, what the hell?! Why do they make interior wood smell this awful?
I do have the windows open and I’m freezing my ass off. Sorry to you people in the north, but I’ve softened since I’ve been down south™ and 42 feels colder than a witch’s…well you know.
SN I would definitely say yes. The glues or bonding agents contain Phenol formaldehyde resin. It’s probably the formaldehyde that is giving you a headache. I went to Wikipedia did a search on plywood. If it’s that strong I would try and get some fresh air in there.
Take Care
FamilyMan I was thinking about you today because I found myself listening to a station that was playing traditional Irish music while I was driving into work.
Hi Maryb – Thanks for thinking of me. Actually I thought of you earlier when in the mid-south meet up thread it was suggested Memphis or St. Louis. I pulled for Memphis since I grew up near there, but St. Louis was running a very close second.
I saw the posting on the Midwest thread earlier and I’m glad you reminded me to respond — I love going to Memphis. Better barbeque than St. Louis. I’m going to do that now.
Thanks for checking FamilyMan. Any word on how long it lasts? It’s definitely interior wood (wainscot) so you’d think it wouldn’t last that long. But geez.
SN I don’t really know. But I do know it will be off gasing for a while. I would give a best guess at a day or more. If you’ve ever had new carpet down, which also contains formaldehyde, it will be about the same lenght of time. Hope that helps and get that fresh air in there.
can you paint it with varathane or something to seal it. I met people in CA who claimed to have allergies related to outgassing of plywood, and particularly particle board. I think there is some concern as others have mentioned. So get fresh air, paint it, or remove if symptoms persist…
Thanks. I am very sensitive to smells. Gasoline, perfume, exhaust fumes, chemicals…they all give me a headache. I’m like the canary in the coal mine.
Hello? (she says, not sure if she’s in the cafe or at an orgy — or both).
Hello Mary! We need a change of subject badly. How was work today?
Work was OK — kind of quiet since many clients had the day off.
I’m a little tired because I spent the weekend in Chicago and didn’t get back until about 8:00 last night.
That reminds me of an episode of Friends where Joey is obsessed with this homemade jam that Monica’s made. Finally Chandler asks him something like, “Okay, I have to ask, a really hot girl, or jam?” and illustrates the question by holding his hands out to each side of himself as though to present the two options. Joey grins and goes, “Put your hands together.”
Kind of like having your cake and eating it too. (in all senses of the word?)
I hate to cry uncle after having so much fun here today but I have to go do something constructive-like take a bath and get ready to watch the Golden Globes..and see if I can sit through Joan/Melissa’s red carpet idiocy…I usually turn the sound off on them.
I’m going stop by Susan’s front page thread for the Golden Globes. You should check in too. Then we can compare notes.
What to watch? Golden Globes, or 24? :::whine:::
…Sens are in Minnesota. 🙂
Gore on CSPAN now, just started at 7PM CST
until you tell us what the picture is.
I’ve got the volume up, and recording, so I don’t need to watch, ha ha ha
This cafe just got closed. We’ll be expecting you at the new cafe to tell all. See ya’ there.
so it’s a horse drawn drill. Drill = machine that has a box that holds the grain and meters it slowly into the seed bed as the machine moves ahead.
The handles sticking up were held by the driver who operated the machine.
The long V shaped box was wood and has pretty much rotted away, making id-ing more difficult…
Closing time, folks. Got the TV lounge open.