Are any of you having trouble getting on Kos?
I am.
All was well until about ten minutes ago. Seems to be a very critical moment in the history of our nation for Kos to be on the blink.
Is anyone else having problems?
No tinfoil on this end, just a question, hoping for some clarification.
It just loaded fine for me. Hi nyceve!
Hi. That’s good to know.
I’ll keep trying.
it’s 3:30pm ET and the Kos site just went ‘Poof!’ on me. not sure what’s going on. Probably a lot of traffic
it’s been on and off for me too – sever error
I’m back in business. I had broadband installed last week and I think it’s getting adjusted to life with me.
Sometimes the user pages are slow to load if you go directly to them…try right clicking and “open in new window”
Otherwise it’s been pretty fast at home…and I’m on cable there….
nyceve, just wished to say hello & that I sincerely hope we’ll see more of you here!
wilderness wench, that’s so sweet of you to say. I’m not going anywhere. I should always post here when I post on Kos. Sometimes I don’t just because, truthfully I don’t want to become boring.
I’m laying low until the filibuster is over since, I don’t want to take up any precious space with none filibuster items.
Thanks so much for your kind words!
Re cross-posting: you certainly won’t become boring to me, as I tend not to visit Kos much any more outside of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ 😉
take up “precious space” — when there’s something momentous going on, it’s too easy to focus on that and forget there are other things going on in the world. That’s what the Right counts on — us focusing so much that they can get away with other skullduggery behind our backs.
I’m trying not to over-focus on the filibuster; since my Senators are more-or-less true blue (DiFi with some arm twisting), I can keep my eye on other things, like tax money being forwarded to religious groups with no experience in fighting AIDS.
All the best to you and yours…
a little slow in general, IMNSHO — things are busy on the Internets today, probably a conspiracy to get me off my lazy ass and get back to work… 😉
Glad to see you too! 🙂
Ten minutes ago it said down for maintenance. Kinda strange.
I’m able to get on sporadically. The internets are definitely overloaded today.