I was loving it a few weeks ago when Howard Dean knocked Wolf Blitzer on his high, haughty, self important ass. Now it’s Katie Courics turn.
More down there. Down where? Down there!
This is what every Dem should be saying. He dosen’t fall into their Rethug traps. He isn’t afraid to call out bullshit for what it is when he hears it. He was a total bad ass on this, no question. Katie Couric tries to spin the lie that Democrats took money from Jack (Abrahm)off*, but Dean will have none of it.
Katie: Hey, wait a second. Democrats took-Democrats took money from Abramoff too, Mr. Dean.
Howard: That is absolutely false. That did not happen. Not one dime of money from Jack Abramoff went to any Democrat at any time.
Katie: According to the CRP, Abramoff and his associates gave 3 million dollars to republicans and 1.5 million to democrats…
Howard: Not-one-dime.
Katie: We’ll obviously have to look into that and clarify that to our viewers at a later date…
Yes Katie, I hope you’ll do that. I hope you will actually get the story right.
Oh yeah. That’s the shit. Right there. Sweet!
This is exactly the opposit of how those DLC losers would have handeled it. If we’re gonna take this country back, we need everyone in a position to get themselves on television to kick ass like Howie D.
For further review, check this out at Think Progress.They sight the very report Couric does, and it backs up Howard’s claim, not Couric’s. Let’s see how soon she admits it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was misinformed by whomever she gets her notes from. I’ll give her the benifit of doubt, since she hasn’t previously struck me as a blatent right wing hack. Mabey she’ll smell the coffee and step up and be real, unlike Tweety.
*Parenthesies in tribute to George Clooney’s recent speach at whatever awards ceremony he was at. (Dammit! I’ve been brainwashed by celebrity culture, too.)
Couric says she has proof the Democrats took money from Abramoff? She should be made to “Put up or shut up!” “Put up or shut up, Couric!”
I saw that interview and loved the Dean smackdown.
There was another exchange during the interview that made my head spin. Katie quotes Bagala and Carville’s book saying that Democrats need to get a backbone. She throws this in Dean’s face as if its his problem.
I did a double-take. Bagala and Carville are publicly supporting Hillary for president in 08. And they’re the one’s being quoted to Dean about the Dem’s needing to get a backbone??!!
I guess getting a backbone has something to do with being bought and paid for by the political consultants and corporate interests. All of which Hillary has really mastered and Dean has fought with everything he’s got.
Once again. (Patiently…)
You write: “I was loving it a few weeks ago when Howard Dean knocked Wolf Blitzer on his high, haughty, self important ass. Now it’s Katie Courics turn.”
Now this is n oswipe at Dean I think he is THE candidate that we most need to run for President. If he managed to successfully negociate the media gantlet and get elected, he would be a President at the Lincoln/FDR level. There would be stautes made of him and automobiles named after him.
But he will NOT get elected, or even nominated. Why?
Precisely because he DOES tell the truth. As he must, and as he should. Plainly and in no uncertain terms. To the media.
And it is the media that MUST off him. In their own best (short-term…the only way corpoations think) self interest. Because they are in the business of telling lies.
Where would it stop, this awful truth-telling thing?
No more exaggerated weather forecasts to blow up ratings.
No mare hottest thing ever diseases that disappear as if by magic a year or two later.
No more crime wave bullshit.
UH OH!!!
There goes the mortgage payment.
And so on.
So the good cop gets the nod.
The “nice” one.
The one who diplomatically elides the truth of the matter. But knows it nonetheless.
If it’s an honest good cop…and a clever one as well, which is how I perceive Hillary…that’s OK.
If not…which is how I perceive many of the OTHER “centrist” candidates (either dishonest on some levels, not clever, and/or both)…then we’ve big problems, right here in Revereware City.
Howard Dean is so unelectable that apparently even HE knows it. And honorable man that he is, he is doing the best he can to get someone ELSE elected.
I hope he’s successful. He is the single most visionary American politician of the last 60 years, I think.
But he can’t beat the machine.
Not THIS one, anyway.
And they won’t have him.
Too dangerous to their overall game as it is presently set up.
So it goes…