It seems to me that just about the time I begin to lose hope something stunning happens. This Newsweek article via MSNBC online blew me away this morning. It is well worth a full read. This is what “real investigative journalism” is all about.
The insiders have had it and are starting to come out of the woodwork. The reporters even call Dick Cheney “Prime-Minister Cheney”. Here’s a short excerpt.

“Feb. 6, 2006 issue – James Comey, a lanky, 6-foot-8 former prosecutor who looks a little like Jimmy Stewart, resigned as deputy attorney general in the summer of 2005. The press and public hardly noticed. Comey’s farewell speech, delivered in the Great Hall of the Justice Department, contained all the predictable, if heartfelt, appreciations. But mixed in among the platitudes was an unusual passage. Comey thanked “people who came to my office, or my home, or called my cell phone late at night, to quietly tell me when I was about to make a mistake; they were the people committed to getting it right–and to doing the right thing–whatever the price. These people,” said Comey, “know who they are. Some of them did pay a price for their commitment to right, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.”

more on the flip


“Addington, 49, has worked as an adviser to Dick Cheney off and on since Cheney was a member and Addington a staffer on the House Intelligence Committee in the mid-’80s. When Cheney became secretary of Defense in the Bush 41 administration, Addington served at the Pentagon as general counsel. When Cheney became vice president to Bush 43, he brought Addington into the White House as his lawyer. Counsel to the vice president is, in most administrations, worth less than the proverbial bucket of warm spit, but under Prime Minister Cheney, it became a vital power center, especially after 9/11.”

“Like his boss, Addington has long believed that the executive branch was pitifully weakened by the backlash from Vietnam and the Watergate scandal. Fearful of investigative reporters and congressional subpoenas, soldiers and spies had become timid–“risk averse” in bureaucratic jargon. To Addington and Cheney, the 9/11 attacks–and the threat of more and worse to come–were perfect justification for unleashing the CIA and other long-blunted weapons in the national-security arsenal. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who disdains lawyers, was ready to go. So, too, was CIA Director George Tenet–but only if his spooks had legal cover, so they wouldn’t be left holding the bag if things went wrong.”

People, there is so much more to this scathing report of just how the Cabal of Fascists in the White House went about the destruction of the Constitution. Maybe, just maybe the Media and the Whistleblowers can help to bring this Regime down.

I apologize for not putting this in blocks but I had difficulty with the tags. Maybe one of the frontpagers can edit for me.