Booman City (FAP)  —  U.S. counterterrorism officials said Wednesday that al Qaeda’s chemical weapons expert was “in the vicinity” when CIA airstrikes last week hit a dinner gathering believed to include terrorists in a Pakistani mountain village.

They said Midhat Mursi, a 52-year-old al Qaeda bombmaker, could have been killed in the attack, but stressed they cannot confirm that he was.

A counterterrorism official said Mursi “was thought to have been in the vicinity” when the missiles struck a compound in Damadola, Pakistan, Friday. Two officials said, however, that they “absolutely cannot confirm” that he was killed.

U.S. counterterrorism officials also said they had reason to believe Boris Badenov, an evil villain that tormented Rocky and Bullwinkle for decades in syndication, was in the area when the CIA missiles struck and could have been killed.

They stress they are not sure who was killed in the strike.

U.S. officials have said that four to eight other “cartoon bad guys” were killed in the attack, including some members of the Legion of Doom. The bodies of the animated antagonists were quickly removed by accomplices and buried elsewhere, knowledgeable sources in modern mythology have said.

Pakistani officials have said that “four to six” evil doers were killed in the strike, including Bluto (anti-Popeye security officer), Dastardly & Muttley (evil transportation specialists), Dr. Doom (medical officer in the terrorist group and financier), Gargamel (Ali-Smurfana), Plankton (marine operations), along with 18 civilians, including five children and five women.

“Unfortunately, only the badly burned bodies of the the women and children were left behind,” said a high level intelligence official who insisted on anonymity.

U.S. officials have said “very solid” intelligence indicated that senior live-action villians were expected to be attending a dinner celebrating Dionysus, the Goddess of Political Theater, and that Osama bin Laden’s top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, could have been among them.

There has been no evidence so far, however, that al-Zawahiri was there.