[From the diaries by susanhu. Street Kid is the go-to person who’s doing a hell of a lot of research on this atrocious, life-threatening mess of a Medicare plan. Check out her other recent diaries for more reports and analyses.]
From ABC: Henry Waxman, the senior Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee, said that the Medicare plan should be overhauled to make it less complex and expensive.
Waxman also stated that
“America’s seniors and America’s taxpayers deserve honesty, simplicity, and a fair deal.”
and the government should use
“the purchasing power of all of America’s seniors to get low prices and better coverage.” … continued below …
Waxman also stated that
“corruption, incompetence, and an ideology that favors private profits over public programs all played a role.”
Referring to the 2003 Congress:
“The program was turned over to hundreds of private insurers who can charge what they want, cover what drugs they want, and change what they cover at will…Instead of the certainty of Medicare coverage, seniors are now faced with a confusing array of choices, inaccurate information, and sometimes even higher costs.”
Wonder if he was referring to this?
The program is a giveaway to pharmaceutical firms because Congress barred Medicare from negotiating deep discounts in drug prices – a practice used effectively in other government programs…It could have been different, of course. A drug benefit targeted solely to the neediest…could be in operation now, had Congress not, instead, endorsed the existing, flawed law -thanks in large measure to mid-Michigan Congressmen Dave Camp, Vern Ehlers and Mike Rogers.
xposted on mlw
this was xposted at dkos
I think all the front-page horror stories about elderly people having a terrible time with this mess — and not getting their medications — could have a bigger impact in the ’06 races than even Iraq.
I’m going to go back through StreetKid’s diaries and get better informed on this. I’m just relieved I don’t have to try to find the right program … it sounds like a major headache, and very risky since one can’t switch, and one can get banned for life if one cancels (or something like that … forget the details of what I read). That’s just nuts.
StreetKid, do you know what I’m trying to recall .. that one can get banned from ever getting Medicare benefits for the rest of one’s life if one cancels?
Don’t recall that one off the top of my head…but that if I remember correctly, one of the repubs big things about Medicare D was that it supposedly allowed choice and all that other nonsense. Getting banned from Medicare sure sounds punitive as opposed to a choice. But, as w/most things, the devils in the details. Could be one that hasn’t been reported or one that I have seen yet. (Need to get a copy of the legislation, as chocolate ink suggested earlier.)
I know I heard that but I can’t remember where. I’ve been searching but haven’t found it yet. However, I did find two superb commentaries on the problems — THESE GIVE EXAMPLES of how HUGE this problem is and how it affects SENIORS — who VOTE at a far higher rate than other age groups –>
Bush’s indifference and lack of attention are glaring in these accounts.
1) From Bangor Daily News: “Washington, help with Part D” — by state rep. Hannah Pingree, D-North Haven ..
2) from a tv station in Illinois, about its governer’s state of the state address, — “Blagojevich Pushes Construction Plan, College Tax Credit In Speech“
That’s one that I haven’t heard–I barely get by now!
I agree it sounds punitive, but to me so does the 1% per month for not joining. That makes absolutely no sense to me.
None of Medicare D makes any sense to anyone, except the insurance companies–seems to me they are trying to make up for the $ they used in political campaigns.
That’s what’s so insane to me. Anyone that looks can see whom Medicare D is benefiting. It’s certainly not the people who need it.
but I think that Waxman has a shot at getting this thru! I mean, all of the senior citizens groups are a powerful lobby, and, compared to some of the other crap that has been going on and not reported, there have really been some stories in MSM that make a person really take notice of Medicare D.
And I just found this.
Might have better luck if they sent him a copy of “My Pet Goat”!!!
started out as answer to your post, but got loooonger
I think so too, although I think it will have more of an impact in states that are more affected. There haven’t been any big local or statewide stories here in Missouri but I’m not clear if that means there haven’t been problems or if they aren’t being covered. I had a doctor’s appointment last week so I decided to ask my doctor about it. She has quite a few elderly patients. She said that she hadn’t heard of problems from any of her patients.
On the one hand I’m glad. On the other hand — a few statewide problems could be blamed on the feds and also on our republican governor — Baby Blunt.
Really haven’t found many of the specific problems being detailed in MI either. But, from what I understand from my pharmacist, people have been having nothing but problems. I received my card late, and fortunately, I had enough of my rx’s on hand. However, I have absolutely no idea of what is going to happen next month. That is the scary part–the uncertainty. Everyone says something different!
I’m trying to get my Mom coverage and it’s a confusing mess. I’m ashamed to say that Mike Rogers, who was instrumental in getting this boondoggle passed, represents this area. I suppose it isn’t surprising that he did in that Park Davis is in this district.
Am also in 8th district.
and one of the affects on me, as teenager, was that I wanted to get a career / job / skills where I could make enough money to NEVER EVER EVER RELY on the government again.
BUT, I also knew that those programs enabled me to get the hell off those programs – and without those programs how long would I NOT have a good chance at being able to compete with rich pukes like … the bushes?
AND, as a poli sci major in my first college career (’78 on…)
I ALWAYS wondered – why don’t they make those freaking programs run better?
in ’78 there was proposition 13 from California, which later swept into massachusetts as Prop 2 1/2.
I wondered – IF they made the programs of government work, would people vote for this shit?
in 1980 we had a guy get elected, ronnie raygun, who was gonna get rid of government & he did – ANYthing that leveled the playing field for the peon against the princes was on the chopping block …
I was a chef for 15 years, I have a math degree & I liked optimization – operations research in the business schools.
Imagine if the Dems focused on making government work well – the thugs would still lie, they always will people !! BUT …
imagine if government worked really well – what kind of chance would the Rayguns of the future have?
I’ve been rolling my eyes at this medicare fiasco since bush first proposed it – it was obviously the worst of incompetent bureaucrats and rapacious corporate welfare queens.
good luck waxman.
Even if your Part D plan is working smoothly, it is typically a bad deal. High co-pays, quantity limits on popular drugs, lack of coverage for expensive specialty drugs are typical. As presently constituted, it is just catastrophic drug coverage.
It is a population reduction program, and as such, it will be very successful.
http://tinyurl.com/877do Hey Kid, don’t know if this has already been posted…Waxman’s letter to the GOA to investigate the hidden windfall profit for the drug/insurance industry having to do with JUST the people who are considered ‘dualies'(those that were on Medicare/Medicaid-about 6.4 million around the country)and how besides screwing up that how much it is costing taxpayers due to unregulated price controls and not being able to buy in bulk like the VA does. The states had certain price controls under the Medicaid program for buying the drugs for low income dualies but the D plan of course removed that and now a drug may cost up to 80% more.
I’m not explaining this well and if Waxman’s letter has already been posted just consider this redundant.
You have the knack for finding out all sorts of info, that I miss…thank you!!!
You’re welcome…not so much a knack as the fact I have a lot of time on my hands. Before I ever hit the Pond here I do all my morning reading and cruising of blogs/news sites and save the articles that are the most interesting or infuriating.
And being a ‘dualie’, the whole Medicare fiasco is of great interest to me. Can’t say I’m surprised just from what I remember reading about the plan when it was passed in Congress although I don’t think we’ve seen the worst of it yet..unfortunately.
I was trying to find some info on money being taken out of SS checks for the premium people are going to be paying and couldn’t find out too much on that-was of course confusing. But it does seem that that might happen.
I also read some article(somewhere) that said AARP was now wanting to bring pressure on Congress to fix problems with the Plan…yeah right after they sold out seniors by getting behind this fiasco in the first place.
Same here. Also w/my best friend–also on SSD/I and NEVER off the net–was actually in tears when his computer crashed and was in the shop for 4 days. Another friend of mine (who is in the middle of appealing a bunch of bs descisions) is another one–same thing, lots of time…bet there’a a hell of a lot more…Just hope I don’t have to give up an internet connection due to the taking the amount of deductibles our of SSD.
I know if my computer crashed I’d be lost. You can only clean so much in a small apartment and read. I haven’t been able to drive for over 15 years so am pretty much stuck in apartment unless my sister gets me out but even that is tiring.
I’m also very, very lucky that she is the one who bought me this computer and pays the monthly dial up fee so I don’t have to worry about that.
I hope to hell you don’t have to give up you’re computer access, we’d be losing an important voice here
You know we got a ‘bigger'(ha ha) increase this year in our monthly checks-a whole 20 dollars a month ….I’m guessing maybe there was a method to that generosity..give you a bigger cost of living increase then take it back by taking out the premium for the wonderful new drug plan…. Although that 20 dollars for me happens to coincide with what I now have to pay monthly for my medications-whereas when I was on Medical I paid nothing. Big savings right.
Able to drive, can’t afford gas! Like you said, a person can only read so many books before losing it…Best Friend gave his old computer…thank God!!!!
And you know what gets me? graholm has now reduced the amount of food stamps that a person gets when they get an increase in SSD–hell, that makes a bit difference, as well, as you said, the co-pays are increased. Now I am wondering how this will all fgure into my Section, as to whether or not this “deduction” of co=pays will qualify as a medical expense. If not, I’m gonna be filing another appeal!!!
Hope I don’t have to give up the net either…I was lost w/o it…hmmm…wondering about something…now you have got me thinking again!!!!!!!!!!!
There’s absolutely no way for anyone on SSD or food stamps to ever get ahead..what the government gives on one hand they take away with the other.
That is such bullshit about reducing food stamps because of slight raise in SS or SSD. Instead of food stamps I get supplemental check here in Ca…which in a way is better than food stamps as on food stamps you can only buy food and not such silly things as toilet paper or dish soap. Other states I’ve been in I have had food stamps but like this better all things considered.
As for driving, well as you said even if I could drive I certainly couldn’t afford car, insurance or gas.
Well we should know soon enough about what will be coming or not out of our checks as the first is almost here….and if this month the drug plan is still paying for all the same drugs I take…?that’s something that really is driving me nuts.
Street Kid.. Check out this link on the comparison of the Medicare Plan D coverage vs the negotiated prices (probably for the VA)
Thanks for the link! Will check that one out!