Hey, Hi There!
Glad to see you, but I need:

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Morning All.
I’m still in the first blush of pleasure from having planned our vacation to southern Utah in March. Reason #43958 why:
That’s beautiful (and thanks for reminding me that I need to send out the check for our Outer Banks vacation today).

I’m always happy to make anyone think about going on vacation, even if it is only the money part.
and raise you an Alaska:
Can’t wait to have some of my own pictures of the place…
A memory of a past visit — when my mom and I went to Alaska when I was 13 (my God, 33 years ago!), we did the standard tour out to Mendenhall (the glacier pictured above). One part of the tour I remember is a stop at a nearby church; the wall behind the altar/pulpit was floor to ceiling glass, and looked directly out at the glacier. I remember thinking that if I went to church there, I’d never hear a word the minister said.
I hope that church is still there…
Very nice shot and alaska is a gorgeous place but my mind’s completely occupied by the high desert right now.
is going to be quite a bit more rustic than ours…the spouse is talking about doing some camping in the not too distant future, and actually wants a minivan for our next vehicle (if anyone comes out with a hybrid one, at least). We’re in the need of getting our travel legs back — we’ve been vegging waaaaay too much during vacations.
Morning All – Friday is finally here. Now let me get some coffee and see if I can pry my eyes open.
Morning FM. Join me for a cup?
Morning Andi – I’ve got one cup down and one eye opened, so I guess the day is starting out normally. Beautiful picture. I bet it will be a wonderful vacation.
Can’t we just skip this day and let it be liberty day,
meaning weekend with family, friends and some relaxation!
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Where is that, Oui?
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I’ve been up since 4:30… That after falling asleep early, so all is good. I am SO usually not a morning person. But I’m doing a bit of cooking now, for breakfast and for lunch. And after work, I get to go on a lil road trip to see a friend of mine, yippee! It’s gonna be a damn fine day…
Ooh, road trip-sounds fun! I’m going to a chili cookoff fundraiser thing tonight…somehow that doesn’t seem quite as exciting as your trip.
Well, I’m sure that a chili cookoff as a fundraiser has its merits!
Have fun!
So does this mean there will a slightly lower percentage of 80’s music in the FRT tonight?
Nah… Where I go, my laptop goes…
I actually just got an external drive backup and installed it yesterday. After realizing how many times I road trip, and toss the laptop in my trunk… I finally thought of ‘if I ever got into an accident’… Everything is on my computer. And I do mean Everything! I’m feeling much better today knowing that my ‘stuff’ is save and stored somewhere else now, for when I’m a travelin’!
Yeah I got an external drive awhile back and I definitely feel better. I still back up all my pictures to cd’s as well.
I found a really good backup program called Acornis True Image that can make a disk image backup so you are saving a complete image of the state of your system. Pretty fast too.
a 100GB portable HD for the laptop, but also thinking about getting an 80GB just for the trip so I have a place to store all the video and digital stills I plan to shoot before bringing them home to play with on the desktop. LaCie had some really cool hard drives at MacWorld, including one called the “Rugged” that’s encased in rubber…it’s very tempting…
My 7th grader wants to wear shorts (long shorts, but shorts nonetheless) to school even in the dead of winter. It’s been a mild winter, so I haven’t really given him a hard time about it; I figure it’s part of that whole “being cool” middle school thing, it’s not a danger to him or to others, and in the big picture, shorts just aren’t enough to battle over. Homework quality is.
Do you think I’m a slacker parent? Should I get all upset over his nonconformist clothing choice? Are shorts in winter just the gateway to goth clothing?
First it’s shorts, and then he’s wearing a vial of his girlfriend’s blood around his neck.
Shorts are fine, IMO, especially with a hoodie or something up top. I spent 8 years of my young life walking to school in the snow wearing a skirt and white anklets, so I’m pretty sure he won’t freeze to death.
The dress codes in public schools didn’t relax until well after I graduated. Even in high school we weren’t even allowed to wear culottes so we used to safety pin them during school hours.
OOoh, culottes. I actually made my uniform skirt shorter on the way to school by rolling the waistband several times. Usually it was short-lived as the nuns would make us kneel on the floor and the hem had to touch the ground.
It’s so funny to see them going through the same things with the grandchildren that I went through with them.
One of the great things about having grown kids is now you can switch roles with them. Whenever I visit my daughter, I go through the house turning on all the lights, opening all the doors and looking in the fridge just to see what there. Now she goes around after me grumbling about turning off lights, closing doors, ect. I told her one time is was sweet revenge.
I know my mom sometimes is sitting there thinking “what goes around, comes around” when my kids give me a hard time. How old are the grandchildren, FM? One’s a little guy, right?
Still pretty young 2 and 1. I’m looking forward to when they get to the teenage years. I always knew my oldest daughter would be a good mother. She had the mothering instinct since childhood and she’s doing a great job now. But, as I’ve always told her once they can start talking and rationalizing with you, you’ve lost the war.
Seen this story?
I love kids like that, I really do. I mean, a Fred Flintstone suit? That’s inspired disobedience. Rules are important, but questioning them is too.
That was clever. And flowered skirts? Whatta guy.
I’m just sensitive over the fact that his 26-year-old teacher has been giving them the anti-choice schtick in Social Studies class. And telling my son (who argues pro-choice back at her, bless his heart) that he needs to talk to his parents, as though he is some ignored, unattended, wayward kid. He pointed out to her that he does talk to his parents, and that’s why he knows her views are overly simplistic, but then he comes home feeling bad about her attitude towards him. And then he was asking me about “what’s a liberal? She really doesn’t like those.” What could I say? She means people like us, honey.
Bravo to your son.
My 84 year old mom asked me yesterday if NARAL was the best choice organization she could donate to because “who do those “republicans think they are telling women what to do with their own bodies.”
So you can tell him she means nice old ladies, too.
She sounds like my mom!
When I told him what liberals were, he started complaining about her making them watch part of the Alito hearings on FOX news…he’s funny.
That’s it. Now I really hate her. It’s great that she’s including the confirmation hearings in her classroom, but they’re on C-SPAN.
My gym used to have several of their TVs tuned to Fox News and I complained. Now they’re on CNN Headline News.
Go Mom!!
I didn’t know the abortion issue was a hot topic in 7th grade social studies. I wonder if her principal would feel she was wasting valuable class time spewing her political views at 12 year olds.
That’s was what was bothering me. Why is abortion a soapbox issue in her class (especially when my son comes home from health class asking me questions to fill in the gaps of what they talk about for sex ed)? But, apparently there is a young lady in my son’s class who clearly comes from a family of reichwing Bush voters, and that’s paart of how this got started.
That is definitely a unique solution — I’ll bet the superintendent never thought the boy would take him up on the “suggestion”.
IMNSHO, I think it’s silly to tell kids they can’t wear certain types of clothing after a certain date. (I also think the “no white after Labor Day” is ridiculous too.) If the clothing is clean, in decent repair, and not obscene, that’s all that matters in my book.
(Up for a little bit till my next dose of cold medicine takes effect…then it’s back to bed…)
Here they have to wear school uniforms. I guess that’s OK, but it seems like another form of prepackaged conformity. My only problem with it is a lot of people around here can’t afford to buy regular clothing plus the uniforms. And no child ever stays the same size throughout the school year, so more expenses.
I STILL remember that my mom used to make my sister and I wear our winter jackets unless it was above fifty degrees… Just saying.
My mom was like that…I had to rebel by spending my teenage years on Dead tour.
Tee-hee. When my mom first met my new freshman-year college boyfriend (who turned into the ex-husband whom I am still most excellent of friends with) he was a patchouli-smelling, long haired, car covered in dead stickers kinda fellow. I think he may have just come off of tour too, and possibly had not showered in awhile. Oh boy… He picked me up for the weekend… When he brought me back home after that, my mom thanked him for having me. HA! He, and I, thought that was just so funny, cuz y’all know all the stuff we spent the weekend doing…
Goodmorning!! I’m running a little late this morning. I was just daydreaming over at Nancy Pickard Mysteries. She’s got the warmest colors on her page and the book cover for her new book – The Virgin of Small Plains, is really nice.
I can’t wait until she gets more material up!
before froggybottom opened this one, along with this suggestion: “Once you’ve got Nancy’s full website done, we should ask Susan to do an open thread with it as her theme. Great way to do a grand opening.”
But there’s a cuppa upthread.
I stopped and sipped out of their cups (don’t tell!) on my way down here.
And I saw your note at the other cafe — I think it’s a great idea. I’m hoping that it won’t be long. Now that we’ve got a “look & feel” nailed down, it should be easier to get the layout right on the other pages.
It seems a little strange having all these people with us in the cafe instead of pretty much having it to ourselves.
Are you suggesting I actually get to work???
if I tell you to go to work, then I have to tell myself the same thing.
Strange? I’ll say — I’ve never had to fight over the last clean coffee cup before.
But, but, but…
I didn’t say it was “bad”, just strange. Everybody seems to have woken up very chatty today.
Got it! I woke up three and a half hours ago, which is HIGHLY unusual… And then I cooked, which is kinda unusual too these days. I’m not usually in here in the am typically either… Is it a full or new moon or something?
Not me! I’ll raise the average Time of Awakening and lower the average Rate of Volubility. See site statistics.
I just now saw your very funny suggestion over in last night’s Open Thread. I’m going to tell Susan Dunlap you said so. She’ll hoot.
Just say the word, you’re wish is my command. And I never delete email, that quote is ready to post when you’re ready.
lol! Don’t you dare! The quote, for anybody wondering, is: “Nancy is not as nice as she seems.”
Your website looks great, and I’ll definitely read the new book when it’s out.
You do look unnaturally nice in your picture. Like a kindergarten teacher. In a good way.
You car-cruncher, you.
you’re just the site owner — she’s the site builder, the woman with all the power!
katiebird, don’t worry. She’s such a techie phobe that once you put the quote up, she’ll never figure out how to get rid of it.
::cue diabolical, power-mad laughing::
p.s. kansas, what are you worried about? Think how good it will be for your image. You’ll probably develop a heretofore untapped audience among goth kids.
I was just watching CNN and it has the lady from Ala. who had to go through hell to get the police, American’s Most Wanted, etc. to get some action done on getting a 3 year old little girl saved from an abuser. That’s simply mind-boggling. It took her four days to finally get someone to listen to her. I just can’t believe some officials are so cavalier about something like that.
I love that that woman followed her instincts and didn’t give up. I know how hard it is to get people to take you seriously when you say “I just have this feeling…”
I agree and I can’t say how much respect I have for her. In the interview after all her calling and emailing, she turned around and drove 280 miles back to the store to get them to let her look at the tape again. Not a whole hell of a lot of people would have done that. She has my total respect.
Just 4 Today: — well, it seems there’s a lot going on. I’m going to work and I’ll be walking and not eating between meals.
What are you going to do today? Come over to Eat 4 Today: and tell us about it.
Please unrecommend the closed cafe!! It’s way to high on the recommended list.
I wrote some more letters yesterday. Today I’m just disgusted.
Did you guys hear about the Virginia state delegate who accidentally fired a gun in his office?
Good morning all! We found out that the car my wife was driving when the tree fell on it is a total. (She’s okay though!) Car shopping is on the menu. I hate car shopping.
You’ve got to make a game out of car shopping…It’s kind of fun to watch the salesperson freak out at the thought of you leaving without a car…and the last time I did that, I got a phone call at home later with a lower price on the car I was looking at. (I kept my old car anyway.)
What are you looking at?
With two people you can do the good cop, bad cop routine. My husband would show an interest in the car and then I would talk to him (loud enough so the salesman could hear)about how we really didn’t want to spend that much etc…
It seemed to work well. I’m a natural at the bad cop.
With one person, you have to make your beloved old car your co-conspirator.
I wanted the new Honda Civic but no traction control is offered. I need that for my daily commute through the sometimes snowy mountains. Perhaps instead a Mazda 6, traction control now standard but so are Ford engines.
Ford has a controlling interest in Mazda.
My daughter has a 98 Maxima and I keep trying to get her to trade me for my 98 Windstar (cough) minivan. That Max drives like a dream and never needs repairs.
We bought our last car almost entirely over the internet (other than doing test drives). We researched it, got bids on the exact vehicle we wanted from various dealers, and then told the local dealer that if she matched our best price on the exact vehicle (we’d emailed her the specs), we’d buy it from her and she agreed (via email again). We didn’t actually go into the dealership until the day we bought it.
BTW, we love our Subaru Forester and our Honda Element but the Forester is a better family car.
I’ve always thought the Element is boxy and cool. My son loves the uber-boxy Scion.
I’m the only one in the family with an American car and it’s a piece of shit.
In my over 30 years of owning cars, the Element is the first one I’ve had that stranger actually stop to ask about or just say how nifty it is.
A deer enjoying his own neighborhood cafe yesterday.
One of the Dirty Dozen who’ve discovered Puget4’s flower pots.
Hey there, Gooserock. Thanks for the image! Of course, in these parts a similar sight always means s l o w d o w n …
About the flower pots: any chance you can create a buffer with marigolds? They hate marigolds.
They do, however, adore cannabis
Meeting with school about special ed… went very well. We kicked ass.
Tonight I’m hitting the pavement.
Many are going to risk arrest. These are not crazy, unAmerican, smelly, meaningless hippies…
These people are US.
Yeah, I got your message on the answering machine. First, I am totally stoked that everything went well for you & Wes, but second, that message was so funny it made me laugh until my stomach hurt. {{DJ}}
Ha! Wesley thought he was going to “talk” to someone not leave a message. We have to work on “leaving messages”
Well damn I’m glad you got the giggles. I finally read your email and read that you were under the weather. How are you?
I’m a bit scattered… thinking of diarizing tonight’s “thang” : )
I just thought the interaction between you two was delightful; so adorable.
Yeah, I’m sick, as per usual. The autoimmune thing is weird because my immune system is overactive all the time, which is the primary cause of my disability (because it attacks my own glands and the hormones they produce, thinking they’re foreign invaders). But it is very selective about what it will fight against, so I wind up getting the weirdest infections.
The flared immune activity fights off a lot of the nasties — for example, I used to get bronchitis or walking pneumonia about once a year but with the flared immune system I’ve only had it once or twice in the past 6 years, so that’s cool. But the downside is that the increased activity seems to have a price in that my immune system sometimes completely ignores a more minor infection, like a sinus thing, and then once it gets in, I have to be on antibiotics for 4 months to get it out. Crazy stuff.
This week I’ve been trying to fight off a sinus infection and it’s been touch and go. I’ll feel okay for a few hours when I first wake up, and then crash pretty hard by around noon or so and be only vaguely coherent for the rest of the day. Being chronically ill is like this, all the time. Blegh.
Good luck tonight! Don’t forget to write a civil rights lawyer’s # on your arm with a sharpie just in case.
What going to happen with the asshole teacher?
Yeah, what happened. I love hearing about victorious parents!
Strict supervision. Training. And the bastard was SCARED. The meeting was with this supervisor and the school district admins.
I hate to say it cause I sound like a backpatter… but me and Mr. Damnit did very well.
I only cussed twice.
“Sir, I do not have the time, energy or desire to wage in pissing contests with you”.
“Yes, I’m a hardass”
I’m glad he was scared — maybe this experience will scare him into being a better teacher.
Don’t want to be a backpatter? Bring that back over and I’ll do it for you.
::pat, pat::
And that’s good you only cussed twice because that way you can store up your most creative moments for those farkakte putzes who are screwing over this country.
Did you all recommend the News Bucket Diary?
New cafe open for lunch here.