Rarin’ to Go!

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
Good Morning!!
Mr Wilson? Sorry, I was just doing favorite comedies over at Eat4Today.
I saw your list(s) — we’re going to have to start a collection.
Our trip to southern Utah in March is all planned. I’m ready to go (I’m always ready to go to Utah).
Willis Creek, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
That looks gorgeous…will you plan my next trip for me? π
I really like planning trips. I have great fun doing the research and talking over our choices. It really is the next best thing to being there.
Looks wonderful and peaceful!
Have a great trip – and we’ll enjoy the pictures of the blue dot!
Up so early and you can actually type coherent thoughts.
Snort Coherent….I’m just waiting for the coffee to finish….
Insomnia sucks…not at this hour because I’m wide awake but about 2 or 3 this afternoon when I want a nap! I’ve been awake for an hour or so now…
not sure how I downrated you on that earlier — clicking too fast. It’s a 4!!! multiplied many times.!
I thought about you having a Utah phobia but went for the slip of the mouse as much more likely.
Sent this one around this AM-Yesterday at lunch- one of hub’s co-workers looked what he was eating- and asked ‘Is that homemade lasagne?’ hub says sure.So the gay says’if you invite me over for a lasagne dinner,I will behave like a good Democrat.’I sent him some today,just for that comment. Every little step counts.
Another busy day at the computer….unfortunately cats and dragons are not welcome at the office!
Now I need coffee….another round of insomnia…and its still O:dark:30 on the west coast.
I’m so sorry about the insomnia. I completely empathize as I went through that from about ages 48 – 52 and I’m sure that it was connected to menopause. I was constantly exhausted. It finally went away but my body seems to have adjusted to the idea of having less sleep and now I only sleep 5 or 6 hours a night.
On a cheerier subject, I love the image. Who is the artist?
I have had that series of pics from about 97-98 during my high tech nerdy days. Despite googling I haven’t found any more…
I really love the ‘fantasy’ images….but then again I’ve been a Tolkein fan for 30+ years.
The style looks like an illustrated version I remember of Alice in Wonderland.
I like tolkien okay but the ring trilogy didn’t hold that well for me over the years — it’s such a “boy’s own” story.
Do you still read much fantasy?
Not much fantasy reading these days…a few random books of short stories that I find for the grandkids. Anne McCaffrey collections and such.
Now for escapism I read serial killers / FBI stuff…the Iris Johansen series and similar. Just started Kansas’ books.
Really cool…I ordered a used copy of the first “Truth” book from Powells.com and it was in excellent condition, a first edition AND signed!
On kansas books just a reminder that if you buy the other two as new paperbacks, kansas actually makes a little money π
I wondered in you had been reading Sara Douglass’ Troy Game series which interweaves greek mythology, celtic mythology, and British history.
I’ll go check out Powells for the Douglas books first of the month. I need to see how much damage I did on the credit card last month first! ;^D
It’s a four book series (the last book will be out later this year). I think the first three books are out in paperback but I got them from the library. BTW, she has a Ph.D in early modern history and she uses that knowledge to great advantage in her books.
Just for today, I’m going to make a list (I got the idea here!) of what I have to do today. What are you going to do today?
guy even- duhhhhh
Good Morning Everyone
Is everybody cheerful, happy and content today? If so get over it. Me I’m just waiting for my coffee. In a minute now.
It’s iggle season again. We’re starting to see pairs of iggles cavorting in the sky, and when they cruise the bays and shore areas, the siggles get mad, screaming and harassing them to drive them away.
Now to get my cuppa Oolong tea!
Very cool!
There are eagles in two neighboring counties but none in ours — for which I suppose the hawks and owls are probably.
that’s cute about the iggles and siggles, hi gooserock how ya doing today, tea sounds good.
Hi everyone else, just getting going out here in Cal and trying to get warm.
would make a great postcard.
I did some of that back in Dec for gifts using an Avery product (3380). It’s amazing how forgiving that size is compared to 8 x 12, which shows any little flaw.
I’m going to try some half-fold cards next (3378) and see how that goes,and try to generate a little cash to pay some of the photo-hobby expense.
Why does it have to be so hard to talk even to other Democrats about some issues? I was in a conversation last night with three other Democrats. The issue under discussion was problems with our food supply that have been exacerbated by insufficient government regulation. BSE in cows, various bacteria in chickens, etc. Hormones, antibiotics.
I said, “Yeah, that’s why I don’t eat meat anymore.”
The other three Democrats all looked at me as if I had said something rude, and changed the subject.
WTF is the deal with this? Why is a simple statement of fact about my own dietary choices, which are based on problems with our food supply, which are a direct result of bad public policy, a conversation killer?
perceived wingnuts in the animal rights, Greenpeace, anti corporate sphere.
I’d expect such a reaction away from the coasts and in the solid middle class & below.
I stopped eating red meat for the same reasons. I eat a little turkey but mostly wild fish or veggies. I’m 55 and apart from feeling better, between giving up red meat, much fat and all light carbos, I’m back to my weight from high school without counting calories.
Let ’em eat steak.
I’m mostly vegetarian, although I will bend if I’m really hungry and there’s nothing else. But no beef at all. A little knowledge of how hard the cattle industry has fought against anyone anywhere testing for BSE goes along way…
Strange reaction. Not eating meat doesn’t seem like such an ususual thing these days. I’ve given up red meat myself.
For the same reason you would have gotten a similar reaction if you had said in a conversation about marriage that you were for SSM or in a conversation about abortion said that you thought abortion should safe, legal and available whenever a pregnant woman determined it was necessary — the Democratic party is afraid of anything that suggests values and beliefs that deviate from what the DLC thinks is the prescribed norm.
I may have an opportunity to join the Women’s Rights Committee, though. That would be cool. π
I suspect that they thought you were going to try to convince THEM not to eat meat and quickly changed the conversation. I’m not saying you intended to “preach” to them — but they probably thought you were.
I guess they must have thought that. It just seems really weird, in the context of a conversation about how lousy our food supply is, that I would get this reaction. We had covered all kinds of appetite suppressing issues so it’s not like this was out of place.
I see that with talking just about the weather nowadays if you bring up global warming.
No one wants to be seen as an “extremist” and I think … THINKING about what you put in your body, and how your planet is doing is now seen as “extreme” sadly.
I’m trying so hard to get my family to rethink food and co-ops. They’re coming around big time. I’d like to forget meat totally… but… it’s tough here so I found new seasons market dot com.
You may well be right. It’s just hard to deal with. I don’t normally talk about what I do or don’t eat. I don’t try to recruit people to vegetarianism. I have had a really hard time giving up meat and I’m not about to get on anyone’s case about it. (If I could, say, raise my own, and be confident nobody else’s cows or chickens or whatever had got mine sick, then I’d probably eat them.)
But I have shellfish allergies and in addition don’t like to eat meat so a lot of times at restaurants I’ll have to ask about the ingredients of certain dishes, and occasionally I’ll have dining companions who roll their eyes… as if I’m just being too damn picky, there is something wrong with me.
And yet. Why is it so hard to get a good, healthy meal when eating out in this country? Why is it me who has the problem when there are loads of other people who would like to eat just what I want: meatless, not-too-fattening, yummy meals. How hard is it?
And why is 90% of the food on some restaurant menus meat-based meals? Even if you aren’t a vegetarian, you shouldn’t eat meat at every meal – that isn’t healthy. So what’s up with it being so hard to find food without meat?
Aie. I could go on. But.
should feel embarrassed about asking what’s in a particular dish. I have a severe allergy to raw or undercooked tomatoes, so especially in Mexican restaurants I have to be really careful…and have been surprised at times, like when my plate showed up and they topped the refried beans with the fresh pico de gallo (raw tomatoes, onions and cilantro). I’ve learned that sending back a plate is not a crime — it’s in the restaurant’s best interest to keep their customers happy so that they’ll come back.
Actually, one of the best options for eating out is Asian cuisine, I’ve found — they actually will divide their menu into meat, poultry, vegetable, and seafood dishes.
Had a busy morning of sleeping in, then thinking about what I needed to do, then avoiding what I needed to do, and finally, shopping. Wow, I’m pooped.
I know that this new little kitty of mine is supposed to figure out her own name, but if she doesn’t hurry up we’re all just going to call her “kitty” and that seems rather generic and sad.
See her looking at you? She’s saying “please name me.”
She’s very elegant — she needs a ladylike name.
All of my cats have had very ladylike names; Zoe, Isabelle, Maggie, Emma. I’m longing for a Spike or a Killer, but you’re right, she’s too ladylike. Actually she has a cold right now so I’m tempted to call her Sneezy or Drippy.
Why don’t you name her a ladylike name that can have a boyish nickname — like Samantha.
That’s a good suggestion. Of course, you’re talking to someone who named her daughter Ryan.
Just my .02
or Diana – Goddess of the hunt
If you are looking for a strong name – I can always try for a few more goddess…
Right now, if she doesn’t stop climbing up my leg every ten seconds with her little claws extended, I may name her &*%$#!
Sunny…for her charming poise?
You know, looking at her sitting in the sunlight I thought of the same thing.
Of course you did…great minds think alike…lol!
It’s a great picture but my dogs wish to point out that she is there because of canine prejudice and they are catcotting saying anything nice. They suggest the name “Some Poor Dog Isn’t Getting Its Ears Scratched Right Now Because of Me”.
Good suggestion, though a little wordy.
My cats are pointing out that they aren’t lying around licking their balls either.
Umm, neither are Sniff or Hopeful (or Giddy for that matter but then she never had any anyway) but they said they have plenty of other parts to lick.
Poor abused doggies — scratch their ears and tell them its from aunt maryb.
ditto on that!
By the way folks…new diary up on recent list details of SoCal meetup for those interested. Must get some work done now. Hope you all have a great day.
One of the “perks” of being married to a bus driver is that I get free rides. Since I don’t drive, that’s worth staying married for right there — the fact that the spouse is a sweetie pie (most of the time) is just an added plus. I get a special ID card…but today he had to take it with him to get it updated with the ’06 year sticker, so I’m a forced homebody.
Already got the bed made, now I’ve got to have breakfast, shower, and dress so I can get some work done. Main project for today will be organizing the pantry; also need to start my slow cooker meal in about an hour so we can eat at a reasonable time for once.
The weather’s so beautiful today, I’ve actually got the bedroom window open…once I’m dressed I’ll open the blinds in the bedroom and living room, and open the living room sliding door. I might even turn off the heater! In January!
Okay, off to work…
My windows have been open almost every day this winter. Of course, I’m one of those people who likes it cool and breezy even inside the house. I also keep the bedroom window cracked at night unless it gets below 30. What a down comforters for? I like my nose to be cold. Like a mutt.
Wait, wait, don’t work yet. I need you!
I DO have an I-home. And it kinda sorta worked but not completely this morning.
I chose a a playlist last night, turned on the sleep thingy and set it for 15 minutes. It went off in the middle of a song. This morning right at the time I had set it went back on, right there in the middle of the song. Great! Except …
It got to the end of that song and instead of going onto the next song on the playlist, it went to ALARM status (beep beep beep).
I was resigned to reading the instructions (AGAIN) tonight when I got home, but then I saw your earlier e-mail. Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?
When you set the alarm, you can choose three different modes — buzzer (what you got), radio, or iPod. Push the “Wake To” button (should be the third button on the second row) until it shows “iPod” on the clock display. That should do the trick… π
I really love the iHome — I pretty much plug the iPod in right when I get home, so I know it’s charged when I need to go out and about. π
I’ll look when I get home but I thought I had chosen wake to IPOD. Maybe I screwed something up. I’ll try it again tonight and let you know.
I’m loving it so far for just playing the Ipod. And I’ve used the clock/radio with radio to wake up. I just hadn’t tried to wake to Ipod before.
misread your post, so disregard my post. I wonder if it’s a backup feature for people sleeping so soundly they don’t wake to their song. I’d say make sure to hit the “alarm reset” right away, then turn on the iPod through the radio.
If it’s intended to work this way then I won’t be waking up to Ipod — my alarm is all the way across the room, so it is impossible for me to turn anything off without getting out of bed. I am not a morning person at all and I like to wake up slowly. I don’t like having to get out of bed to go push a button so that I can get back in bed for the additional half an hour I’ve alloted myself.
But I can’t believe that this is the way its supposed to work since the instructions say that you must have at least an hour of music on your ipod or have the repeat mode set.
I’ll look at it again tonight.
myself — my radio is right next to the bed, so I don’t have to worry about aiming my shoe at the right button when I try to shut off the alarm in the morning. π (Actually, we’ve been using the spouse’s alarm lately — and I get pissed when he wakes up early and forgets to turn it off before he takes his shower…)
You’ll soon see my war with a troll in the hockey chat. Wrote somet good shit there too LOL Now I’m all worn out can I crawl into your bed?? π
And some of the others put on a great show too.
And see my post in Leezy’s diary — went ahead and bit the bullet before I could talk myself out of it like I did DC…hell, with all the spouse has put me through with the damn BP crisis (went back to the damn doctor AGAIN today) that he freakin’ owes me a vacation away from him!
Island County WA.
At least until the state’s Permanent Private Sector Governor of Detaxation gets an initiative passed to outlaw the funding.
If I may be so rude — I’d like to tell you about some NEW AFFILIATES we have.
One is Yves Rocher, a glamorous, fine cosmetics company from Canada that sells in BOTH the U.S. and Canada — and I’ve supplied links for both countries.
Another is E.L.F. (Eyes Lips Face) … it is a lovely New Zealand/Australian company that is certified cruelty-free (as is Yves Rocher) … and their products look fabulous + the prices are incredible.
We also now have an affiliate program with Office Depot and with McAfee’s superb computer protection products — all at great savings.
We are experimenting with these affiliates … we have no clue which ones will attract your attention … bear with us while we see which work and which don’t …. but you have my word that I have checked out every company and am fully confident that they are very reputable … in fact, through one affiliate program, I only choose the companies that have achieved its superior rating for reliability and customer service.
We now return you to your regular programming
I love E.L.F!!!!
E.L.F. looks great!!! Can’t wait to check them out!
Well I am a combatant for holding up a sign?? I want a really really wicked good sign.
I’m gonna just come out with it.
I’m protesting Hillary Clinton when she arrives in a particular town on a particular day soon. I won’t be going INSIDE though. So it’s a low-arrest probability.
I realize that many still adore her. I don’t. I feel betrayed by her.
I need some sign to raise up. I thought about “tired of sucking (cheney’s) dick?” but that would not be appropriate since I might be with the kids on this one.
I know I know many still love her… but me and CodePink are not thrilled with her not one iota.
sign me,
Betrayed Liberal.
Betrayed Liberal is pretty good. Or something about her being a sellout.
is now able to define no-speech zones without signage or announcement, and arrest people for violating them months after the event, according to a lower court decision the Supreme Court let stand at the end of last week.
We need to be thinking in terms of not looking like ourselves when we assemble or petition.
hey janet, I completely agree with you-throughly disgusted with Hilary…especially after a few stunts like her wanting that flag burning amendment-wtf?..But after reading about a speech she made at Princeton where she turned into a big warhawk against Iran I was so pissed off. She basically said Bush wasn’t doing near enough against Iran and putting us in jeopardy. That Iran must be dealt with right now, that Israel wasn’t safe, that we needed sanctions or MORE against Iran..it also seems like she alluded to our having to have permanent bases in Iraq..she can go take a fucken hike.
“Being a Liberal Isn’t A Crime (Yet)”
“Republican-Lite Looks Lousy On You”
“What If Chelsea Got Drafted?”
“How Many Human Lives Per Gallon?” (I stole that one from a sign at a San Jose rally — still one of my favorites)
No Iraqi Ever Left Me On a Roof to Die
Well, if you’re protesting a Democrat’s appearance, are you sure you still qualify for the terrorist surveillance program??
Hi, I missed Happy Hour. Too busy.
Just posted a reminder on the open thread that part 2 of the The War that made America is on PBS tonight.
Hi Maryb – I caught the show on Adams you recommended last night and I thought it was pretty good.
I had read McCullough’s “John Adams” but it wasn’t until I was watching that show that I realized John Adams’ personality (as described) reminded me of Howard Dean. He just said what he thought was the truth and was always getting in trouble for it.
I’m not big on historical re-enactments but I guess there aren’t many interesting visuals from the pre civil war period.
I haven’t read McCullough’s book yet, but I agree with you on him following his convictions and the truth. Especially when he got the treaty with France signed. He knew it would be political suicide but still did it. That’s true bravery to me.
I highly recommend it. The Adams family left so much documentation (letters, diaries, etc.) that much of the story can be told through his own words. And McCullough doesn’t have to guess what Adams was thinking at a particular time from the careful wording of letters, because Adams had a journal into which he vented. And his letters to Abigail were very truthful. He really is the founding father that is the most accessible — he seems like a real person that you would know, rather than a stone statue. We know very little about Jefferson’s married life, for instance, because after his wife’s death he burned all the letters. That’s his perogative of course, no one wants the public going through their private correspondence. But it’s really nice to have the Adams correspondence.
Between you and Andi I now have a list of books I have to make a trip to the library for. Thanks ;).
Evening all. I’m just grading a few quizzes. You don’t mind if I join you, do you?
I just opened a new cafe. Bring your papers over there.
Sorry bad link. Try this one
New cafe opened. LINK