[not to start a war with Kos, but I hope he takes a long look at these results and reconsiders his latest comments about the PA senate race- Boo]

He’s not well-known. His name sounds like Pinocchio. He’s a teacher. He doesn’t have money… All of those things have been said about my candidate for US Senate Chuck Pennacchio. Well, fuck that shit.

OpEdNews.com commissioned Zogby International to poll Pennsylvanians about the issues at stake. The Senate race, Alito, paper ballots, W, the War… The results are in and the analysis has begun.

The Santorum Casey race: When people find out about candidate positions on key issues Casey plummets from a twelve point lead to a dead heat, with a non-significant two point lead.

Santorum loses when matched with any of the democratic candidates. Both of the self identified progressive democratic candidates draw higher percentages than Casey, with Pennacchio having the largest percentage of votes against Santorum, at a not quite significant 4.4 points higher than Casey. Casey, at non-significant levels, actually gets MORE votes from Republicans once they find out more about him and Santorum.

[emphasis added]

There’s goes that whole name recognition thing. And this more than reinforces Chuck’s “viability” and “electability” two words I loathe, but some people like to use. People will vote for Chuck Pennacchio.

The poll found that an overwhelming number of respondents want some sort of paper record of their votes whether it be in the form of paper receipts or sticking with lever machines.

And on the national issue of Presidential wiretapping, respondents said that if W is found guilty of violating the law by wiretapping American citizens, 53.7% said they agree that he should be impeached.

This is only a preliminary analysis, there’s a shitload of data go to through and more findings will be released by OpEdNews.com in the next few days.

If your excuse in not backing Chuck was that he had no name recognition, you no longer have an excuse. If your excuse in not backing Chuck was that he has no money, open up your wallets and give it to him, he’s WINNING IN A HEAD TO HEAD POLL AGAINST RICK SANTORUM. If your excuse in not backign Chuck is that he’s a teacher, well, he’s a damn professor of US History, we need more people with that kind of background serving us in government. If your excuse in not backing Chuck was that his name sounds too much like Pinocchio, well, a friend of mine told me that it means “lucky” and penacho, the root of Pennacchio’s name means “pen feather / quill” so don’t sweat it.

This is great news for the Pennacchio campaign. Spread the word. Learn more about Pennacchio on his website. You can find his stances on the issues here.