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Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
hop on in cuz it’s
A Free Flaming Dr. Pepper Shot to the first newbie who de-lurks and says hello!
That looks good. I used to love hot DP in the winter as a kid (just not this alcohol version however). I guess the sugars in the flaming rum must carmelize to give it the DP flavor.
funny, I’ve never been a fan of hot or flat soda, but Dr. Pepper is the exception. I hardly drink it though because it makes me very hyper and can be problematic when I have to sit at my desk and do mundane tasks 🙂
We used to drink it with a lemon slice as an alternative to hot chocolate after sledding.
the drink and the sledding!
I wish we would have some weather around here. It’s getting boring.
If you can find it in your area they make a sugar-free, caffeine-free version that is really quite good.
Did I mention that I liked being hyper? 😀
Hope you’re feelin’ better today regarding the Ford news. Let us know if any of the local unions start accepting donations to help the workers.
I dunno about that particular drink being for the likes of me, Manny.
There’s a reason I dig blended, shishifrufru frozen type drinks.
LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago, I uh knew someone who managed to burn their bangs on a bong. Not once, but twice… in the same evening.
I’ll stick with the some sort of tequila/liquor my secretary brought back from Mexico. It has no label, is in a wooden barrel,with a cork, and has a man digging something out of the ground. –and is now empty.
Is it black round barrel like?? I have one with the same man digging. It’s from Oaxoaxa and it’s not tequila.
It’s Mezcal…
My is from Michoacan..she said they have it in a large barrel and transfer it to a smaller one…and it is good.
It is a brown barrel..on a stand with a shot glass.
Anyone comsuming alcohol in the cafe is strongly encouraged to have a designated driver.
Ho! Amazing image, Man Ee — a cause to both marvel at nature’s wonders & cringe in horror — simultaneously!
Just steppin’ in for a moment, despite interesting booze offerings. I feel generally awful — especially physically. Maybe if Gaia would stop playing handball with the mercury, your woodland pond-mate could adjust a bit & avoid multiple infections.
Alas, off to the crib ..
Green tea and echinacea – they both work wonders for me. Hope you are able to get some real rest and build that immune system back up.
Thanks for the remedy reminders, dear. I’ve got both in stock.
…with the bloating today and all
Hey is that picture a metaphor..of the republicans riding the back of the working man/woman??
Hi Manee and everyone, just stopped into say hi, miss you all, will be back later, maybe to dance a little.
Manee could you put in that link to the html site, for the colors and things. Sorry, I lost my link.
Glad to see you here in the cafe. Are you talking about the HTML diary superscalar did here? If you’re thinking of something else, let me know so I can start digging 🙂
still… not sure what to make of it.
It all looks geek to me 🙂
(runs away)
Manee, no it was a link you gave me….one time when I asked about how to put the color in the background, I don’t see it on that diary.
let me go through my archives and see what I can find.
Are you talking about the listing for the html colors? (that’s just one example, if you google “HTML color codes”, you can find several good sites)
If not, I’ll keep shooting until I hit the bullseye.
Manee thanks for putting that link up. It answered a ton of questions I’ve been meaning to ask.
if you ever have any questions on code, drop a line in one of the cafes; there’s usually someone around who can help.
Thanks for putting that link up — I’ve hotlisted it although I’m not sure I understand a word of most sections. But I probably just need to play around a little. (No comments Janet, Indy, Andi, etc.)
just need to get your hands all over it. 🙂
so I wouldn’t have to say all her lines but since she’s not here …
we all know what you really think she needs to get her hands all over.
Getaway sailboat fantasy cont’d.
Aft deck and helm of a Spray replica. Mizzen mast step at center bottom.

Click to enlarge:

The profile that’s launched a thousand ship builders.
The very boat, coasting along the Cocos Islands, National Geographic 1939.

Grandma loved a sailor, who sailed the frozen sea
Grandpa was that whaler and he took me on his knee
He said: “Son, I’m going crazy from livin’ on the land
Got to find my shipmates and walk on foreign sands”
This old man was graceful with silver in his smile
He smoked a briar pipe and he walked four country miles
Singing songs of shady sisters and old time liberty
Songs of love and songs of death and songs to set men free
I’ve got three ships and sixteen men
A course for ports unread
I’ll stand at mast, let north winds blow till half of us are dead
Land ho!
Well, if I get my hands on a dollar bill gonna buy a bottle and drink my fill
If I get my hands on a number five gonna skin that litlle girl alive
If I get my hand on a number two come back home and marry you
Marry you, marry you
Land ho!
An upbeat, pretty tune, worth adding to your collection.
at least so far anyway, here in my BT life.
Here’s one from the
Standing Rock Indian Reservation, South of Bismarck, ND.
view large
What I especially appreciated about this area is that the tribe does not allow overhead power lines, in most areas. And then the extensive variety birds singing, many of which I was not familiar with. We had a Native American guide, who’s service was reasonable cost-wise, and somewhat essential for touring many areas.
If you’re going to continue to give us such great pictures, I’m going to find it really difficult to encourage you to go off and write.
One must repair damage at the earliest opportunity. Thanks for the first stitch in the breach!
actually I goofed on the dimensions of the height, the proportion off the original should have been 294 instead of 330, so the large view is the most accurate.
You know sometimes all you want to do is look at the pictures.
Here’s my day in at a glance
Train Wreck doesn’t really do it justice…
Set ’em up Manny…Black and Tans for starters
and keep’em comin’…
I might calm down w/ a bit-o-the nectar.
Hang in there, dada. The bar’s fully stocked
(photo posted in honor of Second Nature, who referred to it as the Fetus Frog the last time it came out to play)
A black and tan right in front of my Bondage in Bumfuck Alabama face!
I’ll try one of them there Dr. Pepper thingees. I love Dr. Pepper — but I’ve never had it hot after sledding. I’m going to try that– assuming it ever snows here ever again.
two aspirin and a benedryl. Repeat every four hours until the migraine is gone or you are.
Dearest MilitaryTracy!!!! Come live with me in Oregon. I’m sure we can find a place that serves medicinal margaritas WITH medicinal espresso cheesecake.
even with two “organized” feedings a day (remove all the Republicans and leave only the three Progressives at the trough) this is the largest bully gluttonous Republican and our smallest Progressive.
in this house. My daughter has dubbed him “Darwin” and we ribboned him so we will know “Darwin” from here on out.
Now I have to talk them all into naming the little girl F.I.D.O. for Fuck Intelligent Design Officiant! She is our little priestess of disproving bullshit!
As the biggest puppyslut ever, I am working myself up into a state of unbridled lust and am trying to figure out how to reach through my monitor so I can pet those lovely soft ears.
“I’m fat, Love me!” If only we could put Karl Rove in an almost comatose state……he could be so cute and lovable too perhaps.
If you can tranform rove into a sweet puppy, then yes. Otherwise no matter what else rove is, he’s always a fuckhead.
If we could Rover in a comatose state, he’d make a great punching bag.
Me first, me first!
This calls for a little doggie poetry:
I lie belly-up
in the sunshine, happier
you will never be
This is one that my students always seem to respond to positively.
Catch and shake the cobra garden hose.
Scramble on panicky paws and flee
The hiss of tensing nose,
Or stalk that snobbish bee.
The back yard world is vast as park
With belly-tickle grass and stun
Of sudden sprinkler squalls that are
Rainbows to the yap yap sun
By: Robert L. Tyler
in a Marmotish sort of way 🙂
Remember, wicked great things come in small packages. 🙂
Oh and on a personal psst note:
I HAVE SO FUCKING MISSED YOU TRACY!!!!!!!! there I feel better. You do know you are treasured, right?
One of those fricken “boys” hiding in the bushes super glued my Unreasonable Woman pin to my kitchen counter face down, I suppose cuz they were pissed at me. You little shits! It came up just fine and I gently pry the superglue up a bit at a time every single day. You little shits!
OMG! Are they still living??
If not this upcoming CodePink (shhh it’s gonna be a good one too involving a BIG Democrat Senator who is not listening to us at all…) weekend then sometime next week, want me to grab you another one if they have some at the time? I need to grab some anyways.
on them! They run too damn fast. Over my dead body though they’ll father any of my grandchildren! Looks like that’s hurtin em a bit!
Wannabe Boyfriends?? Mistreating something so holy as a codepink item in a house of female activists? What are they? Morons?
One day they’ll get theres. A nice Icy/Hot or BenGay “hand job”.
One glass of wine tonight after such a sucky day and my latitude just pops out of no where!
when they drink – their longitude pops out 🙂
No drinkie for me yettie.
Gawd, I wish we had one more day together in DC. That truly was a memorable time. Parts of it come back to me in dreams, long solo drives, just when I’m quiet.
I love all the froggy photos in hte cafe this evening.
Aww shucks…I’m blushing.
You certainly are a roll with your pics today — first the duct tape superhero and now a romantic froggy.
CabinGirl just dropped me off at home after Drinking Liberally. There is a weird combination of sleet and violent lightning in Philly tonight. Wish her luck with a safe drive home to the country.
home safely, you call her and make sure she did.
(I’m sure you would probably do this anyway, but if you may have had a cocktail, it can’t hurt to remind you!) 🙂
Moi? Au contraire. Mucho cervezas, pero no cocktails.
A cerveza is a cocktail in my philosophy, Horatio 🙂
cock·tail Pronunciation (kktl)
a. A mixture of drugs, usually in solution, for the diagnosis or treatment of a condition.
b. A treatment regimen that includes a combination of several drugs, so that their combined effect is more potent than that of any of the drugs used individually.
3. An appetizer made by combining pieces of food, such as fruit or seafood: fruit cocktail; shrimp cocktail.
I should have known!
Anyway, call CabinGirl, she should be home by now.
kick up the adrenaline levels, BooMan.
How’d your marketing effort go tonight? Expect any ads? (Didn’t you JUST go to drinking liberally last week?)
Tuesdays…they come so often.
Wow. You have drinking liberally EVERY week? We only have it once a month. (Not that I’ve ever been; I have a standing meeting on Wednesday nights, so I can never go.)
Once a month doesn’t seem very liberal…
That’s what I’m thinking. But this IS a red state.
glad you made it home safely. And we didn’t even need to worry Ductape by using insecure phones to verify your safety.
the black helicopter guys. Let them read it here if they are so interested. Maybe they will learn things, and change careers, become potters, wear pink.
Thanks-the “weathering” stopped before I was even halfway home.
Hey everybody, I’m home…but I’ll have to pass on those flaming shots, ManEe!
thank FSM! I’m glad you made it home safely. Is there something else from the bar I can get you?
Pint glass of ice water sounds good. What’d I miss? Militarytracy still chasing boys out of the bushes?
I told BooMan he should call and make sure you got there OK since you all have been having a cocktail. 😉
Thanks, Ducky!
The lightning was pretty incredible, especially combined with the sleet.
I’m not sure if it’s in this thread, the last FBC, or Damnit Janet’s but it appears that Tracy’s very own bush wars have been escalated. CodePink reinforcements have been called in to provide assistance.
Glad you made it safely.
Why do they write instruction manuals for appliances etc. so vaguely. I got an IPOD clock radio for christmas and I finally decided to figure out how to wake to an Ipod playlist. One would THINK this would be easy to figure out. I can’t believe I can’t figure out how to work a clock/radio.
Open up iTunes.
Click “File”.
Select “New Playlist”.
It will create a new playlist in your left sidebar.
Name the playlist.
Drag and Drop songs from you library into playlist.
Ta-da! New playlist created.
I have playlists. I just can’t figure out how to make this device work. Guess I’ll find out in the morning when the alarm does or doesn’t go off.
It says:
OK. But I like to listen to my Ipod when I fall asleep. To PLAY your IPod, “Dock the already playing ipod” — by definition that means your ipod is in the on position.
Why am I telling you this? After you’ve had cocktails, especially.
Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking…I have no clue how to make the clock radio thing play your lists.
I appreciate that you tried to help though. Life should just be simpler.
I just plug mine into my Bose cd player; I’m not that technologically advanced…
when you are done with that I have a VCR that needs hooking up. Susan sent me a tape. And I wants to watch it.
Sorry, you’ll have to hire a 10 year old for that one. It’s beyond me.
They will have it hooked up for you in five minutes, three if you give them pizza or blue M&Ms
One of my favorite commercials was the one where the family kidnaps the tech geek because they keep getting an error message on their computer. “make it go away “. Heh. Of course I have no idea what they were advertising. But I liked the commercial.
Grab your drinks and join the nightowls at the chimnea.