I am so disgusted with Bob Casey Jr. and with Chuck Schumer and Governor Ed Rendell for recruiting him and clearing the field for him, that I just want to throttle someone.

Let me be clear: Bob Casey does not support the constitutional right to privacy that the Supreme Court has found protects every woman from laws regulating their reproductive choices. He has some kind of religious bug up his ass over stem-cell research. He opposes the right of gay couples to adopt children (.pdf). Let me repeat that. He opposes the right of gay couples to adopt children. He has endorsed Judge Alito. Among Democratic senators only Ben Nelson has so far endorsed Alito. Ben Nelson is up for reelection and Ben Nelson represents the very conservative state of Nebraska. Ben Nelson has an excuse. Pennsylvania has voted for Clinton twice, for Gore once, for Kerry once, it has a Democratic Governor, its population is pro-choice.

Casey is not the only Democrat vying for the chance to unseat Rick ‘Man on Dog’ Santorum. Chuck Pennacchio and Alan Sandals are challenging Bob Casey in the primary. Both of them are pro-choice, support the right of gay couples to adopt children, and support stem cell research. And as Chuck pointed out to me:

For more than a decade, the only top level statewide races Republicans have won in Pennsylvania are those where their position on choice was identical to that of the Democratic challenger. In 2000, anti-choice Democrat Ron Klink lost to anti-choice Rick Santorum in the Philadelphia suburbs by more than 150,000 votes. Pro-choice Democrat Al Gore carried those same counties by more than 54,000 votes.

Bob Casey Jr. is a lousy candidate. He sucks. His personality has been described as “warm ziploc bag full of vasoline”.

No one I know wants to vote for Bob Casey Jr. No one I know wants to work for Bob Casey Jr. I can’t tell you how many people are so pissed off about Bob Casey Jr. that they don’t feel like voting or working for any Democrats this year. That is how fucking much Bob Casey, Ed Rendell, and Chuck Schumer suck.

Rick Santorum is one of the most loathsome politicians in America. He is also the least popular Senator in America in his home state. He is vile terrible person. Defeating Santorum should not only be one of our greatest priorities this year, but working toward that goal should be a joy…it should be fun and exciting.

Bob Casey as an opponent ruins that chance. Pennacchio and Sandals are all that is standing in the way of a showdown between Casey and Santorum. Casey won’t even debate them.

Casey should drop out of the fucking race. All he is accomplishing with his anti-gay rights, anti-science, anti-choice candidacy is to piss off Democrats and Democratic activists.

We need to send a message to Chuck Schumer that we don’t want to ever see a candidate like Bob Casey recruited again. Schumer clears the field for Casey and then has the unmitigated gall to get indignant about abortion rights in the Alito hearings. Watching that display of gross hypocrisy literally turned my stomach. I had to eat a saltine cracker to absorb some of the bile that aroused in me. If I could of slapped Schumer through the television set, I would have.

Goddamn Casey endorsed Alito. Did you notice that, Schumer? Your fucking boy stepped all over your message. What a goddamn clown you are to think Bob Casey was the right choice for Pennsylvania.