Alito Infamy.

     On December 7th, 1941, an attack was made on the American fleet in Pearl Harbor.  On 8 December, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed Congress and referred to December 7th, 1941, as a “day that shall live in infamy”.  He sought a declaration of war.

     Today is a day that also shall live in infamy.  And war has rightfully been declared by bloggers, speaking as the voice of the people, against those Democratic senators who sought to be politicians at a time when courage was demanded of them.

     Today, an attack – waged through duplicity – was launched on the rights of Americans by the right wingers and the President, and concurred in by the nominee, who failed to be open and honest about his plans.

     This attack was aided and abetted by those Democratic senators who did not fight tenaciously for the filibuster.  Americans – especially the old, the weak, and women – will assuredly pay a price over the next few years for the cowardice shown today.

     It is up to all who value the rule of law to make those who sided with the attack on the rule of law, pay for their decision.

     Let not one Senator who failed to stand today, stand unopposed for re-election to the Senate.