Breaking News. 6 of 8 female detainess have been released in Iraq. This bodes well for the fate of Jill Carroll IMO.
Iraq’s ministry of justice has told the BBC that six of the eight women being held by coalition forces in Iraq have been released early.
The six were freed because there was insufficient evidence to charge them, a justice ministry spokesman said.
The US forces have refused to confirm the releases, but say they would not be based on any operational activities.
The six were freed because there was insufficient evidence to charge them.
Oooh, there’s an idea. Freeing people because there is insignificant evidence to hold them. I bet the folks in Gitmo and those CIA prisons are partying today…
Wait. We don’t free people just because we have no evidence! This is post 9-11 Bushworld. What’s going on here? It looks like we “don’t negotiate with terrorists” unless they’ve taken a beautiful young woman…
… FYI, I think this is serious and we should do whatever we can to save her life, and also to free all wrongly imprisoned people and get out of Iraq.
I just find the Government’s inconsistent messages stunning…
I agree completely. We need to get out of Iraq, and I find the government’s inconsistencies stunning. They say there will be less violence in 2006. Then someone else says there will be more violence in 2006. They say the violence is because the insurgents are desperate. Go figure that one out!
On Jan. 6 has a headline “As Attacks Rise, U.S. Officials Insist Insurgency is ‘Dying'”; then on the same day U.S. Generald George Casey said Iraq is not on the verge of civil war. That was followed on Jan. 10 with AP headlines reading “Bush Predicts More Testing in Iraq in 2006”. It is clear, and has been for a long time, that these guys are flying by the seat of their pants and winging it all the way. Their Iraq policy is made up as they go along. I don’t listen to much they say anymore and complete tune out Bremer, Wolfowitz, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Casey, and others. It is hard to find anybody in this administration with any credibility whatsoever. John Murtha has credibility and so do John Conyers and Maxine Waters. Howard Dean and Russ Feingold do too, but none of these are members of the Bush administration or active members of the military high brass.
That aside, whatever works to get Jill Carroll out works for me, and I haven’t forgotten about the 4 CPT members being held hostage as well as others.