… or leaning left, perhaps to grab onto a wall … whatever … he’s damn good tonight. And, you know, like Andrew Sullivan, Hitchens has moral grounding and a hatred of torture and invasions of privacy that any true conservative or liberal would treasure simply because it’s the decent thing to believe …

Although I am named in this suit [the ACLU suit filed today] in my own behalf, I am motivated to join it by concerns well beyond my own. I have been frankly appalled by the discrepant and contradictory positions taken by the Administration in this matter. First, the entire existence of the NSA’s monitoring was a secret, and its very disclosure denounced as a threat to national security. […]

We have recently learned that the NSA used law enforcement agencies to track members of a pacifist organisation in Baltimore. This is, first of all, an appalling abuse of state power and an unjustified invasion of privacy, uncovered by any definition of “national security” however expansive. It is, no less importantly, a stupid diversion of scarce resources from the real target. It is a certainty that if all the facts were known we would become aware of many more such cases of misconduct and waste.

We are, in essence, being asked to trust the state to know best. What reason do we have for such confidence? The agencies entrusted with our protection have repeatedly been shown, before and after the fall of 2001, to be conspicuous for their incompetence and venality. No serious reform of these institutions has been undertaken or even proposed: ….

Read it all. When he’s good, he’s very, very good …