Sunday afternoon, Howard Dean was interviewed on Air America’s Politically Direct. Over at Howard-Empowered People, I now have the transcript of the first part of that interview posted, and hope to have the second half up later today. What follows is just a brief sample of the interview.

David Bender: But Governor, 82% of the American people, when the Abramoff scandal broke, the question was asked, “Is this unusual or is this the way government works?” And 82% came back and said “This is business as usual, no matter who’s in power.” How do you change that perception?

Dean: Well, I think they’re actually telling the truth. I mean, part of the problem is that the RNC, the Republican National Committee is much better at propaganda than we are. And part of the problem, frankly, is the media is lazy as all get-out. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen the media write that Democrats were involved in taking Abramoff money. That is simply a lie! Nor did he direct any money to any Democrats. But you wouldn’t believe the mainstream newspapers that print that crap. It just is astonishing to me that the reporters won’t get off their butts and look at the truth.

Click here for the rest.