This is not intended to be mean spirited, if it is out of bounds for the mod. and deleted, I fully understand. It’s just a gentle poke and I have wondered what it might like to be a fly on the wall at the Carville household, during breakfast….
Mary  Matlin  “Good Morning, hon.”
James Carville “Good, morning, Mary. Hey is that the Washington Times you’re reading?”
Mary  “Yeah, what’s it to ya?”
James  “I don’t see how in the hell you can take that seriously, its owned not just by a Moonie, its THE MOONIE!”
Mary  “Um, don’t you have some emails to send to MoveOn ?”
James  “MoveOn? Hell, those are good decent people, unlike alot of that crowd you consort with!”
Mary  “Look who’s calling the kettle black, it’s the skillet!”
James  “It seems the only time we don’t bicker is when when we’re either discussing Little Mary or when we’re having sex, and quite frankly I’m getting tired of it!”
Mary  “What, the bickering or the sex?”
James  “The bickering, of course, hon.”
Mary   “Uh, okay. Just wanted to be sure on that. Speaking of which, remember what the therapist said?”
James  “Take time-outs when it gets too political and to fufill each other’s needs with intimacy.”
Mary “Right, James.”
James  “Does this mean you will wear the Katherine Harris mask AND the Monica Thong?” I feel very bi partisan this morning.”
Mary   “Only if you put on the Bolton mustache and put a new battery in the ‘Rover”….and don’t forget that new Dick Gephardt fragrance I bought you, you know its called Missouri Musk.
James  “Hey, did you hear? Bill Bennett is taking bets whether we will make it another three years,
that’s just like that gambling idiot!”
Mary  “Yeah, and Hillary’s selling beachfront property in Little Rock!”
James  “Honey, I love you.”
Mary  “I love you, too. Now go put that outfit on…..”