… let me to tell you what you would have seen and heard had you been with me on Thursday. It will not be pleasant listening. if you’re at lunch or if you have no appetite to hear what Germans have done, now is a good time to switch off the radio. For I propose to tell you of Buchenwald. It’s on a small hill about four miles outside Weimar and it was one of the largest concentration camps in Germany. And it was built to last.
E.R. Murrow

Today, January 27th, is the Day of Memory in Italy. On this day in 1945 the Red Army opened the gates of one of Hitler’s concentration camps in the small Polish town of Oświęcim, now universally known by its German name, Auschwitz.

On April 12th, 1945, E.R. Murrow (“Good Night and Good Luck”) visited the camp of Buchenwald. Four days later he reported what he saw on the radio. To commemorate the Day of Memory la Repubblica has put up Murrow’s historical broadcast. There is a brief introduction in Italian lasting a minute and a half, then eight minutes of pure radio.

May this day be the Universal Day of Memory.

Crossposted at Eurotrib by de Gondi.