Huffington Post – by Steve Clemons
Jan. 20, 2006 — In recent months, picking up steam in recent weeks, there has been a massive exodus of top talent from the World Bank. According to reports, the senior Ethics Officer at the Bank has departed. Also on the exit roster are the Vice President for East Asia & Pacific, the Chief Legal Counsel, the Bank’s top Managing Director, the Director of Institutional Integrity (which monitors internal and external corruption), the Vice President for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, and the head of ISG (Information Solutions Group).
According to one senior insider who feels as if Wolfowitz is gut-punching the most talented teams at the bank and indicated that morale is plummeting, “Wolfowitz just does not talk to his Vice Presidents. He speaks to a few close advisors — Kevin Kellems, Robin Cleveland, Karl Jackson, some others — but a lot of very good people are leaving.”
Below the fold …
In addition, the senior Bank staff are bristling at the behavior and antics of Robin Cleveland, a long-time aide to Senator Mitch McConnell who was considered by this writer to be one of the few genuinely monstrous personalities among Congressional staff. She has been shaking World Bank staff and programs on governance and anti-corruption agendas “in her normal, predictable tirade-style” according to one senior World Bank official.
The irony here is that Robin Cleveland was herself deeply involved in the Boeing tanker ethics mess. While soliciting then Secretary of the Air Force James Roche to help her brother get a job at Northrop Grumman.
- “Be well. Smile. Give tankers (Oops, did I say that? My new deal is terrific.) 🙂 Jim.”
While the Financial Times reported that Roche was found guilty of breaching defense department ethics rules, the Pentagon inspector general did not have the authority to investigate Robin Cleveland.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
and our govt focuses on spying on mothers and grandmothers with pink t-shirts???
Thanks for the diary, Oui!
Wolfowitz should be in prison for crimes against humanity.
The key word here is “should” . I so totally agree, but the fact he isn’t and is in a place to do tremendous harm is so scary! He among others should obviously be in jail for the rest of their natural lives; however they aren’t and on a daily basis, they are doing great harm to not only us, but to the whole world. This is yet another way for this neocon and republican way of doing things in the world that they can not afford to do otherwise with their resources. The fact that he and others are not in jail is begging to me for the reason WHY! Where is the justice in all of this? Oh man, are we screwed!
There is no justice in tyranny, and the tyranny of a group of weak-spirited cowards is the regime under which our country is laboring under.
IOW, the project is proceeding as planned.
Heckuva job, paulie!
which in the case of the world bank is a good thing. I wish they would put him in charge of the imf too.
The theft of the World’s assets continue, and Americans will be allowed to go down with the ship. Sad that our media is working hand-in-hand with the thieves of the bush crime family…. Americans are on the ropes, or is that the canvas ?? Disgusting that dumb or dumber applies to many of the American citizens. Easy to blame the American media, but what has happened to common sense, and critical thinking. Oh yeah, the public school system’s brainwashing and dumbing down, of our children..
Pretty damn funny, if the stakes were not so high.. EtJ
Wolfies war in the ME rumbles on, at tax-payers expense. America’s piggy banks being worked over from coast to coast. Why not the World? Hitler would be proud of these guys.
What does mean?