Froggy Bottom Cafe – Monday Edition
Real live host on duty today!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Morning everyone. Ready to start another week?
Well, I thought I’d try to put a positive spin on it.
I’m sorry, I think I woke up on the snarky side of the bed this morning…
Monday means never having to say you’re sorry. Or something like that. Did Cabin the younger wear shorts this morning?
I forgot to look…or maybe I just can’t imagine him wearing long pants anymore?
It’s supposed to get up to 58 today.
I saw a flock of jr. high girls walk by the house this morning in tank tops and belly shirts. Spring has come early to Raptureville.
Goodness gracious. Looking out the window here at a snow-laden field, the thought of belly-shirts seems almost surreal.
Heard from a friend down in Asheville last night. No snow there whatsoever this season, either on the ground or in the air; it’s been incredibly warm. Very odd indeed.
No sir. No such thing as global warming. Nothing to see here, folks, just move on.
No doubt — as if there’s somewhere to ‘move on’ to.
Almost everyone I’ve spoken to who remarks on the unusual weather has an instinctual sense that something’s ‘not right’. We are creatures of our planet, after alll — we know things.
It’s the last Monday in January and you have been a stellar, super-duper, witty and wonderful (have I sucked up enough yet) host. So are you going to continue running the cafe on Mondays (pretty please with donuts and frito lays on top)?
I don’t think you have sucked up sufficiently. And thanks for not putting me on the spot in front of the cafe crowd…sheesh. 🙂
You’re welcome. See now everybody that comes to the cafe will know just how far we are willing to go to get a host of your high caliber.
Hmm. Well, if this goes along with the benefits of having you as a mother hen, how can I refuse? How ’bout I do it until I don’t feel like doing it anymore? Is that nebulous enough for you?
HOORAY!! Good work, Andi!!
You’re a terrific host, SN. I’m sooo glad you’re going to keep on keepin’ on. As for doing it until you don’t feel like doing it anymore, that’s what we’re all doing. So far, seems like we keep feeling like doing it. And there’s always froggybottom, bless his little green anonymous ass.
p.s. Now you can ignore my email.
You sent it to my more well-adjusted twin. But she sent it on to me.
Excellent! (but you’re stuck with the Mother Hen no matter what you do).
So how is this for sucking up. Well this has been the best cafe I have been too. I mean I just hope the people who host it on the other days are not blogging today, as the host of this cafe has set new standards well for being a host. I would give the host a 5 but the numbers only goto 4.
And know you now why I’m self-employed.
It’s not who you know it’s who you nose.
Awesome suckupiness! You are indeed a pro!
And if I told you I was an attorney..maybe you would start to think your a mind-reader?
Good job! You’d better watch it or we might be demanding to know if you’re as good at hosting as you are at nosing!
You see what happens when stay outside in the Kansas sun to long during summer months.
At the rate this winter is going, our summer may start in March. Fifties again this week! Except for the part about the entire globe incinerating, this is very pleasant.
It is great and keeps the gas bill low. Now if we could have another one of those cool summers like we had in 2004. I only remember this because I was wearing my John Kerry jacket in mid-August.
Don’t forget to set your intentions at E4T. Everybody’s doing it!
Hey there, SN. That’s a terrific photo — so characteristic!
I’m guessing that’s your lovely new kitty. How’s she doing?
No more potty accidents and she and the older cat are slowly calling a truce to their hissing wars. It’s funny…the other cat weighs close to 20lbs and is clearly intimidated by the kitten’s energy and attempts at friendship. But she’s slowly coming around.
Excellent news! Thanks for the report.
Has the new kitty been named yet? Appropriate naming can indeed be tricky — my little October boy still has no moniker!
Seeing as her energy level is jacked up to extra-high, my daughter thought of Ritalin. But I’m not so sure. She’s had a cold since we got her (slowly getting better) but she’s been sneezing all over the place. We thought of Sneezy but when she gets over her cold it will seem kind of pointless. I’d still like to steal Sniff, Andi’s dog’s name.
Poor kitty. No doubt relocation & social stress contributed to the infection. They also tend to pick them up at shelters — if that’s where she’s from. Good to hear she’s improving.
She sure looks like a ‘Princess Serena’ in the pic above! As in: ‘Hello. I’m the center of attention & I’m totally cool with it.’ 😉
They do seem to respond well to names with sharp consonants in them — s, t, k, ch. She looks to me like an S cat — Sally, Suzie, Samantha, Sniff ..
and said: “To paraphrase the title of a movie and play, that’s ‘Cat On A Warm Laptop’.” 🙂
I’m stealing that for my collection…
They do have a knack for finding the warmest spot in the house. Right now she is napping on the kitchen table, in a rectangle of pure sunshine.
I have to ask about that candle — is it a Meltables? I just picked a couple of those up and they smell heavenly. I got Sweet Pea & Lilac Breeze and Warm Spiced Apples & Sticky Buns. Mmm.
Cat: also cute. Fwiw, to me, she looks like a Cleopatra.
I can’t remember exactly what type of candle it is. I am a candle fanatic and burn them, carefully of course, all the time. This one is mango and grapefruit.
Are you feeling better?
I am not feeling better, thanks for asking. 🙂 I will probably disappear shortly. (Don’t worry, though; it’s just a parlor trick, I’ll reappear tomorrow. ;p)
“Doggoenit! There you are! I’ve been so worried and concerned about you, I haven’t even been able to lift my leg on the neighbors bushes. Good to see you, babydoll”
omg, you always crack me up. I so adore the specific ways in which your brain is warped, DJ, I really do.
My brain, what’s left of it, is securely wrapped in a doggy bag. 🙂
Kitty is thinking:
“I know there’s a mouse around here SOMEWHERE!”
She looks like my high school friends cat.. Her name was Tinaka. (Teen-uh-ka)
She’s jacked up becuse…. “I have a HOME!!” I think it dawns and redawns on them and they can’t help but be happy. Even older cats.
Ah, coffee….
Friend of mine sent me the following amusing bit. File it under the “Someone Really Needs An Editor…” dept.
Gah. You’d think they’d at least read the info on the CD!
That ought to put the whole ‘liberal elite’ meme to bed.
Lol! If that isn’t the best laugh of the day, I’ll eat my piano on which I can’t play either of them.
SN, I love your diary picture above.
But does anybody besides me find that “John Shadegg for Majority Leader” ad very very disturbing? Shudder.
Honestly, I don’t even notice the ads until someone mentions them. How are you this morning? Still on a roll with the writing?
Actually, the writing roll hasn’t unfurled yet. But the thinking roll has been doing okay. I’m hoping, maybe today. . .Hey, haven’t I heard of a site called Just4Today?
Isn’t that one for alcoholics? I don’t need that one, but I could use one for this blogging addiction.
Ewww…I just saw the ad you were talking about. It used to be a guy’s hand, and now it’s that morphed Shadegg/Delay face. Cripes.
Ha! Gotcha to post the link again!!
The Shadegg ad looks like something from a Bacon painting or Steadman cartoon. Mondo creepy.
Odd name, that — isn’t a shad egg the same as roe?
Eww. Seems appropriate somehow.
No kidding.
Frankly, I’m starting to think that the high-level GOP is all named in code — they’re actually just characters in a post-modern morality play. There’s Bush (as in burning — the voice of the Almighty), Cheney (as in S & M accessories), Rove (as in maniac), Delay (as in, justice denied), let them eat Rice, Rum felled our military ..
I have led such a sheltered existence! I was unaware of the Cheney/SM connection.
I’m sure you can imagine how it goes, SN: leather, whips, ‘chaineys’, sneers, mushroom clouds ..
I just found this in a Billy Collins poem, “The Afterlife,” in which he imagines all of us going to different places after we die, according to our private beliefs.
“There are even a few classicists being led to an underworld
by a mythological creature with a beard and hooves.
He will bring them to the mouth of a furious cave
guarded over by Edith Hamilton and her three-headed dog.”
This is wonderful in so many ways, kansas. I’ll have to look up the full poem.
Thanks for sharing it!
Isn’t he great? I found this one in his collection called, Questions About Angels.
Thanks very much for the title, kansas!
Unfortunately, my entire poetry collection is packed away in boxes — so it’s time to acquire some for the shelves!
(Some folks here will find this desire amusing.)
Hope your own work is going well.
and belly shirts in The South™, a spring scene.

Beautiful dogwood. I love the way it stands out against the spring green.
My grandmother used to say that no one could go barefoot in the spring time until the dogwood turns white.
Makes sense. Watch your dogwood trees everyone, as they gradually turn from pale green to bright white blossoms.
Hey, maybe that’s the source of the fashion rules about wearing white! 🙂
:: sigh ::
Green. Great Gaia, I’m hungry for green!
Truly lovely photo, Andi. Thank you! A beautiful reminder (to me, in any case) of the inevitability of change. Very, very pretty.
One of my favorite times of year is when the dogwoods start to flower but the rest of trees are just starting to leaf out. The white blossoms in the woods looks like snow that has been suspended in time. Unfortunately, that time is about 3 months away.
True, that’s an absolutely wonderful time of year. Here, the first wildflowers emerge from the forest floor — small ‘trout lilies’. Seeing them is like finding golden treasures in the wet brown leaves.
Yep, three months away now .. soon to be two, then one. Time seems to pass more quickly each year. (I’ve heard a physiological explanation for this, but experienced awareness plays a part too, I think.)
for you, Maryb? 😉
I never mean to give anything but 4’s glad you notice. I think I just couldn’t take my eyes off the picture when I was clicking.
The crew of the 105′ schooner Adventuress hoisting foresail early in the morning, preparing for a classic boats race off Port Townsend, WA.
In case you’re thinking on a Monday morning that your job sucks, Adventuress is an educational vessel working Puget Sound, with opportunities for paid trips and stints as volunteer interns.
Something to keep in mind, along with taking back our country, as you buy those lottery tickets.
Beautiful imagery, Gooserock — again, both visually & in words.
Gooserock, lovely photo — the spouse and I were just discussing volunteering ideas for after he retires in 8 years…wonder if that could coax him into a relocation (probably not). He’s got big plans for what he wants to do post-retirement…we’ll see if they come to fruition.
My “Just for Today” is to limit my computer time, so I can get some work done — as expected, spouse did little to nothing yesterday (we did run some errands at least, and got a small amount of laundry done). Rain on the way here, so going to stay in, though if it lets up enough I might get a load of sweatshirts/sweatpants going.
Can’t really start working till the spouse leaves in half an hour, so I’ve got time for a bit more reading…
but need to test something — I went to post a comment in CG’s News Bucket, but when I hit “post” it wouldn’t post till I logged in again, then I lost my comment! 🙁 (Wasn’t much of a comment — just a snide aside on pharmacists who want to play doctor and deny treatments they don’t like…)
Okay, let’s see if this works…
…now I can work easy… 🙂
Just got a heads up about last Friday long write up
There was alot of POST-coverage apparently.
“We had done it again The anti-war message was there in
the mainstream media for all to see, Hillary Clinton on the defensive for her indefensible, immoral stance. The reports started coming in-top story on KGW- TV(NBC Portland affiliate), KATU-TV (ABC affiliate), KPTV (Fox affiliate), radio coverage in Eugene and Bend. The next day saw an Associated Press article in the Eugene Register Guard, with the headline, “Senator Clinton
Jeered By Anti-War Protesters.”
The headline of Portland’s Sunday Oregonian article of January 28 described Clinton “drawing boos,” and the article stated “As many as a dozen demonstrators managed to get into the ballroom and repeatedly interrupt her speech,with shouts of, ‘Hillary Supports the War!’ and ‘Stop the War!’ …security guards repeatedly hustled out protesters who popped up in
various parts of the ballroom.”
We had succeeded. The grassroots cannot possibly afford to buy space in the mainstream media, but for $300 in tickets, a little time and some guts on our part, we had hijacked the media coverage of the event, drowning out Hillary’s message. If we paid for that kind of airtime in the mainstream media, it would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it was an incredible bargain for the movement. “
Yippy! Sorry still on a high 🙂
Thanks for the heads-up, Janet. Beautiful work, y’all.
No wonder BushCo’s bold new initiative in the ‘war’n terra’ will designate ‘disruptive behavior’ at political events a criminal act ..
Apparently, too, ‘disruptive behavior’ includes wearing the wrong clothing.
Query: what does a good First Lady do for Easter when the color pink becomes illegal?
And what about DC’s cherry blossoms?
I’m missing IndyLib like crazy!! Anyone seen her?
Do we have to put her on a milk carton???
Honestly, I know she’s been under the weather and doggone it – I’m worried. Cause… she got under my skin.. like the rest of you peeps.
I’m here, baby. I’m just mostly in Mellow Lurker Mode because I’m experiencing a couple of different health related thingies at the same time, and that makes talking and reading and writing all very difficult for me. It is not fun but it always passes and comes again and then passes… 🙁
So glad it’s not an Aruba-type disappearing trick : )I was (this close) to putting your face on a crap-load of 2% cartons.
Sorry you’re having such a tough time. I wanted so badly to call you Friday and say “listen to these fucking drums” 🙂 but figured you were resting and you need that alot more than some loud mouth like me.
Take it easy!!!!
I have been resting but you are never a bother — as you are probably learning, I just don’t answer the phone when I feel like shit. 🙂 I am so proud of you, though! You Code Pink types are the coolest.
Phone Peeve
Hey I’m glad you let the message center take your calls. 🙂 That way I can feel okay about calling just to leave you a message, rather than worry I’m waking you up or annoying you.
Unlike my mom… who will answer the phone and then tell you she was on her way to the head. Um Mom… then why’d you answer the phone? Cause it was ringing… aCKKKKK
Sorry, I’ve been trying to teach my mom how to reset her damn laptop’s clock. I’m learning a new lesson in patience. I could NEVER be a tech support type.
Be well. That’s an order. Please.
I love that you add Please to an order, lol.
You can address all memos of that nature to my immune system, because that’s what’s calling the shots right now. It’s overactive on my thyroid & adrenals, so it’s kicking my ass, and it’s totally slacking off on fighting off the sinus infection that is banging on the door and wishing to join in on the ass-kicking. I am strapped in to a front row seat for this event and would really just like my money back. :p
Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting installment of: The Days of Indy’s Boring Life. 🙂
Hope the next episode finds you feeling better, Indy.
Me, too! I kept looking for her yesterday.
DJ, I was somewhat relieved to read in that CP report that it was actually only one deranged man (carrying a child!!) who physically attacked the Portland women, and that some in the crowd gathered round to protect them from him. Did that make you feel a little relieved, too? I was also really interested to learn the reason behind the CP tactics. The idea of hijacking the publicity is smart. It was sure effective this time.
holding a child… ack
There were others who went after CodePink, too though. The first group to leave and come out weren’t even CP and they were scared by what they saw.
You EXPECT to be booed, shoved out and such… but this was stunning because it was a Democratic draw.
There were just as many that got up and left after witnessing the crowds overall reaction to the protestors. So, to me, that was more of a win. That people left.
There was a guy outside who was totally pissed off about the drums. He was screaming at them and totally losing it. Someone hollered, “it’s a sound of freedom” LOL
Thanks for the fuller picture! And yeah, good for those people who got up and left.
Sounds like the guy with the drum allergy would’ve done well to follow their lead.
Want quietude? Go to the library.
the Sunday edition — may have been too late to make deadline for Saturday’s edition, plus more people read Sunday papers than weekday (I remember for years, we only got the Sunday paper at home so my mom could have all the ads).
Congrats! 🙂
Good point 🙂
Usually stuff that happens on Friday gets “lost” in the mainstream shuffle. So was awesome to see it get some draw.
People always say “why arent these things held when I can attend… Fridays sound good – but typically they don’t get any play as well as any support. Fridays… so many want to just play. Me, I love Fridays and the weekends – it’s when I can attend.
Standing water everywhere, with small rivulets beginning to wend through my shop alas. Fortunately not near the power machinery, and I have ground-fault electric supply plus rubber mats to stand on.
You know you’re in Noah territory when you see standing puddles on sand.
Time to head out for the non-virtual coffee shop, I’ll report back later on the fashion attire of the those in the “tank tops and belly shirts” age bracket.
New one open!