Matt Stoller at MyDD has the most amazing tale:
“I was near the White House yesterday, and I found a CD with a ‘training version’ of the State of the Union in a Starbucks. Stupid White House aides.”
Update [2006-1-27 23:59:44 by susanhu]: Do not miss Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) tonight on Charlie Rose, PBS. He tells it like it is on Alito and Bush.
Check it out. (Matt also has a QT version.) (With a tip to the Daou Report for the link. And — the latest brainstormin’, moshin’, and news on the Alito filibuster are in the thread immediately below this.)
Watch the two dudes behind him…very funny shit going on back there.
I loved when the one started eating.
i assume it was cheney with the permasnarl and the one who was always eating was hastert? god, that cracked me up!
as did the door thing at the end!
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) is on Charlie Rose tonight
Cedwyn mentioned in a comment earlier that she contacted his office and that he was supporting the filibuster. Woohoo!
They are running the replay of Kerry speaking on the floor of the Senate today. (at this very moment)
Like many I am dissapointed that Rep. Murtha will not be giving the Democratic response to the State of the Union, however I am quite excited about Gen. Clark’s “Real State of the Union 2006” address on Monday.
The event was organized by Steve Clemons of The Washington Note on behalf of The New America Foundation. Speakers include Clemons, Peter Begen, and Sydney Blumenthal. Clark’s keynote address follows at 12:15.
The event takes place at the Dirksen Senate Office Building and will be broadcast on C-Span (although Steve has been told likely C-Span3). If you are interested in attending or for further information see the media release.
I’m not completely sold on Wesley Clark as the Dem. nominee in ’08, but he would no doubt make a great Secretary of State.
great filibuster piece
He’s sharing important information at Eat 4 Today: What is Diabetic Neuropathy? (Warning – not for sensitive readers).
It really is quite graphic. But if you are a diabetic, or have a diabetic/pre-diabetic in your life, this is an article you shouldn’t miss.