Round and Round We Go
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
Give a 4 to your favorite pony
Come on in and get wet!
Are there cabana boys standing by?
Just watch out for the barkeeper. Something about that dorsal fin creeps me out
of so many cruise ship photos I’ve seen, with a bar that can be swum (?) up to in one of the pools. Doubt there’ll be much of that on the Alaska cruise, unless global warming hits this summer.
[Good to see you DJ — recover from last night’s Sharks game yet??? ;)]
Still unshowered here in the household, but I have a good excuse — I have nothing to wear till the spouse brings up the laundry, which he is on his way to get…we’ve actually gotten a few things done anyway, so it’s not like we’ve been on our butts all day…
Sharks Hockey
I bought some yummies to keep us well fed during the game figuring it would be another nooner ballooner for the Sharks as they tend to be narcoleptic during afternoonish games, but they did well.
Now… the superstitious hockey chick that I am is wondering if I should always indulge in organic tomato foccasia (sp) yummies and mass produced, sugary, pink donuts pre-game. (wen to two different stores Saturday LOL)
Pssst you must hook up with “Mrs. Ski”!!! You both are so close to ME and to EACH OTHER : Liberal Hockey Ladies must unite!!
I have written a new diary titled: “The H-word ¶ A Personal Story”, just need some time to make the finishing touches. In the Netherlands, I have personally never met anti-semitism and I have some friends who are orthodox Jews. Yearly a Dutch organization publishes a report on the incidents, seldom of a major nature. Since 911 attacks, the muslim population have been discriminated and abused on the streets, jobs and in the media. So OBL has succeeded, with the help of the neocon policy, to spread the seed of hatred for the next generations.
de dokwerker
Reviewing the historical development of the H-word, my conclusion is, from now on I will avoid the term and return to the Dutch description in WWII: de Jodenvervolging or persecution of the Jews. See in Amsterdam the Anne Frank House. The abuse by parties with another agenda makes use of the H-word a liability for smears and labeling. The mob rules, I have no stomach for such fights.
I have recovered from the brutal accusation, and I don’t understand the audacity of the individual to show up in my diary, and joyfully entertain the BooTribbers who are participating in a discussion of community spirit. Another likely attempt to hijack my diary, and take the discussion a few diaries back.
The Nation March 9, 2005 — Cathy Young distorted my [Eric Alterman – Oui] argument to accuse me of anti-semitism and self-hatred, using an ellipsis to make it appear as if I were describing the founding of the Jewish state as a “catastrophe” rather than attributing that view to Palestinians and their Arab supporters. She went even further, insisting that by acknowledging that Palestinians and their supporters perhaps had reason to be less than thrilled with the creation of Israel, I was actually–I kid you not–blaming “long-dead Holocaust victims” and arguing that “every Muslim is justified in viewing every Jew as the enemy.”
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The Mob mentality is “mental”.
They are usually the same types who feel the need to blame women for being raped.
When it comes to rape, torture or the Holocaust… there are no “grey areas”. But they’ll have you believe there are… you need only have the same faith and “intelligence” as they do…
Keep sharing the bountiful amounts of information and experience you have, my friend.
Except it looks like it has.
In his original article, “Fascism Anyone?”, Laurence Britt (interview) compared the regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet and identified 14 characteristics common to those fascist regimes. This page is a collection of news articles dating from the start of the Bush presidency divided into topics relating to each of the 14 points of fascism. Further analysis of American Fascism done by the POAC can be read here.
I’m off to dinner with a friend and then to see Syriana. Since I’ll probably be out until 9ish I’ll say goodnight to all the early birds now.
Have fun and we nightowls expect a full report (and menu) when you get back.
but I’ll probably still be around — looking forward to your movie review. Since Roger Ebert and the estate of Gene Siskel have copyrighted “two thumbs up” (according to the ending credits), what can we use for review? Maybe 4 frog hops for a great show, and a plate of frog legs for a show that sucks…
Yes, got work done today…just toted that barge and lifted that bale out to the storeroom, which is turning into a disaster zone; spring project will be getting it organized and getting rid of most of the junk I pushed in there when we moved in over a year ago…
larger image here
Taken on Standing Rock Indian Reservation south of Bismarck, ND. That little sliver of blue on the right is the Missouri River.
And you thought ND was flat…
Makes me miss the big sky. Too many trees and hills here to see more than a few hundred yards in any direction.
Great picture. The colors are wonderful.
in KS & OK but never saw anything like that..amazing.
Okay NDD — you gotta give us the deets on this one. What kind of camera, and did you use anything for the colouring or was it ‘natural’?
Looks like the sun is setting to the left of the frame? Is that what made the grass red?
That one would have been pre-digital, so the camera was a Minolta Maxxum 2xi, using FujiChrome Velvia 50. And on a tripod due to the “50” speed. Color was natural. That film has just brilliant color.
Hmmmm, it almost sounds like I know something! We were on a photo workshop with Steve Silverman, which was a great photo learning experience.
How do you find working with digital (vs film)?
A photo workshop sounds like a great experience; fun way to learn.
And it looks like you know a lot to me!
First thought on this is “apples vs oranges,” since, so far at least, my digital experience has been the Nikon Coolpix 3200 – basically a point-and-shoot vs. the Minolta which accepts various lens, of which I have one, a Promaster 28-200 zoom.
When using my digital I miss the more powerful zoom features, particularly on birds at the feeder, and to some extent deer in the yard. And the ability to frame a photo to exclude nonessentials.
The Velvia 50 slides I have enlarged to 12″ X 16″ with excellent results. I think even greater enlargement is feasible, though I have not tried that. This particular film has great depth of field at a 22 setting, but the shutter speed ends up at 0.5 seconds, or 1+ seconds, so a tripod is a necessity.
However with the Coolpix my print shop recommends that I limit myself to no greater than 8 X 12s, although I have not seen what results when this is exceeded. So that is a limitation I would prefer not to have.
The real beauty of the Coolpix is that it’s on my belt almost continuously during the day. So if a photo opportunity presents itself I’m prepared.
I usually carry the Minolta/w/tripod only when planning a specific shoot, or during out of town travel.
Film costs, 50 Velvia locally for 36 roll can be $12.00 each, so when my Minolta rewind was stuck and rewinding before I could shoot any photos, I was a tad unhappy.
I’ve recently concluded one of my major mistakes with the digital is being way too conservative with taking shots. I’m working on remembering to take more shots, experimenting with more variety of framing, composition, zoom, lighting… whatever. I’ve only maxed my memory card once in two years, but when I did I wished I had a second one ready to go, as it is difficult to triage looking at the little screen on the back of the digital in bright sunlight.
So evidently my mind is still somewhat fixed on film costs, and the limited number of shots available per roll.
I’d say there are considerable savings to be had once one goes digital. Then there’s the convenience of the instantaneous download to one’s computer, to email, to BT, etc, which creats it’s own element of entertainment.
We have a craft show at our annual street fair. One photographer had beautiful, large landscape prints. I was surprised he’d used a digital. And even more surprised when he admitted to having spent 11 grand on his digital. But the results were spectacular.
My photo guru has moved to digital, buying a used Canon something-or-other for $3,500. So I’m assuming I’d have to be in that ballpark to approximate the Minolta with the Velvia slide film. That’s too big of a $ leap for me at the moment. But I’m hoping to moved up to a digital that will accept a variety of lens.
Approaching diary length for sure now. We may just have to have a diary some time in which we could discuss our photography experience/preferences…
That’s a great idea NDD. There are so many here interested in photography, it would be a great opp to share.
Thanks for your comment. That has been my impression, speaking to several film->digital photographers. They’ve all ended up with very expensive digital cameras, but are generally pleased with the results. They were also in agreement that the quality increases with every new model etc.
I agree with your statement about being too conservative with the digital — I can see that for someone like yourself coming from film (where composing the frame becomes more important for instance). Digital allows for ‘many shots’ and while framing still makes the photo, you can take multiple shots in order to capture the perfect image… Also, b/c these cameras are sold as ‘point and shoot’ people don’t think to play with the settings.
Okay… I’m off to work now. Thanks again for your comments, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work!
The how-to diary is a great idea…especially if it had examples of what you can do with some of the settings that people tend not to mess with.
Thanks for the link to Silverman’s work…I’ve seen his book but never searched him out.
Steve and his wife Robin are wonderful people, and very accessible, if you should ever happen to find yourself in the vicinity of Grand Forks ND.
for all the nice compliments fellow bootribbers!
i have great one – it is a kitty in a burka-the perfect shycat pic- you can see it if you go to my msn mesengerplace – that is called queen of sheba
10-0 and 1 yd from another touchdown. WooHoo!!! Yippee! Keep thinking positive all Seahawk fans!
just what Fox doesn’t want — another blowout that will get folks switching away too early…
Ah, 17-0…don’t want to jinx them, but I think Susanhu can breathe easier now…
whatever happened to Brain Bosworth?? THE BOZ!!
Go Seachickens!!!! (even though you’re not hockey or world soccer)
PSst the Seahawks, imho, have always had the BEST uniforms.
all football uniforms are good because they show off those nice tight butts so well.
If I was wearing all that spandex-my butt would look good too!
IMO, the worst, yet somehow the best uniforms are Tampa Bay, for the simple fact that those painted-on bronze pants make the guys look like they’re naked from the waist down.
I can’t stand the Phallus Scars (Dallas Stars) but regardless, they do have the worst jersey/sweater of all time. Their Third Jersey wa a complete bomb. See why.
Did you ever see the Boston Bruins’ third jersey? Uuuuuugly!
the yellow is the color of Wet Baby Poo Squirts.
We had a little reprise of this shot from last week, today while walking the Totos during the pre Game® interval.
We had thawed leftovers of our favorite mackerel-&-tofu chili for lunch during the Pittsburgh® game. For supper, even though I’m usually the cook, Puget4 is the queen of the fillet knife so she filleted 10 little smelt fishies which we broiled with a light basting of garlic & salt olive oil. Yum!
Later for snacks we’ll bring around a virtual bucket of pickled herring to share.
Gooserock, there is not photo. Unless, of course, you are hiding it from the prying eyes of the NSA.
It’s at Imageshack. Sometimes it runs slow for some viewers. ??
I was just sitting here thinking I might have just a smidgen of Breyer’s No Sugar Added ice cream, with the teensiest dripple of chocolate syrup, but then I saw the words “mackerel chili” and my urge instantly vanished!
Thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow dietary path!
Hooray!!! What a team! What uniforms!! What nice tite butts. What a hunk, Shaun Alexander! Outstanding playing. Hasselbeck is a genius!!
It’s a —-

Hey Hey!!
clicky to enlargy
Why is Booman listed with a user id #4 when this is his blog,no. And who are 1,2,3?
Actually I’ve seen the answer to that one, it’s just been so many months that my biological hard drive has writ over it, or something… so tonight, no clue…
Answer’s Here scroll to bottom.
Anybody at the cafe or did you all go to Susan’s football party?
I’m off to the dentist so I’ve left your coffee on the warming plate. Have a good day.
I wish we could use guided imagery to get rid of BushCo. But, if I can use it to control my eating habits, that’s a start.
Everything we do to get our health back makes us a more powerful Democrats and patriots.
(links go to Eat 4 Today)