My book (Direct Actions) tour heads to Fargo, North Dakota next week, courtesy of ND Dem. If you are anywhere near Fargo, for flying spaghetti monster’s sake, come out and see me at one of the stops.
Ristreto Coffee & Tea in Fargo, Friday, February 3, from 7-9 pm. Reading & Discussion.
B. Dalton Books, West Acres Mall, Fargo, Saturday, February 4, 1-4 pm. Signing. But I still talk to people.
Lots of great media coverage thanks to ND Dem’s friends. Pretty cool. I’m really big in Wales. And now Fargo, apparently.
I’m on KFGO AM Radio this Thursday late night. That’s Ed Schultz’s home station, I’m told. 11pm-midnight CST, midnight-1amEST. You do the math if you’re on the left coast. Hell, I might be in prime time for you guys and gals.
It’s not a prestigious time slot. But I’m supposed to get the full hour. I can’t even imagine listening to me for an hour. And I’m not getting my hopes up. Fully prepared to get only five minutes. Or to get bumped by an infomercial or something. But I’m supposed to be there. And I think KFGO may have live streaming if you’re interested (or if you have insomnia).
More radio news. IMHO Radio. My podcasting idea that you all refused to talk me out of. It is fun. I’m learning. I did a second show this morning (based on yesterday’s blog news). It covers Booman on Casey. Dammit Janet on protesting the USA Patriot Act, and some news from dKos and Americablog. It was fun. Doesn’t sound half bad. A little boring, I think. But I’m still getting the kinks out, and putting on the bells and whistles.
Today’s technical problem came in converting the file from Audacity to and MP3 file. I’ve got the software, but I couldn’t get the job done in the time allotted. So I couldn’t upload anything. Baby steps. I hope that by the weekend, I’ll get the kinks out and have a broadcast on the web.
If you’d like a copy, I’ll e-mail you the Audacity file. You might have to download Audacity to listen to it (free). And if you plan on making content for the show, you’ll want a copy anyway. So shoot me an e-mail if you want the pilot file. And I’ll try to get something actually on the air by Sunday.
Movies. Yeah movies. I’ve had some interesting bites about turning the book into a movie. I won’t recount them all here. But the latest is a young film maker who came to a book signing with a dog-eared copy of the book and some pretty cool ideas about making it into an indy film.
We had lunch a couple of weeks back, where I got his entire plan. It is interesting. The kid is very in touch with the characters. And has some cool ideas for portraying them. Scenes with Allie and Jeremy are always moving fast — because they are big city people in a small town world. You only see dark profiles of Gov. Howell because he is Bishop’s evil puppet. Other cool things. I was very impressed. So we are probably going to do up a script. And shoot a trailer. And perhaps have a fund raising party in the spring. He thinks he can shoot the film for around $100K. We’re talking about forming our own production corporation, with this as the first project. It is kind of pie in the sky. The kid is dreaming about Sundance. But, I have to admit, I liked talking to him more than e-mailing with Bill Mechanic. Lots of energy. Still other larger irons in the fire. So who knows.
February will be all about the book. Last month of promotion (probably). Five events so far. Stop and see me if you are anywhere close. Nothing like seeing Boo Tribbers to brighten up a signing.
In addition to Fargo stops, I’ve got these:
B. Dalton, Saginaw, Michigan, Sat., Feb. 11, 2006, 1-3pm. Signing.
Barnes & Noble, Battle Creek, Michigan, Sat., Feb. 18, 2006, 1-3pm. Signing.
Schuler Books, Okemos, Michigan, Wed., Feb. 22, 2006, 7:30pm. Mystery book group — talk and q&a.
I’m still working on one closing stop. And that’s it. On to book two.
When will you sign in SW Michigan – Royal Oak, maybe? I’d love to hear the first show, by the way.
I just don’t think Oakland County is happening. I’m running out of time and desire. I’ve put out some feelers to a few stores there. But no takers as of yet. I’ve got one more stop I’m working on. A boo stop. But not Michigan.
Come to Battle Creek. Or Saginaw. Or I’ll have to make a special trip to see you and sign. 🙂
Thanks for interest.
So, afraid to venture into Repub turf, are you??? There is Washtenaw, that great librul bastion, and, of course, Wayne County.
(By the way, you should send your book to Tim Robbins. It reminds me of the movie Arlington Road- which went nowhere, alas – but was very good. And if you haven’t sent it to John Grisham you should do that, too. And. . why not?. . .Jeff Daniels, for the local angle – he has lots of connections, also.)
Do a reading to raise money for Tony Trupiano (running against McCotter) . . .
All this cool news makes up for all the crappy news shit I had to read today. By the way that site that’s up about your book and the ‘Save Zeb’ t-shirts and stuff isn’t bad either.
I was thinking about indie movies/Sundance regarding your book and was hoping maybe someone would come along with some interest and enthusiasm in making that a reality for my fingers and toes crossed. I’ll even try and cross my eyes if that would help.
Thanks CI.