How ’bout you? Oh, let’s do it … McLellan’s press briefing begins momentarily on C-SPAN 1. Update [2006-1-19 12:51:53 by susanhu]: (Uh oh, the Dick has upstaged him and is live on CNN/MSNBC.) Update [2006-1-19 12:54:52 by susanhu]: Scottie has now preempted Dick and is on C-Span.
P.S. I was so glad to hear from Osama! ’bout time! He never even called to wish us Americans a Merry Really-Christian Christmas! (Tis funny, though, how he pops up whenever the administration is under heat for its illegal spying activities and ineffective real-world anti-terrorism measures.) And this wasn’t very nice of him:
… Osama bin Laden warned that al Qaeda was preparing new attacks inside the United States, but said the group was open to a conditional truce with Americans, .. The operations are under preparation and you will see them in your houses as soon as they are complete, God willing, …
But this wasn’t bad:
In the tape, bin Laden said al Qaeda was willing to respond to U.S. public opinion supporting an American troop pullout from Iraq. He did not specify conditions for the truce, but indicated it was linked to U.S. troops quitting Iraq.
“We have no objection to responding to this with a long term truce based on fair conditions.” ..
Think Osama will win the Nobel Peace Prize someday? (Hey, don’t laugh! Henry Kissinger won it! So did a former (?) terrorist Yasser Arafat.)
Update [2006-1-19 13:46:48 by susanhu]: Raw Story has linked this important piece, “Iraq war could create a new bin Laden,” about the views of bin Laden expert Peter Bergen: “Drawing parallels between the Iraq war and the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s, journalist and terrorism analyst Peter Bergen believes that the terror blowback from the Iraq war will be “particularly vicious …”
I’m waiting for it also. Lately he’s been on guard. Is it Dick Gregory from MSNBC? He’s been very direct with his questions but Scottie rarely answers him.
That’s not his name but i think I know who you mean … young-ish wide-jawed face with some premature gray? David Gregory? (Dick Gregory was a black comedian, best I recall.)
Yeah, it is Dave not Dick.
Scottie is such a robot.
jerry has the best story about Dick Gregory and the Zapruder tape.
he told me about it when we went to the conference.
Tactical link between the tape release + strikes?
A : We’re analyzing the tape.
Continue going after them “to BRING THEM TO JUSTICE.”
(I love that phrase.)
“It’s a struggle of ideologies …”
Huh. I didn’t know that WE were ideologues. Well, the WH is … but the rest of us?
Iwe started the War in Iraw and WE BROUGHT THE TERRORISTS to Iraq …
A :: that’s a misunderstanding of the war on terrorism … suppressed brutal regime …. Iraq is the central front on terrorism, says Al-Z … our defeat of them in Iraq will be a major blow …
it’s been a major breeding ground where people have flown planes into buildings …
Bin Laden does seem to have good timing- Bush needs a diversion from the Democrats Reform grouping and Gore’s speech.
We’ve worked very closely with Pakistan …
THE PRESIDENT DIDN”T LEARN ABout the Osama tape until after millions of Americans had heard it on the news!
Q is attacking Scottie for Bush’s not being informed, for contradicting his vows to go after Osama …
(I can’t type fast enough.)
Bin Laden does not want our troops out of Iraq. He has just enough brains to know its his best recruitment tool. He just puts it in his propoganda so that dimwit bush and his chickenhawk cronies will be more hell bent on staying. Remember BL was born rich so he’s been fucking with people for as long as bush. Both these assholes would sacrifice every poor soul between Pakistan and the US to sooth their pig egos. All the time wondering if their gods are watching them and will give them paradise for being so faithful. bush and bin laden two rich assholes.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone put it like that. Very striking thinking … and very true.
Thanks Susan class wars are wars worth fighting! They are all out to get us. Its code red everyday! 🙂
April 1, 2006
New Warning from bin Laden
In an audiotape released today by al-Jazeera, Osama bin-Laden warned that President Bush and Vice President Cheney must on no account jump off a cliff holding hands…
April 2, 2006
Bush Warns Against Giving In To Terrorists
“This man hates everything America stands for. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. If we do what he asks, the terrorists will have won,” the President said in a speech to 500 Marines at…
White House aides were observed touring the mountain states yesterday in search of suitable cliffs…
The Pakistani people are SEEING THE GENEROSITY of the Ameican people as they recover from the earthquake … (huh … I could have sworn I saw Jan Egelund just recently begging for some kind of decent financial reponse …)
Q ” admin’s priorities are upside down .. not concentrating on Osama bin Laden …
A : you are ignoring a lot of what the president has said … some view this is more of a law enforcement matter …. this is about an ideology, this is an ideological struggle … terrorists want to spread throughout Middle East … they want to deny people religious freedom … Take the fight to the enemy and spread freedom.
A 9/11 taught us that we MUST CONFRONT tthreats before the attacks reach our shores ….
Q : Pak’s M is trying to appease his other allies?
A: we’re working with M ….
Q: If this shows bin Laden is alive, you say he’s on the run, can you say he’s been marginalized?
A: He’s clearly on the run, because of the fact that we’re taking the fight to the enemy … now they knwo they cannot take fight to the CIVILIZED WORLD
I’m bad at this — sorry — can’t type fast enough.
Q:: NO ONE WILL: CHALLENGE Al GORE on how he advocated the CLIPPER CHIP project during the Clinton administration?
(Who’s this winger questioner? No camera on him.)
Q” Will president address Clinton’s “plantation remark” — and will she speak at teh next Republican convention?
Who is this whacko?
His first name is Les. …. Scottie just let him rant on. But of course.
Jeff Gannon’s replacement
Think Osama will win the Nobel Peace Prize someday? (Hey, don’t laugh! Henry Kissinger won it!)
Now this will draw a smile on my face any time.
For me the coincidence is Aberaham going to the WH and then the OBL warning.
attack us anymore? If we stay in Iraq our soldiers will continue to die and die and we will continue to lose and lose and kill more innocents and kill more innocents and Al Qaida will attack us again on our own soil to boot? George is so fucking stupid. Did he just get his politically savvy ass handed to him by a kidney dead dragging a dialysis machine over the toughest terrain in the world most expensive piece of hide on the planet or not? It’s just sad to watch this play out daily and point and say, “That’s my president!”
Isn’t it embarrassing … whenever I think that people around the world are seeing him and think we elected him, I just am embarrassed and hang my head in shame.
Ya know…when I heard about the OBL tape this morning the first freaken thing I thought was here we go again. The Repugs are in deep shit and out of no where comes OBL. I ahve been waiting for this and was wondering what took Rove so long. Bring out the Boogieman…scare tactic crap! OBL says he will attack it is just a matter of time. What? Is Darth Cheney feeding him his lines? I don’t believe a frickin word that come sout of any mouth associated with the WH. Jack Ambromhoff….calling Jack. Who did you give up to the special prosecuter and how scared are they to bring Osama out of the caves? Gotta love it. The sad part is the 37% that still believe this crap.
It sound’s like a made-up bunch of crap. I don’t believe it. Take this,
“So both sides can enjoy security and stability under this truce so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been destroyed in this war.” (link)
Like the big O would ever care about US security and stability.
Not buying it.
the dumbest of the dumbasses from dumbass right now. If Bush says anything about staying the course, shit, whatever he says he just looks like a dumbass loser!
He really doesn’t have to say anything does he?
It’s kind of funny, in a sick and twisted way.
The only thing he can really say is “That tape’s a fake,” isn’t it?
Voice cloning software has been around for a long time and even ATT had a big announcement in Aug, 2001 boasting of the potential uses and abuses of it. Their product was called Natural Voice and could develop the vocals from text.
…whoever it is sounds ridiculous.
“If I were president, I would stop the attacks on the United States: First I would apologize to all the widows and orphans and those who were tortured. Then I would announce that American interference in the nations of the world has ended,” he said. (link)
If he was president of what? This doesn’t even make sense. Is he saying the US president should stop attacking the US? Or is he saying if he were president of something else that is attacking the US he would stop if the US president did the following:… Maybe he’s saying he wants to be president of the US.
Maybe it’s a translation issue. Maybe I’m crazy for spending so much time on this. Back to work…
This is as believable as the tape…and more entertaining too.
Thanks dada.
Does the mother of all terrorists mean on our tv or is al qaeda going to get control of something else that is piped into our houses? Oh paranoia, Osama is your friend.
I noticed that one too.
I thought, in terms of psy-ops, it was a threat to the two legislative houses.
…which would lend credence to the psy-ops view of OBL’s videos/timing. don’t forget the anthrax that went to liberals when the patriot act was first brought forth.
and now the dems are trying to stop those midnight rider sessions that have passed so much onerous legislation.
(btw, that’s the exact strategy the religious right used on school boards…they would argue and argue until ppl got worn out and went home and then were able to bring their ppl into power…and vote in their projects, like intelligent design, etc. they’ve admitted it, tho I cannot remember where I saw that one.)
I find it hard to believe that bin Laden has such bad timing…unless HE wants Bush to keep screwing up everything because it’s like free recruitment for Al Q.
That’s the new translation I heard on PBS and it makes more sense in the context of bin Laden’s entire speech.
Bush has played into OBL’s hands as far as recruitment for al qaeda goes.
Looks like the tape can be dated Nov. 2005 from OBL’s references.
Chilling indeed.
enough. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble for that. I distinctly heard him say at least two sentences that did not include it, in direct conflict with the memo.