I was loving it a few weeks ago when Howard Dean knocked Wolf Blitzer on his high, haughty, self important ass. Now it’s Katie Courics turn.

More down there. Down where? Down there!

This is what every Dem should be saying. He dosen’t fall into their Rethug traps. He isn’t afraid to call out bullshit for what it is when he hears it. He was a total bad ass on this, no question. Katie Couric tries to spin the lie that Democrats took money from Jack (Abrahm)off*, but Dean will have none of it.

Katie: Hey, wait a second. Democrats took-Democrats took money from Abramoff too, Mr. Dean.

Howard: That is absolutely false. That did not happen. Not one dime of money from Jack Abramoff went to any Democrat at any time.

Katie: According to the CRP, Abramoff and his associates gave 3 million dollars to republicans and 1.5 million to democrats…

Howard: Not-one-dime.

Katie: We’ll obviously have to look into that and clarify that to our viewers at a later date…

Yes Katie, I hope you’ll do that. I hope you will actually get the story right.

Oh yeah. That’s the shit. Right there. Sweet!

This is exactly the opposit of how those DLC losers would have handeled it. If we’re gonna take this country back, we need everyone in a position to get themselves on television to kick ass like Howie D.

For further review, check this out at Think Progress.They sight the very report Couric does, and it backs up Howard’s claim, not Couric’s. Let’s see how soon she admits it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was misinformed by whomever she gets her notes from.  I’ll give her the benifit of doubt, since she hasn’t previously struck me as a blatent right wing hack. Mabey she’ll smell the coffee and step up and be real, unlike Tweety.


*Parenthesies in tribute to George Clooney’s recent speach at whatever awards ceremony he was at. (Dammit! I’ve been brainwashed by celebrity culture, too.)