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Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
hop on in cuz we’re takin’ a trip down memory lane!
On January 24th:
- 1848 James Marshall was the first to discover gold in California, at Sutter’s Mill near Coloma.
- 1916 The US Supreme Court ruled that income tax is unconstitutional.
- 1916 Conscription was introduced in Britain.
- 1935 Beer in cans was first sold, in Virginia, USA, by the Kreuger Brewing Company.
- 1952 Vincent Massey was the first Canadian to be appointed governor-general of Canada (-Sept 1959).
- 1962 French film director François Truffaut’s Jules et Jim premiered in Paris.
- 1978 A Russian satellite crashed near Yellow Knife in Canada’s Northwest Territory.
- 1990 Japan launched the first probe to be sent to the Moon since 1976; it placed a small satellite in lunar orbit (March).
- 1991 More than 15,000 Allied air sorties were flown in the Gulf War, with 23 aircraft lost.
Dates courtesy of Historytoday.com
How are the fates treating you today?
And I don’t mean flip-floppity politicians either!
Finally getting life to stir here on the Left Coast. Need. More. Caffeine.
Oh yummy – waffles! Now I’ll have to zip up to the cafeteria for breakfast!
Good Morning to All,
Great looking waffles, Man. Is there pure Canadian Maple syrup there too? I’d like a cup of coffee, black, please, thanks.
Gotta walk the Totos and then off to work at my Away Job.
How’s everyone doing this mornin?
Thanks. That’s purrrrrr-fect. Yikes! The Totos heard the purr….Here they come!!
This was just a small runoff falls – no more than 15 ft high!
Coffee – we took a small thermos of coffee and sat on tree stump by the lake. Sipping hot coffee – the cup warming the fingers and the coffee smelling heavenly in the early morning air.
Hail Caffeina – the Goddess in her liquid aspect! – thanks to a dKos buddy!
That is just lovely. It makes me want to go there and sit and daydream until the lull of the falling water sends me off to sleep.
a lurker who hasn’t shared pix yet from his vacation.
I’m back from Acapulco now. I’m heading out of town again in a couple days though (to Phoenix), and I’ve got a lot of stuff to catch up on, so I probably won’t have time to do much more than lurk for the next week or so.
But, as I promised a few of you, here are some pictures from my travels. This is the view from the balcony of the first hotel I stayed at:
And this is the sun setting over Acapulco Bay.
this is starting to get weird (see my comment above)
Thanks for sharing, E. From the looks of it, you had perfect weather for your vacation.
That is truly bizarre.
Yep, the weather was perfect. Low to mid 80’s the entire time.
And here, it is blizzarding now.
Aside from the fact we haven’t had rain in nearly 100 days, Arizona should have great weather too. It’s been in the low 70’s for the past couple of weeks, almost spring-like.
I am very much looking forward to those low 70’s…that’s really the best kind of weather in which to be running around a field chasing a frisbee
Low 70s for the low valleys, I s’pose.
We’re hovering around the freezing point up here in Flag during the day, and getting down near around 0 – 10F at night. Still barely any snow to be had anywhere, though, which does not bode well for fire season.
[Gasp] You mean to tell me, Arizona isn’t all desert and the people don’t take naps by leaning up against saguaros?!?
My worldview has been forever shaken
Yikes, Indy! How are you keeping warm? I would only live in Flag or Show Low if I had a fireplace. Yep, desert rat here.
lol, that’s an excellent impression of what we always hear from our ‘back east friends’. We’ve got a little bit of a blanket collecting hobby around our house, and in our younger days we both had Grammas that would send quilts and homemade afghans for gift-giving occasions, so all of that helps a lot come the shorter days of the year.
But can you believe that I cannot buy a pair of damn long johns in this town? I was running all over yesterday, bitching up a storm everywhere I went, “How the hell are there no long johns for sale in a town where it’s below freezing at night for 9 months of the year?!” All I could find were XXLs, which I could fit 3 of me into, and just-too-small smalls made out of that cheapy scratchy fabric that I flat-out refuse to put against my tender thighs. Harrumph. You’d think people had bought them out, but this is the only stock the local stores have whether it’s June, October, or January. It’s so ass-headed that I’m convinced it must be a Republican conspiracy of some kind. ;p
tender thighs
howzaboot walking into a store in august trying to find a swimsuit and all you can find is Halloween and Christmas crap.
I love a woman who has her priorities in an order I can understand.
Welcome back and so long
Great sunset shot. I’ll be expecting to show up some time in one of our evening cafe beach fests.
The last 5 years is like history repeats itself!
His being made emperor, despite his feebleness and having no military or even administrational experience at all, is most likely due to his being the brother of Germanicus who had died in AD 19 and had been very popular with the soldiery.
Also he might have been deemed a possible puppet emperor, whom one could easily control, by the praetorians [corporate power].
The senate [read Supreme Court – Oui] first considered the restoration of the republic, but faced with the praetorians’ decision, the senators [SC Judges] fell in line and bestowed imperial power upon Claudius [Chimp].
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Wowzers!!!!! Scary! and so true!
Oui, can I borrow that so I can post that elsewhere? (a hockey room LOL)
That comparison is … right on! And it’s different than the usual Nazi/Hitler one (which I think is dead on, too)
AD 41 knew freedom of speech, so 1965 years later, why not reproduce. BT is open source blogging, ain’t it?
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I’m taking my victory lap around the cafe, claiming credit for the NDP’s “Just this once” slogan that helped them win a record presence in the Canadian government last night.
I suggested the slogan in the Orange place well over a year ago, possibly close to two years, as a possible outreach approach by Dems to disaffected Republicans and independents.
Whether I’m the source that actually inspired the NDP campaign, there’s no denying that they used it exactly as I’ve been suggesting in the world’s most popular blog, and it worked well for them.
So there ya go, folks, a proven campaign message for just the kind of situation we’re in now!
I see my diary is fading away into oblivion.
Avian Influenza Pandemic (2B On Oprah Today)
I think I’ll have to try posting the next one during the early hours rather than the wee hours and see if that helps.
I read it and just rec’ed it but what I really want is for a couple of very dispassionate scientist to sit around and talk about it with all the froufrou of a show like Oprah — I want it on Talk of the Nation’s Science Friday or Quirks and Quarks.
or Quirks and Quarks.”
Yeah, that’d be better for sure. I’m not an Oprah fan by any means, but I’m always curious to see what the masses are being told. And for that reason I will watch that show.
What puzzles me is,as Oui has posted, the Europeans are pretty much prepared, and we are not. I just hope it doesn’t make the jump from H2H this season, so we would have some chance of being prepared also.
Thanks for the response!
Good almost afternoon to the froggies.It is a gorgeous day here in Buttf**k,VA.
My daffs are up and the fire is out.
The marsh is blooming and the herons are breeding.
And hub is still trying to get a kit boat,regardless of Gooserock’s advice.
And this weekend we will put up the bizarre gargoyle that a friend had saved- from a headboard?? Imagine that.Who would want that looking down upon them?
And the same guy who saved this for us,is bringing his new g/f over.The perfect hostess rides again! and again and again.
If you have a good supplier or designer.
Did you know there is software for designing your own stitch-and-glue boats too?
We got a $50 DOS software that runs under Windows. You can start with any of their library of prams, canoes, rowboats, kayaks, various sailing craft, or catamarans. Specify the major dimensions, and how many chines you want, transoms, etc etc., and it prints the exact shape each panel needs to be cut in order to stitch the edges and fold out into a working hull.
You can print the design onto paper or card stock, cut out along the edges and ‘stitch’ with clear tape to get a perfect scale model. The software helps you plan sailing rigs too, everything from Marconi to gaff or spritsail etc., cat, sloop, yawl, ketch, or schooner.
Loads of fun! Here’s one we are playing with, basically a dinghy pram type, but it would be fairly large.
The advantage of the pram bow (if you’re not going into open sea or Great Lakes) is that you get acres of extra space up forward. There are traditional transom-bowed scows and prams into the 40 feet long range btw. That’s a sailboat you could live on–almost practically!
Yes hon -i understand the advantages of the pram bow- for stowage and such-what is the prob with me is that I was incredibly spoiled by my Flicka- everything is a step down from that lovely little vessel.
Puget4 has fallen in love with Slocum’s Spray, of which a famous early replica is nearby in the Sound undergoing very slow repairs by a low-budget, aging owner. She’s gotten it into her head that there’s some way for the boat to come into our hands. Perhaps by being nice to the guy.
Click to enlarge.
It’s definitely a ‘heart’ idea not a practical one, given that our finances are at least a power of 10 too low. But we can’t always be practical about our dreams.
I’ve sailed several boats of different sizes and types I could fall madly in love with for life. The Spray type–especially this local one, made traditionally from big timbers–would certainly be my childhood dream of owning a ‘ship’ come true. After daysailers and even our old Pearson 30′ this thing is like the Goodyear Airship Dock down below. But I don’t see it happening in this lifetime.
Which reminds me–it’s lottery day!
[ps I wouldn’t presume to instruct you on boats! Anything that looks like that is for general readers.]
OOOOOO I am love with the Spray also- good taste she has!
And I also know what is to WANT WANT!I WANT it-I WANT that boat!!!
There are Spray types for sale somewhere in some condition essentially every day of the year.
Here’s a partly built steel hull in Texas from the boat trader online. $19k, who could resist?
We have a catalogue from the designer/builder, Bruce Roberts, originally of Australia, who has a whole line of Spray knockoff kits you can buy, ranging from around 25′ long, past the original 39′ to upwards of 70 feet. There was a finished steel one sold in Port Townsend WA a year ago or so. Somebody has about a 75′ Spray type on Vancouver Island for touring, but I don’t know if it’s a Roberts.
The kits are for one-off fiberglass (no mold used), sheet steel or sheet aluminum. Get this–he’ll ship the precut parts to your boatyard if you’re having a commercial builder assemble it.
He has a book called In the Wake of Spray to whet your appetite with stories of the original and some of the early copies, but then of course he wants to lure you into buying a kit or at least a design.
OMG I am lost now
Aft deck of a Spray replica.
The profile that’s launched a thousand shipbuilders.
Not to WHINE or anything. HAHAHA
Click to enlarge.

A lovely foggy-froggy dawn on our local saltwater bay during our morning doggie walk.
We’re actually getting some sun as time passes. Good thing–I have two packages to set out later for mail pickup on our unsheltered mailbox stand.
Puget4’s taken the car to her Away Job and a bit of transmission servicing. Meanwhile I’m thawing some salmon chorizo for paella supper. No mackerel for that dish–it’ll be upscale salmon and tofu. Yum!
After all-how many couples do you see posting on the same site? Gooserock and Puget4 are the only ones I have seen so far,except for some chatrooms that I have experienced. (horrors)
Hah, you’ve missed Jim (JimF) who shows up mostly at night in the cafe and reads other diaries but mostly lurks (I’m addicting him to bood, though).
okey doke-I stand corrected
(delurking from work)
Shycat, can’t blame you if you didn’t figure out that Jim and Andi were a couple. Jim is always so nice.
Of course he is. How else could we have stayed married?
Aren’t ask and curly a couple? Or have I just started a rumor?
Andi, I LOVE your church bulletins! The one about manee was hilarious.
I have no idea!-but then I don’t ASK
Yup, they are a couple.
I do love those signs. Want a huge distraction from your work. Check out this site for more fun stuff to generate.
Briefly de-lurking, busy day.
kansas is right. Though we do not co-habit.
(and curly has not posted much lately)
Don’t forget keres and myriad.
Okay now that I went back to read all the history stuff…thought this would be fun!
Most of the regular rafting trips in Northern California are on the American River just out of Coloma (still a little spot in the road – but cool Sutter’s Mill museum).
On the Middle Fork of the river the miners diverted the water for sluice mining. As a result they created a massive tunnel for diverting the water. Over the years the erosion has created a tunnel that whitewater junkies run!
Welcome to Tunnel Chute…

Fun Begins
Exiting the Tunnel
Exiting – The Boat Ride!
This is between the rocks on the lower left of the second picture!
Thanks for making me think of that rapid this morning Manee! I’ll smile all day thinking of the rush. It’s a quick 1/2 day run….maybe in April!
The closest I’ve been to rafting is an inner-tube in the Salt “River”. That sounds like a lot of fun
In the early March to early May time frame it looks like upper canyon is whitewater. I’m thinking this is winter run off rapids because of the time frame.
So when I get my act together to come to Tucson as a snowbird…we’ll snag you for either a one or two day river run if you are game!
The Salt River Canyon brings back many childhood memories, it would be cool to make some new ones
And as long as I am delurking — everybody go recommend CabinGirl’s NewsBucket for today so it stays on the Rec. List. It’s such a great idea – we need to keep it front and center.
Late start here in the household — since we never got around to grocery shopping over the weekend (boo hiss), I have to rethink tonight’s meal plans. Came across my mini-deep dish pizza pans though while cleaning, so thinking about running over to the store and picking up some cooked ham and pineapple for Hawaiian pizzas (maybe add some bell pepper as well), and romaine lettuce for Caesar salad (I’ve found a light Caesar dressing that is absoulutely delicious!) — I already have the pizza dough and sauce, and shredded Mozzarella though I might check and see if they have the 2% milk mozzarella in stock. Depending which store I go to, if I get the energy I could even walk one way, possibly — maybe even both ways if I use the wheeled daypack for my purchases.
Probably will wait till after lunch though so I have more energy, and will give me a chance to get stuff done around here.
Back in a little while…
CS — you have more energy in your posts than I have in my little finger. Do you EVER have a day when you don’t have a chore list? Just veg? Just hang?
I always feel so guilty …. nah. That won’t fly, I never feel guilty for not having a chore list. I feel guilty when I don’t meet my slacker wannabe goal.
but more often than not I don’t fulfill the whole thing — the trick is to have more on the list than you can do, so as long as you do something on the list, you can feel at least a mild sense of accomplishment. There’s something about knowing I did something I set out to do that makes life look a little brighter — I’m more than just a lump on a log, after all.
And if there’s a day when I have a ton of energy, then I’ll have plenty to keep me busy so I’m not vegging (which for me usually means rustling through the pantry for something to eat). The best part about the computer is that I can’t eat while on it; I allow beverages (if they’re kept far away from the keyboard), but no food…
Yes, it’s all psychological isn’t it?
I always make sure that I have lots of easily achievable goals on any list I do have — so that I KNOW I will accomplish something. Otherwise I get disheartened and don’t do anything. But once I accomplish the easy things I’m more likely to go on and do the hard things.
The other psychological trick I have with myself — if I have a long list (or a short list with things that take a lot of time) I also must have a time limit. It’s like a deal with myself, just get started and it will be over sooner — do whatever is on the list until the earlier of (a) the list is finished or (b) the time is up. It’s the only way I made it through law school. “I will study until I know torts or until its 6:00, whichever comes first” (usually 6:00). Once the time limit is up — I put the list completely out of my mind until the next day.
Good luck with your list today!
And make your hockey picks. Sharks game tonight. What am I saying??? I’m on the bottom of the hockey pool.. :0 LOL
My main goals today are running to new seasons market and… I’m actually thinking of taking up running again… well not running but I’ll slow it down to jogging.
All this talk of healthy eating and shit. Cripes!
for the reminder, dear…
Well you and others there need to be reminded to “kick my ass”
you can’t march. you can’t call. you can’t try.
I’m “sold”. Well at least I’m not a fucking apathetic, give up hope type.
I will engage and I will continue to fight against this Regime. With or without the Dems help.
For about two seconds I allowed myself to get ruffled. Methinks it’s the upcoming hearing with my son’s spec ed scumsucker.
I prefer to dip my toes in the frog pond and in pink waters. This’ll do. This’ll do perfectly.
Cali wrote elsewhere that her main regret was not seeing Mario Lemeuix, who retiring today, play.
Me: I never got to see the Great One play. — I guess you could call it my…
Mayne ReGretzky
okay okay <duckc> it’s bad… but gave me some self-snortage. Snorterbation??
Paranoia?? Possibly. A trend of how much fear we live with… most likely.
Today I wrote a dairy that could be construed as a “disruptive” diary. A voice against the regime. A ineternets [sic] posting of my disgust with the Patriot Act. …
I read another’s diary about the Secret Service Bush Gestapo and how the Patriot Act revisions have made arrangements for an SS force.
I feeling so much anger… and then –
someone knocked loudly and harshly on my door. My dog started barking her ass off. I called out “wait a minute” and the banging continued on my door.
It not only ran through my mind but it was the entire being of my soul strength to make it to the door. I had “this is it” running through my brain.
I was ready to be dragged from home. Who would take care of my kids for the first night? How long? … Oh my god. Why did I post something??
Only twice has my new apartment dwelling had a knock on the door.
Was it worth it? Was it? Yes.
An american open the door…
fucking FedEx man.
But.. I’m not paranoid. This is no longer my America.
you were dressed (hopefully); last time the UPS guy came by, I was in the suit that God gave me for my birthday (though unfortunately a VERY larger size…).
Learned my lesson…I keep the PJs on till right before the shower now, just in case…
Don’t ever live on an island, like Guam. It’s so freaking humid there.
My weight “fluctuated” between 118 and 119 ROFL… (I wish I could get back to those days LOL) and it was so humid on Guam that after showers I’d walk around the off-base apartment buttus nekkidus. And you’d still start to sweat.
There is nothing worse than getting out of the shower only to get sweaty as you get ready for work. I had to wear an airlines outfit… I learned how to put “sanitary napkins under the arms of my shirts/vest to keep from soiling my uniform during the day.
Oppressive humidity. Never got caught running around naked though. I was “shy” back then and didn’t do it when the husband was around.. NOW… if I was that weight… I’d be walking the dog in the nude! LOL
Honey, in the south they sell dress shields so you don’t have to use sanitary napkins.
Hello? Are you all so engrossed in your backgammon and magazines that you aren’t talking? Or is it a beautiful day where you are and you aren’t here? (I guess I’ll find out when no one answers, won’t I?)
We just had a brief power outage that disrupted everything and now I don’t feel like working. So I though I’d head down to the cafe for a cup of coffee. But its so quiet here …
Ever notice how when there’s a power glitch people tend to get a seocnd of panic on their faces like “this is it!” Just a nanosecond…
Mary the post count was at “69”
was THAT what y’all were doin so quietly.
Yes there was that moment — I’m alone in my office so I couldn’t see everyone’s face but there was immediately shouting from office to office. Well, first there was a big groan and then everyone shouted what’s going on.
At least it wasn’t a “fire emergency”. Had one of those last week and walked down 16 flights of stairs.
Finally got around to changing the bed (yeah, was going to do it yesterday), unloaded the dishwasher, cleared old produce out of the refrigerator, decided I had too much stuff to get at the store to shop by bus so will drag the spouse out this evening, and did my weekly computer backup. It now takes almost half an hour to get my important shit backed up via the 40 GB USB portable drive, so it’s time I worked on getting the 100 GB FireWire drive set up to use.
Got a couple of hours before the spouse is due home, so that should give me time to find all my exercise pants/shirts and get them ready to wash — I really need to get myself back on track on the workout front so I don’t poop out on the June vacation.
You’re doing this intentionally to make me feel bad.
Won’t work — I’m still gunning for slacker status.
Your strength of character and dedication in pursuit of your goal is awe-inspiring.
It’s HAPPY HOUR at the Froggy Bottom Cafe and Lounge! Come on over, but make sure you ladies pull your hair back into a ponytail before entering.