Teflon chemical nixed by DuPont and others: WashPo
Eight U.S. companies, including giant DuPont Co., agreed yesterday to virtually eliminate a harmful chemical used to make Teflon from all consumer products coated with the ubiquitous nonstick material.
Although the chemical would still be used to manufacture Teflon and similar products, processes will be developed to ensure that perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) would not be released into the environment from finished products or manufacturing plants.
PFOA — a key processing agent in making nonstick and stain-resistant materials — has been linked to cancer and birth defects in animals and is in the blood of 95 percent of Americans, including pregnant women. It has also been found in the blood of marine organisms and Arctic polar bears.
Gee, they’ve only been using it for how many DECADES already?
(This public Service Announcement interrupts your regularly scheduled programming to remind you to pick at least a handful of Dem senators to harass about the need for a filibuster)
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The U.S. military in Iraq said it has released 419 prisoners, including five women today.
Kidnappers of American reporter Jill Carroll had demanded the release of women prisoners in return for her freedom. Iraqi officials said earlier the releases were preplanned and not linked to the Carroll case.
WHITE HALL, Ark. – The nation’s second-largest chemical weapons depot beefed up security Wednesday after three people entered a restricted zone.
A security guard patrolling near storage igloos at the Pine Bluff Arsenal saw three people just before midnight Tuesday who were not authorized to be in the area, said Cheryl Avery, a spokeswoman for the 13,000-acre Army complex.
The three had not been found by Wednesday afternoon. It wasn’t known if the breach involved outsiders or arsenal workers straying beyond their security clearance.
Good thing we have the Department of Homeland Security to protect us…
(AP) A South Korean court on Thursday ordered two U.S. manufacturers of the defoliant Agent Orange to pay $62 million in medical compensation to South Korean veterans of the Vietnam War and their families.
The Seoul High Court ordered Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan, and Monsanto Company in St. Louis, Missouri, to pay the compensation to about 6,800 people.
Official U.S. records show that the U.S. military sprayed 19 million gallons of defoliants over southern Vietnam between 1962 and 1971. About 55 percent of that was Agent Orange.
The Seoul High Court overturned two lower court decisions and found Dow Chemical Co. and Monsanto Co. negligent for manufacturing defoliants used by the U.S. military in the Vietnam War with an excess dioxin content, according to court papers.
“The ruling recognizes responsibility lies with the defendants, who were manufacturers of defoliants, for damages suffered by South Korea’s veterans to the Vietnam War due to a product defect,” the court said in a summary.
GAZA (Reuters) — The Islamic militant group Hamas swept to victory over the long-dominant Fatah faction in the Palestinian parliamentary election, a political earthquake that could bury chances for peacemaking with Israel.
The shock outcome, acknowledged by Fatah ahead of official results, would not automatically unseat President Mahmoud Abbas, who was elected last year. But he has said he might resign if unable to pursue a peace policy.
Hamas’s win could lead to further unilateral moves by Israel, following a Gaza pullout last year, to shape its final border on occupied land Palestinians want for a state. Peace talks have been stalled for five years.
Palestinian election workers begin counting ballots
at a polling station in the West Bank city of Hebron.
Loay Abu Haykel/Reuters
Last night I heard an NPR report on the Palestinian elections and victories for Hamas. They interjected “W” saying, “I won’t work with groups who use violence.” (Not an exact quote, but you get the idea) Like so many times during the last 5 years, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This is very bad…..very bad. Yet the Palestinian people saw all of that corruption and had to make a hard change. They were stuck between a rock and hard place
Israel has stated: PLO is not a partner for peace – We won’t talk to Arafat – We’ll assassinate Arafat – Most leaders of the PLO, Hamas and Al Aqsa were assassinated.
What has this policy gained? New Israeli statement: Hamas is not a partner for peace.
Hamas was founded in 1987, after 20 years of Israeli occupation. So practically nothing has changed, but the demographic ratio between Israelis and Palestinians in the territories.
Israel must seek a resolution for a peace settlement. The EU will keep humanitarian and political support for the elected government in a democratic election.
Echidne of the Snakes has done a remarkable series of posts on the gender gap in wages. Echidne has a Ph.D. in Economics and these posts give a highly detailed explanation of why the wage is real and cannot be explained away. Fair warning: these posts are lengthy and quite detailed but well worth the time and effort.
IMO, Echidne is not only one of the best feminist writers to be found on the internet, she is one of the best writers period.
As Echidne says:
The series provides a FREE summary of the issues at a fairly professional level. You can’t get this on the net. I know, because I’m not totally stupid and I looked for a ready-made discussion before I started writing one from scratch.
Mr. Danger has scheduled a bleat, billed as a “news conference” for 10:15.
Sadly, WGN only shows 2 episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies, ending at 10. I am confident that Washington is aware of this, however resourceful viewers should be able to locate suitable viewing on other channels, and those with early mail delivery can hope that their Netflix has arrived.
Russia Plans Mine on the Moon by 2020. AFP is reporting that Russia plans to have a permanent moon base by 2015 and an industrial-scale operation sending helium-3 to earth by 2020. Helium-3 is common on the moon but rare on earth, and is the fuel that will be required in any future fusion reactor. Perhaps they plan to be the founding nation of OHECK – The Organization of Helium-3 Exporting Countries and Kingdoms, the OPEC of the latter 21st century. They also plan to launch their version of space shuttle in 2015.
The dark ages cometh – Creationism: It’s not just for Americans anymore. A poll conducted for the BBC has found that less than half of all Britons accept the theory of evolution. More than 40% said Creationism or Intelligent Design should be taught in schools. Hi, Tommy, welcome to our universe of pain…
Follow the Money: Scientists have modeled the spread of disease viruses through the population by tracking the travels of $1 bills, at a site called http://www.wheresgeorge.com. Visitors to the site enter the serial number on their bank notes and see where their money has been previously. This is taken as a model of other things people carry, like viruses. The scientists admit the model isn’t exact, however: money doesn’t reproduce in your pocket.
I’ll be asking Dr. Mrs. K.P., DVM about this one: Scientists find stronger evidence of a link between toxoplasma gondii, a parasite in cat feces and undercooked meat, and some cases of schizophrenia.
From the WaPo: Eight U.S. companies, including giant DuPont Co., yesterday agreed to eliminate 95% of emissions of a harmful chemical used to make Teflon from consumer products coated with the nonstick material and from the environment by 2010, and to eliminate 100% from consumer products by 2015. Although the chemical would still be used to manufacture Teflon and similar products, processes will be developed to ensure that perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) would not be released into the environment from finished products or manufacturing plants. The voluntary pact was negotiated with EPA. A separate government panel is studying whether PFOA should be classified as a “likely” or “possible” human carcinogen, which could trigger additional regulations.
South Africa and China are moving ahead to implement pebble-bed nuclear reactor technology. A story here details the technology and concerns about it in a reasonably even-handed report.
Pioneering psychotherapist and writer Betty Berzon died Tuesday at her home in Los Angeles. She was 78 years old.
She was known for turning one of the lowest points of her life into her life’s direction. During her early adult years, she had been hospitalized after trying to kill herself, in part because she struggled with her sexual orientation. During her recovery, doctors encouraged her to become a psychotherapist. She went on to become one of our community’s best-known, with a gift for helping gay people come to terms with their true selves and with each other.
She was very dedicated, wasn’t she? From the same article:
Berzon had been sick with cancer, but still continued to see patients and write while undergoing chemotherapy. Her desire to continue work while sick seemed like classic Berzon persistence.
The Association for American Indian Development is asking you to join us. BOYCOTT “Gun” the video game, as well as other games published by Activision. Call, write or visit them at:
Activision Incorporated
3100 Ocean Park Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
A racist game called “Gun” has been released by Activision , a San Monica, CA video game publisher for Xbox 360, Xbox, Playstation , PS2 and PC, “Gun” features a frontiersman hero named Colton White. The earliest task the game player must complete is to slaughter Apache Indians. Not only slaughter – but also scalp Apaches with a “scalping knife” which can be purchased as part of the many weapons offered to the hero of the game, Colton White.
Rated “M” for mature audiences, Gun is an outright endorsement of the genocide that continues to be perpetrated against Native Americans. Adding insult to injury, “The Hero” bemoans the fact that although he’s killed so many Apaches, he is also letting so many get away.
As if to make amends, “The Hero” switches sides later in the game and discovers a secret about his own indigenous heritage. This story twist DOES NOT make the preceding chapters any easier to accept. In fact, in the official guide to the game, it actually says that because “The Hero” rescues some Apaches held captive on a train, perhaps it cancels a karmic debt for his earlier actions.
The brutal slaying of America’s indigenous people is historically accurate…it happened. But so did slavery, lynching and the Holocaust and we don’t see games glamorizing it.
Let me remind you that the Democratic numbers were good and the Republican numbers weren’t and Bush had fallen precipitously.
Boiled down, the spin in Missouri falls generally into two traditional camps:
Those who like the numbers claim the polls show an electorate ready to revolt, and add that their own polling reflects the same trends.
Those who dislike the poll’s findings challenge some of the sampling techniques or questions, or say their own polling has shown their side’s politician to be in slightly better shape.
By the way, so far, none of the official Republican critics are asserting that the poll’s results – which generally weren’t good news for the GOP – are way out of whack.
Basically the Republican spin is that Governor Blunt was polling worse before, so THESE bad poll numbers show an improvement. Heh.
But let’s get to the national race so we Democrats in Missouri can have at least ONE senator representing us.
The poll between incumbent Republican Jim Talent and his likely Democratic rival, state Auditor Claire McCaskill, showed her ahead, 47 percent to 44 percent. But that lead is within the poll’s margin of error, and therefore statistically insignificant.
Jones said the poll should attract national Democratic money for McCaskill, by showing that she has a strong chance. In Talent’s case, Jones predicted that he will point to the same numbers as he tells national GOP donors, “I need some more.”
Well that doesn’ tell us anything we couldn’t have figured out on our own.
There is another potential issue on the ballot in November — stem cell research. And many people think that is a winner for Democrats. There will be lots of ads featuring people with debilitating diseases asking for help in finding a cure. And the big medical centers in St. Louis will be pouring money into getting the vote out in favor of it.
Talent consultant Lloyd Smith said the poll wouldn’t affect the senator’s actions in the Senate, which may have been a veiled reference to the stem cell issue. The poll showed overwhelming early support, 64 percent to 32 percent, for a ballot proposal to protect all embryonic stem cell research that’s allowed under federal law.
McCaskill held a news conference Tuesday citing her support for such research. She also noted that Talent has co-sponsored a Senate bill that would outlaw some of the research procedures that the Missouri proposal seeks to protect. Talent has said he’s still studying the Missouri proposal.
McCaskill spokesman Tony Wyche asserted that the poll’s chief finding was that “Missouri voters want a change.”
Let’s hope Claire’s right. She came out this week and said that she would vote against Alito if she was in the senate. No statement on filibustering — but that’s probably wise for a mere candidate.
Tim Johnson, “Democrat” from South Dakota, will vote Yes on the Alito Nomination. Link to Story
“I am troubled by Judge Alito’s apparent views on matters such as executive power, his past opposition to the principle of one person, one vote, and his narrow interpretation of certain civil rights laws,” Johnson said. “Even so, I cannot accept an argument that his views are so radical that the Senate is justified in denying his confirmation.”
Johnson and other senators also are advising Democratic leaders against attempting a filibuster, the only chance the minority party would have to stop Alito’s confirmation.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) 45 minutes ago — President George W. Bush backed a Russian proposal to resolve a nuclear stalemate with Tehran and said the United States supported democratic reformers in Iran.
The Bush administration has accused Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons under the guise of a peaceful nuclear energy program. Washington and its European allies want Iran referred to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions, but Russia and China have urged caution.
People ought to be allowed to have civilian nuclear power, Bush told a White House news conference. But he said he did not believe “non-transparent regimes that threaten the security of the world” should be allowed to gain the technology necessary to make an atomic weapon.
President Bush laid out conditions for an “acceptable alternative” for Iran.
“That the material used to power the plant would be manufactured in Russia, delivered under IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) inspectors to Iran, to be used in that plant, the waste of which will be picked up by the Russians and returned to Russia.”
“I think that is a good plan,” he said. “The Russians came up with the idea and I support it.”
Democrats.com just posted a scoop that Kerry is going to attempt to lead a filibuster. Bust their asses down Kerry, do it just because they stole the presidency from you and finish it because it is the only sane thing to do. Go cry in your beer Biden because if he does it………you suck and probably won’t be getting the nomination!
Teflon chemical nixed by DuPont and others: WashPo
Gee, they’ve only been using it for how many DECADES already?
(This public Service Announcement interrupts your regularly scheduled programming to remind you to pick at least a handful of Dem senators to harass about the need for a filibuster)
We can’t give up now.
US forces in Iraq Free Five Women Detainees
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The U.S. military in Iraq said it has released 419 prisoners, including five women today.
Kidnappers of American reporter Jill Carroll had demanded the release of women prisoners in return for her freedom. Iraqi officials said earlier the releases were preplanned and not linked to the Carroll case.
Kidnapped: Reporter Jill Carroll
≈ Cross-posted from RubDMC’s diary —
Jill Carroll and Iraqi Women ≈
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I hope this means they let her go. And that she doesn’t get shot at like Giuliana Sgrena did.
From Arkansas: AP/Yahoo
Good thing we have the Department of Homeland Security to protect us…
(AP) A South Korean court on Thursday ordered two U.S. manufacturers of the defoliant Agent Orange to pay $62 million in medical compensation to South Korean veterans of the Vietnam War and their families.
The Seoul High Court ordered Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan, and Monsanto Company in St. Louis, Missouri, to pay the compensation to about 6,800 people.
Official U.S. records show that the U.S. military sprayed 19 million gallons of defoliants over southern Vietnam between 1962 and 1971. About 55 percent of that was Agent Orange.
The Legacy of Agent Orange
The Seoul High Court overturned two lower court decisions and found Dow Chemical Co. and Monsanto Co. negligent for manufacturing defoliants used by the U.S. military in the Vietnam War with an excess dioxin content, according to court papers.
“The ruling recognizes responsibility lies with the defendants, who were manufacturers of defoliants, for damages suffered by South Korea’s veterans to the Vietnam War due to a product defect,” the court said in a summary.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
GAZA (Reuters) — The Islamic militant group Hamas swept to victory over the long-dominant Fatah faction in the Palestinian parliamentary election, a political earthquake that could bury chances for peacemaking with Israel.
The shock outcome, acknowledged by Fatah ahead of official results, would not automatically unseat President Mahmoud Abbas, who was elected last year. But he has said he might resign if unable to pursue a peace policy.
Hamas’s win could lead to further unilateral moves by Israel, following a Gaza pullout last year, to shape its final border on occupied land Palestinians want for a state. Peace talks have been stalled for five years.
Palestinian election workers begin counting ballots
at a polling station in the West Bank city of Hebron.
Loay Abu Haykel/Reuters
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Last night I heard an NPR report on the Palestinian elections and victories for Hamas. They interjected “W” saying, “I won’t work with groups who use violence.” (Not an exact quote, but you get the idea) Like so many times during the last 5 years, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This is very bad…..very bad. Yet the Palestinian people saw all of that corruption and had to make a hard change. They were stuck between a rock and hard place
Israel has stated: PLO is not a partner for peace – We won’t talk to Arafat – We’ll assassinate Arafat – Most leaders of the PLO, Hamas and Al Aqsa were assassinated.
What has this policy gained? New Israeli statement: Hamas is not a partner for peace.
Hamas was founded in 1987, after 20 years of Israeli occupation. So practically nothing has changed, but the demographic ratio between Israelis and Palestinians in the territories.
Israel must seek a resolution for a peace settlement. The EU will keep humanitarian and political support for the elected government in a democratic election.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Echidne of the Snakes has done a remarkable series of posts on the gender gap in wages. Echidne has a Ph.D. in Economics and these posts give a highly detailed explanation of why the wage is real and cannot be explained away. Fair warning: these posts are lengthy and quite detailed but well worth the time and effort.
IMO, Echidne is not only one of the best feminist writers to be found on the internet, she is one of the best writers period.
As Echidne says:
The Series:
Mr. Danger has scheduled a bleat, billed as a “news conference” for 10:15.
Sadly, WGN only shows 2 episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies, ending at 10. I am confident that Washington is aware of this, however resourceful viewers should be able to locate suitable viewing on other channels, and those with early mail delivery can hope that their Netflix has arrived.
This has been a public service announcement.
(yes, I’m SCREAMING!!!!)
Bush just quoted our lovely Dem Governor Rendell on his support of Alito in his fucking press conference!
Fucking witless asshole Dems giving that dirtbag loser BUSH political cover!!!!!
(covers ears) I think I heard you a thousand miles away. (well, almost a thousand).
Why do you torture yourself by listening to him?
It’s all Ductape’s fault. 🙂
I wonder if my blood pressure will ever return to normal?
We still have the occasional Vodka:30 to calm fried nerve endings.
Science Headlines 26 January 2005
Russia Plans Mine on the Moon by 2020. AFP is reporting that Russia plans to have a permanent moon base by 2015 and an industrial-scale operation sending helium-3 to earth by 2020. Helium-3 is common on the moon but rare on earth, and is the fuel that will be required in any future fusion reactor. Perhaps they plan to be the founding nation of OHECK – The Organization of Helium-3 Exporting Countries and Kingdoms, the OPEC of the latter 21st century. They also plan to launch their version of space shuttle in 2015.
The dark ages cometh – Creationism: It’s not just for Americans anymore. A poll conducted for the BBC has found that less than half of all Britons accept the theory of evolution. More than 40% said Creationism or Intelligent Design should be taught in schools. Hi, Tommy, welcome to our universe of pain…
Follow the Money: Scientists have modeled the spread of disease viruses through the population by tracking the travels of $1 bills, at a site called http://www.wheresgeorge.com. Visitors to the site enter the serial number on their bank notes and see where their money has been previously. This is taken as a model of other things people carry, like viruses. The scientists admit the model isn’t exact, however: money doesn’t reproduce in your pocket.
I’ll be asking Dr. Mrs. K.P., DVM about this one: Scientists find stronger evidence of a link between toxoplasma gondii, a parasite in cat feces and undercooked meat, and some cases of schizophrenia.
From the WaPo: Eight U.S. companies, including giant DuPont Co., yesterday agreed to eliminate 95% of emissions of a harmful chemical used to make Teflon from consumer products coated with the nonstick material and from the environment by 2010, and to eliminate 100% from consumer products by 2015. Although the chemical would still be used to manufacture Teflon and similar products, processes will be developed to ensure that perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) would not be released into the environment from finished products or manufacturing plants. The voluntary pact was negotiated with EPA. A separate government panel is studying whether PFOA should be classified as a “likely” or “possible” human carcinogen, which could trigger additional regulations.
South Africa and China are moving ahead to implement pebble-bed nuclear reactor technology. A story here details the technology and concerns about it in a reasonably even-handed report.
The queer world lost a healer & an activist this week:
She was known for turning one of the lowest points of her life into her life’s direction. During her early adult years, she had been hospitalized after trying to kill herself, in part because she struggled with her sexual orientation. During her recovery, doctors encouraged her to become a psychotherapist. She went on to become one of our community’s best-known, with a gift for helping gay people come to terms with their true selves and with each other.
Thanks for everything, Betty!
She was very dedicated, wasn’t she? From the same article:
Yes, she was a tough old bird. 🙂 She worked very hard, accomplished much, was respected by many, and she’s earned her rest.
The Association for American Indian Development is asking you to join us. BOYCOTT “Gun” the video game, as well as other games published by Activision. Call, write or visit them at:
Activision Incorporated
3100 Ocean Park Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
A racist game called “Gun” has been released by Activision , a San Monica, CA video game publisher for Xbox 360, Xbox, Playstation , PS2 and PC, “Gun” features a frontiersman hero named Colton White. The earliest task the game player must complete is to slaughter Apache Indians. Not only slaughter – but also scalp Apaches with a “scalping knife” which can be purchased as part of the many weapons offered to the hero of the game, Colton White.
Rated “M” for mature audiences, Gun is an outright endorsement of the genocide that continues to be perpetrated against Native Americans. Adding insult to injury, “The Hero” bemoans the fact that although he’s killed so many Apaches, he is also letting so many get away.
As if to make amends, “The Hero” switches sides later in the game and discovers a secret about his own indigenous heritage. This story twist DOES NOT make the preceding chapters any easier to accept. In fact, in the official guide to the game, it actually says that because “The Hero” rescues some Apaches held captive on a train, perhaps it cancels a karmic debt for his earlier actions.
The brutal slaying of America’s indigenous people is historically accurate…it happened. But so did slavery, lynching and the Holocaust and we don’t see games glamorizing it.
Some newspaper analysis on last week’s Missouri polling numbers.
Let me remind you that the Democratic numbers were good and the Republican numbers weren’t and Bush had fallen precipitously.
Basically the Republican spin is that Governor Blunt was polling worse before, so THESE bad poll numbers show an improvement. Heh.
But let’s get to the national race so we Democrats in Missouri can have at least ONE senator representing us.
Well that doesn’ tell us anything we couldn’t have figured out on our own.
There is another potential issue on the ballot in November — stem cell research. And many people think that is a winner for Democrats. There will be lots of ads featuring people with debilitating diseases asking for help in finding a cure. And the big medical centers in St. Louis will be pouring money into getting the vote out in favor of it.
Let’s hope Claire’s right. She came out this week and said that she would vote against Alito if she was in the senate. No statement on filibustering — but that’s probably wise for a mere candidate.
Tim Johnson, “Democrat” from South Dakota, will vote Yes on the Alito Nomination. Link to Story
$*#&$@##$^!$@^ GRRRR.
Knight Ridder article by Jim Puzzanghera [1.25.06]:
ZogbyPoll finds 52% of Americans think congress should consider impeaching Bish if he wiretapped US citizens without court approval.
Well, D’oh! He’s already admitted it!
Hell, he’s practically dared us all to stop him by announcing that he’s going to keep breaking the law.
See my diary on breaking story today ::
WASHINGTON (Reuters) 45 minutes ago — President George W. Bush backed a Russian proposal to resolve a nuclear stalemate with Tehran and said the United States supported democratic reformers in Iran.
The Bush administration has accused Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons under the guise of a peaceful nuclear energy program. Washington and its European allies want Iran referred to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions, but Russia and China have urged caution.
CNN News - Aerial photo of Natanz nuclear complex, where Iran resumed operations earlier this month.
People ought to be allowed to have civilian nuclear power, Bush told a White House news conference. But he said he did not believe “non-transparent regimes that threaten the security of the world” should be allowed to gain the technology necessary to make an atomic weapon.
President Bush laid out conditions for an “acceptable alternative” for Iran.
“That the material used to power the plant would be manufactured in Russia, delivered under IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) inspectors to Iran, to be used in that plant, the waste of which will be picked up by the Russians and returned to Russia.”
“I think that is a good plan,” he said. “The Russians came up with the idea and I support it.”
● ITAR-TASS: Russia proposal gives good chances for Iran nuke solution-Bush
● Iran Welcomes Russia’s Offer to Enrich Uranium Jointly; Details Remain
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Democrats.com just posted a scoop that Kerry is going to attempt to lead a filibuster. Bust their asses down Kerry, do it just because they stole the presidency from you and finish it because it is the only sane thing to do. Go cry in your beer Biden because if he does it………you suck and probably won’t be getting the nomination!
It reads that Kerry Leading a Filibuster has been confirmed by calling his office!