Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I must be lost. It looks like I’m in Times Square!?!
What other Town is there?
Should I have ducked after asking?
But if people are out on the town there won’t be any comments. (are there still cyber cafes or was that a dot com era thing?)
This IS the town. Tonight we are Times Square. We’re being Times Square.
And me without a single sequin. Should I run home and change, or just steal some from that interesting um, person over there?
Yes, I’d like to see you in that outfit!
so no trade. He fears being detained indefinitely. I say his chances are 50-50 either way, but there is no reasoning with some people.
I will just have to get some sequins from the next unconscious person we stumble over. Shouldn’t be long.
presented in the preceding FBCs may view the compendium of results here
Home from a day of partial erranding — didn’t get to the shop to get the spouse’s cotton gloves (I’ll do that on Monday; will give me an excuse to go out and do some area photography), but we spent a fruitful time at Barnes and Noble. B&N seems to be the only local store I can find a favorite magazine (Locus) on a regular basis; will probably subscribe sometime in the next month or two. Also picked up a few more books, including Kansas’ Seven Steps book, an omnibus collection of the Pippi Longstocking books, a couple of Lloyd Alexander’s paperbacks (Time Cat and The Cat Who Wanted To Be a Man), and two more Anne Lamott books (Traveling Mercies and Plan B). So, I’m pretty well set for reading for the next week or two… ๐
Stopped on the way home for fruit smoothies at Jamba Juice; finishing mine off and trying to talk myself into changing clothes and going over to the fitness room for a short workout…
At least now I know how come my office looks like there are floating wands everywhere, & I`ve never read a Harry Potter book. I think I found the culprit after Dr. Watson`s deduction.
that’s a good start… thanks for the chuckle.
Is there any one around?
Hello! I’ve been checking in now and again but I don’t think there are too many people around.
How’s your non-grading weekend been going?
I have a little bit to grade – English teachers never get a break, especially in “failing” schools. The amount of paperwork is manageable. We are going to the Auto Show tomorrow. My hair dresser scored free tickets and with baby free is the best price, just in case he starts to have a meltdown.
How is your weekend? Did you guys get snow?
It was a surprise! And so delicious!
What is popusa?
made of maize flour, not quite like a tortilla, nor quite like a tamale, it is a disc of this stuff, filled with different things, mine was filled with cheese and loroco flowers. It is served with a kind of coarse and undressed cabbage slaw on top, and salsa on top of that.
All you will read tells you the popusa (sometimes spelled pupusa) comes from El Salvador, but I would strongly advise that you refrain from repeating this rumor to anyone from Honduras.
It sounds good and I promise not to discuss its origins with anyone.
Have you got a recipe for this? If so, I hope you’ll put it up over at E4T.
make it though, it appears to be one of those things that requires actual skill, kind of like stuffed paratha.
I think that the Orange Empire servers may be down…which wouldn’t bother me, but since Street Prophets, PastorDan’s blog, is hosted on the same servers, that means it’s offline as well. Boo Hiss! (Tonight is also Elizabeth D’s WYFP night at the Orange Empire — about the only time I visit there, but I have a need to vent about the spouse tonight and I don’t want to bore you fine folks…)
Go ahead and vent, thought there are just a few of us kind of hanging out.
Vent away — besides, we’re already bored so you can’t make it any worse ๐
just having one of those “what the fuck” days…like, what the fuck is going on with my life? If I was male, I’d go out and find a trophy wife and a red sports car…but I’m female, don’t drive anyway and it takes too damn long to break in a new spouse, so I’ll stick with the status quo. ๐
Just feel like there’s so much shit around here to get done, and I’m not getting the cooperation I need/want…I really want to have it done before the beginning of February so if I end up staying with my in-laws to help out after dad-in-law’s back surgery, I won’t have the fact that the apartment’s a disaster area hanging over me…blame it on that Protestant guilt trip my mom laid on me for so many years…
sigh We now return you to your evening ennui…
You seemed pretty frustrated this afternoon. There’s nothing worse than having a list that you want to accomplish and you’re not getting any cooperation.
Greetings to all from Bizarro Weather Land. Hope everyone’s had a decent week.
Terrific ice storms & very high winds cut power/phone here last Saturday (phone just returned today). Temperatures here reached near 60 this afternoon, dropped twenty degrees in two hours & are definitely headed into the low ‘teens tonight. Looks as if another significant storm may pass through tomorrow night into Monday, with a potential snow accumulation of half a foot. Needless to say, I’m peepin’ in at the cafe’ while I can ๐
Stay warm and safe WW. We’ve had really high winds here, too.
for however long it is. How long were you without power?
Longest I’ve been without power is 2 days and the phone 4 days. That was an ice storm too. I’d rather get a foot of snow than two inches of ice.
Thanks to you both for good wishes & welcome.
We lost power from very early last Saturday to Monday evening. Not too bad at all; our regional power co is great about quick restoration after outages. I’ve definitely experienced longer power outs — our last major regional power-out (summertime ’04) lasted almost a week. I’ve had the phone out for longer before, too — no service for over a month after last spring’s flooding. That was fun.
There were difficulties with radio reception this time, too, for the first day or so, which is pretty unusual.
‘Tis the wilderness life indeed ..
I hope the power and the phone sticks around this time so you can come back and visit some more when I’m wide awake. As it is, I think I’m going to follow Toni’s good example and toddle off to bed.
Have a good night.
I’m headed offline too. No cruising Times Square for me tonight.
Good to hear from you! Been wondering what happened…sounds as tho you’ve got it under control…be well.
Thank you, dada. I wish you the same.
I think it’s time for me to read a little more Fahrenheit 451 and turn out the lights. Everyone have a nice night.
Same to you, Toni. Enjoy the book & batten down the hatches!
What up?
Hangin’ at home in preparation for the game tomorrow…Bronco’s gonna kick some Steeler butt…friend of mine called this pm and has tickets…nose bleed section, but I haven’t been to a game in @ 10 yrs…WHOO HOO!
Wishing the best for Supersoling and Tampopo tomorrow @ the Capitol:
Washington Monument at night
Is there a terra alert or something? I’ve never seen Times Square so empty.
Just home from the Symphony — a wonderful night of Mozart. What’s up? IS anyone up — come on people, it’s Saturday night! You can’t all be asleep already.
That was just a couple of weeks after 9/11, maybe it was quieter then?
I meant the virtual Times Square here at the cafe KB. It’s quiet.
I actually intensely dislike (I hesitate to say hate, but I might actually hate) the real Times Square. Way too crowded for me.
I was in New York a couple years ago the week after christmas and got stuck in a huge crowd in Times Square that was pushing and shoving. It was aweful. There was a woman behind me on the sidewalk from Arkansas with her little boy and she was freaked out because people were shoving from both directions and she was afraid her son was going either get separated from her or get crushed.
And that’s why I did think you meant the photo — you can see people there, but it wasn’t scary crowded.
It has quieted down quite a bit here. And I’m suddenly very sleepy myself.
Weird, very sleepy.
of course I’m up… the night has just gotten underway!
I’m wearing Firefox tonight.
Shaken, but not stirred.
Hey Gooserock, I’m about to fall asleep. So I fear the bar is self-service for the rest of the night.
Very foxy.
Although its wasted on this crowd — 11:00 on a Saturday night and Times Square is empty.
But Saturday is always an infamously slow day at the pond.
No worries.
pass it on!
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