Reader Advisory: If you are offended by coarse language, please disregard this quote from The Rude Pundit:
“In the entire political calculus over a potential filibuster, let us for the moment remove Samuel Alito as the physical derivative. ‘Cause, truth be told, despite pathetic polls and pouting presidents or putrid politicians, most people couldn’t give a happy monkey fuck about whether or not Samuel Alito is on the Supreme Court. Most people aren’t paying attention, and when they turn on the CNN or the Fox, no one’s tellin’ them that Samuel Alito rapes hobo corpses after beating them to death with beagle puppies. So if you ask average Joe, Jane, Jose, Juanita, whoever, if Alito oughta be on the court, chances are they’re gonna say, “Sure, why the fuck not?” or “Si, porque la cogida no?”
What the Democratic leadership, and the Rude Pundit’s talkin’ to you, sexy Harry Reid, needs to realize is that the filibuster is what gets the left to the polls in November. Moderates won’t give a damn about Alito when the war is still raging, the Abramoff scandal is blowing up in the Republicans’ faces like an acid bomb, and the Middle East is going nutzoid. Besides, as far as issues go, what has more resonance: blocking Alito or trying to keep Terri Schiavo alive?
As Republicans fret and fume if a filibuster happens, threatening some recriminations, even the “nuclear option,” remember this from everything we know about Rovean politics, the way of the wolverine: they attack when frightened. They don’t compromise. They don’t look for solutions. They attack and attack until they get what they want. And if they still don’t get it, they try to do it anyway.
Politics is about power, motherfuckers. Use it or lose it. Sure, sure, there’s easy principles to defend in blocking Alito because of what Alito believes, but there’s also the pure assertion of power against those who seek to disempower the rest of us.”
I’d like to think Howard Dean is thinking these kind of thoughts, but is constrained in his present circumstance from uttering them.
Meanwhile back on the Alioto Front: This is may a tad over-optimistic, but Joshua Holland on Alternet says, “Filibuster coming within reach!” He has all the names and numbers, too, tho he has Obama still listed as Undecided. A recent commentor on Democrats.com claims Jim Lehrer said that the Senator from Illinois is now pro-filibuster.
He also quotes Atrios, thusly:
“Cruising into Tuesday evening next week there will be two possible storylines:
1) The Democrats are a bunch of losers, as are all of their supporters. Bush and his giant codpiece looked magnificent at the state of the union, and Mrs. Alito was very happy and smiling sitting next to Mrs. Bush safe and content now that the magnificent and mighty President Bush made that bad Ted Kennedy go away.
2) The Democrats shocked Washington today by holding together, dropping a mighty turd in the punchbowl of the Bush administration, dealing a deadly blow to his nomination of Alito. The president won’t be too happy tonight as he gives the 2006 state of the union speech.
Those are the choices.”
Finally, my own Howie-opinion: If we only fight the battles we believe we are likely to win, we are surely going to lose the contest to “take our country back.”
Cross-posted at www.seattlefordean.com and www.howieinseattle.com.
Update [2006-1-28 22:37:22 by howieinseattle]: For a case study of one person’s account of her struggle to try and turn around one recalcitrant, “undecided” Democratic Senator you won’t do much better than this diary on Kos from my friend Dina Johnson. Appetizer:
“A coalition of peace activists gathered on a Friday afternoon in Seattle. The occasion was a fundraiser for Senator Maria Cantwell, featuring everyone’s favorite lightning rod, Hillary R. Clinton.
A woman on her way into the fundraiser early told me “I am a peace activist, like you.” She showed me her pin. She said she intended to support Cantwell, get her elected, then AFTER the election direct her to a more antiwar position (how?). She said that fighting Cantwell would weaken her, and after all, we don’t want a Republican to win, right? And that she didn’t want to “embarrass her.”
I said any elected official knows that confrontations with dissenters might occur…it goes with the territory. But in any case, our messages were not ugly or profane, although they did make a strong statement of protest. She was glad the signs weren’t mean, but still was concerned about `embarrassing her”.
She said that Maria could not “appear weak,” because that might endanger her re-election. I suppose she meant that the mythical “Eastern Washington swing voter” would vote Repub in a minute if Maria didn’t stand firm on her pro-war position (such as it is). Was this woman imagining that Maria was, deep down, against the war, but must “act tough” to get re-elected? Or did she mean that the very existance of protest erodes Cantwell’s image, thus we should desist?
I said I felt Cantwell’s pro-war position was a liability, not a strength, considering the bad news from Iraq we hear about almost daily in recent months. She can’t defend it; every rationalization has been debunked [Murtha plus military, diplomatic & intelligence experts]. And how long can she refuse to discuss it?
I wondered, how are we to influence her after the re-election? What would be her incentive to change after the election, when her job will be secure for the next 6 years?
The woman said for third time she didn’t want to “embarrass her,” then hurried into the building.
Someone is fully aware of the horrifying chain of events the invasion and occupation has unleashed–yet is more worried about the “embarrassment” of a highly-placed U. S. politician who has colluded in this? Is it acceptable to sacrifice an unknown number of U.S. troops & Iraqis, and spend more useless billions, so a Dem politician will not lose face? She’s looking at one kind of “big picture”–let’s elect a Democratic majority–and I’m looking at another kind of “big picture”–let’s force politicians to face the truth.” There are some great photos in the post, well.
Update [2006-1-29 3:32:11 by howieinseattle]:In a similar vein, Damnit Janet takes her CODEPINK love to Hillary in Portland, Oregon to tell her, “You’re Not Listening.”
This would be a dream come true. It would be wonderful.
Fax the word to FILIBUSTER instantly to twelve wavering Senators:”
Let’s not forget to hit the Senators where we might cynically think they really care – their campaign offices. Additionally, when we call the PACs it doesn’t matter if we’re non-residents!
Joseph I. Lieberman (D- CT), (860) 244-2006
Thomas R. Carper (D- DE), (302) 328-5774
Evan Bayh (D- IN), 202-326-0450
Robert Menendez (D-NJ), 201-271-1161
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D- DE) , 202-547-2221
Call the Democrats (Mary Landrieu, Ken Salazar, Barack Obama, Tom Harkin) who oppose Alito but also said they oppose a filibuster. We must persuade them that a vote against Alito is meaningless if they don’t support a filibuster.
Senator Salazar (D-CO) 202-224-5852
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) 202-224-5824 (If you’re having trouble getting through a Washington number, you can look up a Senator’s local number in your and fax here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C)
Senator Barack Obama Phone: 202-224-2854 District Offices: Chicago: 312-886-3506 Marion: 618-997-2402 Springfield: 217-492-5089
Senator Tom Harkin Phone: 202-224-3254 District Offices: Des Moines: 515-284-4574 Cedar Rapids: 319-365-4504 Davenport: 563-322-1338 Dubuque: 563-582-2130 Sioux City: 712-252-1550
Second : Call your own Democratic Senator: 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
Third : Unbelievably, three Democrats (Ben Nelson, Tim Johnson and Robert Byrd) support Alito! Tell them to either support filibuster or at least “don’t get in the way.” Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) 202-224-6551 Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) 202-224-3954 Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) 202-224-5842
888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
Fourth: Call the “Red State” Democrats: (Message same as above — “No” is meaningless) Tom Carper (DE)
Kent Conrad (ND)
Byron Dorgan (ND)
Mark Pryor (AR)
Fifth : Call these “Blue State” and pro-choice Republicans: (Message: A “Unitary Executive” is dangerous to balance of powers–please do not get in the way of a filibuster.) Lincoln Chafee (RI)
Susan Collins (ME)
Lisa Murkowsky (AK)
Gordon Smith (OR)
Olympia Snowe (ME)
Ted Stevens (AK)
Blanche Lincoln (AR)
888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
For extra credit, call all of the 2008 Presidential candidates who are sitting Senators–Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, and John Kerry–and tell them to either LEAD THE FILIBUSTER or KISS YOUR SUPPORT GOODBYE. 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641. If you can’t get through, look up the Senator’s District Office number in your phone book or here: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/dbq/officials/?lvl=C
You can also send that message to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (202-224-2447) and the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000).
Polls and public opinion are another way to apply pressure — get word out about why Alito needs to be filibustered:
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. (Click here)
People for the American Way has collected nearly 65,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours: Save the Court Petition
John Kerry has endorsed this anti-Alito petition, signers’ names will be read into the Congressional Record:http://www.johnkerry.com/…
I’m offended by the nomination of Assholeto to the SCOTUS!!!
Look at this anohter way: think of all of the $ and time wasted on this crap–could have been spent on/developing a single payer health care plam!!!
Here’s what one of my brother’s said:
And people are following blindly!!! Pisses me off to no end! Maybe I have studied too much history, but it seems to me that this is getting closer to Nazi Germany every day!
what are you? some kind of fiery liberal or something?
Actually, you are the only one who has figured it out: I am a something!
I REALLY would love to believe this that you say today. It would certainly give me faith back in the humans with the (d) after their names and faith that they can fight! I have got battle fatigue it seems today. This horrible administration is so horrible, that I have began to understand what they really are after. It was hard for me to get it in my old head that they wat a dictatorship here in America! They do not want a two party system. If the democratic senators can get that through their thick skulls, and that they will loose their jobs in the end, this will never get through to anyone, ever! There will not be any need for a congress or a supreme court, on the dictator at the House that sits on Pen. ave., 1600 and that will be all we will have. I do not see why they cant see this. To me it is as plain as the nose on my face. I hope you are right Howie, and we do have a fighting chance to win this fight! I really do..Thanks for coming here to talk with us. HUgs
I’m not sure we have “a fighting chance,” but if we don’t fight, we got NO CHANCE.
Oh I agree with you Howie; however, there are days I get so weary and want to just stop and gain some sort of sense about me. I will never stop fighting…I just have to be proudent as to the fight I pick to fight in. This is one of them. But it cant be just a few of us doing this thing called fighting. It has to be all of the democartic party. I do not see this happening. This is where I beging to drift away from the democrats. The leadership seems to be out there spouting off this or the other and getting nothing done. It is all word and rhetoric..no action what so ever. It is not my personality to be a person who is mad and angry all the time. This is not a healthy way to live. But you see, I have been this way in politics going on now for at least 6 years. I am getting weary!
It’s not just their constant attacks, but they thrive on our feelings of hopelessness. I say basta, enough! It is time to get out of this funk and get ready to fight.
thx for the email earlier with the heads up on your diary about Alito. Good stuff.
Are there any Segundo de Febrero events in your area? I’m working on a diary to send up the flag here and perhaps at Kos.
The Segundo de Febrero is not really celebrated here in Texas. Probably because the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo occured 1848 and at that time Texas was already annexed by the U.S. I think this is one reason why we have a hard time feeling united. I can see why there is more solidarity between CA, AZ and NM, ya’ll have something in common.
However, hit me up when you do post. I’ll email you on an idea I have on how to close that gap.
The helplessness isn’t caused by anything the republicans do. The US is a representative democracy and the representatives we are forced to rely on to do the actual fighting are moral-relativistic cowards.
Poop away, Democrats! Drop a turd or two!
I offered to have his baby once, even though I’m not very fond of children. Luckily, he didn’t take me up on it. Just like a man: talk dirty to me, then run!
Thanks for keeping up the momentum. For once, I feel like we’re actually doing something positive. Keep up the pressure, everyone!
I’m just saying all Democratic Senators who abstain from the filibustering of Alito must surely be content with all the lying, spying, bribery and treason.
BTW, who’d believe, Scalia makes the case for us. Here’s a primer on filibustering, what’s involved – the voting as well as legal case.
and in particular, arguments by Scalia in the SC 2002 Minnesota v.White that underwrites why Alito should not be confirmed. Here are excerpts but read the whole
piece in link below..
here’s the link: http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0128-21.htm
Oh my. You think maybe some of our wavering senators should read this?
yet out of paper, according to the test we just performed!
Voicemail boxes are full but there must still be some room between the top of the pile and the office ceiling.
Fill ’em up, folks!
FDL Latest from the ReddHedd…telecon w/ Ted Kennedy and FAX numbers and Free FAX sites for all…GO!
Enjoy, this just might work, lots of people working their butts off…turds in the punchbowl…LOL
Filibustering will energize the liberal base and get them out in Novemeber, and the moderates will still be on board because of Iraq and a softish economy.
However, my worry is do the senate democrats worry so much that they may lose one or two “moderates” that they will once again ignore and take for granted the liberal base? To not filibuster will lose far more votes than to filibuster at election time. Why vote for someone at an election who never make a principled stand? That is what increasing numbers of liberals will be asking if there is no filibuster, and the usual excuses of bad math will sound so pathetic.
I just emailed Cantwell pointing to the Gregiore election and how she (Gregiore) ignored Seattle to chase votes in places like Walla Walla, which (surprise surprise!) ended up voting overwhelmingly for Rossi anyway.
Meanwhile in a city where John Kerry took nearly 82 percent of the vote, Gregoire garnered only about 75 percent of the vote.
I ended with some blunt talk to the effect of: you need us next November to keep your seat, but if you cannot support a filibuster of Alito I’ll be damned if I can see why we need you.