C-Span2 … C-Span audio/video.
Helmet Hair is talking right now.
Update [2006-1-25 14:1:53 by susanhu]: The Donald is being crabby — irascible? — on MSNBC. CNN too. Jesus … “Why don’t you just report the news?!!!”, he yelled. What a crab.
C-Span2 … C-Span audio/video.
Helmet Hair is talking right now.
Update [2006-1-25 14:1:53 by susanhu]: The Donald is being crabby — irascible? — on MSNBC. CNN too. Jesus … “Why don’t you just report the news?!!!”, he yelled. What a crab.
Helmet Hair? Lott?
No……… but I’ll give you a G for a really good guess.
(George Allen)
meanwhile on another C-SPAN poor Scottie is following my instructions to only use the term “terrorist surveillance program”.
Ever so much more interesting than MEL MARTINEZ, for chrissakes! I switched!
While we have to generate the pressure on all Senators, the decision to filibuster (or not) will also be a leadership decision.
Call the Leadership Offices!
Harry Reid, NV Democratic Leader (202) 224-3542
Dick Durbin, IL Assistant Democratic Leader (202) 224-2152
Patrick Leahy, VT Ranking Member Judiciary Committee (202) 224-4242
Senators leaning toward filibuster, call and urge them on:
Phone numbers:
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Mark Pryor, Arkansas
Diane Feinstein, California
Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
Joe Biden, Delaware
Barack Obama, Illinois
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Susan Collins, Maine
Olympia Snowe, Maine
Ben Nelson, Nebraska
Kent Conrad, North Dakota
Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania
Lincoln Chaffee, Rhode Island
Tim Johnson, South Dakota
If Repug, tell them “No” to Alito; if Democrat: FILIBUSTER!
Frist is denying Democrats time to speak on the floor. We need to get the word out about why Alito needs to be filibustered:
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. (Click here)
People for the American Way has collected nearly 65,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours: Save the Court Petition
John Kerry has endorsed this anti-Alito petition, signers’ names will be read into the Congressional Record:
And as thanks, some Alito jokes:
“Supreme Court confirmation hearings are under way for Judge Samuel Alito. It’s pretty interesting. Democrats want to know his position on privacy, while Republicans want to know his position on prison terms for bribery.” –Jay Leno
“The American Bar Association gave Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito their highest rating. President Bush gave Alito his highest rating, too, because he called him ‘Super’ and ‘Duper.'” –Conan O’Brien
“President Bush was asked how he came up with a conservative like Alito, and he said he got the idea over the weekend while turning the clocks back.” –Jay Len
“Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito says he’s embarrassed by some of the things he wrote in the 1980’s. Yeah, apparently Alito wrote the song ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.'” –Conan O’Brien
Judy, you blow my mind … wherever I go in the blogosphere, there you are. My hat is off to you for your hard work.
dKos live threads from earlier here and here.
ok. if I call Jerome in Paris and the NSA listens in on the call, I am not being spied on because it isn’t a domestic call, it’s an international call. So, I am not being spied on.
CNN had a great interview on this that I’m going to find and post …
just don’t say OSAMA or BOMB to Jerome.
Don’t say – for example — of course only for example —
“The blog is bombing.”
“You are da bomb, Jerome.”
“I wanna osama your French wine, Jerome.”
Just be careful. ‘kay?
I can get it done by mentioning Barack OBOMBA.
This little back and forth between you and Susan started a little giggle that grew into a gaffaw. You guys rowk!
Many thanks for putting this up, susanhu — video/audio impaired here.
I AM TOO! Thank god I read an e-mail about it! ‘course, I’m watching Scottie at the moment because he’s ever so much more interesting.
We’ve yet to see any Scottie Show threads here (far as I know). I was in the habit of reading the presser transcripts for a while, which were very amusing when the Press Corpse started wiggling.
Of course, Helen’s always dynamite.
It is a problem putting up a thread for Scottie’s daily ditties … and maybe some of you can help me figure this out …
I used to go to the White House (whitehouse.gov) Web site every day — and it says, “Listen to Scott McClellan’s briefing.” — but usually wtih NO TIME listed.
If I go to C-Span and check, it doesn’t list a time.
Furthermore, Scottie is often not on on the rare occasions when there is a set time….. he’s late, often by an hour or so.
PLEASE HELP me with this because i think it’s a HOOT to cover his press briefings.
ALSO: Besides my other little woes, my left shoulder is killing me — the same one where I tore my rotator cuff about 16 years ago. (Or else I’m having sympathy pains for BooMan’s sore shoulder — because I’m worried about his shoulder, and he hasn’t gone to the doctor even though it’s been killing him off and on for three-plus months!) I can’t type like I’d like to … so I’d really need help with the live-blogging.
By all means, mind that shoulder! Personal experience tells me that a lot of OL time can truly aggrivate a bad situation. Fwiw, I’ve found adjusting the seat (or exchanging it) can help a good deal.
I’d certainly commit to consistent help with blog duties if I were sure to have ‘netz access from one day to the next. Alas, here in the rural mountains we can lose power if a sparrow farts in the wrong tree.
What did she do? To whom? Details, please!
She challenged Scottie on this injustice of the chief warrant officer who got ZERO jail time for cruelly suffocating an Iraqi army general … that link goes to my story about it, and my comparison to the actions of TRUE patriots who tried to save villagers from Calley’s men in the My Lai massacre …. if you missed it, I strongly suggest you read it just because of the superb interview that Amy Goodman did with the last surviving soldier who tried to save the villagers. I love Amy Goodman.
Today she interviewed an Iraqi doctor who lived through Fallujah.
I know the Senator Byrd is going to get around to tying the coal mine disasters to Alito, but this looks suspiciously like a filibuster.
That is what I was thinking earlier when watching while getting ready for work. Bryd has done this before and can talk through the night. He is very slow spoken and dramatic but boy can he drag things out. I was impressed by Burbin, Kennedy and Leahy this morning. They are really pounding on the NSA spying and how Alito would give Bush a blank check.
Kagro X has some intriguing thoughts at the next hurrah.
I would love to summarize, but babies cry!
read up!
that’s fascinating. It would be a great move.
I never know what to make of these glimmers of hope.
While we have to generate the pressure on all Senators, the decision to filibuster (or not) will also be a leadership decision.
Call the Leadership Offices!
Harry Reid, NV Democratic Leader (202) 224-3542
Dick Durbin, IL Assistant Democratic Leader (202) 224-2152
Patrick Leahy, VT Ranking Member Judiciary Committee (202) 224-4242
Republican senators that have not yet come out in support of Alito:
Phone numbers:
Chafee, Lincoln- (R – RI)
Collins, Susan- (R – ME)
Snowe, Olympia- (R – ME)
Stevens, Ted- (R – AK) (Yeah, him)
And Jeffords, James- (I – VT) hasn’t declared his position yet.
Senators leaning toward filibuster, call and urge them on:
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Mark Pryor, Arkansas
Diane Feinstein, California
Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
Joe Biden, Delaware
Barack Obama, Illinois
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Ben Nelson, Nebraska
Kent Conrad, North Dakota
Tim Johnson, South Dakota
If Repug, tell them “No” to Alito; if Democrat: FILIBUSTER!
Get the word out about why Alito needs to be filibustered: Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. (Click here)
People for the American Way has collected nearly 65,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours: Save the Court Petition
John Kerry has endorsed this anti-Alito petition, signers’ names will be read into the Congressional Record:
And as thanks, some Alito jokes:
“Supreme Court confirmation hearings are under way for Judge Samuel Alito. It’s pretty interesting. Democrats want to know his position on privacy, while Republicans want to know his position on prison terms for bribery.” –Jay Leno
“The American Bar Association gave Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito their highest rating. President Bush gave Alito his highest rating, too, because he called him ‘Super’ and ‘Duper.'” –Conan O’Brien
“President Bush was asked how he came up with a conservative like Alito, and he said he got the idea over the weekend while turning the clocks back.” –Jay Len
“Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito says he’s embarrassed by some of the things he wrote in the 1980’s. Yeah, apparently Alito wrote the song ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.'” –Conan O’Brien
I know about this stuff (mostly from you; you’re everywhere I look!).
Action helps, but I meant I am stranded emotionally.
Donald Rumsfeld lecturing a group of adoring schoolchil… no wait, that’s the Pentagon press corps.
If I may be so rude — I’d like to tell you about some NEW AFFILIATES we have. Just scan the left column …
One is Yves Rocher, a glamorous, fine cosmetics company from Canada that sells in BOTH the U.S. and Canada — and I’ve supplied links for both countries.
Another is E.L.F. (Eyes Lips Face) … it is a lovely New Zealand/Australian company that is certified cruelty-free (as is Yves Rocher) … and their products look fabulous + the prices are incredible.
We also now have an affiliate program with Office Depot and with McAfee’s superb computer protection products — all at great savings.
We are experimenting with these affiliates … we have no clue which ones will attract your attention … bear with us while we see which work and which don’t …. but you have my word that I have checked out every company and am fully confident that they are very reputable … in fact, through one affiliate program, I only choose the companies that have achieved its superior rating for reliability and customer service.
I’ll be sure to check them out.
Also- I still think it would be cool to sell Milkbones for Booman, rather like a virtual petting zoo. We could buy a box of “BooBones” for $10 and have some of the proceeds go to each Boo: the pet and the zookeeper.
Just a thought.
Now, I need to enlist my daughter Darcy in helping me find an online pet food store that does not ALSO sell pets or test on pets … it’s rather hard to do!
Some of the affiliate programs we go through do have stores like Petco, but Darcy says they’re a big no-no.
Let me ask her because this is such a fun idea!
Thanks! I just thought that bumper stickers are a one time deal, but dogs are always hungry.
If you can do it, I’d sign up for a box a month program.
Jim Bunning is batshit insane.
Raw Story says that democratic aides are saying a filibuster taint happening. I also called Salazar again and said that there is no tomorrow for the democratic party if they don’t filibuster. There is no redeeming himself on another vote and hoping we’ll come back- this is the time of testing. The phone person sounded… sad.
…about rummy being a tab cranky…well, what is new here! :o) Anyhow I do think he is getting some very good questions to address, of course he is agitated to have to address REALITY! What can we say about rummy that hasnt already been said. He is delusional like all the rest of them..or rather upset that he is bout to be found out for his patters of doing great damage to America and her forces. Then there is that accusation of hiring civilians to do active military jobs too..what can we say…ROH ROH!!!! {{{I love that from Larry’s recent diary!}}}
Thanks for clarification on who ‘The Donald’ is, Brenda (no TV here). For a moment I thought, what, Trump’s still upset about all the attention they gave Ivana .. ?
No, not surprising at all about Rummy. No one likes having their high-stakes delusions challenged ..
…well, where to I begin???? He was asked primarily to address the fact of our Army near to being broken. NOTE: just prior to this, facade` I watched Sen. Reed and others address this very same thing. They really did address reality. I watch C-span, for the most part. I do not care for the likes of others. So you see why that rummy is becoming agitated with the type of questions coming his way??!! besides, he is trying his damnedest to make it all civilian, lest we forget. like blackwater and all and then there is the obvious halliburton, k,b&r, and all.
These men are so hypocrital in nature it just is so sad to see what leadership we have now in government. It really does break my heart and then to be headed towards a fascistic rule.
Thanks for expanding on your prior comment.
Ah yes, the ‘leadership’. As I keep saying to myself: this is what it’s like to be governed by criminals.
IOW, it’s more about power than functionality.
I’ve long noticed his cranky mood swings. When he lets the ol’ crank rip it makes me think that he’s upset that the children are interrupting while the adults are tryign to speak.
I posted my letter to Patrick Leahy at http://mobiusroad.blogspot.com
Feel free to be the first to comment on my posts.