“As a result of the overwhelming outpouring of public opinion against appointment of another biased nominee to our Supreme Court, John Kerry today announced that he would lead the fight to stop Alito from bringing his unitary executive dogma to our Supreme Court. Virtually all Democratic senators are united in their commitment to vote “No” on Alito.
Update [2006-1-27 13:23:52 by susanhu]: Hillary Clinton will support filibuster, reports Raw Story.
What we must now do is encourage them to join the filibuster to save our future from his reactionary agenda. Now is the moment of truth where we are called each of us to speak out and tell our senators to find the courage of conscience to take a stand for the people. Tell them to not ONLY vote “No” on Alito, but to also SUPPORT the filibuster, which may be the only way to actually stop him from turning our rights upside down.
With recent revelations about the way the Bush administration deliberately disregarded the FISA law in engaging in secret domestic wiretaps of ordinary citizens, it is striking that Alito’s supporters are now threatening to do an end run around longstanding and honored Senate rules to abolish the right of filibuster for this one occasion. They are planning on overruling the Senate parliamentarian and in the most egregious abuse of power yet. They call it their “nuclear option,” because it would totally obliterate the right of the minority to have any say whatsoever over policy decisions in our democracy. Please tell your senators how outraged you are that such a move is even being contemplated for partisan purposes. The one click form on this page will send your personal message to both your Senators, with the subject “No nuclear option for Alito filibuster.” At the same time it will send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper, if that option is selected below.”-from actspeak.com.
Democrats.com is keeping an on-going tally of the effort to find the “Alito 48” who will either support the filibuster or stay away on Monday. They’ve got all the contact information there, too. CSPAN says coverage will start at 9 AM PST. News Dissector says “Democratic activists and Kerry supporters had been pressuring the 2004 Democratic Presidential contender to honor a commitment he made back in June 2003 2 when he pledged:
“I am prepared to filibuster, if necessary, any Supreme Court nominee who would turn back the clock on a woman’s right to choose or the constitutional right to privacy, on civil rights and individual liberties and on the laws protecting workers and the environment. The test is basic — any person who thinks it’s his or her job to push an extreme political agenda rather than to interpret the law should not be a Supreme Court justice.”
Cross-posted at www.seattlefordean.com and www.howieinseattle.com.
Thank you, howie. Let’s do it, folks.
First : Call the three Democrats (Mary Landrieu, Ken Salazar, and Dianne Feinstein) who oppose Alito but also said they oppose a filibuster. We must persuade them that a vote against Alito is meaningless if they don’t support a filibuster. Senator Salazar (D-CO) 202-224-5852 Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) 202-224-5824 Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) 202-224-3841
Second : Call your own Democratic Senator: 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
Third : Unbelievably, three Democrats (Ben Nelson, Tim Johnson and Robert Byrd) support Alito! Tell them to either support filibuster or at least “don’t get in the way.” Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) 202-224-6551 Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) 202-224-3954 Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) 202-224-5842
888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
Fourth: Call the “Red State” Democrats: (Message same as above — “No” is meaningless) Tom Carper (DE)
Kent Conrad (ND)
Byron Dorgan (ND)
Blanche Lincoln (AR) Mark Pryor (AR)
Fifth : Call these “Blue State” and pro-choice Republicans: (Message: A “Unitary Executive” is dangerous to balance of powers–please do not get in the way of a filibuster.) Lincoln Chafee (RI)
Susan Collins (ME)
Lisa Murkowsky (AK)
Bob Smith (OR)
Olympia Snowe (ME)
Ted Stevens (AK)
For extra credit, call all of the 2008 Presidential candidates who are sitting Senators–Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, and John Kerry–and tell them to either LEAD THE FILIBUSTER or KISS YOUR SUPPORT GOODBYE. 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
You can also send that message to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (202-224-2447) and the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000).
Polls and public opinion are another way to apply pressure — get word out about why Alito needs to be filibustered:
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. (Click here)
People for the American Way has collected nearly 65,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours: Save the Court Petition
John Kerry has endorsed this anti-Alito petition, signers’ names will be read into the Congressional Record:http://www.johnkerry.com/…
“We will remember in November.”
I sent this to the Port Angeles mailing list and to another list.
(But do I really have to listen to Jeff Sessions? Come on … don’t tell me I have to …)
Anyone who wants to phone or fax – I did a diary with all of the numbers for the Dem senators FILIBUSTER! Phone and fax numbers.
Um, is ActSpeak’s site overwhelmed? It’s not loading just now …
I just finished up over there a moment ago. Seems ok.
I still can’t connect. I’ll try in a little bit, and I’ll e-mail Patty and Maria .. they’re pretty cool and I think they know we need them on this one.
I’m wrong. Maria and Patty need to hear from me so they can add my call/e-mail/fax to their totals.
I just faxed both of our senators. Boy is it nice having cool tools like a mail-to-fax gateway at one’s disposal.
heh. telling my senators to filabuster won’t do much good. they’ve already made up their minds.
From what I digested out of all of BooMan’s and others psots yesterday, was that it’s the NUMBERS we’re looking for as much as anything … if they are overwhelmed, the news about the #s will spread …. so it helps to even send it to a GOP Senator.
no that’s not the problem. my senators are kerry and kennedy, so they’ve already decided to filabuster š … i thanked them yesterday, though.
Ha! Well, you still have to do it again so they can brag about the big numbers of their constituents who won’t leave them alone on this!
if we don’t stand NOW, let’s fold our tents, go home and don’t ever get out of bed.
hey can you cross post this to dkos?
RIGHT ON! Bring it to the man!
I’ll always wonder if Hillary would have taken this position without Kerry taking it first. But no, matter, it’s still a good thing!