The American Research Group has Dubya at his lowest point in the polls since he took office:
George W. Bush’s overall job approval rating has returned to its lowest point in Bush’s presidency as Americans again turn less optimistic about the national economy according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. Among all Americans, 36% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to Bush’s handling of the economy, 34% approve and 60% disapprove.
Among Americans registered to vote, 37% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to the way Bush is handling the economy, 35% of registered voters approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 60% disapprove.
A total of 14% of Americans say the national economy is getting better, which is down from 30% in December and 52% say the national economy is getting worse, which is up from 40% in December. When asked about the national economy a year from now, 15% say it will be better, which is down from 28% in December, and 62% say it will be worse, which is up from 39% in December.
Overall, the public is still displaying an astonishing level of apathy regarding the criminality of the Bush administration. But, the polls show that the American people are deeply unhappy with the overall performance of the Chimp-in-Charge.
As the Year of Scandal unfolds, Bush is in about the worst possible position to weather the storm. That is, except for the GOP control of both houses of Congress and the protrate stance of the corporate press. Perhaps he can make it through if people like Chris Matthews and Usama bin-Laden can just keep equating opposition to felonies, looting, and incompetence with anti-Americanism.
I’m not fussy. Any bad news for BushCo, in a political sense these days, I equate to good news for America. A drop in the polls is good news to these ears.
“Overall, the public is still displaying an astonishing level of apathy regarding the criminality of the Bush administration.
Frustrating isn’t it?
Have we noticed ‘the criminality’ is sold as a necessary act to keep us safe? Heard on NPR this am one pundit opining the preznit can do anything.
When everything else fails the king, vice and Rove pull up the standard fallback – national security.
36% is way too high.
And Darth and Rove will make King Georgie keep going out there to “friendly” audiences saying NSA spying is for are all gone until all the sheeple believe that too. It is called fucking propaganda people. AND the media is complicit.
‘NSA spying’ has been rebranded. The new label was officially launched in Kansas. It’s to be called;
“the Terrorist Surveillance Program”
Nice to know we, his subjects, are all terrorists.
hat tip to thinkprogress
I read that today and almost wet my pants laughing. It really isn’t funny but if I don’t keep laughing at the absurdity of it all I do believe I would go insane. No Joke!
I was painting furniture while watching the George goes to Kansas show (I know, what was I thinking?)…and listening to him was about as entertaining as watching the paint dry. Everything he says about “the terrorists” applies more to himself than anything else!
Sounds about right to me. Where does it say it has anything to do with surveillance on terrorists?
We are in for a rough ride this year. Wars (Iraq, Terror) and rumors of war (Iran and/or Syria) will dominate the headlines. Hanging around every DC cocktail party will be anonymous administration senior officials whispering “Boo” into the the willing ears of reporters and broadcasters and pundits (oh my!).
I’m no prophet, but that’s my prediction.
hey, it’s MY job to whisper Boo.
Does Boo bark boo?
nope. it’s a definite ‘rouff’.
booman, maybe you mean roh, roh, just like larry johnson said the other day…:o) Oh I forgot boo is nto a scooby doo know is he….:o)
I like to keep track of him on a state by state basis too, expecially my red state of Missouri.
I posted this over in the news bucket earlier today. This is great news in a red state with a senate race going on this year. Look at the drop in Bush’s numbers:
I’m doin’ a happy dance.
Here’s a link to the backup data which I haven’t had time to go over yet.
The problem is, as always, lack of a real electoral opposition. Last week Reid and Hillary both made perfectly reasonable statements. Then they each apologized. Every time I feel a little hope that the Dems are starting to get it, they crawl back in their holes because somebody talked nasty about them.
The American media is indeed little better than garbage, but there would be better coverage if the Dems could manage to state a newsworthy case. Reid and Hillary just made that a little harder, sadly enough: who cares what some trembly little attack dog wannabe has to say, when they’ll retract it all tomorrow? If you were a journalist would you be interested? I wouldn’t.
I think it’s due to our fragmented media. Since there’s no major source of trustworthy news anymore, if your conservative your very likely to get your sources from conservative biased / conservative catering services. You’ll always go to FOX and view the news and opinions from people that think just as you do.
So.. the people that are behind Bush are always behind Bush no matter what because their sources will scapegoat and blame Bush’s problems upon somebody else. It’s never his fault. Therefore, Bushy gets to keep his stalwart supporters no matter what happens.. because no on in the stalwart circle will ever break through the propanganda barrier. Think of it as a support group for frightened reactionaries.
Everyone one is there patting each othe ron the back and saying “there there, we know your right and you’re not alone.”
Unfortunately it will take a lot of bad news to break that wall of ignorance they’ve built up around themselves
I don’t think I have ever heard him emit sound for so long at one go.
Maybe the poll was taken toward the end of that.
The Bleat-a-thon pretty much was an (hour?) long justification of every bad policy decision he ever made from his initial usurpation of the presidency, designed to try to paint him as a strong, tough leader and to justify his illegal spying. Then, screamingly obvious scripting of the “question and answer” session…there was a woman “from Iraq” who said that it didn’t matter that there were no WMD, thanking him over and over for getting rid of Saddam and now her 2 family members were parliament members in the new Iraqi “government”. Then, the usual round of “regular folks” and “military personnel” fellating him for his leadership skills and decisive decision-making prowess.(After the fourth or fifth propaganda plant, I had to turn it off. I think he starts smirking wildly when he things get even more full of shit than usual, and it makes me sick.)
the actual bleating sound, I turned the sound down, was away from the TV for what I am sure was well over an hour, and when I returned to the screen, it was still occupied by Mr. Danger, mouth moving, LIVE icon still there, he was sort of slumping over the podium, I believe he was performing a digital investigation into an ear, and of course, bleating.
I am still perplexed at the sheer length of the bleat, will he have missed a medication? Maybe the Imperial Physicians have fashioned a patch for him, and the marathon bleats will become a trend. I hope I am wrong.
Comports with the Pew Survey on Jan 11. Pew debunked the “rise” touted by the administration:
2% drop in two weeks.
Though I personally find it hard to understand how even 36% of Americans could still approve of Bush, and though I realize that poll numbers are always a bit erratic, I still get a big kick out of seeing Bush’s numbers move in the right direction.
That said, I’ve been following Charles Franklin’s Political Arithmetik blog for the last few months. He’s a heavy-duty statistician who tracks just about all the major polls — 16 of them in his latest chart. He’s a lot more careful than I am about interpreting poll results. He says Bush’s numbers seem to have “stabilized” after hitting their record low in November, then recovering a little in December. In other words, Franklin says the upturn has ended but it’s not clear to him yet whether another downturn has begun.
I’ve always had trouble keeping track of poll names and who does the polling. I don’t recognize the American Research Group among the polls that Franklin tracks but for all I know their data could be there under some other name.
…if Bush just finally threw the towel in and admitted that he isn’t that popular anymore. Maybe resign, move to Croatia, and grow some cabbages. But he seems to be a very stubborn fool, so I don’t see that happening.
I knew the consequences but also believed that the consequences of not acting against this enemy would mean I wasn’t doing my job of working with others to protect the United States of America.
So we sent our men and women into harm’s way, all volunteers. It is really important for the United States of America to have an all- volunteer army.
The best way to keep people volunteering in the Army is make sure they’ve got good pay, good training, good equipment and good housing for their loved ones.
But since we’re not able to track vast battalions or armadas, we’ve got to have intelligence, good intelligence to help us to locate the dark corners of the world where these people hide.
BUSH: A lot of the decisions I make and decisions future presidents make will be based upon the capacity of our intelligence services to find the enemy and to understand the intentions of the enemy and to share information with our allies.
This is a different kind of struggle, and it requires the best intelligence possible. That’s why we’re re-evaluating, constantly reevaluating, how best to use our intelligence services to be able to protect the American people.
Bush Speaks at Kansas State University Today
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oui – as I read down the material in the box, my thought was this was a joke.
Got to the point I could see your name and thought, “It’s Oui – this is real Bush speak!
Pathetic indeed.
The technical term is bushbleat.
Thanks – I didn’t think it was English.
I wonder if those who will pick up on it and repeat it are “bleaters,” “bleatish,” “bleatians,” “bleatists,” or “bleaticans.”
Just keep listening to Turdy, Bush; he really knows what he is doing.