Froggy Bottom Cafe – Second Cup Edition
Fully caffeinated host on duty!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Anyone need a refill?
Yes, please because I never overlook an opportunity for doing stupid stuff and can use all the help I can get.
Can you get over here and hide this container of homemade chocolate chip cookies from me? I’ve been eating them fast, and with lots of energy.
It’s done; you can no longer see the cookies and if you eat one that you’ve got now Sister Mary Margaret Clare will whap your hand with a ruler.
I keep some sugar free riccola lozenges around for when I get the eaties. I like the flavor of the herb ones and they’re really slow to dissolve.
You might as well tell me to eat one of Gooserock’s mackerel lozenges. Blechhhh!
But I’ll see if the mind-control stuff works. I can no looooonger see the coooookies.
They make a nice lemon one, too π Or just get something like a butterscotch. It will have some calories but it still will keep your mouth busy so that you aren’t eating the much worse stuff. I lost 25 pounds that way.
Thank God Indy is feeling too punkass to respond to that comment.
I was trying to avoid using the word suck.
Cremesavers or Werther’s Originals. It actually does work for me most of the time, unless there are homemade cookies in the house. I tried to get Mr. Nature to take them to work but he forgot.
Hehehehehehehehe. . .I don’t think one should ever try to avoid using the word suck. . . . JMO
or lick
Wow. I thought old people were supposed to lose that raunchiness and regain their innocence. π
I did regain it but I put it down for just a second and then I couldn’t remember where the hell I’d left it.
Nah. . .
You got it all wrong. It is if you’re an old lady and you haven’t had sex for 6 years, your virginity grows back!
I’m a virgin!!!
Me and Madona. . .LOL
Congratulations, Shirl! Totally off topic, but my mom’s OB/GYN’s name was Dr. Hymen.
I keep a bag of fresh (and peeled) baby carrots with me and munch on those. After just two days, I found them sweet and very good at keeping my mouth busy. . .seems like it is working well for me. I happen to really like celery too, so I mix some small chunks in with the carrots . Seems the crunching and munching keeps me from the other snacky foods.
How is everyone this Mid day?
My sister eats carrots compulsively. Her skin is turning orange.
Too damn funny Second!!! π
I could use a little color in my skin tone anyway. I was hoping for something a little more exotic than orange, though. A nice dark brown would suit me fine. And no, unfortunately chocolate does not turn your skin brown, believe me, if it did I would be the color of a deep, dark semi-sweet chocolate bar. . .the huge one.
With nuts of course π
The nuttier the better. . .
and their beards did take on a bit of orange cast when we let them have them.
We stopped when #2 developed pancreatitis and needed to go on a strict diet. I still feel the carrots would be OK but Puget4 wants to take no chances.
BTW the totos had a surprisingly discriminating palate. Because their various foods were stored in different places, they would ask specifically for treats of either regular dog food, doggie-tooth-cleaning biscuits or people veggies, depending on their mood.
Toto #2, the Rulemaker, passed a law many years ago that all treats must be followed by a chaser of a few kibbles of his regular doggie food.
The late, great Toto #1 ate steel slinkies.
They taste good, but they’re hard to pass.
My suggestion for Puget4 is that when she wants anything in the treat category (keeping in mind we’ve already absolutely ruled out most of that) is that she can have a bit of treat if she also has a carrot.
Treats for her would be dried fruit or fruit juice, or a few rice crackers etc. without a meal to moderate their effects, or really any snack between meals even if it’s ‘healthy’ like smoked or pickled fish. She’s got to include a carrot or some other veggie along with the snack.
It’s helped keep her weight drifting slowly downward now that the big initial drop is over.
I hope Puget4 is feeling better today.
really wasn’t so bad off yesterday either. What she’s talking about in the ‘sneaky snake’ of depression is subtle enough that even if you know her it’s hard to recognize.
And thanks so much for the kind wishes.
While she wrote yesterday, we were on a project of replacing her computer desk with a pair of short file cabinets and a 5 x 2 1/2′ white-surfaced plywood top that had to be bought or collected from local business surplus. By winding-down time in the hour before bed, we’d got it installed, and she’d set up near to a dozen in boxes and tracking boxes for household and business paperwork. And she’d gotten a doggie sweater for our aging, cold-sensitive Toto #2 about 3/4 finished.
The success experience had her bright-eyed and feeling pretty comfortable. She was very positive this morning.
Getting something accomplished is great medicine for the soul.
I like the idea of using file cabinets and a large flat top for a desk. Lots of space to spread out and get organized.
What are you going to do today?
and see if I can get back into E4T with the new password…technology sucks sometimes… π
In the meantime, I had Toasted Oats cereal (store brand Cheerios) with 1% milk and a banana for breakfast, lunch will be whatever Lean Pocket in the freezer appeals to my appetite, and dinner is soup/salad at Sweet Tomatoes (which is why I’m eating light the rest of the day).
For exercise, I’m cleaning and doing laundry — about time to put the sheets in the dryer so I’d best go get a load of laundry ready to take down with me…once the sheets are dry I’ll change the bed and get it made, which is major exercise in itself; making a queen-sized bed is no picnic!
Okay, back to work…
Wow! That’s exactly what Andi was serving here this morning! Speaking of Andi, let her know if you have password trouble. She might be able to help (I don’t know her schedule today). If she can’t I’ll be home at 5:30 or so & can do it then.
True confessions — my obsessive anal-retentive behavior carries over into my breakfast choices. Not only do I have to have a banana, my cereal is actually a mix of three different types (bran flakes, smart start, and low fat granola).
Crispix does it for me…corn on one side rice on the other. Granola is too heavy for me in the morning. I like half a dozen tollhouse cookies instead. Kidding. It’s an anomalous day for me so far…
usually mix several cereals together: high fiber, some sort of flakes, and Grape-Nuts; they also add dried fruit, like dried cranberries or raspberries, or fresh berries like raspberries or blueberries when they’re in season.
Here, I only mix cereals if I find out the spouse has left boxes in the pantry with dribs and drabs again. π (He does that with chips too, which is really annoying.) I try to tell him to just finish up the cereal if it’s that small an amount…that’s why we’ve got 10 boxes of cereal usually on the top shelf of the pantry. grrrrr….
Well, got some extra exercise today — ended up spilling half a container of detergent on the floor of the laundry room, so I was a good spud and got the hand vac to vacuum the stuff up. (Have a corded Dirt Devil — adding cordless hand vac to my ad-watch list.) I did get a second load of laundry going at least — long- and short-sleeved sweaters. π So I feel like I at least accomplished something today…even more in about half an hour when the sheets are dry and I can make the bed.
I’ll be around all day if you have any password problems. Just let me know.
I scored a triumphal victory over Puget4’s computer last night. 6 months after getting her a new box and upgrading by simply installing the old hard drive into it and then upgrading from 98 to XP home, I was able to get it to recognize the modem so we can use it for faxing.
Now if I can just get the inflection right for ‘Thank you, come again’ maybe I can get back into that lucrative computer tech support field!
I was tempted to respond to the first 19 words of the second sentence… but I resisted… sort of… unless you count the preceeding.
Wouldn’t you like to know! (And you can find out at your blog.)
I like the placement of your asterisk.
I’ve seen t-shirts with that on em. π
The shirt I want is the one held up in Argentina during the protests by their soccer champ. It had the SS swastika stand in for the “s” in Bush. Stop BuXh it read.
And for my sister a double tall Soy Cappachino with a Quarter Pump of Chocolate
These Californians are a fussy lot.
Hold on a minute, I’m going to have to consult my barista manual…
If you think Californians are fussy about their coffee.. Come visit us in Portland or Seattle π
Taking a lunch break to check in and say “hi”. I can’t quite tell from the open thread what’s going on in DC but before I ask them for more detail I thought I’d get some sustenance.
SN — imagine that all the chocolate chips in those cookies are little mouse turds.
Mmmmmm…chocolate mouseturds. Nope, doesn’t work.
Didn’t work here either. I thought of the names me and my kids give to food π
Frog Sauce: what we call the mixture of mayo and ketchup and cayenne pepper/mongolian fire oil – that we use to dip french fries in.
No kidding. You live with kids long enough and you can eat through anything.
When the dog hurls right under the dining room table… that pretty much slows chow time down a bit.
Cuz’ we all have to fight and argue about who is gonna clean it up.
Had you guys heard this before? A friend just sent it to me:
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. was asked on public TV about the president.
His response: “Well, I really think that he shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all.”
just got an email from CodePink about… “FBI agent posing as leftist activist, and wearing pink!”
Dear Pink Sisters,
The information below — with links to photos and more information — is regarding an FBI informant, Anna. In the photo she is wearing pink!
Very interesting information on her movements at the DNC in Boston, Philly actions and many others around the country…
Subject: Info on the Confidential Source (“Anna”) in the Auburn Arrests
Pleeeeze……….remind me what country I’m living in again???? WTF are these idiots doing and how the heck do we get the rest of the TV hypnotized US people to Wake the F*ck up?
No doubt I am on their listening list as I have had actual email and IM contact with an Iraqie student. . .a doctoral candidate and Recently named Fullbright scholar.
What a waste of taxpayer money…and the poor guys that have to “listen” to my phone calls. I won’t be surprised when the guys in the white coats come knocking on my door. All that far out woowoo spiritual stuff, hope some of it rubs off on them. (too much to hope for, no doubt)
These people are really starting to irritate me!
Better have some more coffee. . .I don’t think they want to really make me angry
the sixties have come back.
re-incarnate and/or clone Jim Morrison…I was too damn young to be a groupie, as much as I wanted to be…sigh
Yeah, the sixties! I think it is we are young STILL! instead of again. LOL
I have a stinkin hunch the sixties never left us as far as inaproptiate and illegal survelance. I think the alphabet guys, FBI CIA NSA et al, have never stopped keeping track of us “rebels.” I went through a long stretch of time during the 90’s that my phone clicked all of the time. . .very suspiciously like they do when the line is tapped. I am such a potential dangerous non-compliant citizen. . .I hope they learned something from those important conversations I was having during those years. I guess it might be fun to see my FBI file, maybe I’ll do it some day, except I’ve heard they have made FOIMA requests so expensive most of us can’t afford to get one any more.
There is far too much that we as citizens are not allowed to know about our government.
agreed, accept that I think things are actually a whole lot worse now, what with the health of the planet riding on the outcome.
And then if the sixties had truly come back the reincarnation would have brought back, Abbie Hoffman and the rest of the Chicago Eight, Phil Ochs, …. and the list could go on and on.
I don’t see much in the way of replacements for these icons of the past. However, it could be the Pravda-Media has kept the new ones well hidden.
Being born in 1960 I have followed the people of the 60’s through life. They made a lot of messes albeit in the name of a good cause — but they didn’t seem to have any staying power. Of the ones that aren’t dead, it seems like the vast majority sold out and became stockbrokers, investment bankers and lawyers. (The remainder moved to the west coast and want to secede.)
Let’s not pine for them. Let a new generation rise. The torch has been passed …
yadda yadda
Agreed!! “stockbrokers, investment bankers and lawyers…” in the 80s give-me-mine-era, or maybe they just slept through that past 20 years.
I’ve been wondering why I don’t hear more from that segment. Maybe they all did so well they can afford to be Republicans, as one old radical I know did.
But you’re right on your assessment, so it’s best for me to remember not get lost in yesteryear.
“The torch has been passed …” That’s good to know… I could use a little R&R!
I just learned of Phil Ochs last year. I have all his stuff now via a friend.
I also have the DVD of a Tribute to Woody Guthrie and LeadBelly.
Those guys were the first real liberals… if you can get a chance listen to the library of Congress Guthrie cds. Amazing! Timely.
I was born in 1968… I just have good taste π
Phil Ochs album cover from our LP collection.
nice! Never had that one, mostly copied others’ lps to reel to reel, and them thar machines die years ago, so time to update with some Phil Ochs CDs.
I should tell you I heard him in person once at UND, Grand Forks, ’72, I think, the night before a big demonstration at what was to be the AMB site in Nekoma, ND. (for those born in more recent years…AMB = antiballistic missles)
Generations are in real power in their 50’s and 60’s.
The Greatest Generation fought WW2 and the boomers fought Vietnam but they didn’t lead those wars.
The war the Greatest Generation ran was Vietnam.
Youth protest especially on 60’s scale is pretty rare in this country, and boomers did it mainly because the war was wrong and they were being drafted. To the extent that civil rights, environment and war resistance were boomer causes at the time, they did indeed have a protest presence but they weren’t in charge to make decisions about anything. Kids sat in at segregated lunch counters, but Greatest Generation politicians passed the Voting Rights Act.
The Greatest Generation went on to launch the Reagan Revolution through the 80’s.
In that era Boomers were in early adulthood just starting careers and climbing the economic & political ladder. Boomers first got serious economic and political power beginning mostly in the 90’s.
Boomers are really only getting serious about screwing up the country right now.
“Boomers are really only getting serious about screwing up the country right now.”
Food for thought.
I didn’t actually mean political messes — I actually meant real messes. All those large gatherings — smelly, noisy and trash everywhere.
The cleanup after Earth Day assemblies was a standing joke.
Narcs and other government infiltrators are one of the few parts of the late 60’s & 70’s I actually do remember.
My rule of thumb is that if they’re infiltrating country club parties–and they were–they’re pretty much everywhere.
And they are.
What another stupid waste of money…according to article this person was an informant who was paid about 75,000 dollars for her efforts and given a house to live in among other things. Multiply that by god knows how many other ‘informants’ are probably being used around the country and we’ve got more taxpayer money wasted that just could have been spent on something constructive.
Reserved for the Senate “Gang of 14”
Make that a double.
Hey Manee..could we slip bush a cup of this special coffee before his speech tomorrow night?
a better idea:
Hi ink! Orrin Hatch is on my Media Player, someone hook him up stat!
Something else to rant about. . .
Sunday morning, 8 AM, my phone woke me up. . .a bit early for a person who is usually still up at 3 or 4 in the morning. . .It was our friendly DNC calling to ask me for a $110 donnation! Holy idiot democrats!! You got to be kidding me.
Usually I can be a reasonable and polite person, but I totally lost it on the young man that was calling. I said, “not in your wildest dreams! and certainly not ever a penny more until the spineless, whinning dems stand up against Mr Alito” His response. . .what do you mean? Who is Mr Alito?
No shit, that is what he said, and he had no idea who Alito was and why I would be upset? I suggested to him, and not too nicely, that he might consider being informed about politics if he was going to call people and ask them to donate money to political organizations. He laughed and said, I guess so.
I am pretty sure I must not be living on this planet anymore. I can’t possibly fathom how you could sit a green volunteer in front of a phone who has no idea about one of the most important political topics of our day.
Back to hitchiking the universe. . . .
I had someone from some agency call me about the “smut” they are allowing on tv… my husband took the call and told them they’d better talk to ME. I went off on them.
Also… I tend to try and see if a person is “educationable” or just downright needs to be bitch slapped verbally.
The one that always gets me seeing “red” is “What war?”
Good job Shirls! $110 – unreal. Shows how the Dems are out of touch with reality.
Not one damn dime till they do some WORK
and yes I’ve sent that to ALL the dems. They’ll get theirs after they stop the war and stop Bush and stop the lunacy.
They’ll get “paid” after my children are tended to first.
and didn’t use profanity once — I’m very proud of myself! (Should’ve been suspicious when the guy asked if I was the “lady of the house” — I’ve been accused of being many things, but not a lady too often…)
I simply said that if people felt that there were shows inappropriate for their family, they should turn them off; if enough people did that, eventually the “free market” would prevail.
Isn’t it amazing that the Right believes in the “free market”…except when it comes to what we watch on TV?
firms, give them the script, and don’t expect them to think…because if they did think, they’d never take the job in the first place.
Oh, and my standard reply to those calls is, “I don’t make donations over the telephone — send me some information so I can make an informed choice.” 9 times out of 10, I never hear from the fundraisers again…
how stupidly bizarre..and the DNC probably wonders why the bloggers are so disgusted with them..I don’t even know what to say..maybe that sums up the whole DNC right there-they expect money just because they are democrats but don’t want to do anything or know anything..jeezzzzzz.
from their point of view.
I let them make all kinds of progress amazing me with the Things I Must Know, and I get us to the point of discussing donations and procedures before I blow tell ’em to screw off.
Every minute they spend with me is a minute they’re not spending frightening some possibly-gullible voter they might actually swing.
for a traffic office.
I can agree with anybody for a while!!
I had to go out.
G-d told me to go to the store and buy a green chili burrito.
God told me to stop eating the damn cookies and move onto something salty.
Like sweat?? π
Good, could you explain this god stuff to me because I find it very confusing — how come god tells some people to do sensible stuff like buying chili burritos and tells other people to do crappy things like go to other countries and kill people?
See how fucked up it sounds? Regardless of what he supposedly told someone to do…
Torture Iraqi women.
Beat up gay lovers.
Buy a burrito.
It’s all fucking insane.
Reason I don’t buy into that “The devil made me do it’ shit either. It’s all the same blame game as the “G-d done did tole me…”
My belly now is telling me to get some iced espresso from my kitchen.
The last time God talked to me, SHE said she couldn’t and wouldn’t tell me what to do about anything since I was supposed to use the god-given intellegence I was born with, study, learn and temper everything with love, compassion and tolerance. Then take responsibility for my own actions. She said she gave us absolute free will to be as stupid and hateful or as thoughtful and loving as we chose because that’s what we are here for, to figure out how to love each other and make a better way for all of us to live together in peace.
I asked about all those “Thou Shalt nots” and she said, “Geeze, you guys made those up. Take responsibility for your own shit. Don’t be putting words into my mouth. And by the way. . .you sure do complain a lot.”
She did suggest to me that if it is Negative, Mean-spirited, or Fearful. . .it didn’t come from her, a good guidline to keep in mind.
Keep trying, she said, you’ll never get there if you give up now.
She also said to stop worrying about this “being worthy” thing. . .no one can earn something that is freely given to everyone without condition or judgment.
Hmmmmmmmm. . .guess it does matter which God you talk to, eh?
talk to the right God:
When the President talks to God,
Does he ever think that maybe He’s not?
That that voice is just inside his head?
When he kneels next to the Presidential bed,
Does he ever smell his own bullshit?
When the President talks to God?
I doubt it.
From When the President Talks to God by Bright Eyes — used to be a free download on iTunes, now it’s 99 cents but definitely worth it… π
Quite a day. My sister’s in from California. Haven’t seen her in seven years, since my mother died. She told me my favorite uncle died, and that the little ones are grown up and married…. A lot of crying today. And too much coffee. Tried hard to rewrite a piece that I think is so important….. and in the doing lost sight of what’s important.
Loved ones and a plan. That’s all it takes. My sister loves me a lot, and I have a plan to move to California. But I’m spent. And coffee wrecks my stomach. Blecch.
Sorry about the tears. Family is important, whether it be your sister you love or the friends you’ve found along the way π
Welcome to California! Want to buy a house?? π
I was going to say “ME TOO”. . .gone to pot. . .then I realized you were talking about a coffee pot.
Doubt that I could. . .I’m already weird enough. Gave it up in my early 40’s after an over indulgence in enhanced double fudge chocolate brownies with nuts. . .That was a day trip that lasted 36 hours. . .and it was just too much responsibility to keep lying across the face of the earth keeping it all together. . . Occaisional indulgers should never over do it, eh?
LOL. . .really!
and given the rage I feel at the moment, this comment will not stand:
Trolls have little dicks.
a theory of mine own: they also get banned π
“Mike Savage” is a shock jock radio shithole. He doesn’t believe “rape” is a crime.
ppssst nice pad you have there. I like the muted purple tones π
DuctapeFatwa enlightened me that Toupe is “the preferred color interview pump for beauty pageant contestants?”
Who knew!
I’ve actually caught Savage on the radio before, I changed it before I succumbed to the irresistible urge to drive into head-on traffic.
it is muted purple. Is it my cheap monitor or color blindness? Or both?
Either way, I advise you to believe Janet. Ladies have much better color distinguishing powers than we do.
Just got an email from CodePink π
was alerted by a friend that our protest was mentioned on Meet The Press Sunday. WE MADE NATIONAL NEWS!!!!!!!!! This is from the transcript. The panel was talking about the ’08 presidential race.——— Linda
MR. RUSSERT: Hillary Clinton was in Oregon the last few days and there was anti-war demonstrators at one of her events. They do not believe that she has been sufficiently clear on the war in Iraq. David, do you expect that there be an anti-war candidate in the Democratic primary?
MR. BRODER: If the war is still where it is now, there will be, no question about it. Because there is a constituency in the Democratic primaries for an anti-war candidate.
Now I’m thinking that maybe 60’s will come back in the best way possible.
Cool nice piece of news on this otherwise shitty vote day.
of the pot is pretty bitter…oh, wait, that’s the cloture vote results… π
Wonder if I can talk spouse into changing out of his uniform and going to Spoons instead of Sweet Tomatoes…I have an urge to get very, very drunk…
Where’s the crying into our beer happy hour?
Just beer. The little woodchucks are safe tonight.
Come over to the lounge. Please unrecommend on your way out.