So Good To Us

We’ll just spend it lazing around the house
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
Self-serve coffee, food, and highly optimistic speculation on what the F’s were doing last night.
Beautiful café picture, plus coffee, coffee, coffee – I need coffee today.
You’re up early for someone who was up pretty late.
That’s our “family” home — not quite as splended as yours but the setting is pretty good.
Morning Andi – In my older age, my internal alarm clock won’t let me sleep past a certain time.
How are you today?
Mine too. Not to mention my external alarm clock snoring beside me.
It’s supposed to be rainy today here. How about where you are FM?
All of ours came through last night. It’s still cloudy, but the majority of the rain is gone.
My daughter came home from college to do laundry and sleep and she’ll be driving back in the rain. A few months ago an asshole in a huge pickup truck with the windows blacked out ran her off the highway at 70mph. He was tailgating her the the whole time she was trying to pass an 18-wheeler. I always worried about her, but since then I can hardly breathe until I get the call that says she arrived safely.
It’s that term kansas accidentally invented: worryworst.
That’s perfect. And it fits because I seem to worry worst about her. She just seems so small and fragile to me and her brothers aren’t. What a double standard I have.
I think I commented to you once that before cell phones when Jim didn’t tell me he was going to be much later than normal getting home from school, I’d have the funeral planned just about the time he pulled up to the house.
I think your mind leaps ahead like that to prepare yourself for the worst. So if the police showed up at your door you could say “I knew it” instead of it being a total shock. A tiny bit of self-preservation I guess.
I was the same way when my daughter came to visit new years ever. I think I pissed her of from calling her cell phone all the time until they got home. Even after she said they were pulling into their town, I made her call me once they were in the house.
Of course! Because accidents can happen when you’re pulling into your own driveway. And she could have slipped on the stairs…
I know how that goes. I wish I could wrap my kids in bubble wrap and put them on a shelf. It doesn’t matter how old they are.
I think the term is over protective. If I ever won the big one, I would build a great compound and pull the whole family in. Of course I’d have to pull them in dragging and kicking – too much going on to stay around old dad.
have been overprotective.
Today if you’re not thinking gate-and-moat, you’re just not paying attention.
I know what you mean — I consider sleeping till 7 on the weekend a major triumph (made to 6:50 this morning, a near major triumph).
What a great picture with the loyal dog guarding the estate. No telling what the Fs are doing in there.
As Jim just commented “we are so boring” — he’s sitting at his mac, I’m sitting at my pc, the dogs are sleeping in various spots, there a load of laundry in the dryer.
Oh, let me have my fantasies about what two people who have been married longer than I’ve been alive (yeah, right) do while their dog is guarding the place. The reality sounds too much like my house.
Hey, you can have those fantasies, just not this early and not that often π
Wanna stop gay sex? Make ’em marry.
We’re at 23 years. Since our dogs are totos they don’t guard the place–they only think they do, from the couch we rigged with a Toto Platform.
The picture is from last year when Toto #2 was recovering from eye surgery.
I put a shelving board across the top of the couch (a thrift store refugee bought just for the totos), padded with some blankets. You can see at right a bracing leg that sits onto the arm of the couch. There are 2 much longer legs in the back that reach down to the floor.
Dog couch shelves are just some of the many dimensions of married fantasy life. Now comes a trickier bit: waking up Herself.
More accurate to say that no one can keep it up forever.
There’s always Viagra.
So far we’re getting by with good imaginations and poor eyesight.
That works too. I’ve heard I’m beautiful in the morning…before he puts on those Coke-bottle glasses.
I bet for a little dog treat he might be willing to divulge the facts.
Scratch her belly and she’ll be your loyal buddy for life — or until somebody with better fingers comes along.
I used to have one the same way. No loyality what so ever. All anyone had to do was look at him and he would look back at me with a “who him – I don’t know him”.
Good Morning everyone!! The coffee smells great!
Good Morning KB – have you recovered from all the cafes yesterday?
Sure! You guys did all the work — with the templates, getting them set up is a breeze.
I was trying to explain to my family last night the little bit I know about blogs. That on some blogs people will come in and cut you to the quick and in others (here & your site) that people are so friendly and helpful. I told them I had hadn’t commented that much politically, but that I haven’t laughed so hard in years at some of the comments in the café.
Of course some threads that are hilarious such as maryb’s deliveryman thread I won’t get near, but I was falling out of my chair reading it.
In the interest of full and fair disclosure — that was Andi’s thread USING and TWISTING my highly recommended delivery man experience for her own amusement. I would never (blush) have allowed something like that to come up.
I was completely inspired by your enthusiastic reponse to the delivery man.
I thought you’d be resting your brain and fingers today. Some whole wheat toast and a poached egg for you? Or really splurge with some turkey bacon?
I’m supposed to meet my mom at HyVee for breakfast — so I probably will actually have something eggy.
I’m debating whether I should wait for coffee.
Food can wait, coffee never.
I’ll be back in a couple of hours — I’m off to pick up my mom.
I think for today I’m going to get some stuff done. Try and read more of the books I checked out, get the house cleaned, and try to stay off the computer for a while. The last one will be kind of hard, but we’ll see what happens.
Talk to you later.
I’m still the only one up in my house and I’ve already cleaned the kitchen and family room, had 3 cups of coffee and tried to read some of the NYT without my reading glasses.
Just saw that Bob Woodruff (ABC News) and his cameraman are in serious condition after hitting an IED in Iraq.
I’m back from my walk which took place in 30 mph winds with gusts up to 40 mph. Nice thing about that was that the sweat evaporated really fast.
It’s breezy here too. I just saw a squirrel hanging upside down from the birdfeeder, swaying in the wind.
What a beautiful and noble beast in your photo, Andi. Tell me again, what is his/her name?
Did you see that the F’s were the irreverent object of sport after you went to bed last night? We must be under the illusion that if you sleep the Blue Dot also sleeps. I fear its mighty wrath today!
Oh, and good morning. Coffeecoffeecoffee.
Gooood Moorrrnning!
Back from HyVee already? I have a cousin who eats bfast every morning at a HyVee in NKC. She talks about the “regulars” who watch out for her and miss her on the mornings she isn’t there. For a person who lives alone, and probably for some who don’t, that’s nice. Reminds me of a certain internet Cafe I’ve heard of.
Is there coffee in your future today? I’ll check my email.
Yes there’s coffee in my future. What about yours?
Good morning oh wise woman of the Orange place. May I share your holy coffee with you.
Oh goddess of 416, may I post recipes at your esteemed website today? π
Every time she loses a pound her UID number drops, too. Soon she’ll be the first person ever to post at DKos.
You’re saying she weighs over 415 pounds? Gosh she doesn’t look it in her pictures.
I spent a week in Clarinda, Iowa once where the HyVee was the best restaurant in town.
surely you must know that She always graciously forgives Her transgressors.
Whew! I’m giddy with relief. Blue Dot has the capacity to hurl offenders off very high orange cliffs.
So we now know not to bother scaring you with of sharp objects but to concentrate on sheer drops and exposed edges.
I’m still on Hawaii time, and since it’s the weekend my tea is decaf this morning. That means everything is fuzzy around the edges and so am I. Urgh. I’ll just be over in the corner staring into space and drooling.
Where did you go in Hawaii?
We spent one night in Honolulu before catching an island hopper to Lihue airport. Then it was up to Princeville for a week of boogie boarding with occasional forays into other activities. Fair weather, twelve hours of daylight, and perfect waves. Combine that with a steady diet of fresh fish, fresh fruit, rice, juice, and dacquiris and you’ve got a perfect vacation. Then it was home to Wisconsin for a day and back on a plane to Anchorage for a conference. It was all fun, but I’m exhausted and not entirely sure when it should be.
I love Kauai; some of the most gorgeous hiking we’ve ever done. Did you get to Koke’e State Park?
No, but we did do a six hour hike on the Hanakapiai trail, and there’s a really outstanding and relatively new arboretum just outside of Kilauea that we visited. Mostly it was Hanalei bay and the waves. As a writer it’s a terribly good thing that I live a thousand miles from the nearest surf. I’ve got a really strong surf bum streak that wouldn’t be at all good for my production.
Happy Sunday everyone, hope you all have a fine day. Me, I hope to be able to relax today with no working going on around me, (fingers crossed), you just never know when someone will show up to do something here.
Is that really right next to your property? That’s beautiful.
Yes, that’s the lake at the camp next door (the lake’s about a mile away). The lake isn’t natural but it’s creek-fed and in a really nice spot.
What’s a woman gotta do to get some coffee around here??
Oh and some Icy/Hot would be nice too.
3 hours in the windy rain. Next time… I’m infiltrating. It’s warmer inside π
I’m back. I’m okay! And we made Hillary have to address the protestors and the war.
But… what the news didn’t tell ya was that Hillary’s supporters… they got violent inside and tore up the signs, bruised tiny women and got very irate.
You are our hero.
I’m shocked by the news about the brutality. I want to hear more about that. In fact I want to hear about the whole thing. When your fingers unfreeze are you going to have time (haha)to write a diary?
There were more protestors who weren’t CodePInk who also got their signs torn from the crowd.
I’m trying to find some info. I sat with Katie fro Pink afterwards and she, too, was shocked by the violence from the so called Hillary supporters which I would assume were democrats…
I’ll diarirze soon. Had to spend Saturday de-adrenalizing LOL and also with my family. I knew if I went online I’d be sucked in all day π
It was on Ch12 and many times on ch8 in oregon… Mrs. ski said there was nothing in the Oregonian. I’ve got a few pitcures but only of us outside. It was a dark, windy, rainy ass cold night. My camera didn’t get the signs too well or far away shots. So I only have 3 good pictures.
Tell all! In graphic detail.
Pink power for DJ! You rock girl!
Pink phlox, taken 8.06.2005 (view large)
Hey everyone! Had a really awful week, which started w/ the election of the conservs … but I’m better now. (Just came from yoga ::uhmmmm:: π
Andi… I want to move in with you. I love your house!!
You’d miss your flowers too much. This is a terrible place to garden. But you’re definitely invited to come and visit!
Thanks Olivia!! π
I had my pink scarves and I was given an actual factual pink slip for next time π It’s more of a magenta slip π
Have to undergo more training and such for upcoming protests. Alot of groups here in Portland who care π
I’m at home.
glad to hear you back in one piece/peace.
I hope you’ll do a diary.
Hola Andi!
Not super, not a hero.. just a pissed off liberal lady who …. who.. whoo..
wait a minute – I had to catch a bullet with my mouth
now what was I saying??
I’m getting the few horrid pics up. Still trying to find something in news print about this ARGH!
Guess I should go protest about missing blonds in Aruba?? They get all the coverage LOL
What were you thinking? You should have arranged for one of the Hillary folks to KIDNAP YOU! You would be the kidnapped blond and would get lots of publicity!
Hey, we have to think outside the box these days.
to Sharks training camp next year — God/Goddess knows they need someone to fire them up…
As for me, just waiting for the spouse to get out of the shower so I can get in — then we’re heading out to brunch before coming back to clean. Brunch is a tough meal; it’s hard not to eat too much with the justification that it’s two meals in one. As for the cleaning, the main tasks are laundry and floor-mopping; the crap will probably just be tossed in a box for future sorting. Don’t really have energy to do much else, while I’ve got the last vestiges of this cold, and I’m PO’d at the spouse; instead of getting some work done this morning, he vegged on the computer… π
Okay, time for me to hit the shower…
Ah, but floor mopping will take up a lot of caloric energy thereby using up the many excess calories you will consume at brunch. Laundry on the other hand is a noncaloric activity in this day and age when the machine does all the work. I assume you are living in the modern age and not taking your laundry out to the river to beat against a rock?
Although, on further contemplation, if you live in the Midwest and have to go back and forth to the BASEMENT (SN?) to do your laundry, you do use up calories.
I’m screwed, because my washer and dryer are basically in the kitchen, so I can eat chips and salsa while I’m doing laundry. No exercise at all.
Doing laundry is my second favorite chore. I can throw in a load and go off and read a book and know that I am accomplishing something. My first favorite chore is running the dishwasher. Same effect; fewer steps to climb. π
but we do have to haul the laundry to/from the laundry room at our complex, so there is a bit of energy expenditure. Though laundry is usually the spouse’s job, I may pitch in and carry the smaller laundry basket; depends on how much energy I have to expend.
Have an additional pancake at brunch!
Why all the violence? I haven’t heard a word about this, but of course, I don’t watch television.
Ch8 here didn’t talk about it either, but in one clip they had you could see the sign “Hilly is Pro-War” huge, blue sign had been torn and shredded.
Our “free press” said that the there were a handful of protestors (half the room) and they were “ushered” out…
It was the Hillary supporters crowd not the secret service or the protestors who were violent. Really odd.
sadly the sam violence erupted in San Francisco.
One CodePink lady was cuffed with metal cuffs that cut into her hand and jumped on by two large men – and then put into a choke hold. (via codepink email)
Happy New Year – in China. We have a Chinese New Year celebration next Sunday. This week, we get Andrew’s pants altered (way too big) so he can wear his traditional costume.
Nothing but rain here.
It’s the year of the DOG!
Andrew is a Year of the Monkey boy – highly appropriate
In honor of Andrew I am listening to Annette Funicello’s version of “The Monkeys’ Uncle” on itunes.
Through the trash in the recycling bins and come to the new cafe.