I am feeling our country is in serious deep shit. At least my passport is up to date might even be usable if the NSACIAFBI haven’t put a hold on it. . .
And could you get some of those irish musicians in here — not the happy singalong kind. The “cry into your beer” and wail about how “my daddy was killed by an orangeman” kind.
THAT’s the kind of mood I’m in right now. Time for the keening.
Quite a lot of the Irish and Scots music I know relates to coping with living in scarcity under king and nobility.
I’m entirely serious when I say that Americans ought to consult folk music from such circumstances–and Democrats ought to look more to 3rd world democracy movements than to earlier American and developed-nation examples for ideas about how to proceed more effectively from here.
Well back to the gluepot till the 4:45 PM pick-up-Puget4 whistle blows.
It’s a whole ‘nuther universe of an instrument, played indoors sitting down, nowdays in jeans and formerly in suits. 7 fingers 2 thumbs 2 elbows two hands one wrist one leg, keep moving.
Think Paddy Maloney of “The Chieftains” band, and the soundtracks of Braveheart and Titanic.
I’m confused…are you the one in the casket? And, if so, how could you possibly enjoy the Scottish pipers and their kilts to the fullest? And besides, you had the delivery man fantasy…give someone else a turn.
I keep threatening Mr. Nature with applying for the show, but I think we’re just too normal for them. I can’t figure out what complete opposite family they would pair us up with. Maybe some ultra-religious clean freaks who keep to a strict schedule.
(he was born on a plane between the two locations, so somehow got dual citizenship…made it real fun when he went to enlist in the Navy) told me that the Irish invented both the kilt and the bagpipes…as a joke. The problem was the Scots got hold of both and took them too damn seriously… 🙂
(He told the story far better than I, the sign of a true Irishman…)
I went to Ireland last spring and I loved it. But … I discovered that you couldn’t believe a WORD that any of the Irish said. After a while I found it exhausting, trying to figure out if they were pulling my leg or telling me the truth. I’m too literal sometimes.
Pale skin or did he get the wonderful Italian tanning gene?
The best thing ever invented for those of us who don’t tan is the spray tan booth. I got hooked last summer. I can’t go out into the sun for 5 minutes without burning. It was so exciting to finally have a tan.
I’ll take credit for his German tanning gene. I don’t want to give too much credit to the ex, since he’s since proved himself to be a creep.
As a teenager I used to slather myself with baby oil and lay out in the sun until I was dark brown. Now of course I’m paranoid about skin cancer so I’ve become one of those wimpy old ladies who wears long pants and a hat in the sun.
Spray tan sounds wonderful. Does it look natural? Do you have to be naked and have someone spray you? Hmmm.
I have often spent time wondering about that same thing. I think it has something to do with everything looking smaller when it’s dark; something that women are continually striving for.
The booth is great. You are naked by yourself in this little booth and these jets shoot out the tanning stuff and spray you up and down. When they stop for a few seconds, you turn around so it will do the back. Takes more time to undress than to get sprayed.
It sounds like a very picturesque custom, but what is wrong with just leaving the skin white? White skin is pretty, much prettier than the orange color.
Look at the back of your hand. If you have hair between the end of your finger and the main knuckle, you have Irish blood.
Note: this test will work best on people who are mostly Caucasian or African, because Asians and Native/Latin Americans have the body hair reduction gene, so your Irish blood may be invisible until someone invents a better test.
Apart from the fact that the Celtic peoples deeply love to talk, add on top the fact that they were all at times under harsh domination by the English. So if it were possible, they all adapted ways of being rather roundabout in what they were saying, depending on who is listening.
There’s also the fact that many of them practice conversation as open-ended IQ test. This is particularly true of the Scots.
The Blarney Problem is that, much of what you’re hearing is ludicrously impossible, the rest is accurate to 5 decimal places. Irish Blarney strikes me as around 80-20 in favor of fantasy, while Scots blarney runs the other way. And it never fails to materialize that the accurate parts are going to end up important to you sooner or later.
However you slice it, they both have quite a talent for telling a story, as they do in my family– exactly as it should have happened.
This is an extremely common response to class and domination. During my college years when I worked slum reclamation carpentry, we had a couple of very working-class black laborers who used to poke fun at the rest of us right in front them during breaks. The 3 of us once ended up with some very delicate dancing to do when I deciphered them teasing each other about his private parts and I spit milk out my nose.
I see you’re getting serious about you’re drinking..when I wanted to, I’d add a shot of vodka to my Kahlua and coffee then do a shot of Goldschlager on the side…whooohooo. And I’m certainly feeling like I want to drink myself senseless tonight.
Puget4’s toto sweater. Even though it’s not finished, it’s covering him well enough to control his shivering in the cool breezes at walk time here. We just got back from the afternoon break, and he was able to warm up quickly after several tentative shivering spells, stayed perky & happy, and recovered almost immediately when we got back in the car.
Might be the only one tonight, unless you fess up to the “secret-coded” message between the Fs of the other night, twistedlegbrokenmulesupacanyonwithoutapaddle, or whatever that was.
My husband workd graves so he came home and slept while I tried to keep a 3 1/2 year old boy who newly diagnosed as autistic.. quiet HA!
Wesley was quick.
Wesley was a handful.
Each and every damn time there was a crisis or mess, it was due to ME HAVING TO TAKE LESS THAN TWO MINUTES TO GO TAKE A PISS… AND THAT WAS WITH THE DOOR OPEN.
Where was I?
On the toilet..
I had left Wesley in the living room watching his Blue Clues. He loved that FUCKING show. But he wasn’t there!
Danni was 1 1/2 and mostly pointed and babbled. “Where’s Wesley?”
Her reply, “uh oh”
The front door was open. HOLY SHIT! We hadn’t been able to get a gate and Wesley was a runner.
So I go out and I noticed the weirdest of weirdest things. Blue footprints on the deck that led out of the garage. The garage that Mr. Damnit was supposed to have locked and his tools locked… I’ll get to that later.
So.. .where was I? On the deck freaking out. Did I mention that Wesley NeVER came when you called??? In fact he’d hide.
Okay… so I start to follow the footprints… calling out for Wesley instinctively although I knew it was pointless. Danni is teetering and tottering behind me going, “Uh oh!”
That’s when I see a huge pile of CARPENTAR’S CHALK REFILLER. I don’t know why my husband needed the gargantuan Costco-sized bucket of carpentar’s chalk but there it was… all over the garage floor.
The footprints ran around to the back of the house and there I see him. Is that him??
My son… covered from head to toe in blue chalk! Only the whites of his eyes weren’t blue. Even his tongue was blue.
I fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhreaked out. Which made him freak out so he starts crying and blue streaks start to run. Blue snot comes out…
“uh oh!”
I grab him up and go and bang on Mr. Damnit’s door. YOUFUCINGLEFTYOURCHALKOUTCOMEGETYOURSON!!!
Then in OCTOBER, we’re standing outside wondering if this shit will stain him? Will it stain the tub? Should we uh… try to hose him off outside?
It took almost an entire week to get all that stuff off my son! In a smattering of two minutes he managed to track that all over the garage and while we were debating who was at fault and who would clean it up and how… he ran inside and jumped on the couch with the dog. Uh oh!
Wow, that kind of puts my daughter taking off her diaper and smearing poop all over the wall and each and ever rung of her crib to shame. At least it didn’t stain. But we had to ductape her diaper shut at night after that.
Really depressed at the vote total. Really proud of the fighters here at BooMan and Kos and MLW! (did I tell you I was really proud of you folks here?! I AM) Really hurt that 19 or so Dems could turn their back on what I believe was a clear mandate from the people to block cloture. Really confused about how to continue my involvement in politics. Really relieved that my two Dem senators did the right thing. (Stabenow and Levin) Really going to put a dent in that bottle in the cupboard tonight. Really going to say a prayer for the future of this country. Really going to listen and read and watch reaction to this GOP victory, and try to figure out how to beat them in November. (MORE CRUCIAL NOW THAN EVER) Really going to wonder about a coalition with other parties, could that work? Really going to limit my political contributions to specific candidates who I have faith in. Really, really going to stay involved with you folks at the pond.
It IS demoralizing to see so many turn away from us. And it is hard to know which direction to go in now. After such an investment of time and, most of all, emotion, I feel drained. I think your plan sounds good — for tomorrow. Tonight I think we all just need to FEEL. We can THINK tomorrow.
Hey, all — greetings on a chilly Catskills night, after another incredibly warm day.
Personally, I feel I’d like to get a little more of ‘my own’ back — after spending most waking hours in recent times contemplating & working against a Justice Alito (even dreaming of the little SOB — which apparently wasn’t at all significant). Time to regain just a bit of balance, re-acquaint myself with what nourishes & sustains, regain a foothold. I’ve barely been able to react to the beauty that’s still mine to love & appreciate.
Much to do, now & future — back to alignment. Balance, as always, is absolutely key.
Not that I won’t be minding the conclusion of the proceedings with interest. The imminent SOTU, however, is something I won’t honor with my attention — it’s sure to be thoroughly nauseating & crack-brained.
Agreed on SOTU. I always figure, why torture myself (or in the Clinton years, why bore myself). I read it in the paper the next day. Takes much less time, because you don’t have to pause for applause.
And I agree that personally regrouping — finding a sense of balance is necessary. By this afternoon I just wanted it to be over one way or the other so I could get my life back.
Personally, I know I’m in serious trouble in terms of balance when I’m numb to my natural surroundings, when what I see doesn’t ‘reach me’ — because I draw so much of my essential strength & purpose there. Once we lose these crucial connections under the shadow of other concerns, it seems a great part of the battle is already lost; we just can’t sustain ourselves properly.
I think we’re gonna need as much personal sustenance as we can gather, going forward. Got to take care of ourselves.
About that SOTU: it’s a shame not only to have to avoid the actual address, but the replays — lots of jumpin’ at the radio dial when all I want is the weather.
have a good excuse to miss it — going to the in-laws’ tomorrow to do final pre-surgery discussions/planning (dad-in-law goes into hospital for back surgery on Wednesday morning — prayers, good thoughts, etc. greatly appreciated).
I’ll catch Keith Olbermann’s take on the speech on Wednesday…
In the meantime I’m highly pissed — someone took off with our laundry basket from the laundry room today! Meaning we’ll have to go by Tar-zhay after dinner…grrrrr….
It’s one reason I’m thinking seriously of detaching myself from the D party. I’m getting way too bogged down in the negativity of it all. There are other avenues available to defend democracy.
I do believe there is hope for success in regaining democracy here in our republic. But only if we inform ourselves on the methods that have been used in the past, and adapt these methods to our time.
If we refuse to educate ourselves as to the tools available how are we to proceed to rectify this fascist drift? Those interested in this line of thought, may start here
Photos were transferred at the local print shop to digital images from three glass plates which in the old days, `40s, were inserted in the old carbon-arc movie projection machines… no doubt one of the origins of TV ads.
These particular digital images have been cropped from the originals to eliminate the local business name and address, (ie; hopefully to make it a tad more difficult for NSA to find me, do I get a gold star for wishful thinking?) [I have no clue as to the location of the original photos.]
Is there anyone out there familiar with these plates? I ran out of steam searching for info. Also auto buff may supply year of same?
Workday is over for you east coasters.
Dark German beer and keep ’em coming. . .
I am feeling our country is in serious deep shit. At least my passport is up to date might even be usable if the NSACIAFBI haven’t put a hold on it. . .
Belize is looking pretty good right now.
And I will have a nice pint of Irish beer.
And could you get some of those irish musicians in here — not the happy singalong kind. The “cry into your beer” and wail about how “my daddy was killed by an orangeman” kind.
THAT’s the kind of mood I’m in right now. Time for the keening.
Molly Maguires, suppose there’s any of their descendents around these days.
The fact that many of them were miners lends a special poignancy these days.
I’ll cry in my beer with ya.
Thanks Andi. And give Sniff a pet for me.
to play “The Black Rose.”
I always cry at Danny Boy — especially the second verse.
Quite a lot of the Irish and Scots music I know relates to coping with living in scarcity under king and nobility.
I’m entirely serious when I say that Americans ought to consult folk music from such circumstances–and Democrats ought to look more to 3rd world democracy movements than to earlier American and developed-nation examples for ideas about how to proceed more effectively from here.
Well back to the gluepot till the 4:45 PM pick-up-Puget4 whistle blows.
The Judy Garland version of Danny Boy makes my heart ache.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard her version.
Pipers would be perfect right about now. And their kilts would cheer me up.
(looking up the window) yes, there’s a nice breeze.
And its warm enough to drink out on the pub patio so that we don’t go deaf from the pipes.
It’s a whole ‘nuther universe of an instrument, played indoors sitting down, nowdays in jeans and formerly in suits. 7 fingers 2 thumbs 2 elbows two hands one wrist one leg, keep moving.
Think Paddy Maloney of “The Chieftains” band, and the soundtracks of Braveheart and Titanic.
This is MY fantasy wake and I want kilts. So get me a Scottish piper.
I’m confused…are you the one in the casket? And, if so, how could you possibly enjoy the Scottish pipers and their kilts to the fullest? And besides, you had the delivery man fantasy…give someone else a turn.
The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell, by Jorge Amado, see Powells, or your local used book store.
Sorry — a client actually wanted some work out of me. The nerve.
Yes ’tis confusin
I’m the one THROWING the wake (drinks all around, on me!) so that’s why its my fantasy.
And the deliveryman fantasy was actually Andi’s
I’m looking for a new sipping drink — I should experiment before settling in on just Drambuie.
What have we got in stock?
At an Irish wake its Jamieson’s or Black Bush (depending on your political leanings apparently)
Well, OK if it caused you to leave my end of the bar, it can be YOUR fantasy and you can pick the kind of piper you want.
Sorry, I fell asleep in my Diet Coke. Actually, I was watching Wife Swap. It’s my guilty pleasure, but I feel so ashamed when I watch it.
I want to know why they don’t call it husband swap.
I keep threatening Mr. Nature with applying for the show, but I think we’re just too normal for them. I can’t figure out what complete opposite family they would pair us up with. Maybe some ultra-religious clean freaks who keep to a strict schedule.
(he was born on a plane between the two locations, so somehow got dual citizenship…made it real fun when he went to enlist in the Navy) told me that the Irish invented both the kilt and the bagpipes…as a joke. The problem was the Scots got hold of both and took them too damn seriously… 🙂
(He told the story far better than I, the sign of a true Irishman…)
You told it fine.
I went to Ireland last spring and I loved it. But … I discovered that you couldn’t believe a WORD that any of the Irish said. After a while I found it exhausting, trying to figure out if they were pulling my leg or telling me the truth. I’m too literal sometimes.
Funny, both of my husbands have been Irish. Something about that pasty, freckled skin…
That’s me, pasty freckeled skin. I like the Black Irish. The really dark hair pale skin and deep blue eyes.
It’s much more attractive on women. My ex was half Irish, half Italian, so my middle son has black hair and (my) deep blue eyes. He’s beautiful.
Pale skin or did he get the wonderful Italian tanning gene?
The best thing ever invented for those of us who don’t tan is the spray tan booth. I got hooked last summer. I can’t go out into the sun for 5 minutes without burning. It was so exciting to finally have a tan.
I’ll take credit for his German tanning gene. I don’t want to give too much credit to the ex, since he’s since proved himself to be a creep.
As a teenager I used to slather myself with baby oil and lay out in the sun until I was dark brown. Now of course I’m paranoid about skin cancer so I’ve become one of those wimpy old ladies who wears long pants and a hat in the sun.
Spray tan sounds wonderful. Does it look natural? Do you have to be naked and have someone spray you? Hmmm.
white people, who have historically, um, reviled, everybody else, spending so much money and time trying to make their skin look darker?
I find it one of earth’s more hilarious phenomena!
I have often spent time wondering about that same thing. I think it has something to do with everything looking smaller when it’s dark; something that women are continually striving for.
The booth is great. You are naked by yourself in this little booth and these jets shoot out the tanning stuff and spray you up and down. When they stop for a few seconds, you turn around so it will do the back. Takes more time to undress than to get sprayed.
It sounds like a very picturesque custom, but what is wrong with just leaving the skin white? White skin is pretty, much prettier than the orange color.
smaller is a whole other show, but you may be right that it is a motivation, but white men also paint their skins and lie in the sun…
And what you are leaving unsaid is that white men don’t want anything to look smaller.
bulls eye!
cafe au lait, creme brulee, caramel, toasted almond, or mocha delight men 😀
stop it, you’re making me hungry.
Look at the back of your hand. If you have hair between the end of your finger and the main knuckle, you have Irish blood.
Note: this test will work best on people who are mostly Caucasian or African, because Asians and Native/Latin Americans have the body hair reduction gene, so your Irish blood may be invisible until someone invents a better test.
What’s the main knuckle? The big one closest to the hand? Not the little one closest to the tip?
Not the one closest to the finger tip that some people can’t bend, I forget which blood that is a test for, but the next one up.
Apart from the fact that the Celtic peoples deeply love to talk, add on top the fact that they were all at times under harsh domination by the English. So if it were possible, they all adapted ways of being rather roundabout in what they were saying, depending on who is listening.
There’s also the fact that many of them practice conversation as open-ended IQ test. This is particularly true of the Scots.
The Blarney Problem is that, much of what you’re hearing is ludicrously impossible, the rest is accurate to 5 decimal places. Irish Blarney strikes me as around 80-20 in favor of fantasy, while Scots blarney runs the other way. And it never fails to materialize that the accurate parts are going to end up important to you sooner or later.
However you slice it, they both have quite a talent for telling a story, as they do in my family– exactly as it should have happened.
This is an extremely common response to class and domination. During my college years when I worked slum reclamation carpentry, we had a couple of very working-class black laborers who used to poke fun at the rest of us right in front them during breaks. The 3 of us once ended up with some very delicate dancing to do when I deciphered them teasing each other about his private parts and I spit milk out my nose.
to signify the Almighty Dollar that governs the United States It is no longer a democracy “of the people, by the people, or for the people”
I see you’re getting serious about you’re drinking..when I wanted to, I’d add a shot of vodka to my Kahlua and coffee then do a shot of Goldschlager on the side…whooohooo. And I’m certainly feeling like I want to drink myself senseless tonight.
Going to the liquor store… the cabinet at home is bare. And tonight I need a drink.
Irish cream and coffee ice cream… how does that sound?
Now THAT’S some drinking even I could get into!
my so calle, D – Senators, 2/2 fkg quislings, grrrrrr!!!
I already call the offices in DC and had my address removed, they said that wouldn’t cover the local one, I said I’d be delighted to do that myself.
one of everything and two of the stuff I really like…
Got to go get the sweaters out of the dryer — between cloture vote and backing up my important files, couldn’t leave the computer all afternoon…
Puget4’s toto sweater. Even though it’s not finished, it’s covering him well enough to control his shivering in the cool breezes at walk time here. We just got back from the afternoon break, and he was able to warm up quickly after several tentative shivering spells, stayed perky & happy, and recovered almost immediately when we got back in the car.
Wuh a draag ih iz, geh-ing oh-old!
And what a dapper sweater it is! None of those frou frou frocks for Toto.
He’s gonna turn some lady toto’s head wearing that!
Awwwwww. And such a nice Toto-ish pattern too! Such a lucky little guy to have a stylish sweater like that!
Go take a look at this.
When Teacher Toni shows up, I’m going to challenge Andrew to top it.
Might be the only one tonight, unless you fess up to the “secret-coded” message between the Fs of the other night, twistedlegbrokenmulesupacanyonwithoutapaddle, or whatever that was.
Let’s see where to begin?
My husband workd graves so he came home and slept while I tried to keep a 3 1/2 year old boy who newly diagnosed as autistic.. quiet HA!
Wesley was quick.
Wesley was a handful.
Each and every damn time there was a crisis or mess, it was due to ME HAVING TO TAKE LESS THAN TWO MINUTES TO GO TAKE A PISS… AND THAT WAS WITH THE DOOR OPEN.
Where was I?
On the toilet..
I had left Wesley in the living room watching his Blue Clues. He loved that FUCKING show. But he wasn’t there!
Danni was 1 1/2 and mostly pointed and babbled. “Where’s Wesley?”
Her reply, “uh oh”
The front door was open. HOLY SHIT! We hadn’t been able to get a gate and Wesley was a runner.
So I go out and I noticed the weirdest of weirdest things. Blue footprints on the deck that led out of the garage. The garage that Mr. Damnit was supposed to have locked and his tools locked… I’ll get to that later.
So.. .where was I? On the deck freaking out. Did I mention that Wesley NeVER came when you called??? In fact he’d hide.
Okay… so I start to follow the footprints… calling out for Wesley instinctively although I knew it was pointless. Danni is teetering and tottering behind me going, “Uh oh!”
That’s when I see a huge pile of CARPENTAR’S CHALK REFILLER. I don’t know why my husband needed the gargantuan Costco-sized bucket of carpentar’s chalk but there it was… all over the garage floor.
The footprints ran around to the back of the house and there I see him. Is that him??
My son… covered from head to toe in blue chalk! Only the whites of his eyes weren’t blue. Even his tongue was blue.
I fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhreaked out. Which made him freak out so he starts crying and blue streaks start to run. Blue snot comes out…
“uh oh!”
I grab him up and go and bang on Mr. Damnit’s door. YOUFUCINGLEFTYOURCHALKOUTCOMEGETYOURSON!!!
Then in OCTOBER, we’re standing outside wondering if this shit will stain him? Will it stain the tub? Should we uh… try to hose him off outside?
It took almost an entire week to get all that stuff off my son! In a smattering of two minutes he managed to track that all over the garage and while we were debating who was at fault and who would clean it up and how… he ran inside and jumped on the couch with the dog. Uh oh!
That’s just one of many “uh ohs”.
Thanks – I feel better, I think 🙂
Wow, that kind of puts my daughter taking off her diaper and smearing poop all over the wall and each and ever rung of her crib to shame. At least it didn’t stain. But we had to ductape her diaper shut at night after that.
well, those are both great stories but you haven’t got pictures!
The person who invented textured walls should rot in hell. 🙂
Nope no pictures.
At least it was a nice sunset while it lasted…

How about a beer over here?
Wow — lovely, dada. Thank you.
Sunset was rather pretty here today, too — but nothing like that!
Really splendid. Are you taking these on a tripod? If not, I am in awe of your ability to keep every thing lined up.
Really depressed at the vote total. Really proud of the fighters here at BooMan and Kos and MLW! (did I tell you I was really proud of you folks here?! I AM) Really hurt that 19 or so Dems could turn their back on what I believe was a clear mandate from the people to block cloture. Really confused about how to continue my involvement in politics. Really relieved that my two Dem senators did the right thing. (Stabenow and Levin) Really going to put a dent in that bottle in the cupboard tonight. Really going to say a prayer for the future of this country. Really going to listen and read and watch reaction to this GOP victory, and try to figure out how to beat them in November. (MORE CRUCIAL NOW THAN EVER) Really going to wonder about a coalition with other parties, could that work? Really going to limit my political contributions to specific candidates who I have faith in. Really, really going to stay involved with you folks at the pond.
This sucks, but we got 25 more votes for our side than we thought we would last week, and…
We know for sure who isn’t on our team.
Time for a BIG glass of wine…
It IS demoralizing to see so many turn away from us. And it is hard to know which direction to go in now. After such an investment of time and, most of all, emotion, I feel drained. I think your plan sounds good — for tomorrow. Tonight I think we all just need to FEEL. We can THINK tomorrow.
Hey, all — greetings on a chilly Catskills night, after another incredibly warm day.
Personally, I feel I’d like to get a little more of ‘my own’ back — after spending most waking hours in recent times contemplating & working against a Justice Alito (even dreaming of the little SOB — which apparently wasn’t at all significant). Time to regain just a bit of balance, re-acquaint myself with what nourishes & sustains, regain a foothold. I’ve barely been able to react to the beauty that’s still mine to love & appreciate.
Much to do, now & future — back to alignment. Balance, as always, is absolutely key.
Not that I won’t be minding the conclusion of the proceedings with interest. The imminent SOTU, however, is something I won’t honor with my attention — it’s sure to be thoroughly nauseating & crack-brained.
Agreed on SOTU. I always figure, why torture myself (or in the Clinton years, why bore myself). I read it in the paper the next day. Takes much less time, because you don’t have to pause for applause.
And I agree that personally regrouping — finding a sense of balance is necessary. By this afternoon I just wanted it to be over one way or the other so I could get my life back.
I hear you, maryb.
Personally, I know I’m in serious trouble in terms of balance when I’m numb to my natural surroundings, when what I see doesn’t ‘reach me’ — because I draw so much of my essential strength & purpose there. Once we lose these crucial connections under the shadow of other concerns, it seems a great part of the battle is already lost; we just can’t sustain ourselves properly.
I think we’re gonna need as much personal sustenance as we can gather, going forward. Got to take care of ourselves.
About that SOTU: it’s a shame not only to have to avoid the actual address, but the replays — lots of jumpin’ at the radio dial when all I want is the weather.
have a good excuse to miss it — going to the in-laws’ tomorrow to do final pre-surgery discussions/planning (dad-in-law goes into hospital for back surgery on Wednesday morning — prayers, good thoughts, etc. greatly appreciated).
I’ll catch Keith Olbermann’s take on the speech on Wednesday…
In the meantime I’m highly pissed — someone took off with our laundry basket from the laundry room today! Meaning we’ll have to go by Tar-zhay after dinner…grrrrr….
How annoying. Who steals a laundry basket for goodness sake?
Prayers & good thoughts are on the way, Cali.
As for the laundry basket, I believe that’s happened to me, too. It’s sort of pathetic, really.
I agree 100% with your comments here, ww.
It’s one reason I’m thinking seriously of detaching myself from the D party. I’m getting way too bogged down in the negativity of it all. There are other avenues available to defend democracy.
I do believe there is hope for success in regaining democracy here in our republic. But only if we inform ourselves on the methods that have been used in the past, and adapt these methods to our time.
If we refuse to educate ourselves as to the tools available how are we to proceed to rectify this fascist drift? Those interested in this line of thought, may start here
Thanks once again, NDD, for your willingness to share the proper information.
Old Gas Station Photos from carbon arc plates
larger here
larger here
larger here
Photos were transferred at the local print shop to digital images from three glass plates which in the old days, `40s, were inserted in the old carbon-arc movie projection machines… no doubt one of the origins of TV ads.
These particular digital images have been cropped from the originals to eliminate the local business name and address, (ie; hopefully to make it a tad more difficult for NSA to find me, do I get a gold star for wishful thinking?) [I have no clue as to the location of the original photos.]
Is there anyone out there familiar with these plates? I ran out of steam searching for info. Also auto buff may supply year of same?
And the children are in bed by now, right?
well, as a friend of mine wrote in his LJ, “I never thought the His Noodley Appendage would touch me there….”
For the truly devout, I guess…
I can’t wait until the Ladies Guild starts selling those at the craft shows.
My front page is weird — The recommended list is blocking the end of the front page posts. Is it just mine? Or everyone?
My front page is ok.
Mine too
hmmm wonder what I did
Mary and Ducky busted the margins! Wasn’t me. I’m going to close this Lounge and open the all-nighter.
Oh yeah, blame me. You had NOTHING to do with it.
If you could see how innocent my face is you wouldn’t be saying that.