feeling is mutual. Without the blogosphere, I would never have imagined myself calling a Senator in Alaska, or North Dakota, or Florida, urging them to give me a voice since I don’t have one in the Senate (McCain and Kyl are my “representatives” in that chamber).
I hope there is a groundswell of contacts for the next three days. We have to put them on notice that we demand our concerns be heard and heeded.
and Byrd,and Landreiux [sp?] today…Mid PM saw all the phone lines jammed up so in addition to emails, I sent faxes and left messages.
It ain’t over till 4:30 PEST Monday when the cloture vote is called. Hopefully the asshats will pay attention. I’m with you all the way…not asking anymore…DEMANDING.
we are getting ready to break some records here in the desert parts of Arizona for lack of rain. It’s been around 100 days since we’ve had anything, very scary.
article in Grand Forks Herald today talks about the record setting av temps for Jan here in ND. Expected temps over the next few days will leave Jan with an average of 15F degrees above av.
We’ve basically had spring weather ever since Thanksgiving. Very very bizarre in my mind, never seen anything like this, and neither has an 84 year old, or a 94 year old resident of ND who I talked to today.
I’ve called Sen Conrad’ office often enough lately the number shows up on the frequent call list on my cell. If he should vote yes on Alito I have no doubt I will look back on this time as being a tipping point in my relationshiop with the D party.
I hear that bro. Been a registered D since I could vote…21 yr old, which dates me I guess…and if they blow it w/ Alito next Mon. -Tues without putting up a fight…Wed AM, I re-registering as Independent and they can blow me.
Nice. Is that a very heavy frost? Doesn’t look like there’s snow on the ground.
Weird winter in the Co foothills so far. The mtns are getting hammered but below @ 7000′ we’ve only had about 15″…’course, the really heavy season is Feb thru Apr. My crib is smack on 6000′. Nasty winds this year tho.
and that reminds me, we’ve hardly had any wind this winter, very few days of wind actually, while normally we’d have 20-30mph winds with the “Alberta Clippers” along with below zero temps, of which we’ve had virtually none, just a couple of lows below the zero mark. Very very bizarre, and spooky.
If I knew nothing of global warming it would be fantastically enjoyable living here this winter relative to all others. But…
who’s still awake? I have been scouring the internets looking for hints of Senators who need some persuasion to support the filibuster.
been an exciting day ManE…You really help keep the spirit alive…sometimes it ‘s really a struggle, esp. since I been at it for 40 fucking years.
I really appreciate the fact that some many young people are speaking up and aware. Kudos my friend. Your energy reinvigorates me.
feeling is mutual. Without the blogosphere, I would never have imagined myself calling a Senator in Alaska, or North Dakota, or Florida, urging them to give me a voice since I don’t have one in the Senate (McCain and Kyl are my “representatives” in that chamber).
I hope there is a groundswell of contacts for the next three days. We have to put them on notice that we demand our concerns be heard and heeded.
and Byrd,and Landreiux [sp?] today…Mid PM saw all the phone lines jammed up so in addition to emails, I sent faxes and left messages.
It ain’t over till 4:30 PEST Monday when the cloture vote is called. Hopefully the asshats will pay attention. I’m with you all the way…not asking anymore…DEMANDING.
I’m here. We could just call ’em all and leave drunken phone messages, in song!
What do you think?
Don’t go breakin’ my heart?
Do you really want to hurt me?
You gotta fight. For your right. To paaaartyyyyy
Conference calls with 3-way harmonies…kewl…I like it… kinda like singin’ a couple of bars of Alice’s Restaurant and walkin’ out.
I’d be totally willing to do it except a) I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, and b) my “powerful” voice has been known to blow out karaoke speakers.
sounds like the plan of a genius. With our entertainment-driven media freaks on tv and radio, maybe that would get their attention!
I agree — you guys should do it!
Did you not read my description of my singing abilities? We’re trying to persuade these people!
Now if you’d like me involved for singing to the bad Senators, I’m there!
Here’s lookin’ at cha
Now NDD’s probably nodded off.
I didn’t even realize the comment count at the old thread. It’s been quite a party tonight in the cafe.
why don’t we make it a barbershop quartet when we call those loony tunes!
as you don’t make me wear the funny costume, I’m all for it!
ManE, you be stylin’ in a seersucker suit and a Boater.
Besides those fine looking owls, I thought I’d add a photo to the gallery in our FBC.
we are getting ready to break some records here in the desert parts of Arizona for lack of rain. It’s been around 100 days since we’ve had anything, very scary.
article in Grand Forks Herald today talks about the record setting av temps for Jan here in ND. Expected temps over the next few days will leave Jan with an average of 15F degrees above av.
We’ve basically had spring weather ever since Thanksgiving. Very very bizarre in my mind, never seen anything like this, and neither has an 84 year old, or a 94 year old resident of ND who I talked to today.
I’ve called Sen Conrad’ office often enough lately the number shows up on the frequent call list on my cell. If he should vote yes on Alito I have no doubt I will look back on this time as being a tipping point in my relationshiop with the D party.
I hear that bro. Been a registered D since I could vote…21 yr old, which dates me I guess…and if they blow it w/ Alito next Mon. -Tues without putting up a fight…Wed AM, I re-registering as Independent and they can blow me.
Nice. Is that a very heavy frost? Doesn’t look like there’s snow on the ground.
Weird winter in the Co foothills so far. The mtns are getting hammered but below @ 7000′ we’ve only had about 15″…’course, the really heavy season is Feb thru Apr. My crib is smack on 6000′. Nasty winds this year tho.
and that reminds me, we’ve hardly had any wind this winter, very few days of wind actually, while normally we’d have 20-30mph winds with the “Alberta Clippers” along with below zero temps, of which we’ve had virtually none, just a couple of lows below the zero mark. Very very bizarre, and spooky.
If I knew nothing of global warming it would be fantastically enjoyable living here this winter relative to all others. But…
Well, the Bu girl just got up, gave me the evil eye and went downstairs…guess it’s time.
Here’s a sunset for ya, or the early birds can pretend it’s sunrise.
I’m heading to bed here too, see you all tomorrow for the next round!
and went downstairs…guess it’s time.
Hasta manyana sceneyours and sceneyouritas.
Good Morning – Anybody got any coffee?
Yes! It’s just about done — it seems I missed quite the event last night!
Morning Katiebird – Yes you did. It was a lot of fun last night.
I was around until almost midnight – how late did the party last?
I’m sorry katiebird I didn’t answer. I was trying to check out the instant messenger I mentioned in the morning cafe.
I don’t expect to see any of you for another 3 or 4 hours — But when you’re ready for coffee, Saturday Starts Here:!