I like to think that there are little things we can do to help the cause…

Take this case in interest:

Direct Actions

I had never heard of the author previously, but someone handed this book to me to read and it showed many of the troubling legal issues arising from the Patriot Act from someone that seems to actually have a knowledgeable background in the field of law and the Patriot Act.

It is written from a bit of a liberal slant, but captures much of what is good from the left political spectrum view and capsulizes it in a character (perhaps a lawyer based on Terry Olsen’s own legal background?) trying to navigate through the legal problems created by the Patriot Act in defense of his client.

I find Olsen’s style of writing to make this book an enjoyable read as well: Creative, entertaining and very insightful as far as the human aspect of his characters and the story.

Feel the love down Below:

Sorry BoJo if I didn’t spell your name correctly… (Terry Olson, eh? OOPS! And never mind if I missed the “jist” of your book!)

But since I made that entry as a comment on your book it has gone from the 400,000 numbers to the 200,000’s in it’s category in a little over a week.

Can you help BostonJoe out? (One Amazon comment from a relative iliterate and it jumps 200,000 spots!!! HMMMM?)

All you have to do is make a comment based on what you know and, perhaps, what you think. (My god! I have to think? Damn-fucking-straight you do!)

Why the fuck not?

You are talking about a exposing a LIBERAL character that is humane and realistic to the masses. The same masses that seems to have lost its humanity and reality under bush.

Can you afford to not make a comment on this book?

Personally, I think not!

Place your book title here and let us all build on the humanity and LIBERAL views that you espouse in your writings!

Amazon ratings can make or break a book! Help make this one, and any of the others in the wake of this diary.

(P.S.: I expect to have the right of refusal of marriage to your first [and/or best looking] daughter for this unsolicited advertising for your book, BostonJoe… NOT! Just kidding. All I expect is an honest thanks… And LINKS to any other books that all of you think we should review FOR OUR BENEFIT! πŸ™‚

(P.P.S.: Shakespeare’s Sister, Inc. had a recent ariticle on getting your work published… WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?)
You know the facts… You write the facts better than the corporate sponsored pundits (AKA: The MSM and the SCLM)… Get your facts in print! The real, honest truth. Then we can write more Amazon comments on even more REALITY BASED BOOKS!

So BooMan, susanhu, Pat lang, Larry Johnson (OK, so a couple of you are already published! Point us to the Amazon links, DAMNIT! Let us rate your efforts up!:), Steven D, Catnip (Wherever you are?), Jpol, etc, (add any other regular participant to this blog), MORE ETC.,  and the many others that collaborate here…

When will we get to rate up YOUR BOOKS on Amazon?

Some of you write every fucking single day of your lives… Given my new job there is an effort and skill that is inherent to what you do that is something I can really appreciate even more now.

Take it all a notch up! Put the screws to these Corporatist motherfuckers!


Go to Amazon…  Rate UP the fucking books that have a message you agree with!

PLEASE RATE DOWN the pieces of republican crap while you are there as well!