Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Oooh, clean tables!
How was the chili?
Well, Lois Murphy’s chili was pretty good, the Pennacchio campaign’s was already gone by the time I got to that end of the room, and I realized that some folks make bad chili..but I won’t name them here. Killer coconut macaroons, too.
I went with one of my girlfriends, whose former father-in-law was there…appranently, he’s still mad that my friend divorced his son (2 years after the fact!). I’ve known tham all for over 10 years, and he spent the evening pretending he had no idea who we were. Is it that hard to say hello and keep moving?
It’s amazing how childish adults can act.
I’m trying to imagine a chili cookoff inside (I assume it was inside?) Seems like there might be … how shall I say this? Air quality problems?
Well, it was at the arts center (biggish place with multiple rooms), and you get a little 2 ounce souffle cup of each kind (okay, it might be half full), so uh, air quality was not really an issue.
Plus, we made our official appearance, hung out for an appropriate but fairly brief amount of time, and headed to the local restaurant for real food…
Guess it depends on how many of the chilis were heavy on beans.
One of them tasted like they forgot to add anything but tomatoes, meat, and a couple of beans! ick.
You said something funny and/or interesting on some other diary today, but I have no idea what it was or where it was. So have a YOU ROCK and an LOL, just because you deserve them.
been workin’ on gittin’ 86ed all night long. Not only has she been “experimenting” and not telling, even after large sums were offerred, she’s been grinding woodchucks for juice, (reminds me of a scene in the movie Fargo), and on top of all that accussed me of playing with Man eegee’s “Troll”…
I tell ya, d’lard only knows what else I may have been missed…
It all fits together I was experimenting with Woodchucks and the Woodchucks forced me to tell tales about you.
Well not pictures for NDDemo..did anyone notice it is snowing in Basel.
sumptin’… OMG could it be woodchuck “parts”
Hey — I’m prettier than that!
Somehow I just knew it had to be a great disguise…
I might have to bring up the dress in SOUTH Dakota again.
Yeah, and then I’d just have to ask (again) which one was I wearing that night we met in Calmity Jane’s Bar in Deadwood.
I think those are cow parts…manure.
Please — Someone take pity on me. I’ve had 50 emails in the last 2 hours and I need a drink. Please, please can you buy me some Drambuie & Scotch?
Staggering over to the bar with you. I’ll have an old-fashioned Kahlua and cream, por favor.
That sounds good too. Pick one up for me will you?
Did I mention the 51 emails tonight?
I just counted. It was 51. 51 in 2 hours. Well, I guess that includes my replies, but still. It’s crazy!
One minute I was goofing off in the Cafe & the next I got (another email) asked to shut it down and open a new one!!
It’s hell being one of the kewl kids. And it takes up so much time. Yet another reason to have your groceries delivered.
kewl kid. Back in the day, they shuddered before they spoke our last name.
Then you and Bill Gates have something in common.
somehow I don’t think so. And I’ve read the biographies to be pretty sure.
You have to report back to us on the grocery delivery. I would LOVE to get out of that job!
I’m feeling really excited about it. I still have a dining room table covered with Christmas crap that needs to be put away. I had to do that tomorrow anyway and there was always the temptation to put that off and do something else that was necessary — like grocery shopping. But now — I’ll be doing my grocery shopping at the same time! I’ll feel so productive.
Online grocery shopping helps me get by without owning a car–lugging loads of groceries on the bus really sucks! An unintended side benefit is that it cuts down on impulse buying. In the virtual supermarket, you have to take the trouble to locate the candy and snacks, while in the actual store, they tend to wait in ambush.
You know, that’s true. I didn’t order ANY junk food.
Next time buy your liquor at Hy-Vee..
Warned ya…:{)
That’s a frightening kitty.
She is going to be so mad!
(laughing out loud!)
You are so funny! Killer KatFatwa.
I was worried there for a while.
Maybe next time. Sigh….
Don’t wake Bud, he’s had a hard day!
Smart dog
Bud and the kitty remind me of that cartoon get fuzzy with the the smart but sly cat and the dumb but sweet dog.
Yeah, Bud’s gonna get right up and do that. Oh, dear! You don’t think the cat already killed Bud, do you??
The kitty would never kill bud so fast — it would toy with Bud for much longer. And Bud, being a dog, would find this very nice. Somebody wants to play …
bud would play, that is, until kitty decided to go for the ears. Never mess with ears.
Does Bud not like to be scratched behind his ears. Or he just protective of people attacking his ears.
to have his ears scratched, as long as the claws remain firmly retracted.
and the two most difficult things to do to him were 1: clipping his toenails, and 2: cleaning his ears. I was the only one he would tolerate doing it and I had to bribe him w/ beer…he loved his Budweisers…Sebastian…great dog.
Can anyone who hasn’t unrecommended the happy hour diary yet please help me get it off the reco list? Thanks.
And look at all the fun happenings in the now closed cafe… I just posted to y’all over there anyways, even though it’s officially closed. So pfthbttt…
I saw. It’s been a disappointing night. First Andi and Jim told me that it wasn’t Roy and Dale on their playlist and now you tell me that Tom Delay doesn’t have a family band. Huh.
The Delays The one song it appears they have there isn’t so representative, I still like it and all.
Go read the comments to this diary at Kos and tell me if you’ve ever even THOUGHT of using a turkey baster for this purpose.
OH god, I can’t even imagine. Every Thanksgiving my ex- would pull out the Master Baster jokes and crack himself up hysterically… Dare I read this link?
Really — its the oddest DKos thread I’ve ever read, but very enlightening.
I can’t believe it got as many comments as it has. Jeez…
It’s Friday night, people are bored and everybody’s an expert on having colds.
I clicked on your link, but after a minute just cancelled it. dKos has grown past it’s servers again, I think.
It’s called a Total Waste of a diary or something like that. It has lots of comments. And a poll.
That was hilarious. Who would have ever thought?
Seriously, I wonder if it works. I’ve never heard anyone recommend that before. But I know I’d be willing to try it.
Since I gave up could you tell us? You could put it in white font if you wanted.
I don’t know what white font is?
I don’t think I could do it justice — since it spins out during a thread. But basically the diarist has a cold/flu/sinus infection and is asking for remedies. Someone told her to put salt water in a turkey baster and shoot it up one nostril really hard — so hard that it would come out the other nostril, but not so hard so that it goes into your eustachian tube or out your tear ducts. There’s quite a discussion on it.
Oh. well, I actually know way too many details about this subject. Some of them involve water piks. Do they mention that?
And others methods also. We’re into salt water therapy in our house.
I didn’t see anything on water piks although people were suggesting hooking the turkey baster up to a bicycle pump or a garden hose. I told you I couldn’t do it justice, it’s very amusing and yet people are trying to be helpful.
So this really works?
Well, the water pik was recommended by my ear/nose/throat guy. So, I’ve never actually used the baster. I don’t know why it wouldn’t work.
It’s the salt water that’s important. Because the high concentration of salt draws the mucus out of the sinus’
Does it hurt?
And what IS white font?
I will be sure to forward this to em dash! The girl is seriously sick — she’s the action one with with the kick-ass, sassy boots, yet I, the ultimate blog procrastinator, ended up posting the Alito thread. When I’m the responsible one, something ain’t right…
oh, well, that’s not like the one I was reading about at all, in that one they were using booze and working from the other end of things… so to speak…
We need your entertainment at the bottom of the page. Unless Mrs. NDD has reined you in?
iieee chihuahua!!! EXPERIMENTATION I’d best go take a look now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It probably does work, but after reading all the other remedies and then coming up on the turkey baster remark, it just threw me for a loop.
It sounds really gross (as many people were commenting). But when I get a cold, I really get a cold. I’m going to try it next time I get a cold. And I will report back to everyone. (Hopefully I will not get a cold now that I have some reason to look forward to one).
I don’t dare go there ’cause then I’d be running even farther behind,
butt, ah… if they’re doin’ the same as what I read somewhere else, den da yoot of Amerika iss surely goin’ to ‘ell in a handbasket.
you’d best be sure your tetanus shot is up to date, since this little guy can get unruly at times…
You have a pet racoon?
Well… when you attend the Upper MidWest Bootribber Convention you can meet the little guy in person.
Looks like a stuffed toy
hmmm, only way to tell for sure is to attend the Nort’land Midwest Bootribbers convention…
The past couple of days, over on Street Prophets over ‘the’ abortion issue. Some guy was claiming to be pro-choice only in order to save the mother’s life if she was in danger. Other than that, he said he couldn’t give a damn about the mother’s right to choose. He basically said the potential unborn’s life was more important that the women’s right to reproductive choice. Sorry to be a downer and rant, but it just got to me. Talk to me about music or San Diego or something now… Please?
Absolutely. Although I’m not in the San Diego group, I’m in the Memphis group (when they get it organized). Memphis has better barbeque; San Diego has better weather, an ocean, that really cool hotel on the beach where Some Like it Hot was filmed. Hmmmm. Who’s getting the better deal here? BUT Memphis has Elvis and Beal street. So we get music too.
I’m a travelin’ gal, so I’ll get to Memphis one day… Count on it!
And thanks…
Sherm, go tell the guy what he can do with a turkey baster and where he can put it.
LOL… Sigh, LOL, I’ve disengaged from it, but it’s still getting my yak up… Hey, I think I’ve coined a new expression perhaps!
On a somewhat more serious note; I find myself spending more and more time on the FBCs. Why? Well, I’ll tell ya.
This whole kettle of worms with what I call “current events” is just such an absolute total bummer. Such a total drag on one’s energy, drag on emotions… that these FBCs have become one of my very favorite escapes.
We need escapes, mental and physical. These recent days, weeks, years, are just too damn much sometimes.
And we (us ol’ geezers from the early 70s) thought it was the sheeets back then. Hell, that was one really fine party compared to what is happening now. And then we had medicinal herb… sort of a group communion
(comments of the bootribbers demonstrating in Crawford and W DC revealed to me that they had experience some of what we had back in them thar days… I was so happy for them… experiencing that… as there is no way to explain the feeling of those “good ol’ days” to anyone.)
But I can’t not care. And so I remain involved. But I can see where in the coming days we will need to be very vigilant at looking after ourselves and each other. And we will need to be much more creative at finding and maintaining diversion from the insanity around us.
well said.
And on that note, I will take my leave and see you tomorrow. But you can stay up and spread more manure if you want to.
And don’t explain ANYTHING about Atrios and his quickies.
OH! One final dig! There are depths of cruelty here I never imagined…
I just feel so drained from everything lately. Ups and downs, and hopes and letdowns. I was born in 1970… I am aware. Aware too much so, but never regretting that. I need to know. I need to be aware. And it pisses me off, all this crap that is going on… I feel like I can’t take it sometimes, although I know I must. But damn, why do we have to be fighting against every fucking little thing? It pisses me off…
I’m in conversation regularly with 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s and some 20s, but no 30s age bracket. I’d very much like to have a conversation with regards to these topics.
I’m on 31.2K sorry to say, tonight. So it may take me a few minutes to repsond. But if you are up for a continued discussion I’ve got a half bottle of Merlot yet to go.
If not, then some other time perhaps. But I recall your past posts and have a great respect for you opinions, so let me know if you have some time left on this evening…
You there? Or do I have to come over to Street Prophets and drag you away from the asshole. It’s impossible to argue with people like that on abortion — you will never convince them and they will just royally piss you off. And they know it.
I’m done with him, but it still just pisses me off. You guys absolutely ROCK, I don’t think I’ve said that lately. Thank you…
You can vent here if you want.
my Q__Club, which shall go unnamed otherwise, used to party every Labor Day weekend over a period of some 29-30 years. The “only rule” was, “there are no rules.”
Assuming Booman’s rules… other than that the “only rule” would seem to apply here at FBC also.
lack of 4s due to dial up.
And I’ve been sitting here thinking, dang, no Pacificos left, just tequizas, should have been named “tease-us”, yuk, they’d have to be extracting a bullet before I’d drink any more of that stuff.
Then I remembered the Rosemount Estate 2002 Merlot South Eastern Autralia. I’ve put a little in the pet bowl, so technically I’m not drinking alone.
Anyway, look out… my real life true story from N CA coming next.
You’ve just reminded me with the 4’s. I wish there was a way to just push one button and give everybody 4’s. There isn’t is there ;).
I’m here in a hotel room, where I was supposed to be with my sweetie tonight, but he had something come up at work and won’t be here til tomorrow… Sigh. But all is still good. I just find myself pissed at ignorance and self-righteous sometimes, well, most times really… Thanks again for being around.
I can see how the fact that this fight is happening at Street Prophets is especially irritating. I go to Street Prophets to be renewed. I think I’ve only ever made one comment over there, but I read GeorgiaPeach’s diaries and some of the other ones. If I ended up in a fight with a jerk over there, I would be really bummed.
Me too. I go to SP to get renewed, not to get engaged in some fight. Yhat said, I’m off to bed. Good night all, and thank you so much for your kind words…
Do you have room service? That makes up for a lot…
How about pay per view AND room service?
We could get kansas to throw Atrios into the package. He’s not your guy, but he does quickies real well.
Hey, wait — what’d I miss? This makes no sense, but I want it to…
My lips are sealed. I’ve said too much
You’ll have to ask kansas.
Oh, that is sooo not right!
KANSAS?!? What’s the deal? C’mon — I’ll ease your isolation by telling you about my deliberate car wrecking behavior…
(calm down, people — it’s in the past!)
Oh, this is SUCH smoke and mirrors on maryb’s part! I am a mere ‘beard’ for her. Atrios definitely loves her better. It’s obvious! You notice how close she is to cats? How much she loves them, how much she knows about them, and always takes their part? And today is Friday? Cat. Blogging. Friday. Need I say more?
So. The plot thickens. And just as Maryb has taken her leave for the night. How conveeenient. Now if Atrios doesn’t post till morning, I will take this as definitive evidence!
Ah ha! You’re right! I think we’ve got them!
…Maryb! It couldn’t be more obvious…
I don’t need no stinkin’ pay-per-view. Gimme E! and endless re-modeling shows and I’m perfectly happy.
Sherm hang in there and just try and ignore idiots like that.
It’s way past my bedtime so see ya’ll later.
Good night. I’ve only got about 15 minutes left in me.
The born nightowl hangs on!
I think Kansas is still up…
HEY KANSAS!…New thread? This one’s killin’ NDD’s dial-up
and I’ll put one up
Make sure you unrecommend this thread so we don’t end up with two on the list. Nightowl Party!
Hey NDD… I’m going to sleep now, but I’d much enjoy further talking with you. I too am a night owl, but not so much a night owl always…
Email is in my profile, or I’ll just meet you here. But I’d love speaking with you more… Yes, I would. Good night for now, and sweet dreams… 
Great! Learned to say that from a former NDan living in N CA, we just say “good” around here, and it would be automatically understood as an understatment.
I may well take you up on the email as I am very interested in what your “world view” perspective is from both your personal perspective and with regards to what you perceive as your peers perspective.
Nightowl Party can be found here!