Thanks to BradBlog, we can see Eminem’s hard-hitting streaming Flash video. (I had to install the latest version of Flash, but it was easy.)

Update [2006-1-27 19:56:45 by susanhu]: Sam Seder on Air America Radio heard that Salazar and Ben Nelson are taking polls on the NUMBER of calls and faxes they are getting:

Ben Nelson- D/NE : (202) 224-6551 (site)

Ken Salazar- D/CO : (202) 224-5852 (site)

Here’s ONE PAGE that lists all the senators, D.C. phone numbers , Web sites + e-mail links.

Update [2006-1-27 20:23:20 by susanhu]: ManEegee reports that Nelson’s voicemail box is full so he suggests you FAX Nelson via He also urges you to ask Akaka (D-HI) to reconsider his previous remarks and join his fellow Democrats for the filibuster –  (202) 224-6361

If you have a fax machine: Janet Strange has put up a diary with ALL the fax numbers.

Tampopo has a great idea:

Contact the money folks through the weekend:
the DNC
the DSCC
the DLC

My message: Senate Democrats MUST FILIBUSTER the Alito vote – it is time to TAKE A STAND – I will NOT GIVE my money, time, or energy to any senate Democrat who does not FILIBUSTER!

Update [2006-1-27 21:46:51 by susanhu]: Just in from WE CAN STOP ALITO THIS WEEKEND (full text below the fold).

Update [2006-1-27 22:4:6 by susanhu]: mlk19569 has another great idea: “One other tactic is to ask wavering Senators to abstain from voting for cloture, rather than voting no. Frist needs 60 votes to end debate; if we get a mix of 41 nos and abstentions, we are in good shape.”

I love this … I’ve always felt badly I was too young to fight in the Revolutionary War! 🙂

Just in from — and DO SCROLL THROUGH because there are SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS!


We Can Stop Alito

The last two days have been amazing.

Early Thursday afternoon, we broke the news that Senator John Kerry would lead a filibuster against Judge Sam Alito if he could get 41 Senators to sustain the filibuster. Three hours later, CNN confirmed our story.

Naturally, the White House freaked out and told Senator Bill Frist to schedule a cloture vote as quickly as possible – Monday at 4:30 p.m. – to prevent Democrats from uniting behind Kerry.

Then the White House called its media whores at the NY Times (David Kirkpatrick), AP (Jesse Holland), Pentagon Post (Charles Babington), CNN (Miles O’Brien), and MSNBC (Chris Matthews) and told them to trash John Kerry for daring to challenge the will of Emperor Bush, and to repeat over and over that Democrats did not have enough votes to stop Alito.

But even as Karl Rove was doing his dirty work, progressive activists like you were calling your Senators urging them to support John Kerry’s filibuster.

And one by one, Democratic Senators began to turn around.

At the start of the day, only Dick Durbin and Debbie Stabenow supported Kerry and Kennedy. Just before noon, Hillary Clinton’s office called to say she supported us. Then Harry Reid came on board, along with Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Ron Wyden, Chris Dodd, and (I think) Chuck Schumer.

Most importantly, we even picked up Dianne Feinstein, who just yesterday said she opposed a filibuster.

That’s 12 votes for a filibuster – and exactly 12 more votes than we had two days ago!

I believe we really can stop Alito by Monday at 4:30 p.m. – but here’s what we must do.

1. Ignore the media whores. Karl Rove is feeding them lies as he always does, and they are swallowing those lies as they always do. The only media that matters is the media we are creating right here by calling each Senator and getting a YES or NO statement from them.

2. Wake up the sleeping bloggers. Where are the biggest blogs, including,,, and (Complaining about how Democrats played last week won’t cut it -we’re in the Super Bowl and we can win this damn game if we get Democrats to play their best game on Monday – and hopefully the rest of this coming week.) Thanks to Agonist, BobGeiger, The Democratic Daily, DemocraticUnderground, Eschaton, Firedoglake, MakeThemAccountable, Mark Crispin Miller, PoliticalWire, Vichy Democrats and everyone else who’s plugging this.

3. Keep calling the Senators who are undecided or opposed to a filibuster. You can call their DC office all weekend and leave polite but firm voicemails urging the Senators to support Kerry’s filibuster. When offices open on Monday 9 a.m. ET, make another round of calls. Let’s shut down the Capitol switchboard on Monday!

4. Call the DNC (202-863-8000) and the DSCC (202-224-2447) and tell them your 2006 contributions will depend on the success of the Alito filibuster. Tell them they need to get every Democratic Senator on board.

5. Call talk shows like Air America, C-SPAN, etc. and talk about what we’re doing on this blog and how we’re killing ourselves to stop Alito – and how we can win if everyone who cares about the future of our Democracy joins us.

6. Keep hope alive – because American Democracy is worth it!!!


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