What’s so funny about suggesting someone should be murdered? I don’t laugh at such jokes. I find them not only tasteless in the extreme, but morally reprehensible. In fact, I don’t know anyone who thinks jokes about killing people are funny.
Yet, Ann Coulter, “controversial” conservative columnist must think it’s freaking hilarious, considering how often she publicly advocates for the death of liberals, progressives and Democrats. Here’s her latest, a real riot of a joke about how someone should poison Justice Stevens of the Supreme Court:
Universal Press Syndicate columnist Ann Coulter “joked” during a Thursday speech that liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned. “We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee,” Coulter said at Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark. “That’s just a joke, for you in the media.”
She made other “off-color” jokes about liberal Supreme Court justices that made the audience “squeal,” according to an article today in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
Other off color jokes? And this woman is a purported Christian?
Isn’t it time to end Coulter’s 15 minutes of fame?
If this were a one time “slip” by Coulter, and she had expressed even a smidgen of remorse, one could perhaps forgive her the nastiness of her rhetoric. Unfortunately, she’s made a career out of calling, praying or wishing for the death and dismemberment of her political opponents, Muslims and anyone else who offends her. From Media Matters:
October 2004: Two days after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, Coulter wrote about Muslims: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.” She was fired from the right-wing National Review Online in late 2001 for this comment. Since then, she has not changed her position: In her new book, How to Talk to a Liberal, she wrote: “I am often asked if I still think we should invade their [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. The answer is: Now more than ever!”
August 26, 2002: On Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh: “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”
From The Nation (article by Eric Alterman):
What I do mean is to point out the incredible hypocrisy of those on the right, the center and the “liberal media” who defend the lunatic ravings of Ann Coulter, whether because she is “kidding” or because “the left does the same thing.” (For those who have been lucky enough to have missed the Coultergeist of the past few months, the author of the summer’s number-one bestselling nonfiction book in America has–in language identical to that above–expressed her regret that Timothy McVeigh did not blow up the New York Times building, mused aloud whether Bill Clinton should have been impeached or murdered, and called for the execution of John Walker Lindh in order to intimidate liberals.)
More from Media Matters:
LINDA VESTER (host): You say you’d rather not talk to liberals at all?
COULTER: I think a baseball bat is the most effective way these days. [FOX News Channel, DaySide with Linda Vester, 10/6]
Another Classic Coulter moment:
LAWRENCE KUDLOW (host): We got a couple of seconds before the break when you guys are all going to come back, but, Ann, I just want to give you first whack at this. Eason Jordan, top news executive at CNN — I mean, to me, this is absolutely incredible — this guy says at a big conference in Davos that the U.S. military is deliberately targeting and assassinating American journalists. Huh? He still has a job, huh? You got a take on that?
COULTER: Would that it were so!
KUDLOW: Would what were so?
COULTER: That the American military were targeting journalists.
Well, you get the picture.
Yet this woman appears regularly on Fox News, MsNBC, radio talk shows and as a paid speaker at campuses across the country to spew this vile mixture of eliminationism and hate. And the people she’s talking about taking a baseball bat to are me and you, and my son, my daughter and your children.
We should start a campaign to boycott the sponsors of any television or radio show which has her as a guest.
And if I were the Democrats (DNC, DCCC and DSCC) I would make her the face of the Republican Party in every campaign commercial in every race this Fall, and I’d have our candidates demanding at every opportunity that Republicans running for office denounce her openly and publicly.
I’d be on Hardball and the Situation Room and Scarborough Country and Anderson Cooper every damn day screaming over and over that every Republican office holder, and the RNC, need to denounce Coulter and her murderous rhetoric, one that has no place in our politics. I’d keep repeating it until the White House Press Corp had Scotty spinning like a top at his daily briefings, until reporters shouted it out at President Bush’s public appearances, until every cable news program was covering the story.
Because we need to say: Enough is enough! People who joke about murder don’t deserve to have a public career in mass media, broadcast or print. Ann Coulter doesn’t deserve to have a career as a pundit of mendacity and bile. It’s time she was taken down. I know it’s not just her, but we need to start somewhere, and she’s as good a target as anyone else on the right that demonizes and despises progressives and liberals.
Calling Al Gore, John Kerry and Howard Dean. I have a new project for you guys to take on when the filibuster fight is over. Because its time to go on offense for a change. We’ve been put on the defensive long enough.
Hey Ann! Someone needs to light the fuse to your tampon.
Talk about being “fired” : )
..but your post is hilarious, Damnit Jane. Thanks!
Totally sexist comment, presumably from a (very naive and well-intentioned?) woman.
I’m terribly sorry my remark offended you or was seen anything other than what I intended: only to slam Ann. Who I don’t see represents women … nor humans for that matter.
Yes, I’m a woman. But no I’m not naive… just an off remark on a high-adrenaline day.
damn straight
Or in the alternative take part in the study that Manegee was not a participant in…sex and public speaking. Look for it at the “frivolous firday.” post.
Wow her sense of humor matches her political insights and writing skills!
What writing skills?
Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson on every billboard- I love your ideas.
best way to get rid of Ann and her bile bunch is to support and demand more of Amy Goodman : )
Billboards! Yes.
I like it.
First things first. Giving Ann Clouter billboard spaces is elevating her hateful and vile assaults. She needs to be handcuffed and given an orange suit.
Clouter “claims membership” in the legal profession. As such, she should know that advocating the murder of a person, especially a public official, is a felony in several states.
Clouter can’t hide behind ‘freedom of speech’ or that her statement was a “joke.” This joke can’t classified as poor taste. It’s a threat against a Justice of the Supreme Court. Her rethug colleagues think it Okay to threaten the judiciary – it’s now a pattern.
Just pathetic. Her sponsors should step up for decency.
Because of the names that she mentioned, would that be a federal offense?
At the federal level, can you imagine if a dem/liberal pundit, or columnist had made such a joke against a justice of the Supreme court, congress person, preznit or vp?
In some states such a threat, advocating or inciting someone to do bodily harm to a public official, is a felony. Last time I looked Justice Stevens is a public official-a Justice of the Supreme Court with a security detail. At the very least, Clouter should be called upon to retract.
And if she’s a lawyer and still a member of the bar of whatever state, her license should be placed in jeopardy. She needs to be called on this. imho, it’s not just a “joke” in poor taste. Utter disrespect for law and order. A clueless lawyer, is she?
Give ’em enough rope…
thanks for that link. I should’ve neen cautioned.
You’re welcome. I jsut get curious though, you know? I sometimes see a post and think, “Wonder what I could find out…”
What freaked me out is that she attended law school in MI! How embarrassing….
Include Sean Hannity as well.
Coulter reminds me of the hag in Disney’s Sword and the Stone, one of the characters Merlin bests.
When the hag recognizes she has lost, growing smaller and smaller, her language is reduced to, “I hate. I hate. I hate…”
for the top prize on “Countdown” tonight:
I used to pity her, and to wish she’d get medical/psychiatric help…but she’s gone beyond that now.
Since when has talking about the murder of government officials been a joking matter? If one of us was to make a joke about slipping some rat poison into Antonin Scalia’s spaghetti sauce, how long before the FBI showed up at our doorsteps? Oh, but IOKBSAR (It’s OK Because She’s A Republican…)
There has to be condemnation from the Left and the Right on this…I’d like to see Bill O’Reilly condemn her in his Talking Points. (Not that I’d ever know, because I won’t watch his show even if it’s the only thing on when I can’t sleep…)
I’d like to see Michelle Malkin take her to task, since MM has recently claimed that Republicans police their own “unhinged” pundits, unlike liberals.
I’d like to see it, but I never will.
Olbermann’s show’s editors could do us all a favor and announce that people who obviously take pride in being named “worst person in the world” on their show will be excluded from being considered for that distinction. This would mean that Coulter, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, and several others of that ilk will no longer get to celebrate each time they “score” that title.
After all, nothing bugs predatory narcissists more than being ignored.
She just missed out on the Worst Person in the World contest. She was the “Worser” winner. O’Lielly was, yet again, the Worst Person in the World.
Much of it is very simple: Ann Coulter does what she does because she wants the attention. She doesn’t care about whether she’s right or wrong, she doesn’t care about the money, she just wants to be famous.
And every time an article like this comes up, it just adds to her private stockpile of egoboo.* She is not alone in this; I believe that Hannity, O’Reilly, Robertson and many other notorious windbags are afflicted with the same malady.
Unfortunately I don’t know where the line is between “we just need to ignore her and she’ll dry up and blow away” and “we need to counter her outrageousness by pointing out the atupid stuff she says that is the antithesis of everything truly American in the hope that someone will be outraged enough to put her off the air.” Equally unfortunately, as long as the media is firmly in the control of the right wing, she is going to keep showing up on TV, on radio and in print no matter what we do or say.
*This is a marvelous word I learned in the science fiction community. It’s short for “ego boost” and basically includes anything that stokes one’s own ego. This is a good thing when you have a healthy ego; the abovementioned cretins of course don’t.
Ann Coulter’s a phony.I read it here or kos,she did an interview (before w was elected) and was bragging about being single sexy and sleeping with whoever she wanted to.
Now she’s a born again virgin.
She’s in this for the $$$$$$$$$$,period.
Amy Goodman,now that’s a lady…………
Instead of giving Coulter herself so much attention directly, we should be criticizing the people who enable her, in this most recent case the people at Philander Smith College in Arkansas who provided her the platform from which to deliver her crap.
Coulter and her ilk thrive on the outrage they generate from the left, and we should stop rewarding them by giving them so much of our direct attention.
By focusing our attention on the poor judgment of those who host these unfortunate and pitiable hate speakers and liars we manage to diminish the importance of the hate-mongers themselves by refusing to accord their statements any weight in and of themselves. Instead, we marginalize the statements themselves by emphasizing the idea that such lunatics actually have people willing to host their absurd ideas is the real problem.
The college’s name is Philander Smith? Really? Is Philander a christian name?
I think the name Philander is Greek, meaning a lover of mankind.
And according to the article here, it is the name of the college where Coulter made these remarks.
I want to personally thank Coulter, Hannity, and O’Really for their great work. Those three alone are probably responsible for lowering Bush’s numbers, while simultaneously raising the Dems. I mean, really, dontcha think all that verbal flatulence wears on even the most die-hard Republican?
Let it ride.
Sorry, I can’t get worked up about this garbage. I “pioneered” the approach that Arthur G. proposes 11 years ago…got rid of my tv, only listen to public/community radio, and don’t bother with the flotsam that she and many others spew. Frankly, I’m better off, better informed, more well read and a hell of a lot healthier for it.
They have an audience…the same 30%+-…that would support BushCo™ if he killed an Arab infant and sodomized its dead body on live tv.
Nothing you can do about it…let it go…waste of time, energy, bandwidth and braincells.
There are many more important issues worth worrying about and working for. Not the least of which is the pursuit of an Alito Filibuster that’s happening now and is something you can have an impact on; taking back the congress in the coming midterm elections, followed by the impeachment of the entire BushCo™ cabal; retaking the WH in 08; and re-instituting the rule of law in the affairs of the country.
Responding to low life’s like coulter is tilting at windmills and distracts from the issues that should be receiving effort and attention…which, at the end of the day, is a primary goal of the RW wurlitzer.
My $.02.
I’m thinking someone, perhaps Jon Stewart, could invite her as a guest… and, along with the coffee or water, serve her a nice little creme brulee of her very own… and let her wonder.
Additional ingredients at producer’s discretion.
Coulter needs to be picked-up for questioning every time she threatens someone’s life.
How does she get away with this shit? Is the person being targeted the only one who can file a complaint? It really seems incredible that she does this so casually and publicly.
How does she get away with it? IOKIYAR
Now protest outside a Butcher shop as a Vegan, that’s a different story.