Did you ever get the feeling that a lot of Republican voters don’t like black people? Maybe the idea occurred to you when their Senate majority leader said it is was a shame that the segregationist, Strom Thurmond, never got to be President. I took that as a pretty good indicator. I wasn’t overly impressed when George W. Bush campaigned at Bob Jones University. BJU had a policy against interracial dating. I thought that sent a message. The thought that Republicans are not that keen on African-Americans popped up again when Hurricane Katrina hit and no one with an (R) at the end of their name seemed very concerned about the people stranded and drowning in New Orleans. A certain President’s mother even opined that the Astrodome was a much nicer place to live than the Big Easy. I took that as a tip off.
Well, now my little hunch has some science to back it up.
The field of social psychology has long been focused on how social environments affect the way people behave. But social psychologists are people, too, and as the United States has become increasingly politically polarized, they have grown increasingly interested in examining what drives these sharp divides: red states vs. blue states; pro-Iraq war vs. anti-Iraq war; pro-same-sex marriage vs. anti-same-sex marriage. And they have begun to study political behavior using such specialized tools as sophisticated psychological tests and brain scans.
Another study presented at the conference, which was in Palm Springs, Calif., explored relationships between racial bias and political affiliation by analyzing self-reported beliefs, voting patterns and the results of psychological tests that measure implicit attitudes — subtle stereotypes people hold about various groups.
That study found that supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did.
For their study, Nosek, Banaji and social psychologist Erik Thompson culled self-acknowledged views about blacks from nearly 130,000 whites, who volunteered online to participate in a widely used test of racial bias that measures the speed of people’s associations between black or white faces and positive or negative words. The researchers examined correlations between explicit and implicit attitudes and voting behavior in all 435 congressional districts.
The analysis found that substantial majorities of Americans, liberals and conservatives, found it more difficult to associate black faces with positive concepts than white faces — evidence of implicit bias. But districts that registered higher levels of bias systematically produced more votes for Bush.
“Obviously, such research does not speak at all to the question of the prejudice level of the president,” said Banaji, “but it does show that George W. Bush is appealing as a leader to those Americans who harbor greater anti-black prejudice.”
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Republicans tend to get very upset when they are accused of racism. But the bottom line is that the GOP appeals to racists. And it isn’t an accident. Other studies have shown that the GOP appeals to stupid people. That’s no accident either. Racists tend to be stupid.
Republicans are smart enough to use code language to appeal to their racist constituency. It’s the same game they just used to tell all their minions that Alito would overturn Roe without ever having to admit as much in the media.
And then they wonder why women and blacks prefer the Democratic Party.
turning Repub at the behest of Nixon–Thurmond, Helms–while playing lip service to civil rights. That’s why you continue to see segregated school districts not only in the South, but elsewhere. As far west as Cali and as far east as Massachusetts.
Trent Lott, DeLay: they don’t have to lie about how they wish black voting rights could be scattered, diluted, or suppressed and how they are working on making that wish come true. It’s the insidious, quiet ways in which whites continue oppressing as if it’s a second nature, or if they are unconscious about what their left hand is doing.
Some liberals don’t wanna say or understand how they are complicit with racism and racist and class-ridden entities like the real estate industry, for instance. And on a daily basis, too. Like dissuading questing white children who are attracted to children or even dolls of color, particularly blacks. Or living in a completely white world so that when their children go to college, they are unable to relate to other children of color or lower middle class whites.
I am forever glad that my stepfather took me and my pregnant mom out of Louisiana and into California. Because I would have never gone to school with Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans, Chicanos or Latinos if I had stayed the hell in segregated New Orleans. I know one thing–the moment more blacks or Latinos moved into one part of any town we lived in, whites hightailed it out. Regardless of whether we were all middle class or lower middle class or poor.
I’m going to say this for the first time in my life: what the fuck are you all afraid of?
I’m not scared of anyone. But I do know I am not always welcome. But in my neighborhood, I am a minority. And being a minority provides a perspective on things that is not possible until it is experienced. Knowing that bad things might happen to you because of your skin color, or having to adjust the way you communicate to be able to be understood, or accepted…these are things that too few white people ever experience.
I mean, actually, it isn’t necessarily pleasant. So, it’s not like I wish everyone could feel prejudice and hate. But, I wish everyone was more attuned to what it feels like. And also how unfair it is.
…but frankly, what took ya so long ;D
You’ve got to live there, for whatever reason–cheaper to be there, refusal to join white flight. If anything, white presence in largely black areas means several things:
i’ve got to go with a sampler of 2 and 6.
I have wondered the same thing myself. Is it some kind of anthropological reflex, because they have recessive genes?
I’ve heard that once blacks/Latinos hit the magical 30% in the cities and ‘burbs, whites beat a retreat. They start running. To where and to what I have no idea, because hell…we’re going to end up too. And wouldn’t you know it–the whole process starts up again.
Eventually, I think, they’re going to start mapping out subdivisions in the Arctic and Antarctic, once the warming starts affecting down under…
…and we’ll end up there, too.
Nowhere to run to, baby…
nowhere to hide!
Got nowhere to run to, baby
no matter how much I try…
Saith the great Martha Reeves with her Vandellas.
I grew up in California too, and I didn’t realize until I started reading Liberal blogs how much I took for granted. I’ve lived (went to school, worked, socialized, etc) in mixed culture settings all my life – even if, on occasion, I myself provided the mix.
It was rather disheartening to realize how insular of lives many (mostly white) liberals actually live – some by choice, some by geography or whatever (even if most hearts are in the right place, thankfully).
Oh well, guess there is still lots of work to do.
whites hightailed it out.
–And that flight destroys our only important investment, the market value of our houses, which is based on society’s mob mentality expectations of what others in our position will do.
There is probably as much survival economics in this narrow white-flight situation as there is fear of minorities.
It’s like a big, sick centuries-long game of telephone. Everything turns on what masses of people think other masses of people might eventually do in response to what might have once happened.
I’m often involved with white ethnic groups who preserve memories of tough times, including conquest, mass murders, betrayals, kidnappings and such. I will go to my grave remaining astonished at how much 90% of whites and other minorities have in common that can’t seem to come to the awareness of so many of us.
I grew up in Northern California in the 60’s and 70’s. I lived in the Bay Area, which means I had the benefit of living in a very diverse, resoundingly liberal community. Imagine my surprise when I visited other parts of the country, and learned that not everybody thought the way I did. It was a true epiphany.
I’m not surprised that science confirms what I already empirically knew. Frankly – every person I have known who claims to be a Republican is also an unapologetic racist – and proud to be that way. Back when Bush first ran, the people who supported him believed he would eventually get rid of all those ‘colored’ people; and put women right back where they belong. And they were right. A woman’s right to ownership of her own body is under constant assault, and the great city of New Orleans is no more, and will never be, as long as Republicans hold sway. It all makes me so sad I just want to cry.