Marrying for money, it turns out, works. A study by an Ohio State University researcher shows that a person who marries — and stays married — accumulates nearly twice as much personal wealth as a person who is single or divorced.
And for those who divorce, it’s a bit more expensive than giving up half of everything they own. They lose, on average, three-fourths of their personal net worth.
“Getting married for a few years and then getting divorced is clearly not the path to financial independence,” said Jay Zagorsky, whose study divided married couples’ assets so they could be compared with singles.
Airline passengers who buy a preapproved security pass could have their credit histories and property records examined as part of the government’s plan to turn over the Registered Traveler program to private companies, federal officials say.
The Registered Traveler card would let frequent fliers go through airport security lines more quickly if they pay a fee, pass a government background check and submit 10 fingerprints, according to a federal official familiar with the program’s details, which were being announced Friday. The program will begin June 20…
Sounds like a swell idea, doesn’t it? The wealthy can travel in peace, while those of lesser means can be felt up, er “screened”, in those lng airport lines. One step closer to an iron curtain lifestyle…
My good friend, who was not wearing a bra, had to open up her blouse in front of everyone passing through security at our local airport. The buttons on her blouse were metallic in some way. Since there were no female inspectors to do that lovely “pat down”, it was “flash ’em, baby!” She was mortified – not in the least because her two little girls had to witness this lovely event.
For some reason, I’m always targeted for the SSSS pat down when I fly with my children (I’m suspiscious that it has something to with our different last names). It scares them every time; the TSA people shoo the kids away from me and tell them not to touch me, and then proceed with wanding me between the legs and swabbing my laptop…ick.
I stopped wearing button-fly levis @ airports two years ago. TSA said both buttons and rivets set off the machines. But this year half the people going through were walking through with no problem. Whaddaya know.
I fly too. When I leave Alabama they search my luggage too and I find these tags in them that they were searched. I used to think it was my last name also, it’s probably because they are watching us and have decided we fit some kind of profile of an emerging terrorist. Menstruating Shedevils!
Yup- same thing happened to me– metal buttons on a sweater- as IF that was not –um visible???? I got to go to a private room- but that was the last time I flew– NO MORE.
A slimy jellyfish weighing as much as a sumo wrestler has Japan’s fishing industry in the grip of its poisonous tentacles.
Vast numbers of Echizen kurage, or Nomura’s jellyfish, have appeared around Japan’s coast since July, clogging and ripping fishing nets and forcing fishermen to spend hours hacking them apart before bringing home their reduced catches.
Representatives of fishing communities around the country gathered in Tokyo on Thursday, hoping to thrash out solutions to a pest that has spread from the Japan Sea to the Pacific coast.
“It’s a terrible problem. They’re like aliens,” Noriyuki Kani of the fisheries federation in Toyama, northwest of Tokyo, told Reuters ahead of the conference.
Actually, I’ve got a diary on the state of the oceans and what we can do about it in the outline stage, and had planned to include the “jellyfish blooms” occurring around the world in the discussion, so this link is especially timely! 🙂
And for your kindness, here’s a piece from Grist, the site that combines environmental coverage with daily snark (If we’re gonna die, we might as well die laughing, right?).
Zoo Peeper
Jacko gets a pass on conditions at his private zoo
If there’s one subject we like writing about more than cow poop, it’s the narcissistic hijinks of our celebrity overlords. If they are 90 percent synthetic, all the better. Speaking of: Seems Michael Jackson has been cleared of charges of mistreating the menagerie of exotic animals he keeps at Neverland Ranch. PETA filed the complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture after hearing reports that the critters — including elephants and orangutans — were being plied with “Jesus juice” and snuggled … no wait, wrong story. PETA charged that the animals were living in substandard conditions. But the USDA says the beasts and their environs were in good shape when an inspector visited last December. PETA doesn’t buy it. “It’s especially concerning when a celebrity keeps wild animals,” says PETA spokesflack Lisa Wathne, “as that promotes the whole concept of wild animals as pets to the public.”
Somehow, I didn’t think this rated up there with “today’s science headlines” but I wanted to work it in somehow. ;-D
I’ve heard jellyfish reported to be a sign of overfishing; the top end of ecological niches being cleared out, they move in, which makes it more difficult for fish populations to rebound.
For 25 years, Maria Victoria Torres put up with daily physical and emotional abuse from her husband. He would punch and kick her, pull her hair, call her names and even lock her in a dark room for days on end.
“I took it, I endured, I forgave too much until, one day, I crashed,” says the soft-spoken mother of two. “In Chile, domestic abuse is so common, it’s seen as a normal part of marital problems. People assume a husband has the right to do whatever he wants with his wife. I even had people tell me I probably like being hit.”
But Torres says Chile’s new law criminalizing domestic abuse–which took effect Oct. 1 after legislators’ unanimous approval–gives her hope that women won’t face the obstacles she did.
In Chile, only 1 in 3 women work outside the home and divorce was legalized just over a year ago, in 2004.
But on Jan. 16, hundreds of thousands of Chileans took to the streets of Santiago to celebrate the election of Michelle Bachelet, their first female president.
Entire families cheered and waved banners, and grandmothers could be seen throwing confetti. One cluster of ecstatic women cried out, “Go Michelle! With a woman in power we’re gonna clean up this mess men have left in our country. We’re gonna clean house.”
What a great article Andi! From the link, this is interesting:
Wendy Murphy, a law professor at Boston’s New England School of Law, hails Chile’s criminalization of psychological violence–not even illegal in the United States–as extremely progressive.
Under the new law, physical abuse leading to serious injury can be punished with penalties of 10 to 15 years in prison. Abuse is defined as mistreatment affecting either physical or psychological integrity.
The law has made repeated psychological violence a crime, defined as habitual verbal or emotional violence that by its repetition makes criminal a combination of acts not otherwise considered crimes. Punishment ranges from fines, to between 61 and 541 days in prison.
Chilean officials argue that now that women have gained the courage to come forward, the state must follow up by giving them the tools to escape their situation. (emphasis mine)
Every year on the Roe anniversary, anti-choice protesters make their way to Washington, DC and harass women going to local clinics.
The DC Abortion Fund is doing something about it; they’re raising money for low-income women who can’t afford abortions:
In April of 2005, the DC Abortion Fund sponsored our first Pledge-a-Protester campaign to fight back against the anti-choice protesters and we raised almost $2,000 in just over a week! This year we are running the campaign during Roe with a goal of $5,000 and need your help to secure women’s access to reproductive health care in light of increasing threats from the Supreme Court and the Alito nomination. And with this year’s matching grant from a generous donor, every dollar raised is doubled.
By pledging a protester, you’re committing a certain dollar amount for every anti-choice protester (don’t worry, you can put a cap on your maximum donation!).
Thanks for taking the initiative with this, CabinGirl!
On the lighter side (seeing as it’s Friday and all)
In Headingley, Leeds, UK, Chris Taylor, 30, thought it was suspicious that his girlfriend’s cell phone rang and their pet African grey parrot Ziggy would say, as if on queue, “Hi ya, Gary” – – – but his suspicions were fully aroused when he was cuddling with Suzy Collins, 25, on the couch in their apartment and Ziggy leaned over and whispered in Suzy’s ear (and apparently in a perfect imitation of Suzy’s voice), “I love you, Gary.” – – – Suzy has been kicked out, and Ziggy, who Chris acquired eight years ago as a chick – but who continued uttering Gary’s name in what sounded like Suzy’s voice — has a new home as well – – -.
I’m still freaking out over Bush trying to get Google to turn over our search records. I don’t know about you guys, but some of the stuff I’ve searched on is downright embarrassing, though probably not what they’re looking for.
Just the other day I got stuck watching the last two minutes of the Tony Danza show while waiting for The View. I’ve always kind of liked Tony Danza, remember Who’s the Boss? Then my daughter says that she can’t look at him without getting grossed out that he used to be a porn star and “invented” the Danza Slap. Of course I had to Google it, and, may I just say, Yuck.
Oh, you’d be surprised what you can learn just by listening to a group of young women and men at 2:37 AM–usually the guys. Especially if you’re not sleeping with them.
Which of course, makes you all the more relieved that you’re not. :<)
Wiki doesn’t talk about his porn star turn, but the first line of his bio reads.
See Donkey punch for details on the sex move.
And yes, it is painful. I’d respond in kind if some asshole tried that.
Every progressive site I visit today is all speculation about Bin Laden. I’m scared because all we seem to do is enjoy the show – chew over the latest outrage and conspiracy. Please don’t waste one of the last days before the Repuglicans take posession of the last remaining branch of our government. I’m recommending judybrowni’s diary and posting yesterday’s notice from the People’s Email Network:
We have gotten many emails from our participants, asking “what more can we do?”
Some have reported senators arbitrarily turning off their answering machines at
night, or long waits on hold. Are they trying to hide from the thousands and
thousands of their constituents who are raising their voices to demand that they
filibuster the evasive Alito? Even if you have already sent your personal
message by email or made some phone calls, we have added a FABULOUS extra
function to the main action page where you can instantly lookup all your
senators local district offices phone and fax numbers with just one click.
If the other side can have a so-called “Justice Sunday”, we can have our own
“Filibuster Friday”, and that day is tomorrow. In just the last 24 hours we
have seen a major shift in momentum. Today, Senator Leahy came out with a very
strong statement that he recognizes the immense threat to our freedom and
democracy in allowing a dangerous and unpopular president to install a fifth and
controlling vote to hold that our Constitution actually intended to create an
executive dictatorship. Tomorrow we need to show our support for those senators
who are starting to stand up now by hitting every phone they’ve got right down
to the district level with our phone calls and faxes. Get all your numbers with
one easy click at
Those you who like to call in to progressive radio programs, we have all their
call in numbers too at the site above in the right column. Call them and ask
them to talk up Filibuster Friday all day and night long! Let’s start early and
snowball the thing all day long. Ask them to give out the easy to say and
remember URL above as much as possible. Senators have said they are “undecided”
on a filibuster. But we the American people HAVE decided and all our senators
have to do it get it.
Some senators who are too still too cowardly to demand a filibuster are saying
they will make Alito an issue in the 2006 election. It’ll be an issue alright,
in their OWN primaries! Any officeholder who will not stand up for this one must
never hold public office in any capacity ever again. And the difference is
whether you will stand up YOURSELF right now and make those calls to their local
district offices. Make calls to the toll-free numbers 888-355-3588,
888-818-6641 and 800-426-8073 if you can get through there too.
It is not enough to vote “No.” They must vote “Hell, NO!” It’s called a
filibuster. Filibuster Friday.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be
ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Some days the science headlines are nothing but bad news. Today is not one of those days, fortunately. I needed a jolt of some hopeful news…
NASA finally managed to successfully launch its space probe to Pluto and the Kuiper belt, after two days of delays due to weather. The trip to Pluto will take nine years, but there will be a system test en route at Jupiter next year. Exploration of the Kuiper belt beyond Pluto will add an additional five years at least to the mission. “To make a decision to work in the field of space science is almost the ultimate in delayed gratification,” NASA administrator Michael Griffin quipped to reporters at a briefing Tuesday.
Researchers say “don’t blame the plants.” A few days ago, there was a news story that plants can release the greenhouse gas methane, as well as absorb carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas. Some seized on this information to question the efficacy of planting forests to sequester carbon, not to mention global warming as a whole and the Kyoto protocol. But the researchers involved say this is a misinterpretation of their work, that sequestration in plants is still a viable approach to addressing global warming.
A new and far less polluting process for tanning leather has been developed in India; leather tanning has been a heavily polluting industry, so this process, which reverses the order of the 15 steps used currently and eliminates some, may revolutionize the industry.
The largest study to date, conducted in the UK, has found no connection between cell phone use and brain cancer, contradicting earlier studies in Sweden (2004) and the Netherlands (2003). Epidemiologists say it will take a decade to resolve the conflicting results with certainty.
Today must be epidemiology day; here’s another epidemiology story. If this pans out it would be good news:
Swedish researchers in Vietnam have found that there may be much more transmission of bird flu going on from poultry to humans than previously realized, with most people becoming only mildly ill. Also, it appears that the contact has to be direct contact with sick or dead poultry.
This isn’t to say that the virus might not mutate into a form that is transmissible directly between people, but it may mean we’re starting form a place of lower virulence than previously thought – we’ll still have a pandemic, but potentially less deadly.
Since we’re potentially stuck with Bush for three more years as of today, here’s a story that’s directly useful: People who eat more vegetable protein have lower blood pressure than people whose protein source is primarily meat.
Thursday, UN officials released the final five volumes of the UN’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an ambitious four-year attempt to explore the relationship between the environment and human development. Their conclusion is that the world in 2050 might not be too bad – IF we get our act together and start doing the right things. Since I’ll be 91 in 2050, if I’m still here at all, I find that comforting news. They describe four scenarios and the potential fallout from each. The trajectory we are currently on under the Bush administration, not surprisingly, is the one that produces the poorest prognosis.
Another very positive story on Al Gore’s upcoming documentary on climate change, to be shown at Sundance. I’ve got my popcorn ready!
OK, you knew the good news fest couldn’t last – here’s back to more normal fare:
Researchers have found that bottled water in PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles leach toxic antimony into the water. (The antimony is likely present as a catalyst from the manufacture of the plastic.) Not enough to hurt you, manufacturers rebut. This will be a story we’ll be hearing a lot about in the future. In the meantime, you can bottle your own tap or filtered water into a non-PET container (those plastic bottle you see bikers and other sporting-types using are typically polyethylene or lexan) and take it with you. But wash it well between uses.
Another US government cover-up of unpleasant environmental news: From the Washington Post:
Documents released under a court order show that a government investigator studying the stranding of 37 whales on the North Carolina coast last year changed her draft report to eliminate all references to the possibility that naval sonar may have played a role in driving the whales ashore. [snip]
In her initial April 2005 preliminary report on the deaths, Teri Rowles, coordinator of the National Marine Fisheries Service’s stranding response program, described injuries to seven of the whales that “may be indicative” of damage related to the loud blasts of sound from active sonar.
She also noted that one of the injuries — air bubbles in the liver of a pilot whale — had been reported in mass strandings in the Bahamas and Canary Islands associated with sonar activity.
The largest study to date, conducted in the UK, has found no connection between cell phone use and brain cancer, contradicting earlier studies in Sweden (2004) and the Netherlands (2003). Epidemiologists say it will take a decade to resolve the conflicting results with certainty.
I bet longer. This was HUGE during my grad program. I had a professor who was involved in some of these large, international commissions to study the effects of cell phones and cancer (and power lines and cancer too). It was quite a heated topic for debate throughout the whole semester. One of the more interesting branches of the science: risk assessment. And the type of data you have to work with makes it very challenging. A lot of scope for debate.
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Jan. 18, 2005 — Iceland has energy to spare, and the small country has found a cutting-edge way to reduce its oil dependency. Volcanoes formed the island nation out of ash and lava, and molten rock heats huge underground lakes to the boiling point.
The hot water — energy sizzling beneath the surface — is piped into cities and stored in giant tanks, providing heat for homes, businesses and even swimming pools.
Iceland has already started by turning water into fuel — hydrogen fuel.
Here’s how it works: Electrodes split the water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Hydrogen electrons pass through a conductor that creates the current to power an electric engine.
Hydrogen fuel now costs two to three times as much as gasoline, but gets up to three times the mileage of gas, making the overall cost about the same.
As an added benefit, there are no carbon emissions — only water vapor.
You’re welcome! After seeing JanetStrange and ask and some other folks wishing for something like Fran’s European Breakfast I figured we may as well try it.
The head of an association of independent gasoline stations in Illinois says they may shut down in the event of another disaster similar to Hurricane Katrina.
That way, they won’t be subject to accusations of price gouging, like those leveled by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, said William Fleischli, executive vice president of the Illinois Petroleum Marketers Association.
Not sure what I think about this, but I thought I’d pass it along since the idea may spread to other states.
Just got a political phone call from one of my most important representatives, over a deathly important issue!
Rep. Steve King of Iowa called.(Note: I live in Michigan)
He wanted to alert me to the horrifying fact that the UN is planning to outlaw individual ownership of guns, world wide. And their next step will be to confiscate guns, right here in the US of A. SO
He is asking my support of the Second Amendment Protection Act, which he says will make this illegal. It will, furthermore, demand that the UN stop/eliminate/rescind any such action with XX number of days, or else the US of A will remove all funding for the United Nations.
So there!. I’m finally in on the ground floor with a truly important issue. Our Second Amendment Needs Protection.
Glad to see the Iowa state lege is on the case. However, they still aren’t doing as well for political entertainment as ours (TX), always the champion in this arena. Last summer, after umpteen special sessions to try to get our schools funded, all our House could come up with was a bill to ban sexy cheerleaders.
Since our R-dominated lege sees its only function as cutting taxes, well, funding schools is just too hard.
Are you sure that’s at all legit? It sounds like some kind of anti-UN scare tactic to me… especially since the UN has no such authority in the first place. But it would be a great propaganda move to build support for the US non-payment of UN dues… just tell people the UN wants to take their guns! Just like the Republicans were telling them the Democrats would do… So it just sounds a bit fishy to me.
No, I think it was legit. My husband is an Iowa alum, we think that’s how we got on an Iowa congressman’s phone list. He is truly a winger – raving on his websites about the evils of immigration. Given the huge decline in population in Iowa, you’d think he’d be delighted to see some new faces there. Actually, the big meat packers import folks from Latin America to work in the packing plants. Dirty, dangerous work, that they can’t get many Iowans to do. He’s invited Tom Tancred of Colorado to speak for him, etc.
The Rev. Fred Phelps, a virulent anti-gay preacher who pickets military funerals with colorful, expletive-laden signs, is drawing attention from Missouri legislators who want to pass a law banning his protests.
Sen. Charlie Shields, R-St. Joseph, has proposed a bill that bars protests at a church, funeral home or cemetery for one hour before and after a funeral.
Shields admits he can’t think of any purpose for the bill besides banning Phelps but says protecting families from the protests is reason enough.
Phelps’ home state of Kansas already has such a law, and Indiana, Illinois and Oklahoma are considering similar measures.
Shields said he does not contest the group’s right to spread its message but rather seeks to protect mourning families while complying with the First Amendment. Phelps has said he would take any such law to court.
INDIANAPOLIS – The Senate advanced a bill Thursday intended to prohibit protests within 500 feet of funerals – legislation that stems from protests by a Kansas-based anti-gay group at Indiana military funerals.
Bush Urges Senate To Give Alito Fair, Quick, Unanimous Confirmation
WASHINGTON, DC–President Bush urged the Senate Monday to act with speed, evenhandedness, and absolute obedience in confirming Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. “Each of you, as servants of the public trust, must consider this man carefully, review his record, and vote ‘yes,'” Bush said. “I ask that you do your duty, and treat this as you would any of my priorities, be they judges, legislation, or wars.”
Bush’s message was not well-received on either side of the aisle, with Democrats accusing him of bullying tactics and Republicans hurt he thought he had to ask.
Not news- but if someone has closer contact w/supersoling than i do– like a phone #- tell him room is ready in DC-for sat & sun nights- I emailed – but sometimes these get lost!
Bailey, a three-month-old Saint Bernard mix, will never be short on attention. After moving into her new home last month, the puppy is getting to know her new owners – all 189 of them.
Bailey is the resident dog at Scenic View Skilled Care Center in Herculaneum, adopted to bring love and care to the center’s nearly 200 residents, many with physical disabilities or Alzheimer’s.
State Rep. Todd Baxter (R) took $36,000 of the illegal DeLay money that the bugman has now been indicted for. Uh-oh, think the R’s – this is gonna look bad come Nov. Pressured Baxter into resigning so that they could get a winger Dellionaire (Bentzin) in with a special election – and have a “clean” R running as an incumbent in Nov.
Didn’t work. Donna Howard (D) took 49.5% of the vote and Kathy Rider (D) took 12%. So, over 60% voted for Dems – in an extremely wealthy (“just cut our taxes!!!”) district. Even though Austin is liberal, this district has been Republican.
Howard missed an outright win by 73 votes (arrgghhh). Holding my breath on the run-off. Unfortunately, the R’s have figured out that Howard way outdid them on turnout – so they’ll be working double time on getting their base out for the runoff.
Wow! Paul Hackett gave it one hell of a run and damn near did it. Will Austin be the one to set the example that these crooks can be beaten on their own turf?
tried to buy the 2004 election. Gimme a fricken break! I remember when we were at Crawford and some jackass (think it was O’wrongly) said that he believed that Cindy Sheehan could do what she was doing because she was being funded by George Soros. That evening everybody sat around who had shown up with some small organization and they all shared their day dreams about being funded by George Soros and ate trail mix!
It seems the Boomers have christened their late middle age stage of life “middlescence” because of all the remaking of careers and lifestyle choices that were once concentrated in youth.
That’s right.
In case you didn’t get the invitation at your summer love-in, we all met at a big rock festival early in the fall and sort of spontaneously thought up a groovy handle to slip our plans past unsuspecting narcs and greedy Wall Street suits.
John Kerry responds to Chris Matthews on Hardball re: CM’s comparison of OBL to Michael Moore:
You’d think the only focus tonight would be on destroying Osama bin Laden, not comparing him to an American who opposes the war whether you like him or not. You want a real debate that America needs? Here goes: If the administration had done the job right in Tora Bora we might not be having discussions…about a new bin Laden tape. How dare Scott McClellan tell America that this Administration puts terrorists out of business, when, had they put Osama bin Laden out of business in Afghanistan when our troops wanted to. we wouldn’t have to hear this barbarian’s voice on tape. That’s what we should be talking about in America.
Rejecting an emotional videotaped plea from a lesbian police lieutenant on the verge of death, Ocean County’s freeholders declined once again on Wednesday to approve a resolution that would let county employees pass on their pension benefits to domestic partners.
In response to critics, he [Gerry P. Little] and the other freeholders laid out several reasons for their decision not to act on a state law allowing local governments to grant benefits to their employees’ domestic partners. Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr. said the cost would be too high. Freeholder John P. Kelly, denying that Lieutenant Hester’s sexual orientation was an issue – over shouts of derision from the audience – said the domestic partnership law was unfair because it did not let siblings or other relatives not married to each other share benefits when they lived together.
Why do I seriously doubt that any of these guys has ever complained about marriage because they thought it was so horribly unfair that it provides benefits that are not extended to siblings or other family relations? These objections only seem to get made when there’s a queer in the room. Of course, Lt. Laurel Hester, the dying officer who is being denied the equal right to provide for her surviving partner — a right to which married heterosexual officers are entitled, and a right that state law allows to be extended to Officer Hester — is not able to be in the room anymore, since she probably only has a few weeks left to live.
It’s at times like these that I regret my lack of religious belief as I would certainly like to pick out a circle of hell for these shitheads and get them reservations.
Ah, I have a Master’s in English and have done my time with that poem so I already knew the proper location for them — they’ll be in the eigth circle in the place reserved for the hypocrites.
Indy, this story is so sad. So frustrating. I had read about Laurel before (via a link from you?).
I just for the life of me cannot understand these people. Not everyone wants to be married. Not everyone who wants to can manage to find Mr/Ms Right and make it work. BUT EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO SHOULD BE ABLE TO TRY! (Sorry to shout.) With all rights, privileges, protections, and yes, all of the emotional and social support that the word “marriage” brings to a relationship.
My only hope is for the future. Most of my daughter’s generation really, truly, seems to think that the dinosaurs opposing gay marriage are out of their tiny minds. The future won’t help Laurel and her partner though.
VANCOUVER — The British Columbia government is promising a review of its cross-border tax collection policies, yet it is not backing down from an attempt to force Costco to turn over data about the purchases of B.C. members at its Alberta stores.
The government wants the information to track down B.C. residents who have avoided paying the 7 per cent sales tax by travelling to Alberta to shop at Costco outlets.
Costco is fighting the demand and has filed court documents that claim it violates the B.C. and Alberta Personal Information Protection Acts. (emphasis mine)
The government is only concerned with citizens who purchased “big-ticket items” in Alberta.
An official in the provincial revenue ministry initially sent a letter to Costco in October, 2003, asking for the names and addresses of B.C. members who made purchases in Alberta stores, dating back to 1998. (emphasis mine)
Are Canadians in general disturbed by this kind of thing? I mean, most Canadians?
I’m disturbed by my sense that too many Canadians are unaware of the dangers of letting what’s happening in my country slowly creep across the border into yours. Not all, of course, but as we have seen here, all it takes is for most people to just not pay attention, and then you wake up and find you have a Maximum Leader who is tapping your phone and declaring that laws don’t apply to him. Cuz he can just say that he’s keeping you safe or something . . .
I worry that most Canadians are saying to themselves, oh no, that can’t happen here. All too often those have been famous last words.
That’s a good question Janet. My own perception is that this story is alarming to people — someone forwarded it on to me in outrage. Of course, I tend to be around those who are of similar nature so that’s not really telling. And our Supreme Court is very pro-individual-rights-minded, so that is also reassuring.
But, I don’t know. I would guess that the great mass of people are not aware — certainly not as aware as we online are — of this stuff. There are some who don’t care, and then there are some who are very pro-Republican ideals.
Our national election is this Monday, and I fear we may be in for a big shock when we wake up Tues morning and realize who our new Prime Minister is.
I hope you all will be able to help us fight when it’s our turn!?!?
Well, if we have too. I was hoping it wouldn’t be necessary.
I am seriously looking at buying a house in Saskatchewan. There are actual houses for sale there for under $10k. I know, I know – I’ve been to North Dakota. There’s a reason those houses are so cheap. But I was figuring . . . even if the weather is miserable and there’s nothing to look at but plowed fields and there’s nothing to do in a small, dying farm community . . . at least I’d have a place to go where there is a sane government.
I’ve even fantasized about all of us BooTribbles getting together and buying a whole town up there – our own Lukenbach! Then it would be OK that there’s nothing to do, because we could just entertain each other talking til the wee hours 😉
Except for the part about sane government, it sounds like home, now.
I vote for Booville and I look forward to exile there one day. heh,…couldn’t you see all of us in a room at computer stations to engage conversation….great idea you have.
one small town (pop. 100-200)I know, ’70s era rambler, with basement,and with garage sold for around $17,000, on a large corner lot.
Businesses still functioning; 1-bank, 1-bar, US Post Office, that’s it.
Businesses idle, but for sale; cafe, convenience store
Some Positives; highspeed internet due to fiber optic cable, very high quality water, city sewer system, friendly folks, virtually zero crime.
Negatives; 10 minutes to nearest grocery store, 10 minutes to nearest gas station, 10 minutes to lumber yard, 30 minutes to hardware/plumbing store, 30 minutes to hospital/clinic, 60 minutes to reliable hospital/clinic, 60 minutes to movie theater, or any other city type cultural activities.
All the above similar throughout rural ND.
If enough of you moved here maybe we could secede from the union.
Feel free to contact email address below if interested in any more details.
Cool sounding little town. I could see it . . . but it’s on the wrong side of the border!
Although I’m sure there are some North Dakotans who’d like to secede, the last time that was tried it worked out very badly.
We just need to find one of those a 100-200 miles north, if that would get us across the border. Maybe even smaller – Luckenbach was pretty much abandoned when Guich and Hondo bought it. (I knew Guich’s sister Marty when we lived in the same dorm in college. So the idea of “buying a town” has a certain real possibility for me.)
Oh and the Koock’s! What a family. Guich and Marty’s mom was Mary Faulk Koock, sister of John Henry Faulk. Marty had hilarious stories of growing up over their restaurant, Green Pastures, and her grandfather the judge who was always bringing home vagrants and hoboes, because “What he really needs is a place to sleep and some good home-cooked food for a few days . . .”
A former Pentagon analyst who gave classified information to an Israeli diplomat and two members of a pro-Israel lobbying group was sentenced Friday to more than 12 years in prison.
Lawrence A. Franklin, 59, a policy analyst whose expertise included Iraq and Iran, pleaded guilty in October to three felony counts in exchange for having three other counts dropped.
In sentencing Franklin, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said the facts of the case led him to believe that Franklin was motivated primarily by a desire to help the United States, not hurt it.
The 12-year, 7-month sentence was on the low end of federal sentencing guidelines.
In regard to the judge’s remarks, it’s clear that Franklin went outside his boundaries of legal action in deciding what was in the best interest of the US. Has the judge also decided for all of us what is best?
WASHINGTON (Haaretz) Jan. 20 — Former Pentagon analyst Larry A. Franklin was sentenced Friday to a 12 years and seven months imprisonment for passing classified information to former American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobbyists.
Franklin was also found guilty of sharing classified information with Israeli diplomat Naor Gilon. He was also fined $10,000.
In sentencing Franklin, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said the facts of the case led him to believe that Franklin was motivated primarily by a desire to help the United States, not harm it.
A shameful political statement by a judge to merit this felony and the urge by Franklin for a more aggressive policy in the Middle East – Iraq War, invasion and occupation – as helpful to the U.S.! I wonder how the families of all innocent victims feel about such an appraisal.
Please read this column from today’s NYT
Some samples
Many of the most respected voices in American evangelical circles blessed the president’s war plans, even when doing so required them to recast Christian doctrine.
Recent polls indicate that 68 percent of white evangelicals continue to support the war.
The Hebrew prophets might call us to repentance, but repentance is a tough demand for a people utterly convinced of their righteousness.
Archaeologists digging beneath the Roman Forum have discovered a 3,000-year-old tomb that pre-dates the birth of ancient Rome by several hundred years.
Etruscan women lie languorously
with what they love
roast little pigs for weddings
serve figs
are equal in all divination
(reading livers of sacrificed animals)
Rome sends young men to Etruscan women
for wisdom
In war propaganda
they called her audacious
on her feet and
dancing the blue striped salute
to his blond hair and red painted body
naked with wine jar
She is survived by her fringed scarf
tossed over a tree limb
Rome’s greed for metals
melting her down
–Kathleen Fraser, fr. “Etruscan Pages,” when new time folds up (Chax Press, 1993)
The last line explicated in a letter later embedded within the poem:
“Lawrence wrote that the Etruscans ‘vanished as completely as flowers’ . . . this language asks for alum. We know that they built everything from their vast and cultivated forests — wooden houses, wooden ships — except for certain bridges and retaining walls . . . and that they wrote most of their texts on wood, saving important inscriptions for metal plates which were probably melted down and re-used by Gauls threatening from the north or the disciplined, war-minded Romans . . .”
Lawyers for a former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney told a federal judge Friday they want to subpoena journalists and news organizations for documents they may have related to the leak of a CIA operative’s name.
In a joint filing with prosecutors, lawyers for I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, 55, warned U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton that a trial likely will be delayed because of their strategy to seek more subpoenas of reporters’ notes and other records.
Libby’s defense team did not disclose the names of reporters or news organizations it wants to subpoena.
The filing provides the most concrete indication yet that a large part of Libby’s trial strategy will be identifying other government officials who knew Plame was a CIA operative and told reporters about it.
The kind of subpoena cited is for documents or records, not testimony. Such subpoenas usually require records to be turned over before trial so the defense team would have a chance to review them. Libby’s team said it expects a delay in the trial while news organizations fight the subpoenas, if Walton agrees to issue them.
But Ruth Grunberg from Cortland, N.Y., told Democrats that her pharmacist’s computer rejected her card on Jan. 1, as if she didn’t even exist, and she spent days trying to rectify the problem.
“I was starting to feel like the people trapped in the incompetency of the response to Katrina,” Grunberg said.
War brings out the patriotic bullies. In World War I, they went around kicking dachshunds on the grounds that dachshunds were “German dogs.” They did not, however, go around kicking German shepherds. The MINUTE someone impugns your patriotism for opposing this war, turn on them like a snarling dog and explain what loving your country really means.
Anyone who hasn’t clicked on CG’s link – maybe this’ll get you to. The title is Molly Ivins: Not. backing. Hillary.
Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Anais Nin
when I was fifteen.
Figures you’d be the one to point that out… 🙂
and the ideal man is Dick Cheney.
Really? Chicago Tribune
Let me see your papers…MSNBC
Sounds like a swell idea, doesn’t it? The wealthy can travel in peace, while those of lesser means can be felt up, er “screened”, in those lng airport lines. One step closer to an iron curtain lifestyle…
My good friend, who was not wearing a bra, had to open up her blouse in front of everyone passing through security at our local airport. The buttons on her blouse were metallic in some way. Since there were no female inspectors to do that lovely “pat down”, it was “flash ’em, baby!” She was mortified – not in the least because her two little girls had to witness this lovely event.
We call her “Flasher” now. . .
For some reason, I’m always targeted for the SSSS pat down when I fly with my children (I’m suspiscious that it has something to with our different last names). It scares them every time; the TSA people shoo the kids away from me and tell them not to touch me, and then proceed with wanding me between the legs and swabbing my laptop…ick.
I stopped wearing button-fly levis @ airports two years ago. TSA said both buttons and rivets set off the machines. But this year half the people going through were walking through with no problem. Whaddaya know.
I fly too. When I leave Alabama they search my luggage too and I find these tags in them that they were searched. I used to think it was my last name also, it’s probably because they are watching us and have decided we fit some kind of profile of an emerging terrorist. Menstruating Shedevils!
Yup- same thing happened to me– metal buttons on a sweater- as IF that was not –um visible???? I got to go to a private room- but that was the last time I flew– NO MORE.
The Bush presidency == The worst kind of protection racket,
Help! Reuters
(Just one for all you science geeks out there.)
Actually, I’ve got a diary on the state of the oceans and what we can do about it in the outline stage, and had planned to include the “jellyfish blooms” occurring around the world in the discussion, so this link is especially timely! 🙂
And for your kindness, here’s a piece from Grist, the site that combines environmental coverage with daily snark (If we’re gonna die, we might as well die laughing, right?).
Somehow, I didn’t think this rated up there with “today’s science headlines” but I wanted to work it in somehow. ;-D
Judging from the general mood, I think we’re all in desperate need of laughter this week. Thanks!
The Funny Times has been my humor refuge for years. There are lots of political barbs, cartoons and some of my favorite columnists like Molly Ivins.
Aaargh! Bad link above to Funny Times
Can comments be edited after they’re posted?
I think Dr. Science would totally approve.
The Question of the Day..”:ask Dr. Science, he knows more than you do.”
as I’m sure you’ll outline.
I’ve heard jellyfish reported to be a sign of overfishing; the top end of ecological niches being cleared out, they move in, which makes it more difficult for fish populations to rebound.
I’ll look for your diary!
You’ve summed it up perfectly!
The whales sent them-
Greenpeace Agent Provocateur
Whale swims up River Thames to central London
Glad to hear somebody is doing something about the Japanese fishing industry!
Does this mean I have to stop eating them?
Me: . . . and we would like one order of the Appetizer A7 Jellyfish.
Local Chinese Takeout: (long pause) Are you sure?
Me: Oh yes, we’re sure. Number A7 Jellyfish.
LCT: (long pause) Not many people order that.
Me: Yes, I know not many people order that. But we want to order it. Number A7 Jellyfish.
LCT: (long pause) It’s crunchy.
Me: It is okay that it is crunchy. In fact we are happy that it is crunchy. Number A7 Jellyfish.
LCT: (long pause) Okay.
How was it? Well, actually, it’s not for everybody–as my friends won’t hesitate to tell you. Though the flavor is very mild.
It was crunchy.
The sauce was excellent.
is fighting back???
Full Article at Women’s eNews
What a great article Andi! From the link, this is interesting:
I love those dollar-amount-per-protestor donations, don’t you? It’s fun watching the antichoicers support what they’re protesting.
We’re having a lunchtime pro-choice rally today in front of the local courthouse.
Thanks for the memory up top CG ;o)
That’s just how I feel these last couple of weeks. Sqeezing that neck shut!
Thanks for taking the initiative with this, CabinGirl!
On the lighter side (seeing as it’s Friday and all)
In Headingley, Leeds, UK, Chris Taylor, 30, thought it was suspicious that his girlfriend’s cell phone rang and their pet African grey parrot Ziggy would say, as if on queue, “Hi ya, Gary” – – – but his suspicions were fully aroused when he was cuddling with Suzy Collins, 25, on the couch in their apartment and Ziggy leaned over and whispered in Suzy’s ear (and apparently in a perfect imitation of Suzy’s voice), “I love you, Gary.” – – – Suzy has been kicked out, and Ziggy, who Chris acquired eight years ago as a chick – but who continued uttering Gary’s name in what sounded like Suzy’s voice — has a new home as well – – -.
I’m still freaking out over Bush trying to get Google to turn over our search records. I don’t know about you guys, but some of the stuff I’ve searched on is downright embarrassing, though probably not what they’re looking for.
Just the other day I got stuck watching the last two minutes of the Tony Danza show while waiting for The View. I’ve always kind of liked Tony Danza, remember Who’s the Boss? Then my daughter says that she can’t look at him without getting grossed out that he used to be a porn star and “invented” the Danza Slap. Of course I had to Google it, and, may I just say, Yuck.
Actually, some of my accidental hits (Dick’s Sporting Goods comes to mind) have been the worst…
I hope Google continues to resist der Fuerher and his minions on this one.
Really? Get outta here!! Didn’t know that.
And though this will show I’m not hip at all, what the hell is a “Danza slap”???? It just doesn’t sound that appealing.
I’d just hate to Google it, ya know…
I had never heard of it before. It troubles me that my daughter had. What are they teaching these kids in college?
Oh, you’d be surprised what you can learn just by listening to a group of young women and men at 2:37 AM–usually the guys. Especially if you’re not sleeping with them.
Which of course, makes you all the more relieved that you’re not. :<)
Wiki doesn’t talk about his porn star turn, but the first line of his bio reads.
And yes, it is painful. I’d respond in kind if some asshole tried that.
Every progressive site I visit today is all speculation about Bin Laden. I’m scared because all we seem to do is enjoy the show – chew over the latest outrage and conspiracy. Please don’t waste one of the last days before the Repuglicans take posession of the last remaining branch of our government. I’m recommending judybrowni’s diary and posting yesterday’s notice from the People’s Email Network:
We have gotten many emails from our participants, asking “what more can we do?”
Some have reported senators arbitrarily turning off their answering machines at
night, or long waits on hold. Are they trying to hide from the thousands and
thousands of their constituents who are raising their voices to demand that they
filibuster the evasive Alito? Even if you have already sent your personal
message by email or made some phone calls, we have added a FABULOUS extra
function to the main action page where you can instantly lookup all your
senators local district offices phone and fax numbers with just one click.
If the other side can have a so-called “Justice Sunday”, we can have our own
“Filibuster Friday”, and that day is tomorrow. In just the last 24 hours we
have seen a major shift in momentum. Today, Senator Leahy came out with a very
strong statement that he recognizes the immense threat to our freedom and
democracy in allowing a dangerous and unpopular president to install a fifth and
controlling vote to hold that our Constitution actually intended to create an
executive dictatorship. Tomorrow we need to show our support for those senators
who are starting to stand up now by hitting every phone they’ve got right down
to the district level with our phone calls and faxes. Get all your numbers with
one easy click at
Those you who like to call in to progressive radio programs, we have all their
call in numbers too at the site above in the right column. Call them and ask
them to talk up Filibuster Friday all day and night long! Let’s start early and
snowball the thing all day long. Ask them to give out the easy to say and
remember URL above as much as possible. Senators have said they are “undecided”
on a filibuster. But we the American people HAVE decided and all our senators
have to do it get it.
Some senators who are too still too cowardly to demand a filibuster are saying
they will make Alito an issue in the 2006 election. It’ll be an issue alright,
in their OWN primaries! Any officeholder who will not stand up for this one must
never hold public office in any capacity ever again. And the difference is
whether you will stand up YOURSELF right now and make those calls to their local
district offices. Make calls to the toll-free numbers 888-355-3588,
888-818-6641 and 800-426-8073 if you can get through there too.
It is not enough to vote “No.” They must vote “Hell, NO!” It’s called a
filibuster. Filibuster Friday.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be
ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
Some days the science headlines are nothing but bad news. Today is not one of those days, fortunately. I needed a jolt of some hopeful news…
NASA finally managed to successfully launch its space probe to Pluto and the Kuiper belt, after two days of delays due to weather. The trip to Pluto will take nine years, but there will be a system test en route at Jupiter next year. Exploration of the Kuiper belt beyond Pluto will add an additional five years at least to the mission. “To make a decision to work in the field of space science is almost the ultimate in delayed gratification,” NASA administrator Michael Griffin quipped to reporters at a briefing Tuesday.
Researchers say “don’t blame the plants.” A few days ago, there was a news story that plants can release the greenhouse gas methane, as well as absorb carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas. Some seized on this information to question the efficacy of planting forests to sequester carbon, not to mention global warming as a whole and the Kyoto protocol. But the researchers involved say this is a misinterpretation of their work, that sequestration in plants is still a viable approach to addressing global warming.
A new and far less polluting process for tanning leather has been developed in India; leather tanning has been a heavily polluting industry, so this process, which reverses the order of the 15 steps used currently and eliminates some, may revolutionize the industry.
The largest study to date, conducted in the UK, has found no connection between cell phone use and brain cancer, contradicting earlier studies in Sweden (2004) and the Netherlands (2003). Epidemiologists say it will take a decade to resolve the conflicting results with certainty.
Today must be epidemiology day; here’s another epidemiology story. If this pans out it would be good news:
Swedish researchers in Vietnam have found that there may be much more transmission of bird flu going on from poultry to humans than previously realized, with most people becoming only mildly ill. Also, it appears that the contact has to be direct contact with sick or dead poultry.
This isn’t to say that the virus might not mutate into a form that is transmissible directly between people, but it may mean we’re starting form a place of lower virulence than previously thought – we’ll still have a pandemic, but potentially less deadly.
Since we’re potentially stuck with Bush for three more years as of today, here’s a story that’s directly useful: People who eat more vegetable protein have lower blood pressure than people whose protein source is primarily meat.
Thursday, UN officials released the final five volumes of the UN’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an ambitious four-year attempt to explore the relationship between the environment and human development. Their conclusion is that the world in 2050 might not be too bad – IF we get our act together and start doing the right things. Since I’ll be 91 in 2050, if I’m still here at all, I find that comforting news. They describe four scenarios and the potential fallout from each. The trajectory we are currently on under the Bush administration, not surprisingly, is the one that produces the poorest prognosis.
Here’s news of the growing environmental movement in China – and not a moment too soon!
Another very positive story on Al Gore’s upcoming documentary on climate change, to be shown at Sundance. I’ve got my popcorn ready!
OK, you knew the good news fest couldn’t last – here’s back to more normal fare:
Researchers have found that bottled water in PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles leach toxic antimony into the water. (The antimony is likely present as a catalyst from the manufacture of the plastic.) Not enough to hurt you, manufacturers rebut. This will be a story we’ll be hearing a lot about in the future. In the meantime, you can bottle your own tap or filtered water into a non-PET container (those plastic bottle you see bikers and other sporting-types using are typically polyethylene or lexan) and take it with you. But wash it well between uses.
Another US government cover-up of unpleasant environmental news: From the Washington Post:
I bet longer. This was HUGE during my grad program. I had a professor who was involved in some of these large, international commissions to study the effects of cell phones and cancer (and power lines and cancer too). It was quite a heated topic for debate throughout the whole semester. One of the more interesting branches of the science: risk assessment. And the type of data you have to work with makes it very challenging. A lot of scope for debate.
Thought this was an interesting article:
Iceland the First Country to Try Abandoning Gasoline: Hot Water Heats Homes, Businesses; Hydrogen Fuel Oil Powers Cars, Buses
Very cool!
That is really cool-I know I’d rather heat my hose with hot water than pay anotheroil bill like last month’s. Shall we all move there? 🙂
CG: I haven’t had a chance to say thanks (been busy over last few days). Thanks for taking the initiative; it really is a great idea!
You’re welcome! After seeing JanetStrange and ask and some other folks wishing for something like Fran’s European Breakfast I figured we may as well try it.
Illinois Gas Stations Considering Closing During Emergencies
Not sure what I think about this, but I thought I’d pass it along since the idea may spread to other states.
That’s idiotic. What if every store that sold necessities like food, plywood, flashlights, etc. did the same thing?
Just got a political phone call from one of my most important representatives, over a deathly important issue!
Rep. Steve King of Iowa called.(Note: I live in Michigan)
He wanted to alert me to the horrifying fact that the UN is planning to outlaw individual ownership of guns, world wide. And their next step will be to confiscate guns, right here in the US of A. SO
He is asking my support of the Second Amendment Protection Act, which he says will make this illegal. It will, furthermore, demand that the UN stop/eliminate/rescind any such action with XX number of days, or else the US of A will remove all funding for the United Nations.
So there!. I’m finally in on the ground floor with a truly important issue. Our Second Amendment Needs Protection.
Glad to see the Iowa state lege is on the case. However, they still aren’t doing as well for political entertainment as ours (TX), always the champion in this arena. Last summer, after umpteen special sessions to try to get our schools funded, all our House could come up with was a bill to ban sexy cheerleaders.
Since our R-dominated lege sees its only function as cutting taxes, well, funding schools is just too hard.
Are you sure that’s at all legit? It sounds like some kind of anti-UN scare tactic to me… especially since the UN has no such authority in the first place. But it would be a great propaganda move to build support for the US non-payment of UN dues… just tell people the UN wants to take their guns! Just like the Republicans were telling them the Democrats would do… So it just sounds a bit fishy to me.
…. or did I miss the </snark> in that..?
No, I think it was legit. My husband is an Iowa alum, we think that’s how we got on an Iowa congressman’s phone list. He is truly a winger – raving on his websites about the evils of immigration. Given the huge decline in population in Iowa, you’d think he’d be delighted to see some new faces there. Actually, the big meat packers import folks from Latin America to work in the packing plants. Dirty, dangerous work, that they can’t get many Iowans to do. He’s invited Tom Tancred of Colorado to speak for him, etc.
Missouri Bill Targets Anti-Gay Protests at Military Funerals
The Indiana senate is doing the same.
Sorry – subscription only at our paper – no link.
Not news- but if someone has closer contact w/supersoling than i do– like a phone #- tell him room is ready in DC-for sat & sun nights- I emailed – but sometimes these get lost!
And, here’s the feel good story for dog lovers:
Some good news from Texas politics.
State Rep. Todd Baxter (R) took $36,000 of the illegal DeLay money that the bugman has now been indicted for. Uh-oh, think the R’s – this is gonna look bad come Nov. Pressured Baxter into resigning so that they could get a winger Dellionaire (Bentzin) in with a special election – and have a “clean” R running as an incumbent in Nov.
Didn’t work. Donna Howard (D) took 49.5% of the vote and Kathy Rider (D) took 12%. So, over 60% voted for Dems – in an extremely wealthy (“just cut our taxes!!!”) district. Even though Austin is liberal, this district has been Republican.
Howard missed an outright win by 73 votes (arrgghhh). Holding my breath on the run-off. Unfortunately, the R’s have figured out that Howard way outdid them on turnout – so they’ll be working double time on getting their base out for the runoff.
Still, the trend is promising . . .
Wow! Paul Hackett gave it one hell of a run and damn near did it. Will Austin be the one to set the example that these crooks can be beaten on their own turf?
Rep Conyers’ wiretap hearing on C-Span is starting up now.
Thanks for the reminder – just turned it on. Guess the cartoon below I posted is very relevant today.
😉 Thanks for the toon.
Laughter helps us recognize the remaining threads of sanity when we find them.
Those of us who have nothing to hide are very annoying to those of us who do.
Bush is going to crack one day…just simply crack and shatter into senseless blabbering. Well, more senseless blabbering than usual.
tried to buy the 2004 election. Gimme a fricken break! I remember when we were at Crawford and some jackass (think it was O’wrongly) said that he believed that Cindy Sheehan could do what she was doing because she was being funded by George Soros. That evening everybody sat around who had shown up with some small organization and they all shared their day dreams about being funded by George Soros and ate trail mix!
too…..boy howdy are they full of shit today. I thought Cspan was supposed to be Nonfiction!
It seems the Boomers have christened their late middle age stage of life “middlescence” because of all the remaking of careers and lifestyle choices that were once concentrated in youth.
That’s right.
In case you didn’t get the invitation at your summer love-in, we all met at a big rock festival early in the fall and sort of spontaneously thought up a groovy handle to slip our plans past unsuspecting narcs and greedy Wall Street suits.
some of my middle-escence
From the Austin American Statesman yesterday.
John Kerry responds to Chris Matthews on Hardball re: CM’s comparison of OBL to Michael Moore:
C&L Link
And Lady Justice makes a return visit to The Illustrated Daily Scribble and she’s On to Alberto.
Here’s yet another example of why we need marriage equality under the law:
In response to critics, he [Gerry P. Little] and the other freeholders laid out several reasons for their decision not to act on a state law allowing local governments to grant benefits to their employees’ domestic partners. Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr. said the cost would be too high. Freeholder John P. Kelly, denying that Lieutenant Hester’s sexual orientation was an issue – over shouts of derision from the audience – said the domestic partnership law was unfair because it did not let siblings or other relatives not married to each other share benefits when they lived together.
Why do I seriously doubt that any of these guys has ever complained about marriage because they thought it was so horribly unfair that it provides benefits that are not extended to siblings or other family relations? These objections only seem to get made when there’s a queer in the room. Of course, Lt. Laurel Hester, the dying officer who is being denied the equal right to provide for her surviving partner — a right to which married heterosexual officers are entitled, and a right that state law allows to be extended to Officer Hester — is not able to be in the room anymore, since she probably only has a few weeks left to live.
It’s at times like these that I regret my lack of religious belief as I would certainly like to pick out a circle of hell for these shitheads and get them reservations.
Dante’s Inferno, Purgatorio Paradiso may provide you with the appropriate level.
Abandon any hope, ye who enter here
Ah, I have a Master’s in English and have done my time with that poem so I already knew the proper location for them — they’ll be in the eigth circle in the place reserved for the hypocrites.
Indy, this story is so sad. So frustrating. I had read about Laurel before (via a link from you?).
I just for the life of me cannot understand these people. Not everyone wants to be married. Not everyone who wants to can manage to find Mr/Ms Right and make it work. BUT EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO SHOULD BE ABLE TO TRY! (Sorry to shout.) With all rights, privileges, protections, and yes, all of the emotional and social support that the word “marriage” brings to a relationship.
We try. We know how that one came out.
My only hope is for the future. Most of my daughter’s generation really, truly, seems to think that the dinosaurs opposing gay marriage are out of their tiny minds. The future won’t help Laurel and her partner though.
From the Grope and Flail: B.C. will review plan to hunt Costco clients
The government is only concerned with citizens who purchased “big-ticket items” in Alberta.
Are Canadians in general disturbed by this kind of thing? I mean, most Canadians?
I’m disturbed by my sense that too many Canadians are unaware of the dangers of letting what’s happening in my country slowly creep across the border into yours. Not all, of course, but as we have seen here, all it takes is for most people to just not pay attention, and then you wake up and find you have a Maximum Leader who is tapping your phone and declaring that laws don’t apply to him. Cuz he can just say that he’s keeping you safe or something . . .
I worry that most Canadians are saying to themselves, oh no, that can’t happen here. All too often those have been famous last words.
That’s a good question Janet. My own perception is that this story is alarming to people — someone forwarded it on to me in outrage. Of course, I tend to be around those who are of similar nature so that’s not really telling. And our Supreme Court is very pro-individual-rights-minded, so that is also reassuring.
But, I don’t know. I would guess that the great mass of people are not aware — certainly not as aware as we online are — of this stuff. There are some who don’t care, and then there are some who are very pro-Republican ideals.
Our national election is this Monday, and I fear we may be in for a big shock when we wake up Tues morning and realize who our new Prime Minister is.
I hope you all will be able to help us fight when it’s our turn!?!?
I hope you all will be able to help us fight when it’s our turn!?!?
Just say the word.
Well, if we have too. I was hoping it wouldn’t be necessary.
I am seriously looking at buying a house in Saskatchewan. There are actual houses for sale there for under $10k. I know, I know – I’ve been to North Dakota. There’s a reason those houses are so cheap. But I was figuring . . . even if the weather is miserable and there’s nothing to look at but plowed fields and there’s nothing to do in a small, dying farm community . . . at least I’d have a place to go where there is a sane government.
I’ve even fantasized about all of us BooTribbles getting together and buying a whole town up there – our own Lukenbach! Then it would be OK that there’s nothing to do, because we could just entertain each other talking til the wee hours 😉
That’s funny Janet, but a great thought!
Except for the part about sane government, it sounds like home, now.
I vote for Booville and I look forward to exile there one day. heh,…couldn’t you see all of us in a room at computer stations to engage conversation….great idea you have.
one small town (pop. 100-200)I know, ’70s era rambler, with basement,and with garage sold for around $17,000, on a large corner lot.
Businesses still functioning; 1-bank, 1-bar, US Post Office, that’s it.
Businesses idle, but for sale; cafe, convenience store
Some Positives; highspeed internet due to fiber optic cable, very high quality water, city sewer system, friendly folks, virtually zero crime.
Negatives; 10 minutes to nearest grocery store, 10 minutes to nearest gas station, 10 minutes to lumber yard, 30 minutes to hardware/plumbing store, 30 minutes to hospital/clinic, 60 minutes to reliable hospital/clinic, 60 minutes to movie theater, or any other city type cultural activities.
All the above similar throughout rural ND.
If enough of you moved here maybe we could secede from the union.
Feel free to contact email address below if interested in any more details.
Cool sounding little town. I could see it . . . but it’s on the wrong side of the border!
Although I’m sure there are some North Dakotans who’d like to secede, the last time that was tried it worked out very badly.
We just need to find one of those a 100-200 miles north, if that would get us across the border. Maybe even smaller – Luckenbach was pretty much abandoned when Guich and Hondo bought it. (I knew Guich’s sister Marty when we lived in the same dorm in college. So the idea of “buying a town” has a certain real possibility for me.)
Oh and the Koock’s! What a family. Guich and Marty’s mom was Mary Faulk Koock, sister of John Henry Faulk. Marty had hilarious stories of growing up over their restaurant, Green Pastures, and her grandfather the judge who was always bringing home vagrants and hoboes, because “What he really needs is a place to sleep and some good home-cooked food for a few days . . .”
from the The Guardian:
Good catch.
In regard to the judge’s remarks, it’s clear that Franklin went outside his boundaries of legal action in deciding what was in the best interest of the US. Has the judge also decided for all of us what is best?
WASHINGTON (Haaretz) Jan. 20 — Former Pentagon analyst Larry A. Franklin was sentenced Friday to a 12 years and seven months imprisonment for passing classified information to former American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobbyists.
Franklin was also found guilty of sharing classified information with Israeli diplomat Naor Gilon. He was also fined $10,000.
In sentencing Franklin, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said the facts of the case led him to believe that Franklin was motivated primarily by a desire to help the United States, not harm it.
A shameful political statement by a judge to merit this felony and the urge by Franklin for a more aggressive policy in the Middle East – Iraq War, invasion and occupation – as helpful to the U.S.! I wonder how the families of all innocent victims feel about such an appraisal.
● Israel and AIPAC Accused in Spy Case of Franklin, Pentagon Analyst
● CIRCLE CLOSED :: Neocons – AIPAC – Shill Reporter ¶ Laurie Mylroie – Benador Associates
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Please read this column from today’s NYT
Some samples
Many of the most respected voices in American evangelical circles blessed the president’s war plans, even when doing so required them to recast Christian doctrine.
Recent polls indicate that 68 percent of white evangelicals continue to support the war.
The Hebrew prophets might call us to repentance, but repentance is a tough demand for a people utterly convinced of their righteousness.
I shoulda been an archaeologist …
Etruscan women lie languorously
with what they love
roast little pigs for weddings
serve figs
are equal in all divination
(reading livers of sacrificed animals)
Rome sends young men to Etruscan women
for wisdom
In war propaganda
they called her audacious
on her feet and
dancing the blue striped salute
to his blond hair and red painted body
naked with wine jar
She is survived by her fringed scarf
tossed over a tree limb
Rome’s greed for metals
melting her down
–Kathleen Fraser, fr. “Etruscan Pages,” when new time folds up (Chax Press, 1993)
The last line explicated in a letter later embedded within the poem:
“Lawrence wrote that the Etruscans ‘vanished as completely as flowers’ . . . this language asks for alum. We know that they built everything from their vast and cultivated forests — wooden houses, wooden ships — except for certain bridges and retaining walls . . . and that they wrote most of their texts on wood, saving important inscriptions for metal plates which were probably melted down and re-used by Gauls threatening from the north or the disciplined, war-minded Romans . . .”
fr. “June 18, 1991: Dear Annalisa,”
So, they want to claim Libby’s innocent because everyone else was doing it too? Argh.
I’m sure Reddhead will have analyzed this completely by tomorrow, but that’s what it looks like to me.
It’s also a good way to stall for time.
Democrats hear angry Seniors on Medicare.
Best quote:
Molly Ivins rocks.
Does she ever!
My favorite part:
Anyone who hasn’t clicked on CG’s link – maybe this’ll get you to. The title is Molly Ivins: Not. backing. Hillary.
Also worth a read.