Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Susan you really crack me up. Sardines? No crackers?
Martial Law is on my mind. Filibuster and the comment Harry Reid made today:
“Republicans run good campaigns, but when it comes to actually governing and protecting Americans, they have a record of incompetence,” Reid told an audience at the Center for American Progress.
It’s pretty hard to find a seafood combo I won’t like.
As a matter of fact I actually had sardines and anchovies for lunch. We’ll be doing a tofu paella that includes a locally made salmon chorizo, for supper.
You believe, as I do, that every human life has value, that the strong have a duty to protect the weak, and that the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone, not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient. These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children. (Applause.)
Unless you’re poor, not Christian, not white or speak with an accent.
Hi Susan, I was just browsing through this thread and saw your comment, how sweet of you to mention VB…I just got back online this weekend and still trying to catch up on everything, plus I had computer problems which required a complete restore, so I lost all of my links, plus everything that was on computer.
Hope you are well, Darcy too and all your animals, big hugs.
Hey, that song is from 1972, a great year for mediocre songs I still enjoy, along with the good stuff. For every American Pie, you got a Jimmy Castor Bunch doing Troglodyte.
I should go over there and see if by chance they have the eponymous album from Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose, which dates from about that time period. I used to have a casette of that album. There were some good songs on there.
They have been failing since 1997. News to me. My neforologist told me that today after she went back in my medical history. No doctor told me that before today! She is suggesting vascular surgery which if it works will lower my high blood pressure and make me feel better, for awhile. If the surgery doesn’t work my kidneys will fail faster. What kind of friggin’ choice is that?
My dr. is also russian and told me to go home and have a drink. So I did. Just feeling numb right now.
the positive side is that I know a few people on dialysis that have been alive for several years. So worse case is end-stage renal failure, but if I can get on dialysis I’ll still have more time.
I would like to live long enough to see Bush & Company taken down LOL!
Then at least I could go in peace. Sorry I’m sounding a bit morbid. I’ll be better in the A.M.
Ladybug, just get one more second opinion to be absolutly sure…please for me….then.
Yes dialysis is not a bad thing. I am a dialysis nurse. YOU have yet a long life ahead if take care of properly..but please get a second opinion. Stay in a good frame of mind and do not let things get you down. We here at booman are for you too..and so am I..hugs, rose…please do what I have asked.
Yep, withdrawal into numbness seems like a good option tonight. By all means, take all the time you need to accept & absorb this information — then gather some more — until you’re absolutely sure of the situation & you’re thoroughly familiar with your options.
Take your time, don’t let yourself be rushed. This is a lot to absorb.
It’s not a total surprise as I have scleroderma and most deaths from this disease is due to renal failure, but it is a bit scary right now.
The irony is my third volume of Voices of Scleroderma that I co-edited for the International Scleroderma Network just got published and I have to sign 150 copies under this cloud. But the good side is I do have a legacy and the timing would be ‘sweet.’
that would have alarmed me and I kind of blame it on the primary care set-up. The person in charge of me just upped and quit shortly after all that 1997 lab work where we were concerned about abnormal liver numbers- which ended up due to a new medicine- and that cleared itself up. Doctors don’t read all the files in a person’s folder. Maybe some do but it took so many years to just get diagnosed I’m just not that surprised. Mad yes, but not surprised.
I also got to a point where I decided to get busy living again and mostly ignored the little aches and pains- Mind over Matter stuff. I’m not bed-ridden so I acted ‘normal’ LOL! And felt normal most of the time. One learns to adjust and adapt.
Considering that I have been treated for scleroderma by dozens of doctors and volunteer and correspond with many renown doctors on this disease I don’t need a second opinion. And considering in 1997 I passed my original LIFE diagnosis, I feel fortunate that I got a few more years.
I didn’t know that you having been dancing with scleroderma. My son has a type of it that relates to his surgeries. Once we make scar tissue on Joshman it grows with him. His body doesn’t make it’s own though but this is a serious consideration when it comes to certain surgeries with him. Therefore I know about scleroderma and once again I am ever amazed at the people who are attracted to Booman and participate here. It is such a superhuman gifted group of people both intellectually and spiritually. Everytime I hear someone’s personal life journey story who participates here it is always a flooring kind of stunning!
It responds well to massage on his back, if I massage his surgery scars it breaks them up and breaks them down, so it is more gentle than what you have to contend with……not your textbook morphea. His feet though are really horribly clubfooted. It has sadly been a loss of many feet from people who have Freeman Sheldon Syndrome that brought about the realization that you can’t preform surgery after surgery after surgery on these people’s feet. I can’t get to the tissue within his foot and their feet literally have to be rebuilt and then as they grow they need rebuilt again and again. So they have skinnied it down to three surgeries in their lifetime. One before 1 yr old so that they can learn how to walk properly, one in midchildhood, and then a final one in their teens. It keeps the bones the proper shape so that the adult can have the feet they need, but doesn’t cause so much scar tissue that the foot has to be amputated. Many amputated feet though getting to that knowledge and process! The Joshman will have his second foot rebuild done this summer.
Thanks. Yes, I heard that ibuprophen is bad for kidneys and I had been taking that a lot for pain with scleroderma. I just wish doctors were more informed. Some are good but they are usually late to the table. Oh well, I do appreciate all the kind words.
Don’t know what to say but take care and find out all that you can about what is up and what the surgery consists of, etc, etc. If you are part of the politically mindful I know that what I’m saying is old hat to you. I know about that numbness when it comes to health issues. Care for yourself and you will know what to do next when it is time to do it.
I did have a political exchange with my doctor about Medicare part D regarding some new meds. I told her it should be repealed as it was a mess and would only benefit the parmaceutical companies and that I hope the doctors pay attention to this fiasco. LOl! That’s when she told me to go home and have a drink.
darling. He also has a maskish face, but it isn’t progressive…just constant. Here is a photo of him from January 11 when he turned six. He is opening a “dragon egg”. Thank you for sharing the website, it isn’t something that I had before!
boy in Kindergarten because they threw a wadded up piece of paper back and forth during naptime until they woke up all the girls, teacher was really upset because they just wouldn’t stop. They had to sit out in the hall for a spell. Josh apologized to his teacher but his buddy refused to. He’s all mad tonight……so funny, I never thought I would be so happy to have a child get in trouble and just be “regular”.
What a crabby old teacher. What is school for if you can’t throw a wadded up piece of paper around during naptime and wake up the girls?
Great news, Tracy! Give him good things to eat. He deserves some cake. And a good pout, having to apologize like that. Only cake can wash away such injustice. 😀
And of course he’s gonna get in trouble now and then- he’s a boy LOL!
I have learned a lot of things about chronic diseases, disabilities etc. Most only affect our bodies, not our spirit, soul or -the thing I’m most grateful for -the mind.
“We are not our bodies.”
I have a 15 month grandson and I love it when he’s yelling and running through the house- absolutely love it cause it’s usually me chasing him. LOL!
My mother’s doctor is up in arms over the Plan D fiasco – he was on a committee in this state making recommendations and he said that the plan as passed was a complete opposite to what was recommended by the doctors. He’s no longer getting samples from the drug companies to give to patients.
I hope you will consider maryb’s advice despite your history. Getting a second opinion about surgery is always a good idea.
You are in my prayers. Your voice is needed, more volumes of Voices of Sceleroderma are needed, your brain is needed, and will be for a good while to come.
Take some time (and some vodka) for yourself, and then come out fighting!
I want to cry. So… I think I’ll do my best to instead of crying think of ways to make you smile and send you the biggest, bestest love vibes I can.
Psst went through kidney stones and kidney and soft tissue issues while third term pregnancy. Almost lost me and Danni, but we made it. I know it sucks, and I pain management issues suck… but please know that you are adored here and we all have you in our hearts and minds.
Sorry about your troubles and glad you made it. Sometimes these things make us stronger and tougher in other ways.
I think once the initial a-oh passes I’ll do what I have to do and get a second opinion etc. I have a living will, and have gone through Hospice training/volunteer work and my daughter is prepared, but living ‘it’ is the difficult stuff.
I’m saddened to hear about your diagnosis. I am glad, however, that there are still common sense doctors out there that give advice for the soul, so to speak.
Good luck with your procedure. Let us know about the way the medical system handles your case and if we can be of any assistance should you need help finding good alternatives. Good health roseeriter.
The impending confirmation of Alito, setting up for a reversal of the republic to an absolute monarchy, replete with the evil sheriff, Abu Gonzo from the City of Nottinwillstopusnow.
up to date on this. I am watching carefully as the cost of medicine is going to break a lot of people and families if things don’t get repealed and/or fixed soon!
If BUSHCO continues to piss me off I’m sure I’ll be hanging around for some time-there’s a lot of energy in anger…
They are a huge improvement over Rickyboy’s picture…
Susan you really crack me up. Sardines? No crackers?
Martial Law is on my mind. Filibuster and the comment Harry Reid made today:
“Republicans run good campaigns, but when it comes to actually governing and protecting Americans, they have a record of incompetence,” Reid told an audience at the Center for American Progress.
Give em Hell Harry!
Oh now I get it! Thanks CG for bringing that ad to my attention. I didn’t know what the heck she was talking about.
Toasted too.
It’s pretty hard to find a seafood combo I won’t like.
As a matter of fact I actually had sardines and anchovies for lunch. We’ll be doing a tofu paella that includes a locally made salmon chorizo, for supper.
I didn’t think mackerel chili could be beat, but I was wrong. Oh so wrong.
But not as wrong as salmon chorizo.
Beware White House Link
Unless you’re poor, not Christian, not white or speak with an accent.
Omit the hooey & I’ll bet the applause is longer than the statement.
In fact, let’s try it: ‘You .. I .. that .. that .. and that ..’ (Applause.)
And you thought it was just Monty Python being snarky.
My befuddled, dilatory, disorganized self … FINALLY! (Light bulb!) I added Katiebird’s marvelous new blog, Eat4Today, to the Frog Stalker list!
it’s not just a warm, friendly, helpful blog — it’s also very attractive — pleasant and soothing. Like Diane’s Village Blue.
Hi Susan, I was just browsing through this thread and saw your comment, how sweet of you to mention VB…I just got back online this weekend and still trying to catch up on everything, plus I had computer problems which required a complete restore, so I lost all of my links, plus everything that was on computer.
Hope you are well, Darcy too and all your animals, big hugs.
that I used the iTunes Music Store link here on Booman to download this song (here’s the chorus):
Me and you and a dog named Boo
Travelin’ and livin’ off the land
Me and you and a dog named Boo
How I love bein’ a free man
I couldn’t help myself, honest… 🙁
Hey, that song is from 1972, a great year for mediocre songs I still enjoy, along with the good stuff. For every American Pie, you got a Jimmy Castor Bunch doing Troglodyte.
I should go over there and see if by chance they have the eponymous album from Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose, which dates from about that time period. I used to have a casette of that album. There were some good songs on there.
Yeah that’s one of the songs I had in mind. LOL
Law students turn back on A.G. Gonzales!
Freaken Beautiful!!
Speaking as a graduate of another Jesuit Law School — I’m proud of those students.
And great picture — I hope there’s tape for the nightly news.
Beautiful. Thanks for the image!
had true meaning. God I’m so glad that those who are more able went and did what had to be done!
Right fucking on!!!
Salunga did a diary on this. I’m so glad they stood up!
They have been failing since 1997. News to me. My neforologist told me that today after she went back in my medical history. No doctor told me that before today! She is suggesting vascular surgery which if it works will lower my high blood pressure and make me feel better, for awhile. If the surgery doesn’t work my kidneys will fail faster. What kind of friggin’ choice is that?
My dr. is also russian and told me to go home and have a drink. So I did. Just feeling numb right now.
This is terrible. I wish the best for you.
the positive side is that I know a few people on dialysis that have been alive for several years. So worse case is end-stage renal failure, but if I can get on dialysis I’ll still have more time.
I would like to live long enough to see Bush & Company taken down LOL!
Then at least I could go in peace. Sorry I’m sounding a bit morbid. I’ll be better in the A.M.
Ladybug, just get one more second opinion to be absolutly sure…please for me….then.
Yes dialysis is not a bad thing. I am a dialysis nurse. YOU have yet a long life ahead if take care of properly..but please get a second opinion. Stay in a good frame of mind and do not let things get you down. We here at booman are for you too..and so am I..hugs, rose…please do what I have asked.
My God, roseeriter. I’m so sorry to hear this.
Yep, withdrawal into numbness seems like a good option tonight. By all means, take all the time you need to accept & absorb this information — then gather some more — until you’re absolutely sure of the situation & you’re thoroughly familiar with your options.
Take your time, don’t let yourself be rushed. This is a lot to absorb.
It’s not a total surprise as I have scleroderma and most deaths from this disease is due to renal failure, but it is a bit scary right now.
The irony is my third volume of Voices of Scleroderma that I co-edited for the International Scleroderma Network just got published and I have to sign 150 copies under this cloud. But the good side is I do have a legacy and the timing would be ‘sweet.’
Thank you for sharing the link — I wasn’t aware of this disease (let alone your relationship with it, as familiar as I am with your ID).
Not an ideal way of learning more about someone, but here we are.
you are correct, but ….just how long have the other dr.s let you go? ..without discussing things with you such as this?
that would have alarmed me and I kind of blame it on the primary care set-up. The person in charge of me just upped and quit shortly after all that 1997 lab work where we were concerned about abnormal liver numbers- which ended up due to a new medicine- and that cleared itself up. Doctors don’t read all the files in a person’s folder. Maybe some do but it took so many years to just get diagnosed I’m just not that surprised. Mad yes, but not surprised.
I also got to a point where I decided to get busy living again and mostly ignored the little aches and pains- Mind over Matter stuff. I’m not bed-ridden so I acted ‘normal’ LOL! And felt normal most of the time. One learns to adjust and adapt.
I’m so sorry. What awful news. You WILL seek a second opinion won’t you?
Considering that I have been treated for scleroderma by dozens of doctors and volunteer and correspond with many renown doctors on this disease I don’t need a second opinion. And considering in 1997 I passed my original LIFE diagnosis, I feel fortunate that I got a few more years.
I didn’t know that you having been dancing with scleroderma. My son has a type of it that relates to his surgeries. Once we make scar tissue on Joshman it grows with him. His body doesn’t make it’s own though but this is a serious consideration when it comes to certain surgeries with him. Therefore I know about scleroderma and once again I am ever amazed at the people who are attracted to Booman and participate here. It is such a superhuman gifted group of people both intellectually and spiritually. Everytime I hear someone’s personal life journey story who participates here it is always a flooring kind of stunning!
Does he have morphea? Are you familiar with this website ISN or this one JSDN?
Scar tissue is the biggie in scleroderma and most invasive procedures are very detrimental to those of us with SD.
It responds well to massage on his back, if I massage his surgery scars it breaks them up and breaks them down, so it is more gentle than what you have to contend with……not your textbook morphea. His feet though are really horribly clubfooted. It has sadly been a loss of many feet from people who have Freeman Sheldon Syndrome that brought about the realization that you can’t preform surgery after surgery after surgery on these people’s feet. I can’t get to the tissue within his foot and their feet literally have to be rebuilt and then as they grow they need rebuilt again and again. So they have skinnied it down to three surgeries in their lifetime. One before 1 yr old so that they can learn how to walk properly, one in midchildhood, and then a final one in their teens. It keeps the bones the proper shape so that the adult can have the feet they need, but doesn’t cause so much scar tissue that the foot has to be amputated. Many amputated feet though getting to that knowledge and process! The Joshman will have his second foot rebuild done this summer.
that’s one condition we don’t have in our family, though high blood pressure we do get.
Be sure to stay off any of the pain relievers & other OTC meds that are linked to kidney trouble.
Thanks. Yes, I heard that ibuprophen is bad for kidneys and I had been taking that a lot for pain with scleroderma. I just wish doctors were more informed. Some are good but they are usually late to the table. Oh well, I do appreciate all the kind words.
I am so sorry to hear your news Rosie, my healing thoughts and energies as well as a big giant hug go out to you..
Sending healing energies your way…with a big hug just because.
I hope that any medical treatment is super effective and makes your life better.
Don’t know what to say but take care and find out all that you can about what is up and what the surgery consists of, etc, etc. If you are part of the politically mindful I know that what I’m saying is old hat to you. I know about that numbness when it comes to health issues. Care for yourself and you will know what to do next when it is time to do it.
I did have a political exchange with my doctor about Medicare part D regarding some new meds. I told her it should be repealed as it was a mess and would only benefit the parmaceutical companies and that I hope the doctors pay attention to this fiasco. LOl! That’s when she told me to go home and have a drink.
Does he have morphea? Gosh if he needs any support please email me. Have you seen this website?
Juvenile Scleroderma
We also have alot of info on this site that I’ve worked on for several years LINK
There are many variations of scleroderma and they’re all tough.
Give your son a hug for me! And you too!! ((((H))))
darling. He also has a maskish face, but it isn’t progressive…just constant. Here is a photo of him from January 11 when he turned six. He is opening a “dragon egg”. Thank you for sharing the website, it isn’t something that I had before!
boy in Kindergarten because they threw a wadded up piece of paper back and forth during naptime until they woke up all the girls, teacher was really upset because they just wouldn’t stop. They had to sit out in the hall for a spell. Josh apologized to his teacher but his buddy refused to. He’s all mad tonight……so funny, I never thought I would be so happy to have a child get in trouble and just be “regular”.
He got in trouble???
Okay.. that’s not very adultish of me… but I so freaking understand where you’re coming from on this… Damnit, you and rosee got me all teary.
Gawd, I love this community!
What a crabby old teacher. What is school for if you can’t throw a wadded up piece of paper around during naptime and wake up the girls?
Great news, Tracy! Give him good things to eat. He deserves some cake. And a good pout, having to apologize like that. Only cake can wash away such injustice. 😀
give him a hug from me, Tracy…please..what an adorable little boy…
And of course he’s gonna get in trouble now and then- he’s a boy LOL!
I have learned a lot of things about chronic diseases, disabilities etc. Most only affect our bodies, not our spirit, soul or -the thing I’m most grateful for -the mind.
“We are not our bodies.”
I have a 15 month grandson and I love it when he’s yelling and running through the house- absolutely love it cause it’s usually me chasing him. LOL!
My mother’s doctor is up in arms over the Plan D fiasco – he was on a committee in this state making recommendations and he said that the plan as passed was a complete opposite to what was recommended by the doctors. He’s no longer getting samples from the drug companies to give to patients.
I hope you will consider maryb’s advice despite your history. Getting a second opinion about surgery is always a good idea.
You are in my prayers. Your voice is needed, more volumes of Voices of Sceleroderma are needed, your brain is needed, and will be for a good while to come.
Take some time (and some vodka) for yourself, and then come out fighting!
Had my vodkka LOL and I”LL BE BACK tomorrow.:-)
everyone else hasn’t already said. But, I do want to add my voice in support. Accept the positive energy I’m sending your way.
I want to cry. So… I think I’ll do my best to instead of crying think of ways to make you smile and send you the biggest, bestest love vibes I can.
Psst went through kidney stones and kidney and soft tissue issues while third term pregnancy. Almost lost me and Danni, but we made it. I know it sucks, and I pain management issues suck… but please know that you are adored here and we all have you in our hearts and minds.
Damn it Janet thanks (I love your handle LOL!)
Sorry about your troubles and glad you made it. Sometimes these things make us stronger and tougher in other ways.
I think once the initial a-oh passes I’ll do what I have to do and get a second opinion etc. I have a living will, and have gone through Hospice training/volunteer work and my daughter is prepared, but living ‘it’ is the difficult stuff.
Sending good thoughts in your direction.
I’m saddened to hear about your diagnosis. I am glad, however, that there are still common sense doctors out there that give advice for the soul, so to speak.
Good luck with your procedure. Let us know about the way the medical system handles your case and if we can be of any assistance should you need help finding good alternatives. Good health roseeriter.
I’ll be happy to diary any ‘outrageous’ events with the medical beaurocracy I run into. LOL! That’s my job:-)
and warm wishes to you Rosee.
The impending confirmation of Alito, setting up for a reversal of the republic to an absolute monarchy, replete with the evil sheriff, Abu Gonzo from the City of Nottinwillstopusnow.
How dire.
A kidney transplant patient cannot afford to get rx’s!!
up to date on this. I am watching carefully as the cost of medicine is going to break a lot of people and families if things don’t get repealed and/or fixed soon!
If BUSHCO continues to piss me off I’m sure I’ll be hanging around for some time-there’s a lot of energy in anger…
That is exactly how I have been feeling. Something’s gotta give…