In the summer of 2004 I was in St. Petersburg, Florida organizing voter registration teams when I was invited to an anti-war protest at the Baywalk shopping center. Baywalk is a large complex in the downtown area, that has a mega movie complex and a number of restaurants and clothing shops. I wasn’t there to protest the war, but to make sure that everyone was registered to vote, or had information about how to contest their disenfranchisement (it sometimes seemed like a quarter of Floridians are convicted felons).
The protesters were peaceful, but loud and rude. They used a bullhorn, and they were aggressively confrontational to people that were just trying to go to a movie with their families.
After a while I grew frustrated with their tactics, which I considered counterproductive, and I took an elevator up to the second level to get a bite to eat. It was on the second level, near the bathrooms that I discovered a man partially hidden behind a pillar, taking telephotic photos of the protesters on the street below.
I confronted this man, demanding to know who was paying him to take pictures. Unfortunately, he refused to tell me. I then went back downstairs and rallied some troops to come up and demand some answers. But, he had left, and left so quickly that he forgot his camera bag.
At the time, we were not sure whether the man was working for the Baywalk owners, a local paper, or the FBI. But, it now appears likely he was working for the Pentagon.
As Newsweek reports, the Pentagon spied on numerous anti-war demonstrations:
Not only did the Pentagon spy on, and infiltrate, anti-war groups, but they broke the law doing it.
I very much doubt it was an oversight. Cheney and Rumsfeld were working in the Ford administration when the Watergate babies (Class of ’74) swept into Congress and cracked down on the kind of domestic surveillance that made Nixon notorious. And Cheney and Rumsfeld have been agitating to roll back those reforms (like the FISA Act) ever since.
In my opinion, William Arkin (who broke this story) has it right.
I’ve seen too much of the Bush administration. I don’t care what Usama Bin-Laden says, I am not going to be distracted from the criminality of this government.
I cannot tell you, BOoMan, how disappointed I was to click “read more” following t I discovered a man partially hidden behind a pillar, taking telephotic photos of the protesters on the street below. …
only to learn you didn’t kick him in the nuts.
But i think it’s fabulous you gathered a group to go after him.
Did you keep the camera bag?
We looked at it for any identifying information. We didn’t find any, so we gave it to lost and found.
Pity you didn’t have a camera of your own. These guys hae a different attitude about ‘photographing people in a public space’ when it’s their mug being snapped.
That’s truly the way to go. Carry a digital camera at all times, and be ready to use it in a case like this.
It’s probably also a good idea to quickly distribute those pics to others, as it’s starting to look like no ordinary citizen is safe from illegal persecution anymore these days, no matter how legal/illegal their actions are.
Exactly what I was thinking … did you keep the camera bag? No clues in it? (My Nancy Drew proclivities are coming out.)
It’s a shame you didn’t have a camera with you — you could have taken a picture of him taking pictures.
Oh, let’s go get daddy’s roadster and go sleuthing!
uh uh — daddy paid for the car but it belonged to Nancy. Lucky girl!
Someone gave me a little book called Nancy Drew’s Guide to Life for my birthday last year. It’s on my desk at work so I can’t quote it, but its full of all kinds of good advice. For instance, if you see something suspicious that looks like a shark in a river, it’s more likely a submarine being used by thieves! I’m sure there must be something in there about men behind pillars taking pictures.
It’s a shame Booman DIDN’T kick the guy in the balls. What a world we live in these days.
I have the same book. And the roadster was a shiny blue Mustang.
Sleuthing is hard work!
It’s enough to make you drink.
only to learn you didn’t kick him in the nuts
yea, but then he’d probably have the hassle of dealing with that pesky ‘assult on a federal officer’ charge
. . . or whatever worse (classified?) proceeding the military might have in store
Shame you didn’t get a picture of him before confronting him.
You did have your Hardy Boys – Nancy Drew cell-phone camera with you, didn’t you? [Grin]
Not only could you take the pictures, you could instantly send them to a safe location in case someone were to object.
Organizers of such protests should also organize people to wander the likely spy locations and take pictures of suspicious people like the one you spotted.
Just a thought.
Fuck these bastards and the assholes who support them.
Spying on Americans, grammas of falling soldiers… during their precious little “war”. Don’t theyhave better things to do … like spy on the enemies..
Oh yeah… WE are their enemy.
when I took this:
I was proud of my fellow Human Beings.
We were watched that day, Sunday, from rooftops by men with guns. As we sat and cried over Camp Casey coffins… we were watched and I’m sure.. hated.
Jesus Boo that was CIFA you were tangling with… just be glad it wasn’t the Strategic Support Branch, eh?
I think it might well have been CIFA.
I have classified as a 4 or 5s security threat at airports and it could be because of this blog, or it could be because of my presence at liberal demonstrations and meetings.