I know, the writing is said to be on the wall that Alito will be confirmed; so says AP.

According to California Yankee, Alito has 51 Yes votes. So far, only Ben Nelson has crossed over from our side of the aisle.

If the Dems maintain unity (sans Ben Nelson), they CAN still filibuster, and they must.

Below the fold, I will make a brief 4-point case against Alito. Before or after reading it, if you believe that Alito should be filibustered, please call and write your senators (please find links below).
We know these facts:

  1. Alito supports the notion of a Unitary Executive: Al Gore, Deborah White, Armando, and IHT.
  2. Alito opposes the fundamental precept of democracy, namely one person, one vote: Paul Rosenberg, Martin Garbus.
  3. There is a good chance that he may overturn Roe V. Wade: WaPo 11/15/05 article. Google for more.
  4. He has essentially admitted to lying in his 1985 memo when he was trying to become deputy assistant attorney general (from his interview with Feinstein, CNN):
Alito (per Feinstein): ‘It was different then. I was an advocate seeking a job. It was a political job’

Well, isn’t he still an advocate seeking a job, a political job?
A person that is capable of lying or coloring the truth at age 35 is fully capable of doing the same at age 55.

Isn’t this ample evidence that Alito will be utterly detrimental to maintaining balance in the court?

The Democrats shouldn’t worry about 2006 elections. This Harris poll shows Democrats strongly support rejecting Alito, and Indepedents are evenly split on the matter.

Alito must be Filibustered.

I urge the readers to call/write/fax their senators all day long. Here are two useful links for finding the contact information:

Contact them all day today and tomorrow and insist that they must:

  • support a filibuster against Alito’s confirmation
  • if it comes to it, they should vote against confirmation.

Even if you’ve called them before, you may want to call again with the 4 (factual) talking points above, along with your own.


ps: here are the republican senators that have not come out in support of Alito:

  • Chafee, Lincoln- (R – RI)
  • Collins, Susan- (R – ME)
  • Snowe, Olympia- (R – ME)
  • Stevens, Ted- (R – AK) (yeah, him)

And Jeffords, James- (I – VT) hasn’t declared his position yet.

But regardless of their stated position, call both of your senators. Tell them that you’re calling to make your own case against Alito.

Although hope appears rather thin, don’t give up just yet!

pps: if you’re away from TV, or don’t have C-Span, you can watch the proceedings here: C-Span live stream.