but not for Godot
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good Morning! Anyone Lurking/visiting?
Ah, you beat me. I type too slow early in the morning.
I’m lurking…
Good Morning! I stopped by your newsbucket thread, but I have to go back and recommend it.
Have your classes started for the semester?
Yep, thanks for asking. Had endocrinology last night…boy, was that fun.
We’ve been talking about contraception. And I have a staunchly Catholic woman in my class who not only wouldn’t dispense emergency contraception (luckily she works in home health care where it isn’t an issue), but would not sell condoms either (we were all stunned at that: how could you do that, when HIV prevention is involved?). It never ceases to amaze me that some people are so arrogant as to think they can shove their “morality” off on others.
The good news is that most of the topics covered in endocrinology are ones I’ve written on extensively, which makes studying for the exams a lot easier.
In my world, she’d never get a license to practice whatever it is she wants to do. And she’d be thrown out of the department as well.
It should be criminal to say and practice what she’s claiming to do. That it isn’t, and is actually accepted by too many people, is sick, sick, sick.
I’m going to go throw up.
She’s already licensed, and fortunately for the rest of the world, she works in an area of pharmacy where those issues don’t ever come into play.
Another weird thing we talked about: The woman who is teaching the class mentioned how, a few years earlier, she lived in the neighborhood near the university, and attended the same Catholic church that several of her undergrad students did. When she taught the contraception/women’s health class, they actually gave her a hard time: “How could you teach this, and be a good Catholic? You shouldn’t be teaching us about this.”
What is happening to our younger college students? When did they become so narrow-minded and judgemental?
Given the large number of Catholics who don’t follow the rules on birth control, it appears that a lot of their righteous indignation will eventually get stomped by reality.
I don’t know about where kids get those ideas. I do know that back in the 1960s the parish priest routinely granted dispensation for birth control to the women in his parish. My mom thought it was “cheating” and went back to her childhood parish where that priest was more strict. She ended up almost dying with the last two kids (she went on to “almost die” 8 or 9 more times and is still going strong).
I think attitudes like that are ok in Utah. If you’re in Utah, you should expect it. But, don’t come to my town and work in a regular store and shove your nineteenth centure notions in my face. I’m not interested in going backwards. That’s what I’d say to that woman in your class. Go back to Utah (I’m sorry if you live in Utah, I certainly don’t mean any offense).
Not any more. Good morning.
What a nice, clean place. I think I’ll mess it up.
kb, coffee’s waiting
Ummmm. This is Good!
I was a little off stride all day yesterday, since we missed each other in the morning.
my dentist appointment threw me off — it was an exercise in sexism and ageism. My dentist who I’d guess is somewhere between 45 – 55 has permed and dyed his formerly straight dark har blond. I was thoroughly disconcerted by it.
Dentists can change! It’s hard enough going to them as it is.
That’s why I accuse myself of ageism and sexism — my reaction was clearly unfair. And it still was freaky.
Sorry — I meant “can’t”.
Let’s throw away this conversation and start over with something more pleasant.
Like, O I don’t know — what brand of coffee are we drinking?
Hokey smokes, kb. But you’ll have to come up with the topic because that was the grand total of anything interesting in my life.
that’s like so 70s- I dated a guy back then who owned a chain of hair shops and I’ll never forget the image I had of walking into one of his salons and he’s in curlers…did something to my libido LOL!
But as a feminist I feel really bad about my reaction. After all, men should get to waste as much time and energy on their looks as women do š
it still affects the libido in a weird animalistic way-made me want to run. LOL!
I have two minutes until my daughter wakes up. Could I have a triple “alone time” with a shot of “quiet?”
Very, very quiet and all alone.
January 18 snowfall
Glorious picture- and a welcome reminder of Abbey. Thanks all around.
Do you take these photos?
Glad you liked the picture.
I take the most of the ones in our woods and environs. My husband takes most of the ones of farther away places.
There’s a lot of about Abbey that bothers me but nothing in his attitude toward nature.
I agree on Abbey. He first came to my attention in college, when we took a trip to Big Bend. I remember getting permission to skip a group hike to just sit with my feet in a poll, read Abbey and be a still part of nature.
Please never stop taking pictures.
Please never stop taking pictures.
Don’t worry as long as I can find
viewers at Boo, I’ll keep taking them.
Good morning ladies – are we all just waiting for Manee to show up? I’ve been hanging out for hours, but now my old man is up and about, gotta look purposeful! Told him I’m just killing time until the big vote today.
Finally, somebody noticed my heading and church sign.
Andi – was it you who did the Baptist church sign I saw at the Wonkette a couple days ago? “Will somebody please give him a blowjob so we can impeach him?”
Good Morning Everyone
Will we be hearing a sermon today or is it lunch out on the church grounds? Hope everybody is doing fine today.
Good morning, FM.
I love the church sign generator but I think I probably ought to go try one of the secular ones.
I think it’s great. To hel er heck with them if they can’t take a joke.
LOL – Andi that is the funniest I’ve seen in ages. You are a wizard with pictures.
Thanks but I’m not doing this one. It’s a website that let’s you create church signs with any words you want. Check it out.
Thanks I did check it out, and I think I’m going to have a surprise for my southern baptist sister. She do take that religion seriously.
LOL! I’ll go close the froggy bottom cafe.
I’m taking my victory lap around the cafe, claiming credit for the NDP’s “Just this once” slogan that helped them win a record presence in the Canadian government last night.
I suggested the slogan in the
range place well over a year ago, possibly close to two years, as a possible outreach approach by Dems to disaffected Republicans and independents.
Whether I’m the source that actually inspired the NDP campaign, there’s no denying that they used it exactly as I’ve been suggesting in the world’s most popular blog, and it worked well for them.
So there ya go, folks, a proven campaign message for just the kind of situation we’re in now!
[But I still can’t get ‘inline’ to behave in-line.]